I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 467: The pit of all gods, the pit of all gods

Doctor Destiny said quietly: "Actually, we all got one thing wrong. Mammon is powerful, but it is Harley who takes the initiative.

Harley also successfully turned the initiative into an advantage.

She doesn't need to go head-to-head with Mammon's mercenary group.

As long as he kills Flatulence and hides in heaven, he will not lose his reputation as a witch, but also lose the meaning of the existence of the Mammon mercenary group.

Mammon, as the devil, cannot stay in the material world for long.

Even if Lucifer and Gabriel allowed Him to stay in the world, He would not dare.

If the divine body remains in a low-frequency state for a long time, it is likely to lose its sanctity as a high-dimensional god. "

"More than just not losing her reputation, if she can defeat the Demon King Mammon in this way, she will definitely take a step further on the road to becoming a legend." Sage Aoqi said.

Mrs. Xanadu smiled and said, "Harry is such a little elf. How did you come up with the idea of ​​running away with flatulence? It's so awesome."

"It's really exciting. I was worried before that she would gather her troops to fight against the Mammon mercenary group and destroy Gotham.

Unexpectedly, she jumped out of her inherent thinking framework and entered a brand new field where she had complete control over the initiative. "Dr. Destiny marveled.

"Actually, Harley is also engaging in psychological warfare." Sage Ochi muttered: "She is betting that Mammon is afraid of her reputation as cunning and insidious and does not dare to jump directly through the wormhole.

If Mammon had been more confident and bold, and directly crushed her with absolute power, Harley would have been in trouble. "

"Maybe she will be in trouble, maybe she has prepared a trap somewhere in the universe, just waiting for Mammon to jump into it." Doctor Destiny said.

"Then did she play the empty city strategy?" Madam Xanadu asked curiously.

Doctor Destiny smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I don't know, from the moment she concealed her own destiny, she had absolute initiative.

But Mammon can only gamble, bet on the Russian roulette wheel, and bet on whether there are bullets in Harley's gun. "

"It's not that serious, right? I can't imagine that she can kill a demon king who has the power of hell. The demon king is almost impossible to kill.

Unless he is as stupid as Gabriel and plays the iron-headed game with Harley until death. " Mrs. Shangdu said.

Dr. Destiny said: "Indeed, Mammon is at most as embarrassed as Gabriel. No existence in the material world can kill a demon king.

But for the devil, losing his son and losing face was as serious as being shot. "

"You must bet on Mammon. It would be more shameful not to bet." Xanadu said.

——Mammon is such a coward, she doesn’t dare to stud directly.

Harley hit her forehead hard with the stick while cursing inwardly.

Doctor Fate and others' guesses about her plan were exactly what she wanted them to guess, and her real plan was not just to embarrass Mammon.

"Hahaha, Harley, you are really good. Mammon was actually fooled by you. He jumped in time and space several times in a row, but he didn't dare to follow us into the super-light space."

Constantine didn't know Harley's true purpose, so when he saw Mammon hesitating, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Harry, you have to attack the key points of flatulence and use the same method you used to kill Omani." The stranger frowned and urged.

On the Kryptonian alloy deck the size of two basketball courts, the flatulence was locked in the center by the "Bat Binding Armor". The five iron giants, together with the seventeen or eight demon gods, had lost most of their magical power and were trapped in a prison of shining runes. The divine formation was struggling and roaring.

If no one stops them, they can break free from the formation.

But Stranger's eyes were now filled with dazzling silver light, and his magical aura was far more powerful than any demon present.

Even without the Imprisoning God Formation, they are no match for Stranger in a duel.

After all, Harley didn't wear Bateman's Bat Armor because she had no plans to fight the Mammon mercenaries in the first place.

However, she did not refuse Bruce's kindness and asked the chief scientist of Krypton to modify the armor into a restraint device - the same idea as Iron Man using his steel suit to trap people.

At this time, Harley did not launch a decisive attack on the flatulence because Mammon was still hesitant.

But she couldn't refuse the stranger's suggestion, otherwise her behavior would no longer be logical and would arouse others' suspicion.

"There seems to be a magic weapon inside the flatulent body that is helping him recover from his injuries." She explained casually.

"Just nail it through the forehead with the bloody killing stick, then stab it into the soul with the big cross, and sacrifice him to God. No healing artifact is useless." Stranger said solemnly.

"Yes, I thought so too——"

"Ah!" Harley was about to change her attack method when Zha Kang suddenly howled miserably in Archimedes' cabin, and the imitation God Prison Formation also began to flicker.

"What's going on?" Harley asked quickly.

"My blood curse has struck again." Constantine said with difficulty.

Harley immediately said: "John, you are going to rest. The control of the magic circle will be handed over to the Stranger. The Black Warrior will take over from the Stranger to stop the evil spirits who want to escape from the magic circle."

Stranger is not as good as Zha Kang in terms of formation attainments, and Harley feels the most obvious in the formation.

The movement of the formation runes became stagnant, the pressure was reduced by 30%, and the evil gods and demons struggled even more fiercely.

Even though the Stranger is distracted and helps Darth Vader from time to time, there are still demons that break free.

Luckily there are swamp monsters.

"Alec, go and support the Black Warrior."

"Crack, click, click." The vines began to grow wildly around the deck, like octopus tentacles, and cooperated with the black warrior to draw the escaped demons back to the Prisoner's Formation.

"Mamen, you can't shrink any more. It's been almost ten minutes since your son jumped off the rooftop.

He was trapped in the witch's prison formation for ten minutes, and was beaten with a stick by the witch for ten minutes.

Even if you seal the Bowl of the God of Medicine in the flatulent soul in advance, he will not be able to withstand the endless attacks of the existence field.

For your own glory and to prevent all the devils from following you to shame, you must make an early decision. "

Countless light years away from the earth, at the edge of the universe, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, frowned and spoke to Mamen, who was pale and exhausted.

"Twenty-five times. The Witch's hyperdrive has opened the wormhole 25 times. Why hasn't it run out of energy? This is unscientific!" Mammon hissed.

He followed the witch and tore open the space door nearly 60 times, just to wait for the little airship to run out of energy.

Well, Harley only jumped 25 times, but the distance was too far for Mammon to locate accurately, and sometimes she needed to open the space door a few more times.

His thinking is very scientific.

Not to mention the spaceship, even the equally magical Green Lantern cannot continuously travel through long-distance wormholes, and the energy in the lantern ring cannot support it.

But the reality is that the mighty Demon King of Hell is almost exhausted, but Harley's little airship is still roaring and running.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Her small airship uses Dr. Manhattan's quantum engine and never lacks energy. Don't you know?" Beelzebub said.

"Your Majesty, stop talking nonsense, you have to make a decision early!" Onyma said urgently.

"King Mammon, go ahead!" Raskov advised: "Nergal has destroyed Constantine, and the power of the formation has been greatly reduced. If Swamp Monster hadn't intervened, several of my brothers would have escaped long ago.

The appearance of the swamp monster just shows that the witch has no skills. "

Mammon gritted her teeth and said resolutely: "Raskov, I appoint you as the leader of the mercenary group. You lead the rest of the people to besiege the witch. Even if she opens the super-light tunnel, don't give up."

The second prince wanted to turn around and leave.

He was already ashamed of running away without fighting several times in a row. He didn't expect Mammon to be more afraid of death than he was.

"Your Majesty, in the material world, under the protection of us, no one can kill you. And the purpose of our trip is for your son!" the second prince said solemnly.

"You do not understand"

——It’s not that he doesn’t have the responsibility and courage of the Demon King, it’s actually that the Witch Harley is too evil. At this time, His spiritual consciousness was cast by an ominous shadow. This situation had not happened for tens of billions of years. He was afraid!

Well, Harley has a crisis sense, and so does the Demon Lord.

Mammon was thinking about it when suddenly a heart palpitation came over her. She used her observation magic to look around, only to see her son covered in blood on the platform dozens of miles away, with a big hole between his eyebrows. Witch Harley was holding a big cross with bright holy light. To insert it inside.

——She can kill him this time because this is the power of God!

Mammon couldn't bear it any longer, roared angrily, and flew towards him with the demon beside him.

A short space jump occurs in an instant.

The next moment, he and hundreds of mercenaries came to the edge of the platform.

The vines waving randomly like eight-clawed octopuses blocked their way.

"Even a mere plant god wants to stop me!" Mamen grabbed it, but was interrupted by a violent spatial fluctuation.

Witch Harley starts wormhole jumping again.

Follow the past? Not follow the past?

This used to be a problem, but now it's not a problem at all.

Because of one more delay in jumping, the son will be sacrificed to God by the witch.

Mammon roared: "Everyone is here, the forbidden spell is in hand, follow me!"

He didn't struggle, letting his body follow the small airship and jump into the super-light space, a brilliant space filled with light.

The other gods and demons, and even the melon-eaters who followed, no longer resisted the traction of the small spacecraft, and followed into hyperspace like meteorites.

"Hey, where's Swamp Thing?"

Mammen was about to continue her previous action, tearing apart the vines like a whip, but was surprised to find that the vines were hovering there and motionless.

Outside the platform, the creeping vines have turned into ordinary plants.

The green of all things broke away from it, and the Prison God Formation with flashing runes on the platform exploded, and the trapped demons cheered and fled in all directions.

But he didn't have time to think too much. The witch had already inserted the big cross into the hole in his forehead, and the endless holy light was about to burst out.

"Witch, you know nothing about true power."

Mammon's arms stretched infinitely in an instant and pinched Harley's neck with just one hand.

God's force field is useless, this is a pure physical attack of flesh and blood.

"Alas, this is the Demon King. He can crush all the Witch's schemes with only the overwhelming strength and speed of his body."

"Hahaha, the witch is finally finished."

"On the day when the witch died, the family did not forget to tell Naiweng - my father and brother who died tragically at the hands of the witch can finally rest in peace!"

"Everyone is celebrating!"

It’s a long story. In fact, the Mamen Mercenary Group and the melon-eating people who entered the wormhole following the pull of time and space are communicating with each other using spiritual thoughts, and can transmit their thoughts in an instant.

The moment Harley was grabbed by the neck, she turned back and smiled brightly at Mammon.


At the end of the super-light flight, the spacecraft did not fall into the dim and empty void of the universe. Instead, it seemed to hit a wall and exploded violently. However, before the fire of the explosion had time to erupt, it quickly collapsed, converged, and disappeared.

There was silence, except for an infinitely vast rock wall that seemed to have been erected there since the beginning of time.

The next moment, hundreds of wails echoed from the walls.

"Sir, Zeus, what's wrong with me?" A Greek god said blankly.

"Apollo, my son, stop shouting. I am right next to you. We are all hanging on the wall of origin." A rich voice sighed.

"Ah, Father God, you also——"

"I'm just a clone, you idiot, how dare you come down to earth to watch the witch in action."

"Don't blame him for being stupid. We powerful men didn't foresee the danger?" Another rough voice said not far away.

"Odin?" Zeus asked in surprise.

"Well, my consciousness entered the body of Wu Ni (Odin's crow) and came to the mortal world. Alas, I didn't expect that watching the fun is so dangerous. The witch is too crazy." Odin sighed.

"Besides us two, who else is there?"

Zeus felt better, knowing that he was not the only unlucky one.

"And I." Demon King Beelzebub said dully.

"And me." Demon King Belial said dully.

"I" Neilong said angrily.


"Okay, okay, forget it. You guys are so flamboyant and show your body directly. Who didn't see it?" Zeus said.

"Does coming from heaven count?" Archangel Raphael lamented.

Gabriel held back and remained silent.

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