I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 435 Zha Kang’s Child

"Bruce, don't insult the word 'great'." Harley said displeasedly: "Besides, you are just a Muggle passerby, just eat on the sidelines, don't express random opinions in areas you don't understand."

"I already know enough. Master Constantine sacrificed his conscience and love for the righteousness of mankind. The pain in his heart is no less than that of Miss Zed.

Just like he said.

In preventing the coming of the Son of Heaven, he himself only lost and did not gain any benefits. The real beneficiary was all mankind. "Bruce said seriously.

"The richest man, you..." Zha Kang looked at him with a moved face, "I didn't expect that the person who really understands me is the young master whom I have always looked down upon.

Pride and prejudice are indeed the biggest enemies of communication between people. "

Bruce also expressed emotion, "I was too arrogant before, and maybe because of my frequent contact with Harley, I had a serious prejudice against the mage community.

I always thought that mages were selfish and would not hesitate to sell their souls for power. I didn’t expect that there is a group of guardians in the mages world who silently protect the freedom and self-esteem of humans on earth. "

The invisible word " # " burst out from Harley's forehead, "What on earth have I done to sell my soul to cause you to have such a big 'misunderstanding' of the wizarding world?"

"Oh, don't mind Harry, I've just seen a lot of black magic around you. This is the first time I've met a respectable figure like Master Constantine who values ​​righteousness over profit." Bruce sighed.

Harry said with a dull face: "Since you and Constantine have the same mind, why not you be a good friend? He is the most loyal to his friends."

Bruce and Zha Kang looked at each other, without any rebuttal, but with expressions of heart-beating and resentment that it was too late to meet each other.

"Bruce, if one day you face the same choice as Constantine, will you hurt Selina?" Ivy asked.

Bruce was silent for a long time, shook his head and said: "I won't let myself fall into that situation, but if I have no choice, I will probably put the overall situation first.

There is always a lot of helplessness in life, and no one can escape it.

For example, when a son or husband leaves his mother and wife to go to the battlefield to defend his family, isn't he also choosing a greater goal between the country and his family? "

"That's nonsense!" Harley yelled angrily: "If you don't understand, then stop talking nonsense. You just feel good.

Of course there is no problem with soldiers protecting their homes and country.

But if a soldier wins victory by handing over his wife and daughter to the enemy for sexual humiliation, then that kind of victory and the country will not be forgotten.

John Constantine took sides between men, gods and demons. No matter which side he was on, could I blame him for a second?

But he shouldn't use, hurt, or humiliate his lover for the sake of his 'great ideal'. "

She looked at Zha Kang sarcastically, "There are so many high-sounding reasons to protect humans and protect humans from being enslaved by heaven.

That's right, it's not eight years ago, and you are no longer an unknown magic apprentice.

You are a master, and you must have the responsibilities of a master.

If you step on hell and slap heaven on your own, I will only hold a celebration banquet for you with respect and cheer and applaud your victory.

But you have ideals but no ability, so you can only rely on deception."

Speaking of this, she was startled. She seemed to have ideals but no strength, so she could only rely on deception.

This is a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, I often lie," Harley sighed, "But the person you lie to depends on who you are cheating on. Don't you feel ashamed to deceive your lover with hostility?"

With Zha Kang's intelligence and keenness, couldn't he have guessed what kind of humiliation and suffering Zed would encounter after being contaminated by demon blood?

He must know.

But he did it anyway.

Constantine looked embarrassed and said: "I asked Zed to come with me, but she didn't agree."

——From the moment she refused to leave and firmly stood on the side of heaven, the two people's positions became opposed, and they changed from lovers to enemies.

"It's meaningless to talk about this now, John, I really don't blame you, but I can't pretend that nothing happened. Just go." Zed wiped his tears.

"take care."

Constantine glanced at Harley, Ivy, and Carlisle, who were facing each other coldly, and then looked at Bruce, whose face was full of sympathy and recognition, and suddenly smiled freely, "I am the master and have my own ideas. Why do I need other people's approval or approval?" be opposed to?

I'm here, I explain, just for Zed. "

After saying that, he jumped out of the spaceship and flew into the distance alone.

Everyone in the cabin fell into speechless silence for a while.

"Ah, Harley, help-"

Less than a minute after Zha Kang left, the airship was flying silently towards the earth when suddenly a cry for help came from the side, and it was still a familiar voice.

However, the voice changed from unruly to wailing.

Harry looked over and couldn't help but be stunned. Zha Kang was like a fish that swallowed a fishhook, struggling and writhing in the emptiness of Limbo, with two bloody fish lines locked tightly on his shoulders.

After the spacecraft got closer, they could see clearly that they were two rotten arms that had been peeled off and exposed scarlet muscles. The arms were infinitely long and extended from nowhere.

The arms are like ropes, and there is a hook at the end of the rope - a ghost with an illusory body, like an octopus with eight claws, holding Zha Kang in his arms.

"What the hell is that?" Harley asked disgustedly.

"Harley, save me." Zha Kang's face was full of fear, and he desperately reached out to the spacecraft, like a drowning man seeking a lifeline.

Father Carlisle tried to shoot two holy light bombs, but they failed to land. The ghost behind Zha Kang was like an illusory shadow.

"Harley, hit it with your fist!" Zha Kang shouted in pain: "This is a blood tracing technique, normal attacks have no effect."

"Who is following you?" As soon as Harley asked, something clicked in her mind: Zha Kang had demon blood in his body, and he was considered a demon hybrid, and his demon blood came from Nergal.

Sure enough, I heard Zha Kang shouting: "It's Nergal, help me!"

"Follow him and see whether he goes to hell or earth." Harley said to the Black Knight.

Even if she goes to hell, she doesn't dare to follow the demons' base camp.

"Harley, save me————"

Like a struggling fish exhausted, Zha Kang whined and slid in the water involuntarily, being pulled by the fishing line.

Andy's radar locked onto the target, and the spacecraft followed closely behind him.

Moments ago, there was a noble castle outside London.

The human head with its skull opened was used as a brazier, and boiling corpse oil was used as fuel.

Forty or fifty heads of braziers were lit, making the magnificent ancient hall look brightly lit and full of ghosts.

Nergal held up the wine glass filled with blood and shouted to the demons below: "The prophecy has been broken, our great enemy, the Crusaders, has been reduced to ashes, and the Tongue of Fire is about to be extinguished.

Listen quickly, God’s bastard is yelling curses outside the gate of heaven, and his curses are shaking the sky.

Hahaha, enjoy this moment and revel in the sweet sound of the angels howling in the void. Long live eternal punishment! "

"Long live eternal punishment, Nergal is as resourceful as a witch and as cunning as a witch!"

The demons raised their glasses and drank, laughing and shouting excitedly.


Two white lights appeared next to Nergal.

Red hair floating in the air like seaweed, pale white body, no clothes, only a spiked wire wrapped around the body that pricked the skin and caused bleeding.

"Ah, you two sirs, are you here to join the banquet? Or does His Majesty Satan have any rewards for you?" Nergal was proud and very happy.

Huanxi didn't say a word, just stretched out his hand to grab it, and a bunch of sunflowers beckoned in front of him.

The flower cluster had no leaves or flowers, only a twisted and ugly trunk, with eyeball-sized tumors growing on the branches of the trunk as thick as a finger.

Like a deformed species that grew up drinking Fukushima nuclear wastewater.

"Tree Demon, tell him the news you heard." Huanxi said coldly.

The branches close to the root of the tree opened two holes, one large and one small, with pus flowing out. He looked at Nergal and screamed in a sharp voice: "The green of all things is boiling, and new things sprouted from a rotten and fertile energy." life."

"What do you mean?" Nergal was stunned.

"The swamp monsters are mating. The blackness of decay is the most fertile 'soil' and the 'Holy Grail'." The tree demon shouted.

"No way, Swamp Thing is just a walking ball of salad greens. It doesn't even have a penis, so how can it mate? Besides, the Blackness of Decay has never returned."

After a pause, Nergal wondered again: "What does this have to do with us?"

Pain said: "It is precisely because the Blackness of Decay has not returned to its place that she can serve as a 'special' representative of natural persons.

Just like the Virgin Mary who has not returned to her throne, she is neither a god nor an ordinary person.

The Swamp Thing, the god of trees, borrowed the body of Constantine's 'Husband of the Holy Mother' and became the supernatural representative of the prophecy. "

"Constantine tricked me?"

Nergal's face turned pale and he looked at the two judges in horror - they were not here to deliver rewards, but to arrest him.

"Are you sure Swamp Monster fulfilled the prophecy? Maybe they failed. I can sense that the power of the elements does not fluctuate violently." He said quickly.

Pain said indifferently: "The son of prophecy has the destiny to calm the elemental disorder, how can it be possible to cause the power of the elements to fluctuate violently?"

Huanxi said coldly: "It is now confirmed that Swamp Monster has sown seeds in the 'fertile soil', and nature and the supernatural are about to give birth.

If there is no fourth party force besides humans, gods and demons intervening, the child of prophecy must be it. "

"So, Nergal, you have failed and deserve death!" The two judges pronounced their verdict in unison.

"Don't take me yet!" Nergal backed away in fear, waved his hands repeatedly, and said excitedly: "I still have a chance. According to the laws of hell, Constantine deceived me and the Eternal Punishment Legion. As long as he captures him and gives it to you, I will Then you can be exempted from punishment.”

He said happily: "Satan is displeased and all the demon kings are furious. They urgently need sinners to be punished so that they can vent their anger."

Nergal hurriedly promised: "You don't have to wait too long. My demon blood is flowing in Constantine's body. With just a blood magic, he can be captured immediately."

Pain and Joy looked at each other and said, "I'll give you half an hour."

Nergal stretched out his arms and lifted the baron who was dancing with the devil to his side. The devil's claws were like sharp blades, piercing his bones.

"Ouch!" The baron howled miserably, and his soul immediately left his body - a demon with a painful expression and a twisted body. The demon's pipa bones were still connected to a pair of skinned and rotten arms.

"Follow the blood connection and find John Constantine!"

Nergal shouted loudly, and the evil ghost was thrown into the void like a fishhook. The arm connected to his lute bone stretched infinitely, like a rope.

"Hahaha, found it." In just a few minutes, Nergal smiled triumphantly at the judge, his infinitely long arm quickly retracted, and a wailing soul fell in front of the baron, "This is Kang - mother Falk!"

"Boom!" An airship followed, and the airship's suspension system fired two micro-missiles.

"Satan is above, the witch is coming, run!"

"What happened? Why did you run?"

"I don't understand what happened, but this is the witch's spaceship. Who doesn't recognize it? The witch's surprise attack means that we must have fallen into her trap, so we should just run away."

"That's right. If you run away, you'll at least have a chance to figure it out. If you don't run, you'll die for no apparent reason."

"Damn, I get it. We use fish hooks to catch Constantine, and the witch uses Constantine to catch us. Witch Harley is too insidious."

Those demons, no matter whether they were affected by the missile explosion or not, all fled in all directions after seeing the airship.

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