I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 438 The Pharaoh who deceived his corpse

At Christmas, the Forgotten Bar also puts up a big Christmas tree at the door, with many colorful cards hanging on it.

After Harry entered the door, he took a casual look and walked directly to the bar.

"Satan above, look, it's the Witch Harley!" The Hell Drinker exclaimed.

"Look, she is the witch Harley. Remember her appearance and temperament clearly." The alien mage taught the apprentices around him.

The earth mage took a sip of eggnog and sighed to his companions: "Witch Harley has done a lot of great things in recent days. Have you heard about it? She killed Omani, one of the seven demons, and also brought Gabriel He was beaten to a bloody head, and then he resisted God's punishment in front of all the angels."

"So she is the legendary witch Harley. She looks very beautiful, very innocent, and very kind?" The alien mage felt strange when they met for the first time.

As soon as Harley entered the bar, she immediately became the most beautiful girl. Everyone looked at her, whispered, and shouted invitations.

She was also familiar with this kind of superstar-like treatment, and calmly found a chair at the bar and ordered a glass of wine.

"Harry, you seem to be different." When the chimpanzee Bobo poured wine for her, he stared at her face that seemed to be shining with holy light, and said in surprise: "You look like a kind and sincere girl now, too. It’s scary.”

Harley touched her face. Is the effect so obvious?

"Am I not a good girl?"

"Who doesn't know that you are murderous, ruthless, deceitful, and ruthless?" Bobo said.

Harley straightened her face, and a holy and majestic aura naturally exuded, "I kill, I cheat, and I am ruthless, but I am still a good girl.

Because I kill bad guys, deceive bastards, and am ruthless only to devils.

What I do protects goodness and light. "

"God, I almost believed it!" Bobo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said in horror: "How did you do it? Is it some kind of evil magic?

A cunning heart, beautiful appearance, and peaceful temperament. Could it be that you have been promoted to the Grand Master of Magic and finally understood the law of deception? "

It didn't see the joke.

It had just been really affected by her words and expressions, but its reason told it that it was facing a witch, not some pious nun.

Harry frowned slightly and murmured softly: "It seems that after returning home, I will have to practice hard for a while until I can fully master the Holy Glory."

Catching a glimpse of the furry face sneaking closer, she closed her mouth and hit the orangutan's forehead with a bang, "Go and call your boss."

The chimpanzee covered his head and shouted: "Today is Christmas, after the Son's arrival and results are known, he will go home for the holidays."

"Is Helen here?" Harry asked again.

"She's here. She's on duty during Christmas. In a few days, she'll have seven consecutive days off for the New Year. Do you want me to call her for you?"

"I'll look for her myself later." Harley lowered her voice and said, "I hunted an iron lump last night, and it was covered in N metal. Did you know?"

"Omani, the Seven Demons, was not very famous at first, but after you killed him, he immediately became famous in the multiverse.

When everyone talks about you recently, they will say, "She is so cruel, she stabbed the devil Omani in the back of the head with a baseball bat." "

The gorilla gave her a strange look, "It's not scary to stab someone with a knife, but how could you stab someone with such a thick baseball bat? Omani has a metal body, it's too scary."

Harley didn't want to explain her secret, so she just said: "Only the surface of his body is made of pure N metal. His muscles, blood, bones, and brain contain N metal ions and cannot be accessed directly.

I need a master of magic metallurgy to help squeeze out the N metal.

Well, to extract N metal, I don’t know how to forge it, so I have to find a forging master. "

"This is quite simple. The Senagon people are extremely proficient in the development and utilization of N metal. They even used N metal to create a unique civilization. You can -"

At this point, the chimpanzee suddenly paused and frowned: "Trouble, I suddenly remembered that Sinn, who just became the supreme leader of Senagon a year ago, seems to be a fundamentalist believer.

That is, the worshipers of Onima, the leader of the seven demons. "

"Isn't it ridiculous that a dignified and advanced interstellar civilization actually believes in demons?" Harley asked strangely.

The chimpanzee's eyes flashed with wisdom, "The ancient savages worshiped fire because they were afraid of fire, and worshiped snakes because snakes often bit people to death.

Like humans on Earth, aliens cannot escape the instinct to worship what they fear.

Onyma's unique skill is soul absorption.

Senagan's strongest talent is the reincarnation of the eternal soul.

Even if God sends a miracle in front of the Senagon people, they will not take it seriously, because God's concept of salvation is meaningless to people who are constantly reincarnated and reborn.

Onema is not as great as God, but his ability is extremely restrained by the Senagon people. Therefore, in the uncivilized wilderness era, he became the god of the Senagon people.

Of course, with the development of civilization to this day, Onyma's sect is no longer as prosperous as before, and more people have given up their belief in the old gods. "

"So, can I hire a Senagan engineer?" Harley asked.

Bobo scratched the back of his head, "If there are Senagans or mages from the Arctic Galaxy who come to the bar, I will leave their contact information for you.

By the way, you can also go to Mrs. Xanadu. She seemed to have had a relationship with Eagle Man some time ago. "

Harley asked curiously: "Eagle Man is a Senagan?"

Bobo said uncertainly: "He has been reincarnated countless times, visited countless worlds, and was probably a Senagonian. His pair of eagle wings are very similar to those of a Senagonian.

When the Kryptonian devils invaded the earth, I heard people say that Hawkman was also a Kryptonian.

Hundreds of years ago, he was reincarnated on Krypton and lived as a Kryptonian for a lifetime. "

"Rebirth in the entire universe is a very good skill." Harley sighed, and then asked: "Do you know Alex? He is the master of the formation who uses the 'Ancient Imprisonment Formation'."

Bobo said: "After the battle with you, he also became famous. The Ancient Imprisoning God Formation is too terrifying, and many gods are inquiring about his origins.

However, he is also mysterious enough. Currently, it is only known that he comes from a magical organization called the "Brotherhood of Wizards" in the UK. "

Not long after chatting with Bobo, Helen, dressed as a waitress, came to work.

Her magic talent is very ordinary, not too high, not too low. She has been practicing for eight or nine years, and now she is only an official mage, far from being an archmage.

However, Helen is very satisfied and has no plans to give up this job yet.

"Maybe one day in the future, I can become the boss here!" she said optimistically.

Harley asked: "Master of the Dark Night is retiring? He doesn't seem to be very old."

"Have you noticed the long sword on Luke's waist? It's a night blade, an artifact from another world that can keep people young forever. Therefore, Luke will never die of old age, nor does he have to retire." Helen said enviously explain.

"Youth remains forever"

Harley touched her energetic cheeks and felt a little moved.

It is relatively easy to use magic to extend your life. Many magic masters can live for hundreds of years.

But staying young forever is rare.

Such as Harley herself.

Lucifer gave her the same curse as Cain, making her immortal but aging and losing vitality.

In recent years, she has grown from fifteen or sixteen to her early twenties, and her appearance has obviously matured a lot.

If you can get it.

"The Night Blade is both honor and responsibility. Although Luke was born in the United States, he is a descendant of the guardian clan of Maia. He inherited the artifact of his ancestors and assumed the responsibility of protecting Maia.

Well, Maia is a different world of knights and magic civilization."

"Woof woof woof"

The two of them were talking and had already arrived in the backyard. The calf-sized Dalmatian looked at Harry curiously. There was a little black dog beside it, meowing milkily.

"Hi, Jelly!" Harley stretched out her hand to the Dalmatian, but it hesitated, didn't respond or dodge.

After rubbing the big dog's back, she picked up the puppy with a smile and said in a consultative tone: "Oh, your mother passed away yesterday, but don't be sad, it is living a good life in heaven.

According to your mother's will, your son and her grandson should inherit the title of General of the Quinn Mansion. What do you think? "

"Woof woof!" Dalmatian Jelly shook his head.

"Hey, jelly, you can't keep your word! When you had a big belly and lost your appetite, I brought you Yalong meat that I bought at a high price to nourish you. At that time, you were chewing on it and nodding your head." Harry Gao shouted.

Jelly hesitated.

Helen also squatted beside her and brushed her hair, "If you miss Loach, you can go to Gotham to visit it. Didn't Duoduo often come to the bar to visit you?"

"Woo." Jelly stuck out his tongue and licked the little black dog's head a few times, and finally nodded the dog's head.

Two days later, at midnight.

Quinn Manor ‘Dark Magic Meditation Room’.

There were no lights in the room, and only one candle was placed at each of the five corners of the five-pointed star circle.

Harley placed a black cat in the center of the magic circle, slit its neck, and blood flowed out. The hazelwood floor seemed to have an invisible mouth, greedily sucking the cat's blood clean. The floor was spotless.

Harley threw down a blood-stained coat - the tunic the Pharaoh wore when he was beaten that day, and said loudly: "Nine levels of hell, listen to my call. I am a friend of Little Black Bean. I can sacrifice and call this undead spirit. !”

Magical summons emphasizes meaning, not form. As long as the meaning is conveyed in place, it doesn't matter what you say. If the other party is 'good-hearted', you don't even need to sacrifice.

At this time, the object of Harley's sacrifice was not a specific demon, but Hell itself, because she did not know whose hands the Pharaoh fell into.

Ordinary psychics also commonly use this method to channel spirits.

"Buzz--" The magic circle lit up with a scarlet light, and the black cat's body quickly dried up and withered. Silks of dark aura floated out from under the floor, wrapped around the tunic twice, and then quickly retracted.

Summoning failed.

Harry stared and said in disbelief: "The Pharaoh is so evil that he hasn't gone to hell yet?"

She frowned and thought for a moment, then extinguished the candles on the ground, turned on the lights, and took out the toilet and Archangel Feathers from the magic circle.

Well, Harley originally planned to summon the Pharaoh's soul and turn him into a toilet.

After gathering her feathers, she took out the big cross and came to the Nantian Gate of Silver City.

"Boss Zauliel, please help me find out where the soul of Pharaoh Adrian Witte is."

"Can't you use your merits to find the voice of heaven?" Zaulie frowned.

"We have been friends for many years, why are you so polite?" Harley said plausibly, "The last time the muse asked me for help in your name, I didn't say anything and went to her trouble.

Isn't it right for you to help me now? "

Zaulem said with a smile on his face: "You have already asked me for another angel feather in the name of helping Cleo."

"Why should friends settle accounts so clearly? If you have the time and energy to push the blame, you should have found out the matter long ago." Harley said.

Zaulie sighed helplessly and began to consciously connect to the golden hall.

"Strange, the Pharaoh seems to be dead, but also seems not to be dead." He said in surprise.

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