I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 510 The Witch’s Version of Bateman

The demonoid took two steps back, spread out his right hand with a pious expression, and said in a hoarse voice: "For Darkseid!"

"Buzz!" White light flashed in its palm, and a cube the size of a lunch box, with technological inscriptions on its surface glowing golden and red, gradually turned from virtual to solid.

The demon stuffed the cube into the hole in the wall and filled it with the broken bricks it dug out before, then popped out the wings on its back and continued flying deeper into the sewer.

After it went away, Bateman and Hal came to the hole in the wall and took out the cube easily.

"It turned out to be a mother box! I always thought that the mother box was very high-end, but I didn't expect that it was just a demon, so I just took out one." Bateman's face suddenly became extremely ugly, "What a vicious tactic!"

Hal was also horrified: "The mother box is not only a personal terminal for collecting and processing information, but also a transmission channel.

If there was a mother box hidden in every city sewer.

Hundreds of thousands of mother boxes are opened at the same time, and hundreds of millions of armies enter the earth, and the earth will fall in an instant. "

He is still too 'optimistic'.

A city has more than one mother box.

At least there is more than one Gotham.

In just one night, they followed the demonoid and picked up five mother boxes.

When picking up the fifth mother box, the demon finally noticed something unusual.

It's not that the traces are exposed.

It may be that the mother box sends information to the outside at regular intervals. After being moved, the position changes and the positioning becomes abnormal, allowing the other party to notice that something is wrong.


After a one-sided battle, the demonoid chose to detonate the active energy in his body when he was about to die, and the dazzling fire filled the sewer.

At the center of the explosion, the green protective shield was as stable as a mountain.

Under the green lampshade, Bateman and Hal stood side by side, both with complicated expressions.

"The explosion yield is equivalent to two kilograms of TNT, but it is just a miscellaneous monster."

He is intelligent, can breathe fire, has rich combat experience, and is not afraid of death. He is a more high-tech mechanical armor than most heroic suits. He can self-destruct when dying, and is as powerful as a cannonball.

Bateman pursed his lips, turned to Hal, and said solemnly: "The reason why the Justice League was founded is because if the hero fights alone, no matter how strong the individual is, there will always be crises that cannot be dealt with.

For example, the crisis on Apokolips is just around the corner.

The core theory of the Justice League is to work together to deal with the threats facing the earth and jointly defend truth, justice and freedom.

Green Lantern of Beach City on Earth, are you willing to join the Justice League? "

"Did I pass the test? It seems that I haven't passed any kind of test, or is it that my advantages are like stars in the night sky, which can be seen at a glance?" Hal said with a smile.

Bateman sighed: "For today's earth, even cannon fodder is very precious."

Hal said angrily: "I'm not cannon fodder."

"Well, no matter what the Green Lantern Corps thinks of you, the Justice League and the entire people of the Earth will not treat you as cannon fodder. You will be a superhero carrying hope and honor." Bateman stared into his eyes with a full face. Sincerely.

Hal was moved in his heart, and a rush of blood surged into his brain, "Baitman, I am willing to join you and protect our common home."

"Welcome, Green Lantern!" Bateman extended his right hand.

"It's an honor to become comrades-in-arms with you." Hal held his hand excitedly.

Bateman retracted his hand, and there was another ring in his palm. It was green and shiny, and it was a green light ring.

He took out a small metal box from his bat belt with a natural expression, stuffed the ring inside and closed it.

Hal lowered his head and looked at his empty fingers, his expression stiff, "You——"

"Shh!" Bateman pulled off the bat hood, revealing his true face (ps).

"Oh my god, Bruce Wayne!" Hal shouted.

"Are you relieved now?" Bruce smiled kindly, "There are some things I want to say to you, but I don't want Green Lantern to hear them."

"You doubt that the ring can monitor my conversations? That's impossible. It belongs to me and is connected to my mind." Hal said excitedly.

"The ring is yours, but it was made by the Guardian of the Universe. I heard that the Green Lantern Ring has been upgrading the system recently? Are you involved in coding, or do you know the source code of the system?"

Hal was speechless.

"Whether the ring can monitor your status just depends on whether the race of little blue men who call themselves the 'Guardians of the Universe' are willing to do that.

It's not whether the ring can do it, but whether you can detect it.

What people on earth can do, with Oua Star's technology, it will definitely be easier, and you will definitely not be able to notice it.

I'm also not sure it's watching you, but I don't want to trust those guardians now.

All people on earth have reason to doubt them. "

"What do you want to say?" Hal asked softly.

"With our strength alone, even if we repel the enemy, the earth will suffer heavy losses. If we don't want the earth to be devastated and all life to be devastated, we have only three ways." Bateman said.

"Wow, there are actually three methods!" Hal said in shock.

"First, before the invasion, make corresponding tactics for each commander of Apokolips. After the invasion, lock the location of Darkseid or other commanders as soon as possible, and gather the power of the Justice League to kill him in the shortest possible time. Lose."

"Well, this plan is reliable. Kill the BOSS and the cannon fodder will automatically retreat." Hal nodded.

"Second, find foreign aid. Gods and demons in the sky, heroes of the universe, and the Green Lantern Corps can all be the ones you seek help from."

"This is more difficult to handle."

Bateman said in a low voice: "If you are smart enough, you may be able to convince the Green Lantern Corps with just one mouth."

"I'm just a new recruit in the army." Hal said awkwardly.

After a long silence, Bateman asked: "The Green Lantern Corps host. The Book of Oa, which records all knowledge and information in the universe, should have a detailed analysis of the 'Witch'. Have you read it?"

"Which witch?"

"Witch Harley, you don't even know?"

"Oh, General of the Five Rings. I have always regarded her as a great hero, but the 'witch' seems incompatible with her."

"It seems you haven't checked her information yet." Bateman looked down at the metal box containing the ring and sighed: "If she were put in your position, it would be easy to bring down the entire Green Lantern Corps.

According to her character, she would most likely go around the universe under the guise of being a 'representative of the Green Lantern Corps', recruiting a large number of free universe heroes. "

"It's impossible, right? I don't even know a few of my colleagues in the Green Lantern Corps, and I've never heard of the heroes of the universe." Hal doubted.

Bateman said: "You will read through the file of 'Witch Harley' in full later. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me.

Then, you try to simulate her thinking model in your mind to solve the current dilemma. "

"You know her, tell me, what would she do?" Hal asked curiously.

Bateman turned on the 'Harley' mode, and her clear and sincere eyes became obviously cunning.

"The Green Lantern Ring should be able to communicate with other Lanterns, right? If Harley becomes a Green Lantern, she will upload pictures and videos of warmth and peace on Earth.

Even add warm, warm tones to your videos.

Then, she will get the miserable video of the planet after being invaded by Apokolips.

Of course, there must be news that demon-like creatures are active on Earth, and that the people on Earth are panic-stricken and full of horror.

It is impossible to say that she will organize a team of thousands of children from all countries and nationalities to sing an anti-war song with pitiful expressions and childish voices, and finally make the most touching plea to the Green Lantern Corps. , call for help. "

Hal was stunned.

When Bateman finished speaking, he couldn't help but look sad and murmured: "If it was Harley, she must have understood this truth long ago - the Guardians are not equal to the Green Lantern Corps. The Guardians represent a race, and the primary goal of the race is survival. .

Legion members come from all civilizations in the universe. They are selected according to the standards of justice, bravery, and fearlessness of sacrifice. They are also taught and trained with the concept of protecting justice.

They are not afraid of death.

Therefore, the Guardians cannot be trusted, and every Green Lantern is a hero.

If the Guardians don't help us, we can use justice to blackmail the Green Lantern Corps. "

Hal's face was full of shock at first, but after thinking carefully for a moment, he said in surprise: "It seems that we can try it. The colleagues I met at the legion station are all full of enthusiasm and lofty beliefs.

Moreover, the conditions for using the green light ring are to be strong-willed and brave. "

Bateman continued: "The Green Lantern Ring is connected to the Book of Oa, which is known as the Encyclopedia of the Universe.

Using it to find information about the major righteous forces in the universe is easier than searching for videos of heroes and ghosts on the Puppy Hero Forum.

You can hold the banner of the Green Lantern Corps and form a pan-universe anti-Apocalypse atrocities alliance in the name of punishing evil, promoting good, and supporting justice.

If they hesitate to refuse, they will spread the news that "Apocalypse massacres innocent planets and the heroes of the universe sit back and watch" and create public opinion through the Green Lantern Corps' information network covering the entire universe.

The hero of the universe is left restless, his reputation is ruined, and he is forced to die. "

Bateman thought of Harley's method of dealing with Earth's heroes.

Hal stared at his face and said in horror: "I didn't expect you to be so cunning. I thought bats only represented darkness and fear."

"I said, I am simulating the thinking of Witch Harley." Bateman said solemnly: "She said these words through my mouth."

Hal's expression was distorted, "I didn't expect that in addition to being cunning, you are also hypocritical."

Bateman stopped defending and said calmly: "The third way to solve the crisis is the witch Harley.

You are the Green Lantern. If you can get close to the central energy battery, find an opportunity to send her a message - stop messing around and contact Earth quickly, Darkseid is coming. "

"I don't understand. She was suppressed and locked up in the most terrifying prison in the universe. Life imprisonment is almost equivalent to a martyrdom.

Two months ago, I took several nephews to Evergreen Park in Beach City to attend the inauguration ceremony of the ‘Hero Harley’ monument.

Do you understand what monument means? Officials have recognized her as a martyr.

Let's not talk about whether she can receive the message. Even if she does, what else can she do if she is anxious? " Hal said.

"If you do as I say, even if it doesn't work, there will still be no loss." Bateman said.

After some more instructions, he opened the metal box and let the green light ring fly back to Hal's hand.

"What kind of box is this, and why can it block my sense of the ring?" Hal asked in surprise.

"A gadget I just built." Bateman first put on the bat hood, then looked at the map on his watch and started walking back.

"Your box seems to be specifically for the green light ring," Hal's eyes were sharp. "You must have studied the ring or even held it, otherwise it would be impossible to invent this box."

Bateman remained silent.

Hal grabbed his cloak and said seriously: "Do you really think of me as a teammate?"

Bateman sighed and opened a small bag in the Universal Bat Belt. There was another metal box and another green ring locked inside.

"This is the Green Lantern ring. Did you kill a Green Lantern?" Hal's pupils shrank and he said harshly.

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