I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 508 Bateman, why?

The Green Lantern Corps on Oa has existed for hundreds of millions of years.

This is not the first day that Darkseid's army from Apokolips has invaded the material universe.

The Green Lantern Corps, known as the "Green Light of Justice in the Universe," and Apokolips, which bloodbathed the planet and committed all kinds of evil, have never met for thousands of years?

of course not.

When the Green Lantern Corps was founded, there was a major conflict between the two sides.

At that time, the little blue man didn't know the heights of the world, and sent a Lantern named 'Correll' to Apokolips, announcing that the star field was protected by the Green Lantern Corps, and asked Darkseid to step down from the throne immediately and end his war on Apokolips. of brutal rule.

Uncle Da didn't kill Green Lantern Corell, he only defeated him with his overwhelming strength, and then deliberately gave him a chance to escape and let him go back to report to the Green Lantern Corps.

It was also at that time that the Green Lantern Corps was afraid of Uncle Da's strength and expanded the legion from only a few dozen people to 3,600 people, which is the legion organization that continues to this day.

The 3,600-member Green Lantern Corps, shortly after its establishment, dispatched its entire army for the first time to conquer Apokolips with the same solemn attitude as when they went to Earth to deal with Harley.

Then the legion was wiped out, leaving only legion commander Corel hanging on.

The first expedition, the first group destruction.

The Guardian immediately gave up and went to Apokolips to negotiate peace with Darkseid.

It was also during that negotiation that the Guardian promised not to interfere with Uncle Da's rule on Apokolips from now on.

Without explicit rules, the Guardians allowed Apokolips to invade the physical universe.

But the Guardians actually acquiesced to Apokolips's "right to atrocities."

In the countless years that followed, even if the Green Lantern Corps discovered all the invasions of Apokolips, they turned a blind eye and did not stop them.

During the negotiation process, there was another episode. Uncle Da asked the Green Lantern Corps to keep Corell on Apokolips.

The guardian didn't hesitate at all and sold his legion commander.

Back on Oa, they also revised the "Book of Oa" and deleted all this past events. Corell, the first generation "greatest Green Lantern", became a non-existent person.

For this reason, Sinestro only knew the unspoken rule that the Legion should not interfere in Apokolips operations, but he did not know the reason.

"Why can't we interfere with Apokolips' invasion?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Sinestro, what is the second rule of the 'Ten Rules of Green Light'?" the little blue man said calmly.

"Unconditionally obey the orders of the Guardian of the Universe." Sinestro sighed and asked: "Then tell me, do you want the Green Lantern Corps to intervene in the crisis on Earth?

At that time, we faced the live broadcast camera and made a promise to all the people on Earth. If we blatantly violate our oath, unless Apokolips directly blows up the earth and completely eliminates the suffering owner, otherwise the earthlings will go everywhere and speak ill of the Legion afterwards. "

"Of course the Green Lantern Corps will not break its promise. When the time comes, there will be Lanterns to rescue the earth." The little blue man said indifferently.

——You are really right. Planets invaded by Apokolips are always barren of grass and no one is left alive. Even the life star was drained of energy and became a withered rock, a miserable master.

"Who?" Sinestro asked.

"The earth is in sector 2814, so let the lanterns who manage sector 2814 go."

"Abinsu? He is dead."

"Before he died, he chose a successor, an Earthling." Little Blue Man said.

"That Jordan Hal?" Sinestro frowned: "He is just a new recruit in the army, and there has never been an Earthling Green Lantern before.

I doubt whether they, with their inferior race, have the qualifications and ability to become a glorious Green Lantern. "

The little blue man said calmly: "He has qualified willpower and can use the green light ring to fly across the stars and deal with the crisis on Apokolips. That is enough."

——Enough to be used as cannon fodder?

Sinestro's face twisted.

Ganser saw his expression and guessed what he was thinking, and explained: "Jordanhal was not the first Earthling Lantern. As early as more than a thousand years ago, a guardian traveled to the Earth and handed over a green lantern. The ring was given to Li Zhong, a native of China in the early Tang Dynasty.

That is a great Lantern whose strength is not inferior to yours.

Well, like you, like Abinsu, he is also a ‘greatest green lighter of all time’.

Since Jordan Hal was selected for the ring of the greatest Lantern Abinsu in history, maybe he also has the same powerful talent as his predecessors and has a chance to become the greatest Lantern? "

"I didn't find any information about Li Zhong in the Book of Oa." Sinestro said.

"Li Zhong's ring was a random gift from the guardian and is not part of the legion's establishment."

"I'm going to see that Jordan Hal." Before leaving, Sinestro once again solemnly suggested: "Dear guardians, the upgrade of the green light system is to pursue a stronger and more perfect one, and I have no objection in principle.

But the current situation in the universe is extremely unfavorable to the Legion. Suppressing the Witch Harley is too big and attracts trouble. We have too many magical extraordinary people to deal with. Now is really not the best time to upgrade the system. "

"We will seriously consider it." Gunther said solemnly.

They really didn't deal with Sinestro this time.

After the legion commander left, the little blue man discussed the feasibility of closing the 'targeted seal'.

"It cannot be closed. If the witch regains consciousness, we will bear great risks. Who knows what she has behind her?"

"But the Legion is indeed in crisis right now."

"The worst case scenario is that the legion will suspend its space mission and train in Oua for two to three years, or even decades. As long as they adapt to the new flaws, the honor and territory they lost before can be easily recovered."

"Actually, we can accept the current loss rate." Anas mused: "It's not like the Green Lantern Corps has never suffered setbacks, and has been wiped out countless times.

But are we at a loss?


Even in the most tragic annihilation of the entire army, it only takes a year or two to recuperate before the Green Lantern Corps can be resurrected with full health.

In fact, even though we are severely damaged now, the legion is still at full strength. "

All the little blue men were lost in thought.

Anas told the truth.

On Oa, or the Green Lantern Corps, the least valuable thing is actually the Green Lantern itself.

Even though there are only 3,600 Lanterns in the entire universe, each Lantern manages hundreds of thousands or millions of civilized planets, and seems to be as noble as the Galactic Emperor. Well, the power of the Green Lantern is really not inferior to that of the Galactic Emperor.

But Green Lantern doesn't care about blood, heritage or race. The Lantern's ring is awesome and high-tech, but the threshold for becoming a Lantern is very low.

As long as it is an intelligent life and its willpower reaches the standard, it is enough.

A lantern manages hundreds of thousands, millions, or even more starry sky civilizations, which means that if he dies, he only needs to find one successor among these hundreds of thousands or millions of civilizations.

Pick one out of a trillion.

It's too simple.

Therefore, in the past month, hundreds of Green Lanterns died in battle, but immediately after, the ring picked up the reserve Green Lanterns.

Well, the lamp ring can actively select the next host after the host dies. It is very smart and very 'dedicated'.

Even if the ring is snatched away, making a new ring is no more difficult for the guardian than making a hamburger.

It’s all an industrialized assembly line.

For example, yesterday the greatest Lantern Abinsu died on Earth, and today Jordan Hal reported to Oa wearing his ring.

The source of Green Lantern Corps troops is the entire universe!

The ability to explode troops is not strong, and the total number is limited to 3600.

But in terms of battery life, Green Lantern is definitely the best in the universe. They can continue to withstand high battle losses until the destruction of the universe.

Because Green Lantern is cheap and easy to obtain, the Guardians finally decided not to close the targeted seal on Harley.

They only reminded the Lantern to be careful about mages and activate the ring's security protocol - after the ring is stolen or robbed, immediately close the energy interface so that it cannot be used by others.

In addition, they also opened a 'Perfect Lantern Training Course' in Oa to help lanterns overcome their shortcomings and improve their combat skills.

A mid-October night.

Gotham New Town, a low-rent housing community.

On the rooftop of a 32-story residential building, Bateman squatted beside the hood ball, almost blending into the darkness.

The hustle and bustle on the street seems to come from another world, so hazy and unreal.

Suddenly, Bateman's head turned slightly at an angle, and there seemed to be a hint of heat and violence in the sound of the wind blowing by his ears.

"Chichi. chichi. chichi, chichi!" The sound of heavy objects running and jumping quickly came from far to near.

"Hiss!" He even heard its heavy breathing.

"Huhu——" It didn't realize that there was anyone here at all, and actually jumped directly over his head.

Bateman's pupils contracted, that's it!

He has a muscular body of two meters tall, gray-brown stone skin, eyes that glow red like flames, and a mouth full of dense and sharp teeth, with one mouth occupying half of the face.

It was wrapped in a tattered coat often seen on homeless people, and had a hood to hide its appearance.

But as it moved quickly, the hem of its clothes flew up, revealing a metal armor full of technology.

Bateman's eyes were sharp and he quickly identified the shoulder pads, armor, leg guards, gauntlets, and the energy weapons loaded on the arm guards.

This wasn't the first time he'd seen it.

Half a month ago, rumors of their appearance appeared in various cities on the earth. Superman even caught one himself.

However, they knew them earlier.

More than four months ago, at the 'First Heroes Conference' that the people of the earth will never forget, 'The Heroic Harley' warned the superheroes that Apokolips was eyeing the earth and also threatened everyone in the Darkseid Army. All information is public.

Among them are ordinary soldiers of the Apokolips Legion, demonoids!

"Whoosh——" The demonoid jumped over Bateman's head, and before landing, the bat gun shot out a steel nail.

"Tsk!" The steel nail shot through the demonoid's thigh, and the nail head bounced off the cross barb.

The demonoid felt no pain, and his body tilted when he landed on the ground. He turned around and rushed towards the human who attacked him. But Bateman moved faster and more violently. With the pulling force of the steel rope of the bat gun, with a "swish", his left shoulder was like The hammer hit the demonoid's arms.

"Bang!" The demonoid body was knocked away and fell heavily to the ground. Bateman pressed his hands firmly against its neck, "Tell me, what are you jumping around in cities on the earth for?"

"Hiss!" The demonoid opened his mouth, and his throat quickly lit up with a red light, "Boom!"

The bright red energy wave centered on the demonoid and exploded in all directions. The power of the shock wave was no weaker than a grenade.

Bateman was not paying attention for a moment, and was knocked backwards several times, knocking the roof's typhoon radar upside down.

"Battman, do you need Robin's help?" A young man's voice sounded from the bat hood.

"No, I-"

Just as Bateman was about to refuse, a dazzling green light lit up above his head, followed by the siren of a truck and the roar of a Mercedes.

He looked up in surprise and saw a full-scale fire truck made of green energy speeding through the air, eventually passing over his head and slamming into the demonoid that was rushing towards him.

"Boom!!" The fire truck landed on the rooftop, and the entire building shook several times. The residents' screams came from downstairs.

Bateman squinted and looked in the direction where the energy car was flying. A man wrapped in green light was floating in the air.

"No need to thank you, it's just a trivial matter for me." The man in the green light uniform crossed his arms and said with a smile.

"You are not Abinsu." Bateman frowned and said, "Turn off the green light. It will be so bright that it will attract the attention of pedestrians on the street."

The green light on Green Lantern's body converged, and the big truck with green light turned into several chains, binding the struggling demonoid lying on the ground.

"Abinsu has passed away. I am the new guardian of sector 2814." Green Lantern approached Bateman, looked him up and down, and said in surprise: "You are bleeding."

Bateman didn't understand his surprise, but he still explained: "I was hit by the energy wave and suffered a slight injury."

"You don't have super physique or super strength?" Green Lantern said.


"You can't fly?"


"You don't have superpowers?"

"What do you want to say?" Bateman frowned.

"Are you really just an ordinary person in a bat suit?" Green Lantern approached, tilted his head to look at him, and said contemptuously: "I thought you at least had a superpower, otherwise, how would you have the confidence to form the Justice League and give it to me? Leave a message and ask me to come to Gotham to meet you.”

Bateman walked past him calmly, then stopped, turned around, held up the shining green ring in his hand, and asked innocently: "What is this thing for?"

"This is." Green Lantern was stunned for a moment, then sensed familiar power fluctuations from the ring, and said angrily: "This is my ring!"

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