I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 494 A mixed bag of fish and dragons, mud and sand

"Oh, what's going on with Bateman? Hey, hey, take a photo and post it on Moments first."

Shangdu smiled and took out his mobile phone from Tianshan Mountain and "clicked" two photos of Bateman on the stage.

Not only her, but more than half of the audience who came in were holding their mobile phones to take pictures of the squatting bats.

The order of entry is heroes first, then spectators. By the time Mrs. Xanadu entered the venue with 'Dead Man' Boston, Bateman had been squatting on the pony for a long time with a dull face.

If the name is not registered, the seats will not be arranged. This may also be a work error.

But giving him Xiaomazha was definitely Harry Chiguoguo's revenge.

Bateman wanted to shake off his cloak and turn around and leave.

But he can't.

Today's hero conference has an unspecified but very important link: issuing law enforcement licenses to heroes.

Except for Superman, who signed the "Friday Agreement" with the White House early last year with Harley's help and obtained superhero law enforcement rights, other superheroes are actually breaking the law.

Even if the Keene Act, which requires heroes to use their real names, has been revoked, heroes' actions such as arresting criminals, breaking into private homes, and beating suspects are still against U.S. law.

Law enforcement power belongs to the police and judges. In the final analysis, heroes are just ordinary people in uniform.

If Bateman doesn't want to be hunted down by the GCPD as a criminal in the future, he must enter the venue today, sit down, wait for the meeting to end, complete the registration, and get the hero license that "every B-class hero has" promised by Senator Man.

"I heard that Bateman forgot to ask the Witch Harley for an invitation letter." Boston floated in the air, walked around, and came back to Shangdu.

"That's nonsense. It must be Harley's revenge. Her mind is smaller than the pores on my face. How could she allow Bateman to 'openly rebel' without any reaction?" Shandu touched his white porcelain face and said, He said disapprovingly.

"At least the reasons she gave are hard to fault." A familiar male voice sounded from the side.

"My dear, Kent, are you here too?" Xanadu asked in surprise.

Doctor Fate glanced at the dead man hanging in mid-air, "No matter the cause, process, or result, this is mankind's first superhero gathering, and it is destined to be remembered by history."

"Decades ago, we Watchers held a grander hero conference." A young man in the back row said.

The two of them looked back at the handsome guy with blond hair, white skin and blue eyes.

Red cloak, red underwear, blue uniform, huge $ on the chest, not hope, but a sword.

Hundred dollar bills!

Xanadu's mouth twitched with a strange expression, "What generation are you from?"

"I understand what you are thinking, but I am different from those people in front of me." The new banknote raised his chin slightly and said proudly: "I am a brand new hundred-dollar banknote, even surpassing the first generation, because I have the ability to banknote!"

"What ability?" Xanadu asked confused.

"Miss, and this gentleman, are you all magicians?" Qian Qian glanced back and forth on the faces of Xanadu and Doctor Destiny, turned his hand, and a checkbook appeared in the palm of his hand, "Can you ask me Describe your capabilities and levels? Let me estimate your commission."

"You want to hire me?"

"As long as you are strong enough, price is not an issue." Dachao said confidently.

Xanadu suppressed the absurdity in his heart and asked, "What did you hire us for?"

"Let your abilities be my abilities."

"do not understand."

Dachao pointed at the two strong men beside him and explained: "This is Tom and Jackson. They have both won the runner-up in the King of Fighters competition, which means they were narrowly defeated by our captain of the Watcher - King of Fighters Harley.

Tom is good at boxing and Jackson has amazing leg skills. The two of them have received professional training in the martial arts gym for more than five years.

But now, their fists and iron legs have become my strength, working under my will. "

"Still don't understand." Xanadu said honestly.

"For example, when I meet a robber who robs a bank, I will use the dragon's tail move." Daqiao stood up from his seat and kicked back on the spot. Jackson on the side immediately gave him a flying kick that ripped through the air.

"I knocked down the robber." Daqiao said.

Xanadu suddenly said: "Your money ability is your ability to buy us with money."

"More than that, Chao's ability is omnipotent and can even buy the enemy's 'weakness' and 'vulnerability'." Da Chao said.

"You already have unparalleled boxing and kicking skills, so why do you need magic?" Xanadu asked.

"Alas, in addition to Tom and Jackson, I actually have a divine gun, an aegis, a divine cavalry, a divine detective, and more than ten 'hero skills'.

But they must appear in front of others, which will affect my appearance in front of others.

How can one get a superhero rating without anyone showing up?

If there is no hero level C or above, how to open a superhero area on Puppy Video Network? "

Without a Chaoying zone, how can you shoot ads and sell traffic to recoup costs?

Dachao sighed for a while, then looked at Xanadu and Doctor Destiny with their eyes shining, "Magic is different. You can hide your tracks, cast spells remotely, and leave the scene to me, free and uninhibited."

"Alas, Dachao was also a hero back then. I didn't expect that his successors would become worse than the previous generations, and now they have become even more liars." Dr. Destiny sighed with emotion.

"What a liar, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand," Da Chao Jun said with a sullen look on his face, "This is a new attribute personally set for Da Chao by General Five Rings, Ball Protector Hero, Senator Quinn, and Director Quinn.

Big money in the new era must have the ability to make money.

Without extraordinary abilities, how can you stand out among a group of super-powered heroes? "

"There's something wrong with Harley's brain that's why she got involved with you." Xanadu sneered.

"It's true." A woman with a broad forehead knelt on the seat in the front row, facing the back row, with a flattering smile on her face, and handed out two business cards with both hands, "Hello, madam, doctor, hello, I am 'Shining' Jessica from Star Superhero Agency, it's an honor to meet two grandmasters here."

"What kind of master?" Da Chao was surprised.

He doesn't know much about the Grand Master of Magic, and he doesn't even know Doctor Destiny, one of the elder brothers in the Earth's magic world.

But Jessica is now a big shot, too.

The mage who even she treated with respect could only be a bigger boss.

Da Chao was shocked and surprised.

——If you can turn the two big guys into skills in your own skill bar.

"It's been almost ten years, but I didn't expect that the National Bank actually followed Harley's suggestion and issued a large banknote with 'money power'."

Jessica briefly recounted the story of how she took Harry to apply for Daqian, with a very complicated tone and expression.

"The idea of ​​money ability is good, but it also depends on who will use it." Shangdu frowned and looked at the money, shook his head and said, "He lacks the temperament to use money ability."

"My dad is the chairman of a bank. I grew up with fine clothes and fine food, kept servants, spent money like water, and was extravagant. I spoke and acted unscrupulously on the Internet. I was known as the 'American Commission for Discipline Inspection.' I kept having Internet celebrity girlfriends one after another." Pointing to his nose angrily, "I was born with the ability to make money!"

Xanadu said calmly: "Have you met Bruce Wayne?"

Da Chao's momentum froze, his expression was stiff, and he was silent.

Xanadu sighed: "My child, let's make a new debut in another city.

In Gotham, in the eyes of people who know Mr. Wayne, you are just a clown. "

Da Chaojun's face turned red, he was so embarrassed and angry.

Shangdu smiled, not caring about himself, turned to the front row, and found a group of men and women wearing uniforms next to Jessica, all looking at him curiously.

Jessica is very good at observing words and expressions. Seeing Xanadu's eyes, she immediately explained: "These heroes are reserve heroes in the 'Star of Tomorrow' training class.

In the past few months, they have been participating in special training in martial arts and exorcism at the martial arts center.

Today, all the heroes have gathered at the Heroes' Conference, which can be called a grand ceremony of the times. I will personally bring them here to meet people and see the world. "

As she spoke, she enthusiastically introduced each student to the two masters.

At the beginning, Xanadu and Dr. Destiny regarded the ‘Star of Tomorrow’ as a joke. How could there be a hero who came out of the training class?

But after listening to Jessica's introduction to the abilities of the nine apprentices, their expressions became solemn.

Psychokinesis, imagination, invisible man, Cyclops, and God's favor. The only ordinary person who also received the "Quinn Youth Martial Arts Master Scholarship for Under-20s" at the age of 14.

If these apprentices are well trained, as long as their minds and will can keep up, becoming a B-level hero in the future is not a luxury.

"Ah, General of Five Rings!"

Suddenly, a wave of cheers sounded in the vast conference hall.

"Oh, she's so pretty today!" Deadman Boston whistled.

This is a hero convention, not a cocktail party. Harley didn't dress up in any special way today. Her long golden hair with blue and red highlights was tied into a single ponytail, a blood-red Gabriel tear chain around her neck, a dark gray high-tech armor, and a bright gold cloak. .

There is definitely a heroic appearance, but it is not considered unusual and special.

This is a superhero convention.

Every invited hero is wearing a uniform, and Harley's sci-fi simple-style armor is considered the most normal outfit.

"I already know about the 'Battman Speech' that happened in the side hall before." Harley glanced at Bateman on the pony, and went straight to the topic: "But when I invited everyone, I already explained it clearly - -The Hero Conference is not a government superhero recruitment fair, and we will not force everyone to join.

The purpose of establishing the Sky Eye Association is to provide logistical services to heroes in special events and to supervise heroes' daily behaviors. "

She did not get a separate table for herself, but sat at the same table with S-class and SS-class heroes, sitting in the middle, with Superman on the left and Wonder Woman on the right.

Bateman tried to reduce his presence as much as possible and moved Mazza to the end of table three, next to the Flash.

"Do you recognize this thing?" He quietly handed over a ring with a lightning symbol.

"Much like my signature," Barry whispered.

Bateman carefully typed out a line of text on the Bat-Watch: "There is a Flash uniform inside. It seems to be you from the future. What do you want to warn me?"

Barry was confused and at a loss; Bateman was sick again?

"I didn't want to tell you this at this time and on this occasion, but you said last night, 'Let me stop tomorrow.'"

He paused.

"Nothing else?"

"I don't know, so I asked you."

Barry frowned, his fingers were so fast that he could only see the afterimage, and he typed a line of words on the watch screen in an instant: "Tomorrow last night, that is, today, there are only two major things you can do. Create Harley Quinn." The protests and participation in the conference have all happened or are happening now."

Bateman was stunned.

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