The "supreme right to do good" is completely in line with the values ​​​​and vital interests of the heroes. They climaxed, but Harley had to continue to answer Aquaman's questions in a ridiculous mood.

“The right to do good is higher than ordinary laws, so a superhero can still punish evil and promote good and be a hero without registering or holding a law enforcement license issued by the government.

However, this goes back to the previous issue - law enforcement without enforcement power is a huge harm to the law.

Not to mention the impact on society and ordinary people after the law is harmed.

Isn’t the original intention of heroes becoming superheroes to defend the dignity of the law? "

Bateman could not agree more with this.

He wanted to applaud Harley, but he couldn't.

He has not forgotten Harley's 'evil nature' - she can control heroes with her clairvoyance.

"I completely agree with what Senator Quinn said." Superman said solemnly: "Superheroes have the right to do good deeds and are free to do good deeds without any restrictions, but as heroes, we cannot do that.

We cannot harm the law!

The behavior of heroes needs supervision.

The question is, why can’t the supervisor be the hero himself? "

Harley's eyes flashed, "Oh, Superman, you mean to establish a group of heroes to supervise other heroes as a group and supervise each other internally?"

Bateman frowned, Superman was too impatient, and saying this would definitely make Harley alert.

"Is that possible?" Superman asked.

Harley shook her head firmly, "If you regulate yourself, you will definitely have big problems. Countless histories and realities have proven this. Therefore, any civilized government will not concentrate power in one department."

Superman said: "The noble sentiments of heroes should be more trustworthy than government officials.

As you said, the Eye of Heaven will be just one eye, and the judicial power still lies with the courts and the people.

If a heroic organization replaces the powers of the Sky Eye Society, it will not affect judicial justice, and the people will still have the power to judge. "

This was using Harley's 'excuse' to defeat her.

Harley asked: "Is there a new hero group now?"

"not yet."

Harley didn't see any unusual expression on Superman's face.

"Let's wait until we have one. It's just supervision anyway. The more supervisors, the better. No one can replace anyone."

Superman choked.

"Aquaman, do you have any questions about the hero's right to do good and enforce the law?" Harley asked.

Aquaman said: "I often move overseas, which is no longer the territory of the United States. Do I still need a 'hero certificate' granted by the US government?"

Harley said: "If you pass my preliminary test, accept my invitation, and participate in today's meeting, you will have obtained the hero certificate.

A hero certificate is not a license to be a hero. Being a hero does not require a license.

The hero certificate is just a ritual and a symbol.

It symbolizes your oath to abide by the law and uphold justice, and it symbolizes your willingness to accept public supervision of your actions.

Of course, this rule only applies to the United States, and certain countries in the United States. Well, like Canada, Neon, Australia, the United Kingdom, you know.

If you go to other countries, you'd better learn from Superman and strictly abide by the laws and traditions of other countries. "

"How do ordinary people get a hero certificate? Or are only B-class and above heroes eligible to get a hero certificate?" Superman asked.

Harley said: "It's very simple, anyone can get a hero certificate as long as they prove their ability and philosophy as a hero.

You can send an email to the Sky Eye Society, and there will be specialized personnel who will go to the city where the hero is and communicate directly with the hero like I did before.

You can also find a famous hero - a hero who has obtained a hero certificate and is no less than B level - and with his approval, Sky Eye will immediately send you a hero certificate.

You can also ask the public to take an assessment. As long as more than 60% of the people in the neighborhood where the hero is active believe that he is a good hero, you can also get a hero certificate. "

After ending the discussion on heroes' law enforcement rights, Harley began to describe the second purpose of convening this hero conference: "Heroes need to be supervised, but heroes need to cooperate sincerely.

I don’t need to say more about the dangers of Krypton’s invasion, everyone knows it.

If half of the heroes participating in the meeting today appeared in the Metropolis that day, I believe victory will come easier and risks and losses will be lower.

I really hope that the Kryptonian invasion is the last big crisis that threatens all of humanity.

But the reality is that a new crisis may be coming soon. "

"Ah, aliens are invading the earth again?"

The heroes participating in the conference on the stage had heard about the 'Pharaoh Crisis' beforehand, and their reaction at this time was relatively dull. However, as soon as the audience heard about the large-scale crisis, their expressions changed drastically and they screamed out in surprise.

"What crisis has happened recently?" Dead Man Boston asked doubtfully.

Xanadu shook his head, "I'm not sure. Does Kent know?"

Dr. Fate nodded solemnly, "It's related to the sixth dimension."

"Congressman Quinn, can you tell us what the new crisis is so that the public can be mentally prepared?" A woman shouted loudly with a clear and loud voice.

At table No. 1 on the stage, Superman wanted to cover his face.

"Ms. Lane, this is a hero conference, not a press conference. It's not yet time for reporters to ask questions," Harley said.

Before Louise could say anything else, she changed her tone and nodded again: "However, I didn't intend to hide the truth originally. I will tell everyone all the speculation about the crisis."

"Congressman Quinn, the people have the right to know, but unresolved crises will definitely bring panic and chaos to society." Bateman took the Flash's microphone again and said in a serious tone.

Superman also said: "Your guess may not be true. What if you guess wrong?"

"It's useless for ordinary people to know, if your guess is true." Wonder Woman said.

Harley asked: "Am I right or wrong to tell you heroes the truth?"

"Of course, that's right. Heroes have the ability to solve crises. Early prevention is beneficial to solving crises." Superman said.

The other heroes nodded in agreement.

Harley looked around the audience: "Heroes come from the folk, and the heroes on stage are only part of the current and future superheroes.

There must be more heroes with great potential hidden in the audience and among the people watching the news of the Hero Conference.

Large-scale earth crises can only be solved by superheroes. With the collective efforts of the people, there is strength in numbers.

I spread the truth about the crisis widely in the hope of discovering the true potential of human beings on earth, so that every future hero who is already a hero, is about to be a hero, and has not yet awakened his abilities will know about it and start thinking and investigating the truth of the crisis. Work together to find solutions to the crisis.

As for panic and chaos."

Harley's expression became a little strange, "Everyone should change their minds! In the era of superheroes, citizens should get used to seeing strange things.

After listening to my next prediction of the crisis, you will understand that no matter what the people on the earth think, sooner or later the people on the earth will have to adapt to the "new era of vitality" where crises come one after another. "

"Is there more than one crisis?" Superman asked in surprise.

"At this stage, the earth is facing at least three crises." Harley raised three fingers and repeated the Pharaoh Crisis first, causing the audience to exclaim repeatedly.

Before they could take a breath, Harley opened the giant curtain behind her, and a metal cube that collapsed, bulged, spread out, and gathered appeared on the screen.

"This thing is called the 'Mother Box'. It comes from Apokolips and belongs to the War Lord Steppenwolf."

A man with a hood covering his face in the audience trembled and subconsciously touched his cheek in the shadow of the brim of his hat. His face was still human, but the brain behind his face...

The heroes on the stage and the audience in the audience were all attentive, and without asking any questions, Harley continued: "The mother box can be simply understood as a personal computer, which is one of the ultimate forms of mobile phones.

However, it is much more advanced than the mobile phones of people on earth, and can communicate across dimensions and across the universe without a network base station.

Everything a mobile phone can do, it can do countless times more powerfully.

For example, in the recent news, there have been many cases where non-Paradise Mountain mobile phone users have their conversations monitored by their mobile phones, and even the cameras are turned on inexplicably to monitor their owners like ghosts.

The mother box can also monitor surrounding sounds, images, and even any form of signal waves.

If a mother box appears on the earth, all the information on the earth with backward encryption technology will be visible to the owner of the mother box. "

The audience in the audience exclaimed in surprise, and the hero on the stage also changed his face slightly.

"But don't worry, everyone, my mother box captured from Steppenwolf is not on Earth." Speaking of this, Harley straightened her back and sighed: "I originally wanted to remain an ordinary person and communicate with you, but as time goes by With the advent of the superhero era, some secret information is becoming more and more public, and there is no need for me to hide my true self.

Let me show it off, I am actually an angel. "

"——" The venue was silent, and more than half of the audience had their mouths wide open, their expressions slightly distorted.

"Buzz!" A milky white halo rose up from the back of Harry's head, and the holy golden light spread throughout the hall.

All those who bathe in the holy light are enveloped by a gentle breath, which is so kind, compassionate, loving, and broad. Just like the gentle gaze of the Virgin Mary.

"What is this?" Bateman also saw the Virgin's halo for the first time.

"I am good friends with the Holy Mother, and I once redeemed her. In order to express her gratitude, she gave up the Holy Mother's throne to me." Harry put away the Holy Mother's Seal very humbly and continued: "Except for the Holy Mother Angel 'In this capacity, I am still a direct vassal of the Heavenly Father Jehovah.

Well, I am the Duke of Tiantian Mountain, and I have a fiefdom of hundreds of miles.

I know many of the angels recorded in the Bible and well-known to everyone, such as Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. "

"It's too exaggerated. I think she is bragging." Most people, including the hero on stage, looked suspicious.

Harley ignored their reactions and continued: "Of course, I am not disclosing my identity to separate myself from everyone.

I just want to reassure everyone that the captured Mother Box is safe because it is sealed in my fiefdom - Paradise Mountain. "

The faces of all the heroes were distorted: You said so much just for the safety of the Mother Box?

"However, there is more than one mother box on the earth. My mother box is well preserved, but there was another mother box on the earth a long time ago."

——Farke, what were you talking about about heaven and angels earlier?

Everyone no longer concealed their inner thoughts and directly complained to the people around them in a low voice.

"What's more serious is that Steppenwolf's coming to Earth means that the terrifying demon behind him, Darkseid, has set his sights on the Earth." Harley opened the slide, and the images of Steppenwolf and Uncle Da appeared in front of everyone.

Steppenwolf was recorded in the city of Salta.

Uncle Da's beautiful photo was exchanged by Harley for a glass of beer from a certain Apokolips revolutionary in the Forgotten Bar.

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