I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 487 The Flash Barry Allen

In just half a month, Superman has not only returned to the peak of his reputation, but is also more loved and respected by the people than before.

Luthor couldn't stand it anymore, "Harley, what are you doing? We are about to achieve great success and pull Superman off the altar and kick him into the cesspool. Why are you helping him rise again?"

"I'm very busy. I meet with several superheroes every day. How can I not have time to help him?" Harley stopped outside the Central City Police Station.

"Don't fool me. I heard what Lois said. You help Superman regain his fighting spirit, regain his faith, and even help him evolve more perfectly." Luthor said angrily.

"Louise?" Harry was startled and asked in confusion: "How did you and her meet?"

"Just this morning, she went to the Luther Group to do an exclusive interview with me, Faker!" He cursed, "In name, she was interviewing me, but in fact she was sarcastically and satirically proud of me.

She said she knew it was me who was behind this, and she laughed at me for only doing such unflattering tricks, and then turned you in. "

"Luthor, you've fallen into a trap. That little bitch Louise is sowing discord! If she really appreciates me and treats me as one of her own, why would she expose me to you?" Harley shouted.

"Didn't Superman achieve phoenix nirvana and suddenly have an epiphany after meeting you?"

Speaking of this, his stomach began to feel acidic again. Why did Superman listen to her and have an epiphany? Back then, he had spoken his heart to him and said countless good words. Why did he ‘not listen, just not listen’?

"That's true. I can always see through the performance, get to the essence, and speak out thought-provoking words of wisdom." Harley sighed.

Luther's face twitched a few times, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Harry, I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now."

"No kidding!" Harley said seriously: "Don't you know that I am the confessor of Gotham Cathedral?

The probability of believers who have been taught by me to ascend to heaven is hundreds or thousands of times higher than others! "

Three hundred thousand people died in Gotham in five years, and a total of 30 people went to heaven. More than 10 of them went to the cathedral and confessed under Grandma Harley.

The chance of an ordinary person going to heaven is about one in 20,000. Hallie has received no more than 500 penitent believers in five years - she only goes to church every three to five years, and she often runs into acquaintances.

Therefore, believers who have eaten Harley's "Confession Stick + Will Disintegration" package have a probability of going to heaven that is hundreds of times higher than that of ordinary people.

"Do you know the difference between ordinary heroes in heaven and the Holy Spirit? Going to heaven is already difficult, but becoming a Holy Spirit like the thirteen disciples of Jesus is even more difficult.

In the thousands of years of human civilization, no more than 5,000 people have become holy spirits.

And I alone taught three Holy Spirits. "Harry said proudly.

"Harley, I am not one of those foolish men and women who were fooled by you. Your nonsense has no effect on me. I only care about Superman now. If you don't mean to help him get out of trouble, then help me get him into a cesspit again." Luther said.

"Luthor, I have no obligation to help you, and I don't need to prove anything." Harley said calmly.

Luther was stunned, softened his tone, and lamented: "How about I ask you for help?"

"It's difficult to handle. I found another advantage in Superman - his head is as hard as steel, but his thoughts are extremely flexible and open-minded.

As long as we find out the shortcomings that can be improved and use them as targets to attack him, he will reflect on them in a down-to-earth manner and make changes wisely.

In other words, the more we find fault with him, not only will he be knocked down, but he will become stronger and more perfect.

Can you imagine?

In order to help others, he first learned the language and local dialect of that country, then studied local customs and memorized local laws and moral principles."

Harley said with emotion: "A superhero has achieved his part, which has surpassed the profession and risen to the level of art."

Luther said unwillingly: "Is there nothing we can do to deal with him? He imitates politicians and celebrities, and uses his show to please the people, which further proves his inherent hypocrisy and pretentiousness."

"You can find some flaws that he can't improve and attack him, so that he can only hold back and be unable to resist." Harley said.

Luther was shocked and asked quickly: "What are the flaws that cannot be improved at all?"

Harley looked up and saw that Chief Colburn and two of his subordinates had left the police station and were looking at the door. He waved excitedly when he saw her.

She frowned slightly, spoke faster, and said perfunctorily: "Everyone has flaws, and Superman is no exception. For example, he is a Kryptonian and not of my species. He must be cautious and cannot give too much trust.

He could never change his origin and bloodline.

For example, why is he a white man with fair skin and blue eyes, but why is he not black, Asian, or American?

It would certainly not be wrong to scold him for being racist.

For example, he actually talked about his girlfriend.

God, if a public figure like this doesn't stir up homosexuality, it's tantamount to discriminating against homosexuals. You're right to scold him.

For another example, he never messed around, never got high, never joined illegal societies, never experienced unforgettable setbacks, and was as stable as an old priest, completely unlike a normal American. Luther, that’s all for today. I have an appointment soon. "

Three Central City police officers were already in front of her.

Luthor didn't want to let her go yet, and said hurriedly: "Apart from the fact that Kryptonians cannot be trusted, everything else sounds too ridiculous. What kind of weirdo would oppose Superman for these reasons?"

"Believe me, the United States is not lacking in anything, especially weird things. You can try to guide a wave of public opinion, and countless Americans will definitely respond."

Without waiting for his reply, Harley turned off her phone and faced the three police officers, two white and one black, with a smile.

Without much chatting at the door of the police station, they just got to know each other and the four of them went to the conference room on the second floor together.

“The purpose of my coming to Central City, as I informed you via email a few days ago, is for The Flash.

Compared with other urban superheroes who go their own way, The Flash cooperates extremely closely with the Central City Police Department, and even has a special tacit understanding.

So, I guess there should be someone in the police department who is as close to the city's guardian heroes as Gotham's Inspector Gordon. "Harry looked at the three of them and said directly.

The chief looked at the black police chief, "Joe, you know the Flash best, can you find him?"

Joe West solemnly said: "I did deal with him several times, but every time he came to me on his own initiative, as if he could immediately know where there was a case."

Superintendent Gomez suggested: "If it is to investigate the Flash, there is no need to meet him in person. When he appears again, we can remind him to go to Gotham or other places to find you.

He is fast, and there is no time difference between him and you waiting in Central City. "

Harry glanced at the door and said, "Can you get all the police officers to gather together, and I'll have a few words with them.

If we could see The Flash today, everyone would be happy.

If not, just do as your Mr. Superintendent says. "

Naturally, the director would not object to such a simple request.

Half an hour later, more than a hundred people lined up in a loose queue in the lobby on the first floor. Congressman Harley looked at everyone one by one under the curious and inquiring eyes of everyone, and then said: "You should read the news these days. pass.

I am touring cities across the country that have B-level and above heroes for three purposes.

First, get to know each other. If a crisis like the Krypton invasion occurs again in the future, we won’t be scattered and have to advertise to find teammates.

Second, from a newcomer in Class E to a symbol of Class B city, the hero actually has the power of law enforcement. The granting or acquisition of this power must not go beyond the government as the representative of the people.

The United States is a democratic country. From the president to the police, the duties and responsibilities of every government servant are standardized, orderly and clear.

For example, when I visit cities across the country and communicate with city heroes, I don’t just make decisions on a whim or by tapping my forehead.

My authority comes from the President, and my actions are governed by Congress.

The final inspection results must also be written into a written report and publicly circulated among members of Congress.

The heroic law enforcement power cannot be separated from the supervision of the people.

As the old saying goes, who watches the watchmen?

Who will police the Watchmen?"

The police officers in front of Harley, as well as Chief Colburn, Superintendent Gomez, and Chief Joe beside her, all nodded slightly and showed approval.

Harley looked serious but felt proud: This is the beauty of power!

In the Great Celestial Dynasty, there is also a saying of doing justice for heaven.

Doesn't doing justice for Heaven mean that law enforcement power is automatically obtained from Heaven?

But in the United States, in this country under the guise of democracy, equality, and freedom, public power can only belong to the people in name, and politicians are representatives elected by the people.

In this way, power lies in the hands of politicians.

No matter if you are as strong as Rip Man, as fast as The Flash, or as powerful as Heroine, you will inevitably be manipulated by politicians, unless you choose to become a non-mainstream "unjust hero" who cannot accept the cheers of the people.

“So, the second purpose of my meeting with the city hero is to represent the people and examine whether he is qualified to obtain law enforcement powers.

Finally, as a veteran superhero, I have the responsibility and enough experience and ability to provide younger generations with some help on how to be a good superhero. "

After briefly scanning each police officer again, Harley stated the purpose of letting them gather in the lobby, "You now understand the purpose of my coming to Central City. I want to see the Flash, and I hope those of you who are familiar with him can help send a message. , that’s it, it’s delaying everyone’s work.”

The police officers looked at their colleagues nearby with suspicious eyes and dispersed silently.

Sheriff Old Qiao whispered: "Is this useful?"

"Either The Flash has an informant in the police station, or The Flash's informant can monitor the movements of the police station, so the Flash can rush to the scene as soon as possible after the crime occurs." Harley said firmly.

After that, she didn't stay at the police station for long and went directly to the coffee shop next door.

"The Mayor really came to Central City, for me, for The Flash!" Barry said excitedly in the men's room of the police station, covering his headset.

"I'm glad I bought it. I grew up watching the gun battle movies of Lord Mayor. Barry, why are you hesitating? Go and get an autograph for me." Sisko, a technology expert in the cutting-edge laboratory, said excitedly.

"Do you really want to see her? I'm not sure, Dr. Wells, what do you think?" Barry hesitated.

Harris Wells drove the automatic wheelchair to the communication monitor and asked: "You can't trust her, are you worried that she will be bad for you?"

"She is a five-ring general, and she was appointed by the president for this inspection. She should be trustworthy, but I am not sure whether she wants to deal with the government.

The Eye would sound like a superhero governing body.

What if she wants to include me in the secret service? "Barry said worriedly.

"Do you think you can avoid it?" Harris asked.

Barry thought for a while, shook his head regretfully and said, "I'm afraid not. She made it very clear that the law enforcement rights of superheroes must be recognized and supervised by the government."

"Then what are you still struggling with?"

"The five-ring admiral is so powerful. Standing in front of her, I feel weak and out of breath."

(ps: Sisko and Harris who are communicating with Flash Barry at this time are both members of the Flash logistics team. They can be regarded as Alfred, Fox, and Oracle Barbara who serve Batman.

Most DC superheroes have similar followers. )

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