I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 490 The Second Congress of the Justice League

It's the fifth day since Harley left Central City and the night before the Heroes Convention.

Gotham's Batcave.

A video wall as big as a movie screen showed a map of the United States. Above more than 20 cities, another eight-inch small screen was opened. The small screen played "Mayor's Heroes." Now "Netizens" (Navy Army) They all affectionately call her "Congressman" - the scene of the Congressman meeting the city's heroes is scrolling.

Above the short video, there are avatars of each hero, as well as an analysis of his abilities, potential, and personality next to the avatar.

Bateman held up his plump chin and glanced back and forth on the huge video wall with concentration, his expression becoming more and more serious.

He tapped a few times on the keyboard and two more video pop-ups appeared on the screen.

The “toot toot” videos are all shady scenes of people waiting to answer the phone.

"Hello?" The black screen on the left lit up, and Wonder Woman's handsome and heroic face appeared in the video.

"Waiting for Superman." Bateman's voice was hoarse and low.

"Hello, Bateman?" Half a minute later, the screen on the right also lit up, and Superman, with a tuft of curly hair hanging on his forehead, appeared on it.

"Are all your mobile phones in Paradise Mountain turned off?" Bateman asked.

"I don't have it with me at all," the heroine said.

"I only use the Tianshan mobile phone in my daily work." Superman said.

The heroine hesitated and said: "The watchdog is very powerful. Is there any problem with your watch?"

"The signal of the watch does not go through any telecommunications company's server, but is directly connected to my host through an independent satellite. Without an Internet connection, it will naturally not be detected by the 'network virus'." Bateman said.

Superman said: "As long as it's not the Tianshan Mountain mobile phone, it won't be a big problem.

It's not that Rich couldn't hack into other phones, but that would leave traces.

If someone discovers it, the reputation of the housekeeper dog will be completely ruined, and Harley will not let the small lose the big. "

The heroine nodded and asked, "What are you calling us for now?"

Bateman sent the 'Congressman's' patrol chart to the two of them and said in a deep voice: "All B-level and above heroes in the United States have been entered into the 'Sky Eye Society Database' by her.

Judging from the scenes of her communicating with heroes on the news, it seems that all the heroes respect her. "

"What's the problem with this? Putting aside my prejudices, I also respect her performance during the Krypton invasion crisis, and even became friends with her." Superman said.

"She deserves the high reputation of the Five Ring Admiral. But she is now a director of the Sky Eye Society, representing the government.

The current top goal of Zhenglian is to prevent the government from controlling superheroes and to prevent current heroes from making the same mistakes as Watchmen. "Baitman said solemnly.

Superman said very rationally: "We have no power to prevent Harley from meeting all the heroes, and there is no reason not to let her hold a hero meeting.

She has authorization from the President and Congress, and the GCPD has to help her maintain order.

On the contrary, if we interfere with her actions, or if we imitate her and openly form gangs, meet with heroes, and hold rallies, we will definitely be stopped or even arrested by the government in the name of threatening social security.

This is the political advantage the government has over folk heroes.

It is conceivable that tomorrow’s Heroes Conference will be a magnificent ‘Harley’s solo show’.

Her reputation among superheroes will reach a new peak. "

"Oh, it's so frustrating. I would rather she be as evil and direct as Zod. She does bad things, I stop her, and the two sides fight, clean and tidy." Wonder Woman sighed.

"Hallee would never let her sins appear above the surface.

Many times, she behaves more confidently and righteously than us.

Therefore, she is the enemy that we need to unite to deal with. Bateman said seriously.

"How can we deal with it if we can't find her fault?" Wonder Woman asked.

Bateman said: "We are not trying to deal with her, and we don't need to find her fault.

We targeted her because of her status as a director of the Sky Eye Society and a government representative.

At this time, the enemy of the Justice League is not a certain person, but the government's ambition and evil desire for superheroes.

Our purpose is to protect superheroes and create a social environment where heroes can freely display their will and abilities, so that heroes can only bring beauty to the world instead of war and evil. "

Superman nodded in agreement and asked, "What are your plans?"

"I asked Harley that there will be three sessions in the Heroes Conference tomorrow. First, Harley will talk about the theme of this conference - I don't know what she wants to say, but the Pharaoh Crisis will definitely be discussed openly.

The theme ends and enters the second link, where the hero speaks - introducing himself and explaining his philosophy as a superhero.

Third, discuss skills, learn from each other’s strengths, and exchange experiences. "

After the two people on the opposite side finished digesting the information, Bateman continued: "In the first session, we must clearly oppose any direct or implicit opinions of Harley that interfere with the hero's freedom.

Of course heroes need restrictions, but only by opposing with a 100-point stance can we achieve 50-point results.

Then in the second and third links, Superman you have to play an important role.

It would be best if you could make a date with Harley, defeat her in public, and break her 'myth of invincibility'. "

"Harley still has the myth of being invincible? Why didn't I know about it?" Superman asked doubtfully.

"Among the superpowers on Earth, Witch Harley's name is not very popular. But if you go to the magic world and shout 'Who has defeated the Witch?', it is guaranteed that the whole audience will be silent and no one will show up. Even Satan is sitting in the crowd at that time. Hit." Bateman sighed.

"What if she uses kryptonite against me?" Superman hesitated.

The female hero said: "If she uses kryptonite, we will boo her."

Superman's face twitched, "It's better for you to defeat her."

"I have no objection to that." The heroine was eager to give it a try.

Bateman said: "Superman should be more prudent, Harley's descending from God is too strong against magic.

There are just, brave, and aboveboard heroes here. Defeating you with kryptonite will only prove her weakness. She will definitely be despised by the heroes and lose her prestige. This is better than being defeated directly in your hands. "

"Would you like to take this opportunity to recruit some heroes?" Superman asked.

"Superman, what do you think of The Flash?" Bateman asked.

On the night that Zhenglian was established, plans were made to recruit more members.

They haven't stopped investigating new heroes these days.

Not long after The Flash debuted, Bateman confirmed his potential as at least an SS-level hero.

Class B became a symbol of the city.

Level A can independently protect the city.

Bateman is only B+ now, and has not yet been recognized by the people of Gotham as the "City Guardian".

The S-class crosses the city and has the ability to support other heroes. It is a national-level hero.

Wonder Woman is an S-class hero.

The SS class can fight against natural disasters, cross borders, and is an earth-class hero.

Superman's daily life is the standard for SS-level heroes.

SSS class, he has saved the earth as the main force more than once.

Currently on the superhero forum, there is only one general with five rings, who is considered a worthy SSS-level hero.

But she no longer works as a superhero, and there is no section for her on the forum.

Superman is also qualified, but the crisis of the Kryptonian invasion is too exciting for the people on earth, and his Kryptonian bloodline has always been controversial.

Therefore, Bateman's evaluation of the Flash SS-class hero is already the ceiling of Super Hero at this stage, and it is worthy of Da Chao's personal test.

"I ran with him once, and we were evenly matched. At the limit, we both entered the sub-light speed realm, which is one thousandth of the speed of light." Da Chao said.

"Sublight speed on the surface." Wonder Woman gasped.

Bateman looked calm, and the corner of his eye twitched slightly, "Have you ever invited him to join Zhenglian?"

Superman said: "No, at the moment we are just testing the hero's ability and character, establishing friendship, and we will talk about it when we encounter a suitable opportunity in the future.

Recruiting people to join the team rashly without a valid reason may backfire and cause resentment among the heroes. "

The three of them discussed the details for more than an hour before the meeting against the 'Zhenglian's number one enemy' came to an end.

Bateman turned off the monitor, leaned tiredly on the recliner, closed his eyes and pressed his temples.

"Bruce, blues"

A vague and empty call suddenly appeared in his mind like a hallucination.

It was a young man with a hoarse and anxious voice, full of exhaustion and panic.

Bateman opened his eyes alertly, and immediately saw a dazzling space-time tunnel emerging around him, and a blurry red figure running quickly in the stream of light.

The violent air flow spurted out from the tunnel mouth, ruffling his hair and causing him to wake up immediately.

——My dear, this is not a dream!

The red figure noticed his gaze, raised his head and looked straight at him, and stretched out his right hand to pull, "Bruce, Harley is right, she is always right, don't tomorrow - ah, he is chasing me, no - —”

He was screaming in pain, and his figure gradually turned into energy.

Bateman subconsciously reached out his hand, wanting to give him a hand.

At the same time, dozens of kilometers away in Quinn Manor, Harley woke up from her sleep. Wearing a light blue pocketbook and pink shorts, she jumped up like a zombie and kicked Sora.

"Ah Da!" The white and tender feet not only tore through the air and kicked out sonic booms, but also smashed the void, and a colorful energy light wave exploded in the room.

Waves swept across the entire earth in an instant.

"Boom!" Waves swept through the Batcave, and the space-time gate suddenly disappeared. Bateman was rushed seven or eight meters by the energy exploded by the space-time gate. He groaned and climbed up, only to be surprised to find that he was actually holding a chest lightning symbol in his hand. red battle uniform.

The people inside the battle uniforms disappeared.

"What's going on?" Harley and Bateman said in unison.

"This is." Inside the Batcave, Bateman frowned and unfolded the red suit in his hand, "Is this the Flash's uniform?

That person just now was the Flash. What did he want to tell me? Huh, no, this uniform is a little different in terms of material and style. "

He immediately opened the video of The Flash and watched it carefully to confirm that it was not an illusion.

The Flash's suit is now made of aviation fireproof material and is a bit bulky.

But the set on his hand was as smooth and thin as silk.

"Did that Flash come from the future? He still called me by my name, not Bateman. In the future, he and I will be teammates and our relationship will still be very close.

What did he want to say?

Is Harley right?

What says to The Flash that she’s always right?”

Bateman's expression was slightly distorted, "Either Harley was causing trouble just now, hallucination, magic? Or in the future, she forced the Flash to say that, because she can't always be right."

"If it was Harley who forced the Flash, then she was probably the one who killed the Flash. I wonder, could it be that in the future, Harley will finally completely degenerate?" Bateman looked solemn.

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