I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 49 Kidnapping Martha

Oops, Harley couldn't stand the huge gap in life and went crazy.

Selena was worried and thought carefully about how to bring her new friends back from the edge of madness.

"Look!" She had an idea, took out a Rolex, waved it in front of Harry, and said excitedly: "I was lucky last night and met a Wall Street boss. He just came out of the nightclub and held on to the street lamp pole. , almost vomiting out my stomach.

I gave him a hand and got my reward.

I checked and found that the store charges 150,000 U.S. dollars. If I make a fortune, I might be able to exchange it for 5,000 U.S. dollars.

God, let's go shopping in Times Square. Chanel has released some new winter coats and boots, which are very beautiful. "

According to Selena's own opinion, the best way to heal her mood is to go shopping in the mall.

Harry, who was originally absent-minded, suddenly sat up straight and asked seriously: "How much can a Rolex worth 150,000 yuan be sold for?"

"It's uncertain between three and five thousand, but I can convince Muskie that as a regular customer, he should be able to give me the best price." Selina said confidently.

"Masky is your boss on the road, right?" Harley asked.

"It's not a boss. I haven't joined Sister Yu's family yet. Do you still remember Sister Yu?"

"The Duchess under the command of 'Emperor' Falcone." Harley stared into Selina's eyes, "You know my father's case, right?"

Selena looked complicated and said: "I was at the scene the night the Waynes were killed."

"Are you there?" Harley was stunned.

"Well, I was sitting on the fire escape and happened to meet them. But I don't dare to tell others that the Wayne couple are too important to Gotham. I'm afraid of getting into unbearable trouble." Selena whispered.

Harry nodded and continued: "According to the police, my dad stole Thomas Wayne's watch originally worth 1.5 million, Martha's pearl necklace worth 50,000 US dollars, and a diamond ring worth 5 million. , there is something wrong with them, they bring such a large amount of money to the dark alleys, do they really think they are the king of Gotham and can control everything?"

Cursing softly, she asked again: "How much can these stolen goods be sold for if they are given to Muskie?"

Selena sighed softly and said: "Harry, you have to accept the reality. Thomas's watch is a limited edition. Unlike this Rolex, it should be discounted by 150,000.

Muskie sells it himself, possibly even for more than the original price.

Ordinary diamonds are worthless and often cannot be sold for even 5% of their original price on the black market.

But Martha Wayne's ring is also extraordinary. The pink star was passed down from Queen Isabel in the 19th century. Even if everyone knew it was stolen property, it could still be discounted for 200,000 yuan.

Therefore, you cannot overturn your father's verdict based on the amount of the robbery. "

Harry sneered again and again, "What a coincidence. My father paid off the loan shark of 300,000 US dollars, and there is still more than 30,000 US dollars in cash hidden at home, which exactly matches the data provided by your expert."

"What's wrong?" Selena heard something different.

"It's a pity that my father is not a lone ranger at all. There is no way he can get all the stolen money!" There was a hint of murderous intent in Harley's eyes.

If Andy wanted to die on her own, she would have nothing to say. If she made a mistake, she would have to accept the punishment, and if she was beaten, she would stand firm.

But if.

Anyway, she was already a wanted criminal, and she was targeted by heavenly departments like the Crusaders. The Gotham Police Department and the mastermind behind it were just another drop in the bucket.

"What do you mean?" Selena also became serious.

"My father committed the crime in a gang, with at least three people."

"Three people are not necessary. To kill Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, only one person and one gun are enough." Selina said doubtfully.

"Humph, unless it was a completely accidental impulsive crime - the criminal was short of money and happened to meet them. Otherwise, it would be impossible for one person to murder the Waynes." Harley affirmed.

"Why?" Selina was confused, "I saw it with my own eyes, and there was a masked man at that time."

"Yes, there was only one shooter. The question is, where was the information before the shooting? Even the detectives from the major crime team suspected that it was me who told Andy the news about the Wayne couple watching magic on Friday.

But I know, I didn't.

I thought before that someone else had been following Wayne for a long time, and my father happened to be short of money and was roped in by them, but now it seems."

"Mr. and Mrs. Wayne have committed something big and threaten the interests of some people." Harley said coldly.

"Are you sure your father is in a gang?" Selina said with a solemn expression.

Harley nodded and said, "Now I can't handle this matter myself. I have to find help, a police officer who is upright, tough and strong."

"Dream, this is Gotham, policemen like that only exist in police brochures." Selina sneered.

"You forgot Jim Gordon?"

Harvey Dent was dealt with by the church or other forces, and his body was neither alive nor dead, but Jim Gordon went to get off work as usual.

It's not that Gordon betrayed Harley in exchange for his own security.

In fact, the police and the church jointly pressured him to trick Hallie into being surrounded.

Gordon pretended to agree, but immediately blew himself up after talking to Harley on the phone, allowing Harley to escape the tragic fate of being located and surrounded.

The Holy Advent Crusaders did not touch him. In addition to the fact that he was a policeman and could not kill policemen in front of them, there was another reason: Gordon was not an ordinary person.

First of all, his ghost father was once a famous prosecutor in Gotham, the kind that even Falcone respected; secondly, he himself also has a strong military background - he retired from a secret special forces organization.

He has connections, a background, and his own abilities.

A perfect urban special forces king-style character template.

Too bad he got the Gotham script by mistake.

"Gotham shouldn't be like this." In a high-end apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Jim Gordon drank heavily, his eyes were blurred, and he smelled of alcohol.

"Sorry, Jim, it's all because of me." The blonde woman said in frustration.

"No, Barbara, it has nothing to do with you." Gordon quickly sat up, took his girlfriend's hand, and said bitterly: "You are the most innocent one, it was me who dragged you into-"

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!" The phone suddenly rang, interrupting their conversation.

"Hello, this is Barbara Keen." The blond Barbara answered the phone.

After two sentences, Barbara handed the phone to her boyfriend, "It's a girl for you."

"Girl?" Gordon was a little confused.

"It's me, Harley," Harley said very directly, "I 'picked up' a mobile phone on the street, and its location keeps moving. Are you still being monitored over there?"

"Ah, Harry, are you okay? I'm not sure that the phone is not being monitored, but the information technology of the Crusaders is very advanced. If you have any questions, please keep it short." The decadence on Gordon's face disappeared and he became alert again. calm.

"My father was the scapegoat."

"This" Gordon was a little confused, he thought it was something about the monastery.

"The evidence is conclusive, and he himself confessed." He said helplessly.

"So, have you found out his accomplices?" Harley sneered.

"Does he have an accomplice? There is only one murderer of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne." Gordon frowned.

"On Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne were murdered. Andy paid off his debt on Saturday, and I went home that day. If you were me, what would you think if you learned that your good-for-nothing dad got three hundred thousand dollars in a short period of time?"

Gordon swallowed, "Did you know that he killed Mr. and Mrs. Wayne?"

"Shit, what kind of brain circuit do you have?" Harley cursed and said bluntly: "Anyone with a normal mind knows that he committed a crime, right?

I'm in my right mind, I'm angry.

You can ask Director Will of the National Bank. On Friday, I almost successfully applied for the job of Big Money.

At that time, Director Will promised me that no matter whether I was elected or not, he would use his identity as a guarantee for me to get all the usury loans from the bank. "

Gordon's expression became serious: "So, you were angry, you had a big fight, and he revealed some details of the crime? He revealed to you at that time that he had an accomplice?"

"Well, you're not too stupid."

"How many accomplices does he have?" Gordon asked solemnly.

"Have you found Andy's mobile phone, the Nokia candy bar he often uses?"

"Of course, it is one of the important exhibits. It is still kept in the evidence room, but there is no useful information in it." Gordon said.

Harley smiled weirdly and said, "On Friday, Andy committed another major case, and his mobile phone was kept under centralized custody. You know, it's a plot that often appears in movies."

"Shit, he has at least two other gang members! The money that the Waynes and his wife have with them is not enough." Gordon suddenly stood up, his expression a little twisted, "I'm going to find that Lukia right now. There must be information about his accomplices in it. !

Harley, there is a police chief and some city councilors behind the Holy Advent Crusade, and I am powerless. But in your father’s case, I will give him justice, I promise! "

"Looking forward to seeing this news on TV." After saying this, Harley threw the phone into a passing van.

"Gordon, are you going out now?" Barbara asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Xiaoba, it has nothing to do with the church. Nothing will happen to me, and you won't encounter that kind of fright again, I promise!" Gordon caressed his girlfriend's face, his expression as hard as granite.

Almost at the same time Gordon left the apartment, a secret office in Gotham Cathedral.

"Hello, Fernando? This is Robbie. I have detected news about Harley Quinn. She just called Jim Gordon. Through signal tracking, she is still in Gotham."

Fernando on the other end of the phone frowned, "Have you found her?"

"We have sent people to chase her, but there is little hope. She is not stupid."

Fernando was silent.

"It seems that we guessed wrong before. She and Clark Kent did not return to Smallville, so your trip was in vain." Robbie added.

"I have inquired before, and Clark is indeed not in Smallwell. He has been away from his hometown for some time.

But our efforts were not in vain. I was right outside the Kent farm and could even see Martha Kent feeding the cows.

As long as we take her down, I believe Clark will show up. "Fernando said confidently.

"Aren't you in trouble?" Robbie asked in surprise.

He had thought that the FBI would focus on the Kent family. After all, Clark's personal information seemed to have been tampered with by them.

"No trouble, Smallville is as drab and underpopulated as any other small town in America.

Even without the help of several other flame paladins, I can kidnap Martha without anyone noticing in three minutes. "Fernando said with a faint smile.

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