I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 416 Gotham Tiger VS Angel King on Earth

Being scolded as having "dog eyes", the good-tempered Kent also looked unhappy, "Harry, I'm not saying that what you did was wrong, and I didn't judge your behavior in a righteous manner.

I'm just analyzing the pros and cons for you——"

“Okay, okay, stop analyzing, what’s the point of analyzing over and over again?

You've never put yourself in my shoes. "Harry said impatiently.

"Why not? If you let Omani go, you will have six less enemies of the Demon King." Doctor Fate said.

"Look, you're being self-righteous again, aren't you?" Harley said loudly with a sneer on her face, "When did I say that I was afraid of those six bastards?

I, Harley Quinn, am an enemy of the Three Palace Demons and countless demon kings of hell. I don’t care about the whole hell. You tell me, for my own good, let me lose six minions.' Enemy'? "

Dr. Destiny's face froze, feeling ashamed, embarrassed, and very angry.

"What the witch said is so true that it cannot be refuted!"

Sage Aoqi, who was watching from a distance, sighed to the stranger beside him: "She dared to deceive even Satan, and even offended the demons of the Three Palaces to death. She really doesn't care about a few more demon kings and enemies. Well, with the demon king Compared with the evil owl god, the Seven Demons do look like minions."

"I knew she was very courageous. She didn't have any extraordinary power when she was 14 years old. She still used a shotgun to hit the Three Palace Demons and hit me on the head with the butt of the gun. I was stunned at the time. A little girl had seen my god-like power. Where does the strength come from and the courage to attack me secretly?" The stranger said with a wooden face.

"She is also strange. Ordinary people are as promiscuous as her and would have died hundreds of times, but she is alive and well until now, and her childhood is getting more and more nourishing." Sage Aoqi sighed.

Mrs. Xanadu leaned over and said with a smile: "The good days are not exactly good. People, gods, and demons come to her every now and then to trouble her. No, what a beautiful manor, it was destroyed tonight."

"Do you think she cares about that little money?" Sage Aoqi said disapprovingly.

"She definitely doesn't care about money, but you don't know how she lives her whole day."

Mrs. Xanadu sighed and said: "Don't talk about leaving Gotham to go to other cities, even if she goes to the shopping mall, she is worried about being ambushed.

Always have the airship follow you closely in the shadow world, ready to run away or fight back.

As soon as there is any disturbance, Carlisle's 'Heaven Mountain Team' will be summoned immediately.

In her early years, before she got the Duke of Paradise Mountain armor, she always wore body armor whether she stayed at home, went to work or went out for fun, whether in winter or summer.

In fact, there is no clothing in her wardrobe that is not bulletproof.

Talk to others and worry about what they are up to - just like she does herself.

When eating out, she is still worried - well, she never seems to be afraid of others being poisoned, nor does she know of any means to avoid poison, she is so confident.

In short, she lived every day worrying about others plotting against her, and then she was full of intrigues and plots, always ready to plot against others.

That's not a normal life, and I couldn't stand it for a day anyway.

I'm so curious about her manor, but in recent years I haven't dared to go to her house and break in, for fear of encountering something like today. "

"Maybe she enjoys it?" Stranger sighed.

Dr. Destiny was speechless and retreated silently.

Gabriel still stood there and said calmly: "Harley Quinn, I don't care about your position. I only care about the balance of power between heaven and hell on earth, and the safety of human civilization.

You have upset the balance many times, broken promises, and brought strife between gods and demons into the human world.

For example, tonight, Gotham was almost destroyed because of you.

I don’t want the earth to be implicated by you one day in the future. "

Harley was angry in her heart and had a sneer on her face, "You want to save this iron giant, right?"

"You have broken the balance between gods and demons on earth and caused many battles. I don't want the balance of gods and demons in the galaxy to be broken as well.

I don’t care whether you or the Seven Demons live or die, I just--"

"No one here wants to hear your high-sounding nonsense. All you want to say is, do you want to save this bastard?" Harley said impatiently.

Gabriel's eyes were angry, "I just——"

"Fuck!" Harley raised her middle finger to him, pulled out the big stick of God and threw it aside. She pulled off the big cross around her neck with her backhand and stabbed the "sword" into the big bleeding hole.

"Stop!" Gabriel roared.

Harley really stopped, turned around and said loudly: "Are you going to save him?


Stop being secretive and speak your inner thoughts out loud. "


A few kilometers away, many people laughed out loud at the demons, mages, and gods peeping in the dark.

Gabriel gritted his teeth, pointed at Harley, and said in a commanding tone: "Let Omani go, and I will help you make peace with the seven demons and teach them to swear never to enter the earth again."

"This is the best thing to do!" Harry said with a sly smile on his lips, "Have you read "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword"? It's a novel written by people from the Celestial Dynasty."

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, and I won't be deceived by any of your sweet words." Gabriel said coldly.

"Are you afraid of being deceived by me?" Harley sneered.

"Put away your little tricks, I won't do this." Gabriel scolded.

Harley thought to herself: "There is a plot in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword" that is very similar to the scene at this time.

A self-righteous and hypocritical villain who talks about benevolence, righteousness and morality, when the nuns are doing harm to the people, punishing evil and promoting good, and doing justice for heaven, he actually wants to use his humble body to intercede for the evil heretics."

"That's nonsense. It's obviously an old witch who kills innocent people, and a noble young hero sacrifices his life for justice." Gabriel said angrily and gritted his teeth.

A self-righteous, hypocritical villain who keeps his mouth shut about benevolence, justice and morality, this is a different way of scolding him to his face!

"Haha, have you seen it?" Harley smiled, "Since you have seen it, it will be easier. Sister Zeng said to Zeng Aniu - if you want to stand up for others, you must first check your own identity. Are you the supreme martial arts master? Even if you are, you still have to try my Yitian Sword first."

"My identity? Huh, I am the king of all the gods in the world." Gabriel put his hands behind his back, raised his chin slightly, and his star eyes flashed with pride.

The majestic aura spread from his body in all directions, and time and space were as sticky and solidified as glue.

Even the laws of the universe surrendered to him, manifesting as golden thunder at his feet.

He is still dressed as a modern man and seems ordinary.

But anyone who sees him stepping on the sea of ​​thunder and freezing time and space with his words will have an illusion of a golden-armored giant spirit god in his mind: with both hands held high, the sword is brighter than the sun, the white wings are slightly drooped, and the wing tips are like Like arms, hugging a blue planet - the human world, the Garden of Eden, the Earth.

In fact, there were very few people who were qualified to look at him head-on at the moment.

The fish and bugs in the Hudson River below, Ivy and Carlisle on the ground, and the extraordinary beings hiding in the darkness are all like bugs in amber, solidified in the 'glue' of time and space, invisible and inaudible.

For example, Mrs. Xanadu, who was full of excitement and was waiting to eat the big melon, her excitement was solidified on her face, stuck there like a puppet.

"This is the true nature of Gabriel, the 'King of Angels on Earth'. He is really angry." Stranger murmured.

"Harley is a little ungrateful," Dr. Fate said angrily.

Well, he knows what is good and what is good, and knows how to advance and retreat. After being criticized by Harley, he knew that there was nothing he could do and prepared to go back to the Tower of Destiny to sulk.

On the way, he caught a glimpse of strangers and other old friends, so he turned back again.

The Naboo helmet is like a small sun, emitting a faint light around it, and the solidification of time and space is immediately lifted.

"Kent, thank you."

Sage Aoqi, Madam Xanadu and other mages were frightened by Dr. Destiny's invisible pretense. Their previous contempt for his 'defeat' at Harley's mouth disappeared, and their eyes became more awe-inspiring.

Dr. Fate nodded lightly in a natural manner.

He is also qualified to show off.

The only god on earth who is qualified to deny Gabriel's status as the "God-King of the Earth" is him.

Mrs. Xanadu worriedly said: "There are three kings of angels, Lucifer, the king of hell, Michael, the king of heaven, and Gabriel, the king of the earth (Garden of Eden).

They all have the authority of God and created the world with their thoughts.

Is Harley crazy? He actually provoked Gabriel. "

"Perhaps she wanted to take the opportunity to step down?" Sage Aoqi recalled: "I have also watched "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword". The old nun beat the young superhero three times. After three times, the nun released the black mages. "

"It's not like that," Stranger shook his head, "She has long been full of resentment towards Gabriel, and now she really wants to bring trouble on him."

"Why should she?" Sage Aoqi said disapprovingly: "Gabriel stood there and let her hit him, but she couldn't hit him. The two parties are not on the same level at all."

"Harley Quinn is going to be unlucky this time," Dr. Fate agreed.

"You are the king of angels on earth, but you can't control Gotham's underdog." Harley smiled lightly and said: "If you want to save that devil, just follow the routine of "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword"."

"Are you confident that you can knock me down with three palms?" Gabriel sneered.

Harley jumped off the Iron Giant's 'corpse', picked up the God's big stick that had been thrown aside, and said: "If I were the only one to beat you, even if I beat you down at the time, you would not be convinced afterwards.

Let's be fair and play a game of 'Iron Head' - you hit me on the head three times, I'll hit you three times, whoever can't hold on loses.

Since you and I are ministers in the same palace, I cannot kill you.

So, we hit each other with this unkillable heavenly weapon. "

Gabriel stared at the stick of God, lost in thought

——There must be a trap in the witch's proposal. We can't see where the trap is yet, but we can be sure of three points: First, the witch is afraid of death and knows that she is not as powerful as him, so she uses the confession stick as a weapon; second, he is not afraid of confession at all. Stick; finally, it is just a holy relic, and the Angel King can easily distort its properties, turning it from a holy weapon that cannot kill people into a magic weapon that kills people and destroys souls.

But the question comes back to the original point, where is her trap?

"Hey, Gabriel was frightened by the witch's cunning name. He guessed that there was a trap in her suggestion and didn't dare to agree." A soft and teasing laughter came from a distance.

"Inner dragon?" Harry turned around and saw black clouds swaying two kilometers away to the west. Dozens of demon kings and demon lords, with expressionless faces, gathered together to watch a big show.

One of the familiar figures in green robes was smiling and waving to her.

It is the Inner Dragon, the King of Hatred.

"You are so brave. You dare to appear in front of me with just a mental projection." Gabriel said coldly.

"You also said that as a mental projection, you won't feel bad if you lose it. And I don't know how many people are hiding around, not more than just a few of us." Neilong said with a smile.

"Don't take the topic too far, Gabriel. If you're a man, just be a man. Or, you can just go back to heaven and change into women's clothes and a woman's body." Harley yelled.

"Hehehehe" the demons sneered.

Gabriel's face turned green and red, and he gritted his teeth, "A tough head, right? Witch Harley, I really want to see how hard your head is!"

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