I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 480 Harley’s Gift

"Oh, it turns out that the Evil Owl God comes from the Monitor Realm." Harley wondered: "Why do powerful people in the Monitor Realm engage in cult activities in Gotham on Earth?"

"I don't know. What exactly was your first request?"

Harry suppressed the doubts in his heart and said seriously: "I want the greatest dream authority you can give to outsiders."

Sandman's face changed slightly and he said coldly: "You want to get involved in the dream dimension?"

"I have no intention of competing with you for control of the dream. My request is - as the Lord of the Dream, the highest title of the Kingdom of Dream that you can bestow.

Just like hell, the nobility of hell is not a false position, it represents the corresponding authority of hell. " Harley said.

Sandman's expression turned cold and he said stiffly: "I can make you a king and lead a brand new dream space, like the devil in hell."

"It's not me," Harley said with a wry smile about Rachel, "I want to give her both the power and the crown.

Although I don’t know what methods the Three Palace Demon used, it must be twisting Rachel’s mind.

I don't even dare to go near Limbo now.

Entering hell to save her is a luxury that only exists in dreams.

But now, I see hope in you.

Dreams are a kind of beautiful hope and a real power.

After being tortured for so many years, she needs hope and even more strength.

As long as she can fly freely in her dreams, do whatever she wants, and be happy, the physical torture is nothing. "

The coldness on Sandman's face melted like ice and snow, and he reminded in a gentle voice: "I will only give up the power of the dream once.

There are many creatures in the Dream Kingdom, and there are only four great lords under me.

Adding a fifth lord would already break the balance, and a sixth lord must never appear again. "

"I understand that this is a 'request' and not a favor." Harley said.

"Rachel Ross, the daughter of the Demon of the Three Houses." Sandman closed his eyes for a moment to perceive, "I found traces of her in the dream. When I return to the kingdom of dreams and regain a little strength, I will fulfill my promise.

I will inform you at that time and can arrange for you to meet in a dream. "

"Thank you, Brother Morpheus!" Harley said sincerely.

Sandman raised his eyebrows slightly, "You can just call me by my name, don't call me brother."

"Okay, Morpheus." Harley adapts to the situation and follows the flow.

Morpheus looked up at the dark ceiling, "It's time for me to go, Harley Quinn——"

"Just call me Harley." Harley said.

"Harley, there are too many things waiting for me to deal with in the Dreamland. I have to leave." Morpheus said.

"Without the Dream Stone, I will no longer be able to sense the dream kingdom. How should I contact you?" Harley asked quickly.

"I will take the initiative to find you if anything happens." Morpheus said.

"But what if I want to see you for something?"

Morpheus thought for a while and said: "After a while, I will give you another Dream Stone."

Clark was cold.

The first time the kryptonite dagger pierced his chest, it hurt him a lot, but when the boy stabbed him more than a dozen times like crazy, he felt no pain, only a daze, feeling endless emptiness and coldness surrounding him.

He flew up to the sky lightly and saw his body with wide eyes and distorted expression below, saw the boy being praised by Harley, and watched the array master Alex and his family enter the space door and disappear.

- Harley really let them kill him?

Clark felt frustrated and sad.

He still considered her a friend, but she... Although she didn't kill him directly, she facilitated and allowed things to happen.

He didn't really hate the boy because he really didn't have any utilitarian intentions when he saved them.

However, he would inevitably feel sad if he died under the plot of the person he was saving.

——I responded to the call of the Formation Master tonight and traveled all the way from the United States to the United Kingdom. Did I do the right thing?

Clark was a little unsure.

Judging from the results, his goal was achieved and Alex's family survived.

cost and process

He is not afraid of death.

When his father died in a tornado while trying to save others, he was at the scene. With his super vision, he could see every detail of his father's expression. There was no fear or regret, only calmness and a touch of regret.

If he could die in the process of saving people like his father, he would be happy and proud of it.

But now, even though he had saved people, this way of stimulating the darkness of human nature and trampling on conscience and human dignity made him feel very uncomfortable.

Harley is indeed a witch, and she is so demonic.

A few words caused a child who should have been baptized by the light he brought to fall back into deeper darkness.

Clark stared at Harley, who was happily looking through the trophies, with mixed feelings in his heart.

——Hey, she seems to be looking over? Can she see me? The smile is so weird. By the way, what state am I in now? Why didn’t I go to heaven?

Clark looked around and saw that he was floating four or five meters above the body. There was a circle of white light around his soul, making him no longer so cold and empty.

——Is it Harley’s black magic?

Clark lowered his head and carefully looked at the injury on his chest.

There were several holes in his heart, which was undoubtedly a fatal injury.

——Perhaps, this is what the dead should be like? After he is buried, can he leave this world and go to heaven?

With full of doubts, Clark saw Harley taking him to Metropolis, calling Louise who was full of doubts, and then, seeing the body, Louise broke down and cried.

"Lois" Clark called softly.

No one saw him, no one responded to him.

Seeing his lover's heartbroken look, he regretted for the first time tonight's rescue act.

——I am not God, not a god. I cannot make everything run according to my own will. No, no, no, I can regret anything, but I should never regret saving innocent people.

If I turn a deaf ear to the cry for help and turn a blind eye to the person calling for help just because I am afraid of sacrifice, then why should I put on the Superman uniform?

"Clark, oh, No——" the mother wailed and fainted.

He returned to Smallwell, Kent Farm.

Harley sent his body back with Louise in a blimp.

Father Carlisle, who was beside Harry, helped to revive his mother. Her mother and Louise, one on the left and the other on the right, threw themselves on his body and cried sadly.

"Mom, Louise."

Clark was confused.

He regretted it slightly just now, but immediately strengthened his belief and remained unwavering.

But now, should he regret it?

Clark didn't know, so he was at a loss.

"Clark, do you regret it?"

Suddenly, a melodious and gentle female voice appeared behind him.

Clark turned around and froze.

In the sky filled with holy light, stands a ten-meter-tall god. The god is wearing a white and loose robe. His face is very kind, and his bright face exudes the light of mercy and compassion.

There is also a golden halo above her head, which makes her even more sacred and noble, and cannot be blasphemed.

His first thought was that he had seen the Holy Mother.

But that face is definitely Harley!

"Harley?" he called uncertainly.

"Yes." Holy Mother Harry nodded with a calm and peaceful smile.

"What's going on?" Clark asked blankly.

Harley smiled and said, "Just because you are stupid doesn't mean that I am as unwary as you.

When that kid approached you, I noticed something was wrong with his expression, and there was murderous intent in his eyes.

After that, he hid his hand behind his back and used his telekinesis to take the kryptonite dagger, and I saw all of it. "

"Why didn't you stop it?"

"Why did you stop him? Didn't he kill you because he was forced by me?"

Clark was speechless.

Harry continued: "After seeing his actions, I quietly opened the Holy Mother's Domain and protected you in the Holy Mother's aura of love, so you were never completely dead.

After all, I still consider you a friend.

If I don't go well tonight, I just want to teach you a lesson, so I won't harm you just for a few minor characters. "

"I'm not dead? That's great." Clark was happy at first, but thinking about Harley's troubles, he was surprised and asked: "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Have I not made it clear enough? I feel unhappy and want to have fun." Holy Mother Harry said with a straight face.

"Looking for fun by playing with my soul?" Clark said angrily.

"Haha, calm down and feel it. Which one hurts more, your body, your soul, or your ideals now? Whichever one hurts more, I will hurt which one." Harley said with a smile.

"You want to defeat my ideals?" Clark looked complicated, "I've let you down. A long time ago, I knew that human beings are not perfect.

Greed, laziness, vanity, sensitivity, indifference, jealousy.

But when I put on this uniform, I already had the consciousness to sacrifice everything to protect mankind and lead mankind to a better future with hope. "

"It's a pity that you didn't bring hope after giving up everything. For example, tonight, what do you think you got in exchange for your death?

Is it the spiritual sublimation of Alex's family?

Haha, your 'sacrifice' has made them even more depraved. " Harley sneered.

"That's because of you, you are a witch! They are right, you play with people's hearts, twist human nature, are insidious and ruthless, and are more evil than the devil." Clark said excitedly.

Harley asked curiously: "You have been a hero for a long time, and you still have a group of exclusive fans in Metropolis. For example, have Luthor, Metal Man, and Toy Man never used similar methods to deal with you?

Do they pity you too much, or do they have insufficient brains?

Oh, Luther is not lacking in brains, but is he lacking in criminal arts? "

"Even if they kill people profusely and have bloody hands, they are still inferior to you in terms of viciousness, cunning, and blasphemy against humanity." Clark said in a complicated tone.

"My only evil intention tonight is to try my best to help you see the reality clearly - you are not the Almighty God and cannot achieve your dreams. You must also face the helplessness in reality." Harley said lightly.

"I never felt like I was God," Clark said excitedly.

Harley immediately said: "Then why do you do something that even God wouldn't do?"

"Isn't it within my ability and morality to save innocent people?"

"You first have to be able to distinguish who is the real innocent and who is worth saving. Can you?" Harley asked.

"Anyone in the Ring Manor who did not directly join the witch hunting team will not be punished to death." Clark said firmly.

"Childish! The Brotherhood is a magical organization. If I come to the president openly to cause trouble, others will stand by and watch?

If I only kill Alex, will his son not seek revenge from me when he grows up?

Your biggest mistake is not that you are a good person or that you save everyone, but that you have no ability to distinguish between right and wrong. "

"Harry, I have mature values ​​and know what is right and what is wrong." Clark said dissatisfied.

Harley sighed: "Being able to say this further proves your naivety.

Because most things in the world are not right or wrong.

There is no right or wrong. How do you distinguish right from wrong?

There is no right or wrong thing, you just have to distinguish right from wrong.

Alex's reward for joining the witch hunting team was a demon duke and several demon viscounts. Who do you think is the beneficiary?

The beneficiaries didn’t hunt me down, are they innocent?

I sought revenge from the Brotherhood, but many people in the Brotherhood had no idea that their president and master had hunted me, but I killed them.

But if I don’t kill them, they will stop me and take revenge on me later. "

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