I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 506 Witch Harley, accept me, we are a perfect match

"It turns out that the energy of the green light is related to the origin wall." Harley was startled, "I thought the origin wall was an eel basket that could only go in and out.

I didn't expect the little blue man to be so awesome and able to steal energy from the wall of origin.

By the way, how many years have you been born? "

"A few billion years, maybe. The Guardians are almost the oldest super civilization in the universe. They have existed for many billions of years. However," a trace of uncertainty appeared in the eyes of the Ion Shark, "The Guardians may not be the first to discover the emotional spectrum. people."

Harley's mind moved and she thought of the cosmic monitor. The guardian only went after her after receiving the order from the monitor.

"Did the monitor teach them?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure whether I was born before or after the green light." Ion Shark said blankly: "I am an entity with the power of green will in the emotional spectrum, and I must have appeared after the emotional spectrum was discovered.

The emotional spectrum is a big pool, and the willpower of the green wave frequency is one of the liquids in it. I come from the pool, but I am not the pool itself. The green light central energy battery is connected to the pool like me.

Therefore, Green Lantern can still use the light ring normally even without me. "

Harry suddenly realized, "You were born from the emotional spectrum and are the entity of the green willpower. You represent the green willpower, but it is not all of the green willpower.

Green Lantern's central energy battery draws power directly from the emotional spectrum, right? "

"Roughly the same."

Harley frowned and said, "Since the central energy battery can draw energy from the emotional spectrum, the green light ring can theoretically do the same."

"Hehe." A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Of course the Little Blue Man will not let the Lantern Ring become an independent energy source, otherwise how can they control the Green Lantern Corps?"

The fat-headed ion shark blinked his eyes and asked: "Harry, what crime did you commit to be imprisoned in here?"

"I have a mentor, I respect her and love her, and I vow to save her from the wall of origin."

After first showing off her extremely respectful character, Harley used simple scene descriptions and extremely detailed inner feelings to tell the story of how she destroyed the Origin Wall and had a conflict with the Green Lantern Corps.

"Although you have made a big mistake, it is not this serious. The guardian should not imprison you." Ion Shark sighed.

"Alas, they are powerful and tyrannical. They threaten me with the lives of billions of people on earth. For the sake of my compatriots, I can only compromise."

Harley pointed at the green energy probes inserted all over her body, "Is this your energy? No wonder your willpower is so powerful. You are the representative of the willpower of all sentient beings in the entire universe."

"Well, the green tentacles on your body are all substantial willpower, but they are not all my power.

The central energy battery created by the guardian turned my willpower into an all-purpose weapon against the enemy's rule-level talents. "

"Have you ever felt anything strange?" Ion Shark asked.

"Yes, they are studying my innate skills."

The ion shark stretched its gleaming fins forward, like small wings, and touched Harley's eyebrows, "Relax your mind and feel it with your soul."

Harley did as she was told.

The next moment, like bunches of green fireworks, they exploded in her sea of ​​consciousness.

A blurry picture flashed past among the exploding fireworks.

They were probably Green Lanterns one by one. She couldn't see clearly, but she felt strangely that there seemed to be a "Green Lantern" - Lantern Ring - Central Energy Battery - Lantern Beast Ion Shark - Willpower Probe - Harley's connection line.

Gradually, a sudden realization came to Harley's heart, and she screamed in shock, "Oh my god, that evil green light battery is stealing my power!"

Then, her expression became weird again, "However, the price paid by Green Lantern is quite high."

She didn't understand the principle of 'stealing' power, but she roughly understood the process.

The green light energy is like a flat three-dimensional needle carving wall. It is printed on Harley's body to complete the 3D humanoid printing. The bulging parts of Harley's body - her strengths - are the deepest depressions behind the humanoid wall - her weaknesses.

At this time, she had been in the Green Light Central Energy Battery for two months. The first month was in a state of confusion and her first food defense specialty was "stolen". In the next month, she began to upgrade the sixth Green Light Defense specialty, and the Green Light Probe gradually became ineffective.

The second Willpower Defense feat and the third God Defense feat were partially leaked.

When her expertise reaches level eight, the probe will be completely unable to detect her skill information.

"I have a feeling that you can coexist with me." Harley stared at the ion shark and asked tentatively.

She was actually connecting to the central battery through the Ion Shark's consciousness, and then observing each Green Lantern. The whole process was a bit difficult, but the difficulty was mainly in connecting to the central battery.

When her mental power resonates with the consciousness of the ion shark, there is no sluggishness, just like water and milk, blending together.

That's why Harley made such a guess.

Well, the Jinchūriki in Naruto is also a reason.

"I am an energy entity and can indeed coexist with life forms in the universe."

Harley was overjoyed, "Ion Shark, you——"

She paused suddenly.

Harley thought about the soul connection between the jinchūriki and the tailed beast, and the relationship between them was bound to death.

There will definitely be a price to pay for using green light energy, and the price is 80% very, very high.

Because the creditor is the origin wall, or the being within the origin wall, or another being?

In short, the creditor must be a giant, and all Lanterns must have an unknown old age.

Harley is not too afraid of 'unknown old age'. She has the Green Light Defense Specialty and the Level 10 Connection Power Defense Specialty.

But Harley looked down upon the potential of the lantern beast.

She is still weak at this stage, and the lamp beast is a help to her, but what about ten or a hundred years from now?

At that time, the lamp beast may become a burden to her, or even a big trouble.

To put it simply, in the world of "Naruto", where the upper limit of strength is, the Nine-Tails is still a treasure.

If we switch to the world of "Shading the Sky" or "Swallowing the Starry Sky", the Nine Tails connected to the host's soul will not only be garbage, but will also seriously hinder or even pollute the host's 'Tao'.

Harley has great ambitions to transcend the omnipotent universe, so naturally she does not want to be restrained by a single universe-level lantern beast.

"Xiao Li, how do you coexist with humans?"

"Xiao Li." Ion Shark shouted, "I'm older than you."

"What about Dali?"

"Dali, it's a bit strange."

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "You are very fat and have a big head, why not call you 'Fat Head'?"

"I have a name." Ion Shark was not satisfied.

"There should be more affectionate and exclusive titles among friends."

"Okay." Ion Shark was confused by being 'friended'.

After that, it explained the process of symbiosis again.

Harley was very happy after hearing this. The symbiosis process of the Ion Shark was not like the Tailed Beast, but similar to the Venom of Marvel next door.

The kind that can be worn casually.

"Fat Head, why don't we get together? Let's bravely explore the universe together and see all the prosperity of the world." Harley said directly.

"This" Ion Shark said hesitantly: "It's nice to be friends with you, but you don't seem to be a good person. I don't want to be a super villain in the universe."

Harley's smile was stiff, her face slightly darkened, "Fat Head, maybe I didn't make it clear, but I am a ball-protecting hero and a five-ring general. I have saved the earth and the multiverse. I am a proper hero of justice."

Ion Shark said, "After you and I coexist, your first step is to break the central energy battery and then take revenge on the Guardians and Green Lanterns who have made you suffer, right?"

Harley sighed: "The Guardians locked you in a battery for billions of years. Don't you resent them?"

"Of course it doesn't complain. Its will is forged by the spirit of the Green Lantern. It is the representative of the Green Lantern spirit." Suddenly, an extremely weak spiritual fluctuation came from the deepest part of the battery, "Witch Harley, we are the one who was born." Yes! Forget it if it doesn’t want to, I’m happy to create glory with you!”

The sound was high-pitched and harsh, like sharp teeth chewing glass shards.

It also has an extremely evil aura.

Just being exposed to its mental fluctuations, Harley's mind was shrouded in endless fear, and all kinds of terrifying visions emerged from the depths of her mind like mushrooms in the mountains after the rain.

Harley shook her head, and the sixth green light defense skill subconsciously blocked the invasion of consciousness.

The sixth defensive specialty is effective, but it only blocks 60%.

Harley was stunned for a moment, then realized and shouted in surprise: "Shit, there's a second lampbeast in the battery!"

Only another lampbeast can trigger the Sixth Green Lantern Defense Specialty, but it cannot be completely immune.

"Not bad, not bad, you got rid of fear so quickly, Witch Harley, you are such a good host!" the high-pitched voice praised.

"Harley, don't listen to it, it's not a good thing." Ion Shark said quickly.

"Well, I'll go and have a look. I won't be fooled by it."

Harley agreed, but her body sank rapidly.

At the beginning, the deeper it sank into the battery, the richer the green. I don’t know when, the green was dyed with a touch of yellow, and the yellow became more and more abundant. Finally, Harley fell into a golden world.

She saw the lampbeast, a multi-legged insect that looked like it was made of gold.

Well, a grasshopper with a scorpion's tail.

It is golden, yellow and orange, and despite its sharp teeth, sinister eyes, and ferocious-looking head, it looks very noble.

"Discovering the second kind of emotional power can allow the evolution of the sixth specialty. Will it start the evolution?"

After getting close to the grasshopper, Harley clearly sensed yellow energy in addition to the green light energy.

The yellow energy was far more aggressive than the green light energy, and it actually penetrated directly into her body.

Then the evolutionary treasure in the sea of ​​consciousness was touched as expected.

"Turn on."

"Gudong, Gudong." The expertise experience jar bubbled crazily.

"Yellow light defense expertise is activated, level zero.

The Yellow Light Defense Specialty and the Green Light Defense Specialty were merged and evolved into the Visible Light Spectrum Defense Specialty - Green Eight, Yellow Zero. "

"Xiao Huang, what's your name?" Harley asked.

"Don't call me Xiao Huang, I am the God of Fear, the Parallax Monster!" the golden insect hissed.

"This name is really weird. What's the origin?" Harley asked curiously.

"I don't know what the bastard who gave me the name was thinking, but since it has been used for billions of years, I don't intend to change it casually." Parallax said.

"Uh, you've been sealed here for billions of years?" Harley asked strangely.

"Ever since I was born, I have been sealed in this small space." The hatred in the eyes of the parallax monster almost turned into ice, "I want to overthrow the central energy battery, I want to kill all the guardians, I want the sky to be filled with stars, and there will be no more Green light to stay alive.

Witch Harley, accept my power and become one with me! "

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