I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 5 Google was acquired

"Does the mistress of Wayne Manor also care about my little trouble?" Harley asked.

"I don't know yet, but I must tell her about this. I said it was to suspend your scholarship, not to revoke it."

Mrs. White looked at Harry gently and said softly: "You are a treasure that is about to bloom brilliantly, and I will not destroy you.

In fact, after watching this tape, I understand you better and appreciate you more.

This is not your fault, it's all because of your father's greed and gambling.

I want to help you, but even a mere scholarship cannot solve your current predicament. "

"So?" Harley asked.

"Go find Martha Wayne! She is a gentle and kind person, and I will help you explain to her."

Harry could feel Principal White's kindness.

But she was a little hesitant to ask the young master's mother for help.

First of all, the proud character she developed in her previous life as a winner, and her status as a time traveler with a plug-in in this life, do not allow her to beg from others.

Asking Martha Wayne to help solve a 200,000 loan shark, what is it if it's not begging?

They don't owe you anything either.

This is not the same as a scholarship.

Harley doesn't think the scholarship is begging.

Like she said before, how many honors has she won for the school?

That's what she deserves!

Secondly, she felt from beginning to end that she was completely equal to Bruce in terms of personality and status.

If she goes to find Martha now and meets Bruce at school in the future, can she still face him with a confident and natural attitude?

She is not a white lotus without green lotus, she can't do it.

Finally, as a time traveler, she has more cards than ordinary people imagine.

Heibang's usurious loans are not borrowed today and have to be repaid tomorrow. The money Andy borrowed last Saturday was for at least half a month, and today is only Monday.

Two hundred thousand dollars in half a month would be fatal to most ordinary people, but it might not kill her.

Otherwise, if she knew about the loan sharking last Saturday, why would she still be able to come to school with a smile on Monday?

But Principal White had good intentions after all, and she couldn't refuse directly.

"I understand, thank you, Mrs. White!" After bowing to the old principal, she prepared to leave.

Before leaving, she asked one last question: "Madam, who is the person who reported me?"

"A contestant, I don't know who she is, but she can get surveillance video from a metropolitan university, so her identity and background must be unusual."

Speaking of this, Mrs. White couldn't help but sigh, "You are careless. The door of the lounge is not completely soundproof. There is such a loud noise inside and it is such a sensitive topic. You yourself -"

"The tree is so beautiful in the forest, the wind is going to destroy me! Those little bitches can't defeat me by normal means!" Harley sighed with emotion.

As soon as I went out, I saw several taut beards plastered on my forehead in the corridor.

Wearing a blue and white sportswear, he is a tall man with broad shoulders and a round waist. At this time, he is huddled in the corner like a coward, smoking a cigarette with a blank expression.

Harley's dad, Andy Quinn.

"You know it too."

This is not a question.

Without waiting for Harley to answer, he threw the cigarette butt out of the window, covered his face and said in frustration: "We are done, I am done.

Without stable and decent jobs, those vampire bank managers will no longer provide us with loans.

If I don’t pay back the money in half a month, Nicola will tear me apart and arrest you and your mother. God, how did we end up in this situation! "

"It's all your doing." Harley said coldly.

"It's all my fault? You know how to shirk responsibility." Andy raised his head sharply and glared at her with bloodshot eyes, "Our family almost went bankrupt last year. Who was it because of?"

Harley's pretty face was a little hot, and she turned her head and argued: "If you are not addicted to gambling, the debt is nothing at all. In fact, I have paid off the bank loan only with my scholarship and competition bonus."

Just last year, in 2004, Google went public on Nasdaq.

Any time-traveler with a bit of "brain" will not let go of this golden opportunity, and Harley is no exception.

At that time, she had already shown her talents, and her status in the Quinn family was no lower than Andy.

After her strong persuasion, the Quinn family chose Stud - their savings from previous years, plus a large loan from the National Bank of the United States (an international bank in the fictional DC universe), totaling over one hundred thousand U.S. dollars, not too much. It's a small amount, and I bought all Google stocks.

It’s not like Hallie hasn’t considered the butterfly effect brought about by the different world, but Microsoft and Yahoo remain strong, Nike, Adidas, and Boeing are also world-famous, and even many sports celebrities, film and television stars, their life trajectories have not changed much.

But after listing, Google's stock price continued to fall. Just one week later, the stock price was halved.

Harley thinks this is a technical adjustment.

She was very good at Google in her previous life, so she couldn't remember it wrong. But she's not sure whether Google's growth will be tortuous.

She was even upset that she had no ammunition and couldn't buy the bottom at this time.

A month and a half later, Google delisted.

Faced with her excited "Why is this happening?", her classmates and friends were very puzzled.

"Isn't it just a small broken company? Why can't it be delisted? Look at the financial section of Gotham Gazette. This kind of thing happens every day." They said calmly.

"But Google is different!" Harley was still stubborn.

It wasn't until a few days later that the dizzy Harley figured out the reason from Bruce: the 'hello' browser, which currently occupies the largest market share, was not founded by Wayne Group, but was controlled by Wayne Group.

The Wayne Group has already developed a more mature and comprehensive search engine technology, but in order to maximize profits, it has been squeezing out toothpaste and has not released more advanced technologies.

In other words, the patents that allow Google to continue to advance have long been controlled by Wayne Group, and Google has almost no future.

Therefore, big investors who know some inside information have never been optimistic about this "little broken company".

Not long after, Bruce told her that after his father met the founders of Google at a cocktail party, he thought they had great ideas and acquired Google.


After receiving this blow, she no longer dared to touch the stock market.

Even if Bitcoin reappears in 2009, she will not be crazy about mining and hoarding like in her previous life.

In this damn fantasy world, it’s better to stay down to earth and do your duty.

"Don't worry too much about money, I will find a way to solve it."

Harley's expression was helpless, but her tone softened.

"Unless you can hook up with Bruce Wayne immediately, what else can you do?" Andy glared.

Harley rolled her eyes at him and said calmly: "In addition to being an all-around athlete, I am also a talented writer. I can write a song or write a novel and I should be able to sell it for a lot of money."

You can't trade stocks in this other world, but you'll definitely be fine as a copycat.

But when she told the truth, Andy didn't believe it at all.

"I thought I could become a rock singer back then!" he said sarcastically.

"Well, becoming an artist seems to be the way to go." Harley tilted her head, looking thoughtful.

She was able to become the most popular person in high school not only because of her unparalleled sports talent, but also because she was proficient in playing multiple musical instruments.

Well, in her previous life, she had a good family and participated in various interest classes.

In fact, Hallie formed a "Roaring Satan" rock band with several classmates. From time to time, she wore a wig and smoky makeup and "roared" loudly in the school square.

An American celebrity, an athlete, a music expert, a person who thinks ahead of the trends, is beautiful, has a perfect figure, has a cheerful personality, can talk, and can make things happen. If she is not the campus queen, who is?

As for grades, in the United States, where education is a joy, all those with good grades are weirdos!

Seeing his daughter in a daze, Andy said with a struggling expression: "Actually, we can go to Wayne Manor on Long Island after school."

"What advice did Ms. White give you?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Well, she said Mrs. Martha is a gentle and good person. You know Sun Yan from our school, right?"

It's rare to see a Chinese person in an American high school. Although she can't even speak Mandarin, Harley definitely knows her.

Andy thought to himself: "Sun Yan's father is the gardener of Wayne Manor. She got leukemia when she was a child. Thomas Wayne personally nursed her back to health. Martha set up a private scholarship fund specifically for her, so that she can continue to study in college safely. .

The Wayne Group has done all kinds of evil, but the Waynes are really rare good people in Gotham. I think they should help us. "

"You seemed to be hesitating before?" Harley asked curiously.

"Asking for money from people you don't know well is like begging, but I don't want to beg from others! How about you go alone? I'm a bastard anyway, and Mrs. Wayne will definitely be more willing to receive you." Andy said distressedly .

"I will never be less dignified than you! I have my own methods." Harley shook her head and refused.

The father in this life is most similar to her in character, his pride.

Thinking that Andy's creditor was Heibang, and writing books and copying songs may not be able to be quickly realized, Harley added: "Of course it would be better if we could add insurance.

It's you who lost your job. My scholarship should be fine.

Anyway, this year’s scholarship has been credited to my account, and next year I will already be a best-selling author.

So, go to Mrs. Martha alone. If she is willing to show mercy, write an IOU and pay her back with interest in the future. "

"This is the only way to comfort yourself by writing an IOU." Andy nodded helplessly.

"By the way, after meeting Mrs. Martha, find a suitable opportunity to tell her that Gotham is in chaos recently and you should bring more bodyguards when you go out at night.

When approaching this topic, don't be too abrupt, be natural, and obviously mean well, but don't offend others. "

"When will Gotham not be in chaos?" Andy looked puzzled. "And when the Waynes go out, they must have bodyguards. The rich guys in Gotham have already adapted to this city, and they still use you to teach them how to do things?"

Harley was at a loss for words.

She really meant well, but she didn't know how to explain it.

She also told Bruce after getting to know him last year.

But the Wayne family still has the same nightlife as before, and they live peacefully until now.

The Waynes are not new money, they are old money, the very old kind, who have ruled Gotham for hundreds of years.

Theoretically, they have their own way of survival in Gotham, and there is no need for her, a novice who has only been in Gotham for a year, to tell them what to do.

But in the "Batman Plot", the Waynes did die in an aggrieved manner, even a little hastily.

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