I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 410 Quantum Blow, it hurts!

"Pretending to be cool? I'm not that boring. The reason for retreating under the wall is to attract Lei Xiaogu and others into the attack range of the Bat Fighter.

Lei Xiaogu is very vigilant and has taught me dozens of techniques to avoid hot weapon attacks.

For example, under any circumstances, even if there is no battle, you must habitually use your peripheral vision to pay attention to your surroundings.

He would never allow himself to stand under the fighter plane. ” explained Bateman.

"Why do you have these suspicions? You have never dealt with demons or wizards before." Harley asked curiously.

"I asked Lei Xiaogu if he came here to take revenge on you. He denied it and talked to me about the teachings of the Shadow Warrior Alliance, saying that Gotham was too decadent and needed to be destroyed and rebuilt.

I know what kind of person he is.

Destroying decayed cities is indeed the ancient teachings of the Kagemusha Alliance, but revenge should be his most urgent desire - I have seen how hysterical he was when the Kagemusha Alliance was destroyed.

Lies appear to conceal the truth.

What truth is he trying to hide?

In fact, as long as I know that Lei Xiaogu has come to Gotham, I will understand that he wants to take revenge on you.

What I want to explore next is his means and extent of retaliating against you.

Destroying Gotham can take revenge on you.

Killing you will allow you to take revenge more freely.

If he was just going to simply destroy Gotham, he shouldn't have killed Iron Fist Malone, that should make you wary.

Malone is only the manager of Pier 7. There are dozens of unloading points on the Hudson River, so there is no need to keep an eye on him.

But Lei Xiaogu just did that, which only shows that he wants you to be alert.

This conflicts with the purpose of quietly destroying Gotham.

There is only one reason left.

He puts you on alert and makes you chase him into traps.

If you hadn't told me about your situation in the magic world, I wouldn't have imagined so much. But since I knew that the hell demon was plotting against you, and Lei Xiaogu has a close relationship with the Three Palace Demons, I naturally felt wary in my heart.

In addition, during the investigation, I also found many small details that supported the conjecture.

After a few more face-to-face conversations with Lei Xiaogu and a few more tests, the truth was about to come out. "

"Lei Xiaogu looked down on you." Harley sighed.

"It's not his fault. I left Gotham for seven years and gave him the most youthful and innocent three years. Afterwards, he grew up and matured. He was immersed in hatred for you and had no intention of participating at all.

In his eyes, I may still be the reckless young man who just came of age. Bateman sighed.

"I underestimated you too." Harley said.

The corner of Bateman's mouth just curled up, and she continued: "Your insight and strategy are almost three-thirds of my level.

If this crisis in Gotham can be resolved smoothly, you will attract a lot of attention in the wizarding world, and you may be able to gain a reputation as the "successor of Harley". "

"Harry, don't brag yourself in any other way. Now that you are being targeted, do you have any countermeasures?" Bateman said with a dull face.

"Don't worry, even if you are foolishly deceived, defeated, humiliated, and humiliated by Lei Xiaogu, I will not leave the safety of my nest." Harley said.

Bateman's voice increased, "Even if my life is in danger, even if Gotham is about to be destroyed, you are still indifferent?"

“Just because I don’t leave home doesn’t mean I’m cold and heartless.”

"What can you do at home?"

"Playing on the phone, watching puppy videos." Harley smiled.

"I don't have time to joke with you. The Bat Fighter has now left the Hudson River and is going deep into the sea." Bateman said in a stern tone.

"She must have posted in the superhero section again to recruit thugs," Robin Cat interjected.

"Thug?" Bateman was stunned.

"Hey, Robin Cat is still smart, I'm calling out Man and Wonder Woman in the comments section and headlines.

Now is the age of superheroes. If you stand on the balcony and shout "Help", a superhero will arrive immediately. Why should I fight for my life against an unknown enemy myself? " Harley said proudly.

"This is Gotham, and Gotham already has Bateman." Bateman gritted his teeth.

"Yes, this is Gotham. There is no need to call you. You have already volunteered to be a guard. You were running around here and there. You were so busy that you didn't sleep for days and nights.

I'll help you find some helpers. You should be grateful that I'm considerate of my subordinates. "Harry said with a smile.

"I'm not your guard, let alone your slave!" Bateman said angrily.

"You are protecting Gotham. You are a public servant of Gotham, a public servant."

"If you are afraid of poisonous gas, I will take care of it. You can take care of it yourself." Bateman interrupted the communication.

"Harley," Ivy called, "I'm afraid Tearman won't be able to come. There was a sudden terrorist attack at the Metropolis No. 8 subway station, and hundreds of passengers were trapped underground.

Gas leaks also occurred in surrounding residential areas, and countless citizens cried and shouted to tear apart Man. "

As she spoke, she also turned up the volume on her phone, "Tearman, help me", "Tearman, where are you", "Tearman, come on". Chaotic calls for help on the street came from the news video.

"Shit, public servants are not as reliable as private servants. Hey, no, what a coincidence." Harry's expression suddenly changed slightly, "Are those bastards coming to raid my lair?

I just turned into "White Manhattan" and my power is "unfathomable", HOW dare you? ! "

"Richie," she yelled into the empty room, "raise the manor's defense level to maximum and have Carlisle lead the Holy Priests of Paradise Mountain to prepare."

"The order has been conveyed. Father Carlisle and the twelve holy priests are in their positions. Missiles, laser cannons, and heavy machine guns hidden in the underground fortress of the manor will form a three-layer defense network from far to near.

Darth Vader has turned on his super vision and super hearing to listen to all the sounds related to you in Gotham.

The spirit summoning circle is also ready. In addition to protective development, it can also summon Swamp Thing and Etrigan at any time. "Rich said.

The Swamp Thing was her best friend. She went to work as an undercover agent in the wizarding group for him, and he promised to help her when facing evil forces.

Except for summoning him once eight years ago, Etri originally had nothing to do with her, but in the Little Black Bean incident, she saved half of Etrigan's life - Etrigan was spit out by Little Black Bean and lost half of his life.

Later, the two became friends, and Etrigan plucked three monkey hairs and three demon scales. From now on, if Harley needs it, he will go through fire and water without hesitation - before the scales run out.

"Where is Wonder Woman?" Harley lay back on the sofa to watch videos, and kept complaining: "Last time I taught her how to be an honest and obedient qualified public servant hero, why hasn't she responded now?"

Ivy said: "She seems to have closed her hero community. Faced with the accusations from netizens that she did not go to Metropolis to fight the Kryptonian devils, she only posted a simple announcement and stopped paying attention to any negative news about herself. "

"Oh, your mental resistance is so strong? Even if you can't say anything, your heart is as calm as water. What a good mood!" Harley exclaimed.

A good mood is not as good as a good character. Harley has always used the Internet to trick others. This time, she was accidentally tricked by the new character set by the hero agent Jessica for the heroine.

"The space barrier has been touched, and someone wants to teleport into the manor through the space door!" Carlisle's voice suddenly came from the living room stereo.

Harry immediately put on the Duke of Heaven Mountain armor and strode to the front yard.

Ivy jumped up and landed on a Clivia plant in the corner of the living room. She was in mid-air, and as she got closer to the flower, her figure became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared into the flower's core.

"They're coming!" Richie warned loudly.

Needless to say, Harley also saw the magic cloud rolling in from the south.

The black clouds with a radius of a hundred meters were conspicuous even in the night.

The space within one kilometer above the manor was locked by Carlisle and the Holy Priest. The demons could not teleport directly, so they first approached the manor for one kilometer through the space gate, and then flew directly.

"Witch Harley, come out and die!"

Accompanied by a sharp sound that broke through the air, the Second Prince's fierce shout was somewhat distorted.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Seven or eight light surface-to-air missiles were fired from the Indian Hill behind the manor, trailing bright red tail flames and hitting the black clouds in the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

Fires were everywhere, and black clouds spread like ink in the night sky, revealing the stagnant demon inside.

The iron giant swelled from ten meters to thirty meters tall and blocked all explosive attacks with a grin. The second prince and others hid behind him.


The second wave of attacks is the invisible Kryptonian phaser cannon.

Phase cannons are not laser cannons, and the light they emit is invisible to the naked eye.

"Zizzizi——" The energy ray accurately landed on the iron giant's face, forehead, and chest, but only made his 'stainless steel' skin slightly dented. When the attack was over, it quickly returned to its original shape.

"Hahaha, we seven brothers have been traversing outer space for tens of millions of years, how many energy weapons have we not seen? This little phase gun of yours is completely unworthy of the famous name of 'Witch Harley'!"

"What kind of material is this piece of stainless steel made of? Is it completely immune to physical damage?" Harley was surprised.

The lowest power phase guns can only knock out ordinary people, but when the power is turned to the maximum, they can injure Superman and kill Kryptonian warriors who have not been illuminated by the yellow sun.

Not to mention the demon nobles, even the demon lords would have to make a hole in their body if they were to take a bullet.

"God's force field, turn on!" Harley thought that the big iron man had used magic power, and immediately condensed the God's force field into a circle as big as a basin, and landed on his huge forehead.


The phaser under Richie's control then fired a series of energy beams.

"Boom!" Sure enough, it was different from before. The metal skin on the giant's head exploded with holes the size of fingertips.

"Um, what kind of attack is this that can actually break my N-metal defense field?" The giant covered his head and screamed, but he did not slow down and continued to volley towards Harley.

"N metal?" Harley was stunned, and her expression changed several times. First she was stunned, and then she was overjoyed. "In the past, I couldn't even find a piece of it. Now, a huge pile of treasures is automatically delivered to my door. God bless me!"

"Richie, let go of the iron giant and focus your fire on the black magician behind him!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" More than thirty rice cooker-sized drones ejected from all around the manor, circled behind the iron giant, and fired beams of phaser cannons.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The Vulcan cannons beside and behind the giant also began to unleash their power.


Ordinary mages and demons couldn't watch it at all. Those who were hit were all howled and broken into two pieces.

Casualties began to appear on the demon side.


The iron giant finally fell in the garden, and its iron feet, which were bigger than the bed board, suddenly stepped on Harry's head.

Harry was as nimble as a flea, stepping on the ground and jumping on his instep, "Boom!"

Hit it hard with the confession stick, making a dull and loud sound like beating a bell.

After one blow, it jumped on his knees and struck hard again. Without waiting for him to react, it flew to his crotch - no bulges, no dents, just a smooth and flat piece of curved stainless steel.

Harley hesitated for a moment, then turned on the God's force field and knocked on it with all her strength.

"Dong, dong, dong -" This stick strike happened to trigger a quantum attack, and time and space seemed to become slowly and viscous. Harley's body slowly pulled out three afterimages, and the three stick shadows hit the same place.


The iron giant let out an unprecedented scream, its thirty-meter-tall body hunched over in pain.

"Shit, what's going on?"

Harley was also a little at a loss because God's big stick seemed to have been thrust into the wet cement ground, and most of its body was sunk in.

It's stuck in the lower abdomen and can't be pulled out.

Because the previous triple attack, triple the strength, was like Li Guang shooting a stone, an explosion beyond the ordinary.

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