I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 476: The five-ringed general gives orders to the heroes. If they can’t unite, who can compet

"Harley, look, it's already 2014, and I've only been in the White House for two years." The horse gang leader said awkwardly.

"Are you going to leave the earth and the universe in two years?" Harley asked.

The horse gang leader rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "I'm not shirking responsibility, but... well, tell me your response plan first.

If that works, I'll try to get Congress to approve a dedicated fund. "

"What is my plan? I just discover problems and report them to the government. What do you think Mr. President should do?"

The caravan leader's face became even darker, "Harley, don't be ridiculous, I don't even know what the multiverse is."

Harry spread his hands and said helplessly: "But I don't know the government's financial background.

In case the military still has a killer weapon like Dr. Manhattan hidden, isn't it ridiculous and inefficient for me to think of other methods? "

The horse gang leader understood that she actually had the nerve to complain that the military had concealed information about Dr. Manhattan.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Harry, believe me, I don't necessarily know as much about the government's wealth as you do.

After you divided up the power of Manhattan, I learned that Dr. Manhattan had been living in seclusion in a small town for twenty years, and the military had a "Cyclops" project that lasted for nearly ten years.

I can assure you that even my predecessor was unaware of the plan to seize the Power of Manhattan.

Some time ago, I met President George W. Bush, and he took the initiative to talk to me about this matter. His face was full of fear, and I felt sorry for him.

Do you understand?

The good news is that it’s definitely not our president’s turn, but what if something happens.”

He gave her a bitter and helpless look.

Harley also knew that the caravan leader was telling the truth, so she said: "In this case, you can find some military and political representatives in Washington.

I select a group of capable heroes, and then choose a time for everyone to sit together and discuss?

Or, hold a hero meeting? "

"This method is safe, but I have a question. Even if there is a multiverse crisis, why are we earthlings so excited?" the leader of the Ma Gang asked doubtfully.

"Our Earth is within the universe."

The leader of the caravan said: "I know that if there is no skin left, the hair will be attached, but above humans, there are gods, demons, and powerful mages in the sky. The burden of saving the multiverse should be left to them, right?"

Harley sighed: "Mr. President, let me be honest with you. It is precisely because I don't want and cannot bear this responsibility that I came to you, so don't treat me as the person in charge.

I'm just a messenger.

If you think there is no need to hold a hero conference, I will go home immediately and pretend that nothing happened.

Anyway, I have dual nationality, so if something goes wrong, I can take my family and friends to the outskirts of paradise to take refuge. "

The horse gang leader looked at her in surprise, and it took him a while to realize that the man in front of him was not a hero like Tearman - when he begged her to fight the Kryptonian devils, he had to promise her benefits.

Where is the hero who asks for benefits?

But, he prefers this kind of hero.

Because he could still have a 'common topic' with her and exchange interests with her, but she was replaced by Tearman. He felt that he and Tearman were not the same creature at all.

"I heard that your fiefdom is very big?"

Harry waved his hand nonchalantly, "It's not big, just a 10,000-meter peak with a radius of a hundred miles."

The caravan leader was envious and awed, "It's already very big, and ten Singaporeans can fit into it.

If something bad happens to the earth, can I also go and avoid the limelight? "

"Of course, we are friends!"

"Yes, Harley, we are friends!" the horse gang leader said seriously.

After coughing twice, he solemnly said: "Harry, in this critical moment, you, the ball-protecting hero, have to bear a lot of burdens.

Well, the Sky Eye Club is almost complete.

Colonel Steve Trevor is an experienced soldier, and I trust him very much, but the rules cannot be broken, and any government organization must have supervisors.

Harley, the number of superheroes is increasing every day, and a new era is approaching. Please don't refuse and take on this important task. "

"Well, for the United States and the people, let alone the fatigue and danger. I am happy to serve the people." Harley sighed with emotion.

"Harley, you are a role model for today's heroes!" the horse gang leader praised sincerely.

Then he added: "I also agree to the Heroes Conference, and you will still be the host.

I will work with you to persuade the Speaker and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to attend the discussion in person or by sending representatives.

You still have to worry about the heavy task of inspecting, selecting, and even recruiting heroes. "

"Obligated!" Harley was as serious as a Patriot soldier who was about to go to the battlefield.

I stayed in Washington for another three days to complete all the formalities.

Harley obtained two official identities, the chairman of the Advanced Super Human Joint Research Group, and the temporary leader of the No. 2 crisis response team.

The Advanced Super Human Joint Research Group is the official name of the Sky Eye Society.

After four or five years of hard work, this organization was finally completed and just needed to be officially announced.

The invasion of Krypton was the number one crisis, and the current multiverse crisis is temporarily ranked second, so it is called the 'Provisional Number Two Crisis Response Team'.

Harley was not surprised to get these two official positions.

The chairman of the Sky Eye Society was determined to be her after the invasion of Krypton.

The temporary team leader only has the power to organize meetings and is not considered a high official.

Moreover, she was the first to propose the crisis of Pharaoh No. 2, and she is the most suitable for this position.

Before leaving Washington, Harley first found Tearman and told the matter.

"Selecting superheroes will be very time-consuming. The multiverse crisis will not happen in a short time, so the initial discussion will be at least a month later. Please wait for my email for the specific time."

"Why did the Pharaoh die? When we separated, he was still in good spirits and in good health." Superman wondered.

"Oh, this is life." Harley sighed with emotion.

——Listen to me, I'm sending you a spiritual message, don't look surprised.

At the same time, she quietly connected to Superman's brainwave with a ray of consciousness.

As a top-tier rich man who needs to travel to Washington frequently, Harley has already bought a property in this city.

At this afternoon, the two of them were in the living room on the third floor of the villa, a completely private place.

Therefore, Superman was very surprised. Who was he avoiding monitoring?

He resisted showing any strange expression and just sighed after Harley.

"The news below is even more exciting, so be sure to hold it back." Harley then continued to transmit the message.

Superman wanted to ask directly, but he didn't know the technique of condensing mental power and couldn't telepathize.

"I killed the Pharaoh."

"I bought it!"

Superman wanted to scream like this, but he could only look at her sharply and confused, waiting for her explanation.

Harley first recounted the process of killing the Pharaoh, and then said: "I have ten thousand reasons to kill him, because if I were him, I could think of several ways to get rid of the bondage.

Like, kill all the Edenians. "

"Harley, the fact that you can do this, say this, and think this makes me feel strange and scary." Superman said it directly this time, with an unprecedented stern look in his eyes, showing his first alienation after becoming friends with the two.

"Alas" Harry smiled bitterly and said, "You disappoint me too. You are almost thirty years old and you are still so restless."

Superman looked ugly and remained silent.

Harley continued: "It's not the first day you've known me. Doing something like that is in line with my way of doing things.

If you consider me a friend, you don't have to accept my behavior, but at least you shouldn't be surprised. "

"I wouldn't be surprised if you killed someone, but you still deceived my trust in you." Superman said solemnly.

This time, Harley once again used spiritual transmission: "Why don't you think about why I didn't kill him on the spot?

Just because I consider your thoughts, I changed the way I do things.

I think about you, why can't you think about me?

Forget it, I’m not discussing this with you today.”

She sighed dejectedly, "The Pharaoh was kidnapped by the supreme being, why?

I don't know how powerful that supreme being is.

But I know that as long as anyone chants the name of God, Silver City can immediately sense it.

Perhaps, the Supreme One also has the same ability?

So, I switched to spiritual transmission, that’s the purpose.”

"If my guess is correct, the multiverse crisis is real. One day, we will meet the Pharaoh again, and he will inevitably expose my hypocritical and sinister true face with resentment.

Oh, this is not my true face. I am actually very sincere and kind. "

Superman twisted his face and glared at her.

"Next, no matter who I face, I will declare that the Pharaoh was unlucky and died of acute illness, and you will pretend that I never confessed to you.

You may be wondering, what's the use of this.

To be honest, I don’t know exactly what it is used for and how effective it is.

But it is certain that the Pharaoh will make this public and essentially drive a wedge between me and the righteous superhero.

That's when the opportunity came.

You must want to ask again, what opportunity?"

Harley glanced at him, and he looked doubtful as expected.

Meeting her penetrating gaze, Dachao tilted his head unnaturally.

Harley smiled and said via voice: "What the opportunity is depends on the situation at the time.

For example, we quarreled loudly in front of him, which made him blush and thicken his neck. He relaxed his vigilance and laughed proudly next to him, and we suddenly gave him a hard slap.

For example, if we get into a quarrel and break up with each other, you or I will go undercover on the opposite side. "

Superman looked suspicious.

"Now that the matter is over, I will tell you the truth about Pharaoh's death no matter what.

You must be resenting me right now.

They all resent me, why not join in a show and earn a 'small chance' in the future. "

After hearing her words, Superman felt very complicated. He didn't know whether he should blame her for deceiving him in the death of the Pharaoh.

Catching a glimpse of his complicated and tangled expression, Harley raised the corners of her mouth, feeling secretly proud in her heart.

Back in Gotham, Harley immediately made an announcement on the superhero forum: The ball-protecting hero Harley Quinn was appointed by Mr. President and will visit cities with B-level and above superheroes in the next month. Examine the superhero’s philosophy, strength, potential, and real reputation in the local area.

Heroes, please don't panic, don't avoid him, it's best to take the initiative to contact the General of Five Rings - in the way you are used to and like.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar in American public opinion circles: who watches the watchmen? (The supervisor, who will supervise, who will supervise the watchmen) Protecting the ball hero is just a prelude, which means that the US government will finally take action against the hero.

Some people shouted long live: In the past two years, superheroes are like weeds, popping up all over the United States. Who can guarantee that their faces under the masks will still be bright?

There are also objections: Superheroes at least have the right to protect their own safety and privacy. Those watchmen who have their identities exposed and have a miserable life are examples.

More people said that the ball-protecting hero is qualified to meet any superhero.

"Harry, I seem to have found the Wizarding Brotherhood." Harley was browsing the forum when Richie suddenly said excitedly.

(ps: E-level is a super newcomer with no level; D-level is a slightly famous hero in a certain neighborhood.

C-level, the ability covers a certain neighborhood, but the reputation spreads in the city, and even has its own superhero section in Puppy Video.

Class B has become a symbol of a city.

To truly protect a city is A level.

The S-Class spans city limits.

The SS class can resist natural disasters, and its scope of activities is not limited to countries.

Those who have saved the earth as the main force are SSS-level

ps2: who watches the watchmen? This is a classic line in "Watchmen" and is also the prelude to the "Keene Act" in which cross-dressing heroes register with their real names. )

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