I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 504 The green light is over

Sinestro held his bleeding buttocks, and limped away with a twist and a bit of grief and anger.

He is a tough person, he has different ideas in his heart, and he will bluntly contradict the guardian.

Not even the Guardian can force him to do something against his will.

But this time the guardian didn't force him, he just told him that there was a big problem with the Legion and he needed to cooperate with them in experiments.

As the legion commander, Sinestro certainly knew that more than 90% of his comrades in the legion were suffering from indigestion.

Although he was unruly and tough, he was also a very responsible leader, and he immediately agreed to cooperate with the guardian in the experiment.

Anyway, the guardian's request is not too excessive, just eat all kinds of special food they provide.

Organic food can be digested and absorbed without any obstacles, even if it comes from an alien planet and is not on the biological diet of the Koruga planet.

But after swallowing the stone, Sinestro held his stomach with a look of discomfort on his face.

Completely indigestible.

This is not surprising.

Although the fierce-male leader himself said before that he felt like he could eat stones, stones are inorganic substances and do not have the nutrients needed by the human body.

The Guardian later provided him with a piece of magical metal.

Sinestro swallowed the metal with great difficulty and pulled it out with great force. As a result, the metal piece cut his soft large intestine.

"It seems he can only absorb organic food," Navis concluded.

"Witch Harley's limit must be more than this." Gunther said.

"We will have unlimited time to study the witch's ability slowly in the future. Now we have to solve the 'digestive defect' of the Green Lantern Corps first." Navis pondered for a moment and said: "Inform the members of the corps to take off the ring before eating."

"I'm afraid it's not enough to just take it off. The ring has been bound to the host and can communicate with the Lantern at a distance. At least the ring should be kept out of the range of sight and mental induction." Gunther said.

"That way it would be difficult for the Lantern to summon his ring from a distance, which would cause great inconvenience to the Legion's daily activities." A little blue man said.

"No way, this is the characteristic of the central energy battery.

No matter what power the higher beings sealed in the battery possess, the green light energy from the Origin Wall can attack the spear with a spear, and retaliate in the same way.

At the expense of its own corresponding characteristics, the power of the same rules is sealed.

No matter what kind of rule power is sealed, the green light energy will have corresponding flaws. "Scarface sighed.

"The flaws are only superficial. In essence, Green Lantern's energy uses tit-for-tat conflicts to more deeply simulate and learn the power of the rules of the sealed person.

The opposite of defect is the new evolutionary direction of green light.

As long as the Lantern can overcome his flaws with courage and will, he can make himself more perfect, such as Sinestro. " Ganser said.

Navis said calmly: "Then urge the legion soldiers to strengthen their training and tell them that only courage and willpower can overcome the shortcomings of the lantern ring.

As long as you develop a perfect Green Lantern that overcomes its flaws, it will be worthwhile even if all the remaining Green Lanterns are scrapped.

A perfect Green Lantern with both wisdom and courage, who can defeat less than half of the Green Lantern team.

Overall, the Legion's strength is still increasing.

Sinestro said it himself, he could beat the previous ten him now. "

"His feelings may not be correct, it's like eating a stone and having diarrhea." Ganser said.

"Even if the strength is only doubled, it is still very impressive. Sinestro must have surpassed ordinary guardians now." Navis said.

Gunther turned towards the direction of the energy room, a little worry appearing in his indifferent eyes, "I suddenly remembered something. Witch Harley once chewed the green lantern ring.

At first I thought she was venting her frustration at not being able to use the ring.

Now it seems that she probably wants to draw power from the ring. "

"She was stealing the energy of the green light?" The little blue people were all startled, but quickly regained their composure, "Whether she succeeded in stealing at the time or not, it meant nothing in the end.

When we made the light ring, we deliberately left it behind.

All green light energy except the central energy battery can only be consumed or naturally dissipated, and can never be used as energy seeds to automatically derive new energy. "

Ganser nodded and said: "Indeed, there is no trace of green light energy in her body."

"Don't say that she has only absorbed Green Lantern energy. Even if the greatest Green Lantern Abinsu enters the central energy battery, he still won't be able to make a splash." Navis said coldly.

The Green Lantern Corps has existed for more than a billion years. There are countless Green Lanterns from countless planets and races in the universe. Almost every corps leader or commander-level Lantern is stronger than the Guardians.

For example, 'The Greatest Lantern' Abinsu and Commander Sinestro can defeat most of the Guardians alone.

There will definitely be extremes, ambitious people, and rebellious people among them.

But the little blue man's dominance over the Legion has never wavered.

Because the final interpretation of the Green Lantern Ring is always in their hands, and the Lantern is only the host of the Ring.

The protagonist who gets the system is never the real protagonist. The person who builds the system in batches and widely disseminates it is.

Two days later, the guardian almost figured out the general information of 'digestive defect', which is the basic content of Harley's first food defense specialty.

They announced to all legion members the solution to the 'light ring system bug' - taking off the ring to eat.

"Some time ago, we upgraded the green light system. However, don't worry, this is not a real bug. As long as you grasp the essence of the green light - the indestructible will - the new light ring can only make you stronger."

After listening to the little blue man's explanation, the Green Lanterns only complained that the new system was not easy to use and wanted to switch back to the old system.

They had no suspicion that the little blue man was lying.

It's not that the Lantern is stupid.

The green light ring is originally an intelligent technological product and a personal terminal in the "green light energy utilization system".

Without an operating system, how can the light ring be charged and released?

The green light ring opens wormholes, long-distance communication, intelligent translation, data query and other common functions, all of which come from the streamlined instruction set in the operating system.

If the Lantern doesn't have enough knowledge, even if he jumps in time and space ten thousand times, he still won't understand the scientific principles of space distortion and space-time wormholes.

"After some time, the light ring system may be upgraded again. You must always monitor your status and report any problems to the Book of Oa immediately.

Remember, the purpose of system updates is always to make Lantern more powerful and perfect.

As long as you master the core emotion of Green Lantern - will, the new system will make you stronger. "

Two months later, the green light fell like rain.

On the Guardian Cliff, Sinestro shouted excitedly: "Guardian, what is going on? In recent times, at least four hundred Lanterns have died, and the Legion has suffered more than one-tenth of its battle losses, including Abinsu."

The fierce man with four eyebrows had red eyes and a trembling voice, "The greatest lantern also died. Why is this?"

The little blue man was silent.

After a long while, Ganse said calmly: "Didn't the reason be announced to the Legion a long time ago? Gods, demons, mages, and superpowers in and outside the universe are all hunting Green Lantern."

"Why? What did we do wrong?" Sinestro yelled angrily.

“It’s not that we did anything wrong, but we accomplished a great feat that shocked the multiverse—we successfully punished the number one witch in the multiverse, Witch Harley!

This is a feat that many supreme beings in the multiverse also admire in awe.


Because our Green Lantern Corps is strong enough, so strong that it shocks the past and present, and shakes up all directions! "

The little blue man lost his indifference and became excited, his face full of glory and impassioned, "In the name of the green light, shine in the starry sky!"

Sinestro looked dazed and was admired by gods and demons all over the world. This is also the reason why all Green Lanterns are proud of him recently.

Since the arrest of the witch, countless compliments and compliments have poured in from all corners of the universe.

So much so that when the Lanterns walk on the road, they always hold their heads high and their nostrils pointed upward.

The little blue man said angrily: "After a period of fermentation, the news that the witch was suppressed by us spread completely, and more and more extraordinary people, even the great gods and demon kings, began to covet the energy of the green light.

Mages are a group of thieves with no sense of shame or moral values.

Stealing and borrowing magic is their survival instinct.

I should have thought of it earlier. It's strange that they didn't move or take action when they saw the green light energy that restrained and suppressed the witch. "

"We have been coveted before, and the Green Lantern Ring has always topped the black market purchase price list. But before, the Transcendents were completely at a disadvantage when facing the Lanterns.

Their magic attacks are almost ineffective against the defensive Green Lantern. "Sinestro said.

This is the truth, the skilled Green Lantern is able to face any mage with ease and dominate the battle.

First of all, the energy level of the green light energy is higher than 99% of the magical elemental power.

After billions of years of development, Green Lantern has also developed techniques to deal with all types of magic.

Secondly, the magic power in the mage's body is very rare. Gold is very expensive, but the green lantern relies on battery charging. The 'magic power' is endless, and most gods cannot consume the lantern.

In the end, ordinary mages are just 'planet-level warriors', but Green Lantern is a full-fledged star warrior. The difference in level and strength is like a planetary civilization and an interstellar civilization.

Moreover, the Green Lantern Corps is a huge military organization that can communicate instantly. If one side is in trouble, there will be support from all sides. How can ordinary 'loose cultivators' cope?

Sinestro said excitedly: "Now the situation is reversed. Facing the magical power, the green light shield is as fragile as paper.

Many Lanterns clearly had enough energy in their rings, but their defenses were inexplicably broken and they died tragically on the spot.

I even think that the green light energy's defense against magic has not dropped to zero, but has become a negative number, negative magic resistance.

Facing the same magic, if you throw away the ring and resist with your body, you might not be killed instantly with one move. "

At the end of the sentence, the tough guy with four eyebrows couldn't help but burst into tears and started crying.

The expression of the little blue man did not change.

They had expected this.

Who doesn’t know about Witch Harley’s high magic resistance talent?

She has high magic resistance. After being imprisoned in the central energy battery, Green Lantern may develop a 'magic resistance defect'.

Ganser said slowly: "Under the new system of the lamp ring, in addition to the magic resistance defect, there is actually a will defect."

"What?" Sinestro cried out his nose and shrank back in shock.

The essence of Green Lantern is to use his own willpower to control the power of will in the emotional spectrum.

To put it bluntly, active willpower is the most critical factor in determining the strength of Green Lantern, and it is also the Lantern's greatest advantage.

But now Green Light, who is supposed to rely on his will to make a living, has a will defect? !

The little blue man pointed at the nearly collapsed legion commander, "Didn't you notice? You are crying because you have suffered from a will defect."

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