I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 426 A chance encounter with God’s boss

Raphael ran away in a hurry, and before Harry could look over, the other two archangels immediately picked up the Wayne couple and disappeared.

"Don't go, the fight isn't over yet!"

Wherever Harry looked, the surrounding angels backed away in horror.

Looking at the experience jar, it was only 40% full at level 59. Raphael provided her with about 30% level experience.

"Oh, it's so boring." Harry sighed, summoned the voice of heaven, and used 80,000 meritorious deeds to repair the bloody "only heel" into a beautiful and white sole.

Putting on her shoes and socks, she continued walking along the street.

After walking half a street, Harley found that the GCPD angel from before had been following behind.

She turned, and he turned too.

It was obvious that he was stalking her.

"What are you following me for?"

"Prevent you from harassing believers in heaven again. As you just saw, the Lord is not wrong. Believers in heaven should no longer have any contact with the human world."

Harley smiled noncommittally and asked, "What's your name?"

"I am the lower angel Gotha. Where do you want to go? I will guide you."

"No. 13 Baker Street, my Duo Duo's new home. Hey, this is heaven, isn't the evil No. 13 taboo? In the world of Gotham, there is no address for No. 13 on any street." Harley said strangely.

"How can anyone who can enter heaven be evil? What's more, Duoduo is just a dog, how can it blaspheme God?" Gotha laughed disapprovingly.

Harley nodded and followed him, asking as he walked: "Do you know how Mr. and Mrs. Wayne are doing now?"

"I don't know. I guess they have to rest for at least a few years, or even decades. It depends on what treatment Archangel Raphael is willing to provide them."

"Why are you wearing the GCPD police uniform? I walked all the way and it seemed that every GCPD was an angel." Harley asked again.

Gotha sighed: "Because Gotham has been a city for hundreds of years, no GCPD has ever gone to heaven. However, the city needs police officers to maintain order, so we, the lower angels, can only put on police uniforms and take on this responsibility."

"Well, it's so tragic and so realistic." The corners of Harley's mouth twitched.

"Since you are the police officer in this neighborhood, let me ask you something. Are there any acquaintances of mine among the people who have ascended to heaven from Gotham in recent years?"

Gotha looked wary, "Are you trying to trick them into crying again?"

Harry said seriously: "I'm not lying to anyone. I am a nun. I use special methods to teach believers to ascend to the Holy Spirit. Didn't you see? Martha and Thomas were covered in golden light before and almost became the Holy Spirit."

Gotha shook his head repeatedly, "The archangel specifically told me before he left, no matter what you say, I won't believe it."

"Then let me change the question. Among the Gothamites who entered heaven, how many of them have been 'instructed' by me and experienced my 'stick-strike confession method'." Harley asked.

"This" Gotha was stunned and said in surprise: "In the past five years, 30 people have entered heaven, and at least ten people have been to your Gotham Cathedral. This ratio is really high."

"It seems that my confession method of batting is really effective, but it's a pity that this advertisement cannot be promoted."

Harley sighed regretfully and was surprised: "Only 30 people in five years? I remember when I was mayor, Gotham averaged more than 60,000 deaths every year.

This ratio is so low, a probability of one in ten thousand. "

"The past few years have been pretty good. Before you came to Gotham, an average of only 0.35 people from Gotham entered heaven every year."

"0.35 people?" Harley grinned, "That means that most of the time, no one in Gotham goes to heaven in a year?"

Gotha nodded, "I have been working in this city for two hundred and thirty years, and not a hundred people have gone to heaven."

"It's too awful."

"Duke Quinn, we've arrived at No. 13 Baker Street."

Gotha stopped Harry, who was still walking forward, and pointed to a wooden box the size of a suitcase on the street.

Harry rubbed his eyes, and sure enough he found the house number on the side of the wooden box - No. 13 Baker Street, Dodo's house.

There is also a dog paw on it.

Harry was angry, "My Duoduo holds the top-notch paradise card, so why should he live in such a broken kennel?

It's not even a kennel, it's a dog coffin. It's difficult to even turn around after entering. "

The wooden box was new and painted a creamy white color, but it was so small that Harley hadn't used it as a doghouse before.

How big is the suitcase?

When Duoduo was in his prime, he weighed 45 kilograms, had a straight tail, and was 1.3 meters long.

"Don't get excited, the wooden house uses space technology." Gotha quickly persuaded, and he bent down and knocked on the plate-sized wooden door.

"Who is it?"

Harley was stunned, the voice was so familiar.

Suddenly, she had an ominous premonition.

The wooden door opened, and a little head with twin tails popped out, with a heart-shaped face, big blue eyes, and a straight nose. The most beautiful girl, wasn't it Harley herself?

"Hey, Harley?" Little Harley quickly expanded after walking out of the door. It was the same size and shape as Harley, but she looked a little dazed.

"This is Duoduo's longing for you. Heaven can satisfy any wish of a believer." Gotha explained.

"What are you doing?" Harley asked Harley.

That Harley was wearing tracksuits and holding a Frisbee.

"Play games with Duoduo, how about you come in and take a look." Fake Harley said blankly.

Although the dog hole is small, Harley can really get into it.

It's surprisingly large inside, and the entire Indian Hill and Quinn Manor are 100% realized.

"Woof woof woof" a big dog with smooth fur rushed toward Harry with joy.

The fake Harley next to her instantly turned into nothingness, as if she had been a phantom before.

"Hahaha, Duoduo, you have become younger!" Harley rolled the bully dog ​​a few times on the grass, feeling very happy.

Although they had only been separated for a few hours, she felt as if a century had passed.

There is nothing interesting about Quinn Manor, but it is paradise, which is very new and novel to Harley.

After casually walking around the manor and finding nothing strange, Harley put the dog leash on Duoduo and returned to the street together.

"There are far more than a hundred people on the street." Harry wondered.

Gotha said: "Some people lived in the countryside during their lifetime and entered heaven after death. They wanted to change their lives, so they moved to Gotham, an international metropolis.

Gotham on earth is a dangerous place, but in heaven, no old father advises his children to avoid Gotham when they grow up. "

Having said this, he took the initiative to say goodbye to Harry: "From this street onwards, it is no longer my jurisdiction. Duke Quinn, please don't harass other believers anymore."

There is a big difference between the paradise Gotham and reality. After walking a few streets, Harley actually got lost.

But she didn't care. She just wanted to see the world. As long as there was something new to see, she would be fine wherever she went.

"Woof woof woof" the rope tightened, and Harry was involuntarily led by Duoduo into the park on the edge.

The park is close to the river, and there are not too many tourists in it. Similar to the Wayne family before, they are almost all families, camping, playing volleyball, and playing guitar on the lawn.

They have a kind of leisure and tranquility that is difficult to see in the secular world.

However, Dodo did not pull Harley to join them. Instead, she tilted her head, stuck out her tongue, and stared at the other dog strangely.

The brown poodle sitting on the stone altar of the fountain pool above the stairs overlooks the tourists below.

"God boss?" Harley called tentatively.

The poodle glanced at her, full of majesty, and the birth, growth, and destruction of the universe seemed to be constantly in his pupils.

There is no doubt that he is God.

Harry quickly climbed up the steps with Duoduo in his arms, stood in front of the fountain, and said with a flattering face: "God, what a coincidence, are you alone?"

Why don't we go on an outing as a group? I'm new here, so you can take me with you. "

"Harley Quinn, don't disturb me." Boss God didn't even look at her and continued to observe the peaceful scene of the 'human world' below.

However, Harley took two steps closer from the side and said with a flattering smile: "Boss, you are so great! Go deep into the grassroots and the masses, proceed from reality, conduct investigations and research, and grasp the most basic needs of the broad masses of the people."

Dog Eyes finally glanced at her and said calmly: "You are thinking too much. I am just troubled by a problem and want to be alone for a while."

"What's the problem? I'm willing to share your worries!" Harley said with a serious expression, patting her chest.

"I'm troubled by a problem I don't know what it is, and I'm thinking about what it is." God Old Avenue.

Harley's face was slightly stiff, "Since I can't think clearly at the moment, let's solve the problems that can be determined first.

Well, I want to report someone to you, Gabriel, the Angel King on Earth.

It’s not that I am a villain in vain and slandered him behind his back. Gabriel does have problems with his work style.

He seems to have forgotten that he is the guardian of mankind. Every time he sits up and down, he leans towards the devil.

My suggestion is that Silver City dispatches a special investigation team to carry out a large-scale sweep of crime and evil in the world. I would like to be a pioneer.

Of course, he is always the king of angels on earth, and his status is extraordinary. A direct investigation may shock heaven and make all the angels in the church panic.

Why don't we set up an investigation team secretly? I would like to be a mission impossible spy and investigate Gabriel's crimes for you, boss.

You have to believe me, when it comes to undercover work, no one in the entire Silver City is more professional than me. "

God's boss' dog eyes flashed with human impatience. He stood up, flicked his tail, jumped up, and was about to jump off the fountain stone altar and leave.

Harley didn't want to miss the great opportunity to make friends with God Boss, so she rushed over and shouted: "God Boss, where are you going? Why don't you let me carry you."

She thought about the first time they met, the God boss was held in Zaulie's arms.

Boss Zha can hug him, why can’t God Lord Quinn hug him?

"Don't touch me!" Boss God roared like thunder, making Harley's mind confused for a while.

At the same time, a golden lotus-like halo of light bloomed around it, trying to bounce Harry away.

"Woof woof!" Duoduo, who was held in Harley's arms, struggled and screamed twice.

Well, the golden halo was hitting its head, and Duoduo was scared.

Although Harley was confused, she still subconsciously activated the God's force field to protect her dog.

The next moment, not only did Harley's own mind suddenly wake up, but even the golden halo disappeared visibly to the naked eye like mist under the sun.

"What kind of power is this?" Boss God was shocked.

Harley smiled and hugged it in her arms.

She didn't notice that Duoduo leaned against God Boss, squinted her eyes, and shivered in comfort.

But God Boss’s eyes were wide-eyed, with a humanized look of shock on Mao’s face.

"Let me go!" Although Boss God looks like a dog, he is indeed a big part of God.

Even though it is one level lower than the complete God and cannot break Harley's level 10 God defensive force field, its body is far superior to Harley's.

Let the data speak for itself. God's boss has more than a hundred points of power.

Therefore, when it struggled hard, Harry couldn't stop it at all, and even got a kick from it on the lower abdomen. Her body was like a ball, flew upside down for more than ten meters, and rolled directly down the steps.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar bubbled a dozen times.

Although she didn't have much experience, Harley was shocked.

The degree of malice is not zero, which means that the boss God is very dissatisfied with her!

She just sat on the ground in a daze, watching the God boss disappear in a flash.

"That poodle is so weird. It not only kicked people over, but also ran away with its legs in an awkward position."

A kind-hearted old man came over to help Harley and muttered.

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