I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 408: Don’t Talk about Martial Arts Bateman

In the end, Lei Xiaogu gave up the crazy idea of ​​having internal strife with the Arkham Heavenly Group.

Of course he wasn't afraid of not being able to defeat them.

But the plan has reached a critical moment, and the "Witch War" is about to begin. A group of supreme "Demon Kings" of hell are watching from the dark. He can't be embarrassed, let alone let the hunting plan go wrong.

After telling the 'heroes' to shut up again, Lei Xiaogu stared at the shadows on the opposite street and asked, "Baitman, what do you understand?"

It's not that he doesn't want to start fighting immediately.

The key is that they are now playing the role of thieves. How can a thief give up "stealing stolen goods" and go after the police?

If the vigilante Bateman doesn't interfere with them, their most reasonable approach is to continue to delay time and secretly step up the execution of the destruction of Gotham.

"The first thing is, if you just want to destroy Gotham, you are destined to fail today." Bateman said solemnly.

Lei Xiaogu was irritated. What the hell, he went around in a big circle and brought the topic back again?

"Why? You don't even know where I hide the microwave generator.

And I'm not afraid to tell you that while we're here to attract your attention and the attention of the entire Gotham police force, in another part of the city, jars of venom are being poured into the pool.

The microwave generator was activated, the poison in the pool evaporated, and Gotham was immediately enveloped in thousands of tons of poisonous mist. "

He is lying.

That's exactly what he planned to do at first.

But after coming to Gotham in person, he discovered one thing: Witch Harley is too big and has deep roots.

Her rule has penetrated into every corner of the city, from the highest-level government officials to the lowest-level street gangsters, or her younger brother-this is a special citizen.

Or had been her little brother—a first-class citizen.

Or they are related to each other, for example, her younger brother’s younger brother, her younger brother’s relative, or a relative’s younger brother. This is a second-class citizen.

Either he is trying to make progress and is trying to be her little brother - this is a third-class citizen.

Or he fantasizes about being her little brother but has no qualifications - he is a fourth-class citizen.

The rest are the young people who have just entered Gotham and haven't figured out who the boss is yet.

Bateman is shaking up her reign, and rightly so.

But Bateman hasn't been around long enough, and her methods are not as sophisticated as hers. Currently, she is only active on the streets and docks of Gotham.

Lei Xiaogu wanted to smuggle several hundred kilograms and one or two tons of fear gas to Gotham. With the chess pieces he had placed in Gotham earlier, he could barely do it.

But it is completely impossible to smuggle all 10,000 tons of poison gas into the center of Gotham without attracting anyone's attention.

Killing Iron Fist Malone did have the purpose of deliberately exposing the 'Avenger' and attracting the Witch's attention.

But Lei Xiaogu also really wanted to kill Ma Long.

Because that guy is too greedy and only takes benefits without doing anything.

Use money to buy him, he accepts everything, sends beautiful women to seduce him, he unbuttons his belt and has sex.

He could be asked to give the green light for their smuggling, but he would not agree to it.

"I can't touch Du Ping and human trafficking! If it is dangerous goods, they must be reported to the boss. This is the rule." At that time, Ma Long said firmly.

But Gotham must be destroyed.

Lei Xiaogu wasn't completely deceiving Bateman.

Wall Street is indeed a target and a bait to attract everyone's attention.

The real outbreak point of poisonous gas lies elsewhere.

Not somewhere in the city, though, but out at sea, in a tanker near the harbor of Manhattan.

When everyone focuses on Wall Street, the financial center of the United States, tankers transporting contraband can rush through, forcefully approach the port, then open the lid and use microwaves to boil the tank.

Lei Xiaogu also planned to use magical means to transmit the poisonous space to the city center, but the bosses of the witch hunting team jointly rejected it.

"First of all, there is the Shadow Bureau in the United States. They have monitors in the sky and in the city. Any large-scale black magic fluctuations will attract their attention immediately.

Just like when the witch summoned the devil in Gotham Cathedral and immediately attracted the Bureau of Shadows.

The Bureau of Shadows doesn't mind us surrounding and killing the witch, but it certainly won't watch Gotham being destroyed by magical means.

Secondly, the witch herself is not a good person.

Finally, and most importantly, the god of order on Earth - Dr. Fate.

His lair, the Tower of Destiny, is the hub of earth's magic.

Any magical behavior that occurs on Earth cannot escape his monitoring.

It's just that his energy is limited and he cannot control the overall situation. He can only focus on the magic fluctuations that have a great impact on the fate of the earth. "

"I did not find the fear gas or microwave generator, but you seem to have overlooked one thing." Bateman said.

"What's up?"

“How did I solve the Wall Street fear gas riot?”

Bateman's laugh was low, but he was actually laughing.

"I also have the antidote to the fear gas, but can you save millions of citizens in the city?

Configuring the poison gas is already difficult, and the antidote is even more difficult to mass-produce.

Because the antidote requires a special orchid.

I don't believe you have a city-wide antidote. "

Having said that, Lei Xiaogu already had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The witch hunting plan has a ‘small’ premise, which is to get rid of Bateman first.

If even the 'elite monster' Bateman can't be dealt with, how can it be possible to force out the big boss?

He thought he could easily deal with the 'little' apprentice, but now, he suddenly felt unsure.

"You only started to prepare the antidote after experiencing the tragedy that happened at the alliance headquarters, right?" Bateman's tone became more relaxed and confident, "But have you ever thought about when I started researching it? Oh, please ask biochemical experts to research it. Antidote?"


"The first time Harley Quinn used poison gas." Bateman sighed.

She used fear gas to easily kill the Galavan brothers and save him, and he was very grateful.

But while he was grateful, he immediately realized that the fear gas was a deadly weapon and fell into her hands. He secretly asked Gordon for some samples and gave them to Lucius.


"It's been almost eight years. Think about it for yourself. After eight years of research, how mature will the technology be? You need orchids to prepare the antidote. What I do here is purely chemical synthesis.

A week ago, I learned that you were aliased as the 'Avenger' and smuggled fear gas. I knew that your target was the entire Gotham City. "

"I don't believe you are so efficient!" Lei Xiaogu looked livid.

"I put the antidote in a missile with a range of more than 50 kilometers, and the missile is on the Miniz warship 20 kilometers away from the Gotham Pier, which is enough to cover the entire Gotham.

No matter which neighborhood you release poison gas in, I can deliver the antidote to that neighborhood within three minutes.

If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself.

Or, you should know that since last night, the mayor has applied to the governor, and the New York State National Guard has been deployed. "

"You have no chance of winning, and in the ten minutes I've been talking to you, the GCPD has surrounded this street." Bateman sighed, "Teacher Lei Xiaogu, stop it!"

"Raskov, is this the ninja master you call the 'unparalleled strategist against the witch'?" Flatulence yelled in the underground barrier of the Trinity Church, "Fuck, let alone the witch, he can't even play with Bateman. "

The second prince also looked ugly, "We have always focused on the witch and ignored Bateman."

"A huge plan cannot continue just because there is a problem in one of the small links." The Iron Giant sighed.

The second prince advised: "Let's see, if Lei Xiaogu suddenly launches an attack and captures Bateman, there is a certain chance that the witch will be attracted to him."

Seeing the riot police approaching in formation at both ends of the street, Lei Xiaogu really roared and rushed towards Bateman in the shadow.

"A mere group of GCPDs want me to be captured without mercy? What a dream!"

The younger brother behind him reacted very quickly, and the Kagemusha charged directly behind the Ninja Master.

The Gotham Black State, who was secretly controlled by Lei Xiaogu, and the Arkham Clan, who were already hungry and eager to cause trouble, screamed and opened fire on the GCPD on the street.

"Is this your choice?" Bateman shouted.

"I choose to teach you to respect your teacher first!" Lei Xiaogu rushed to the shadow and suddenly drew his sword.

The sword shines brightly, but the laser is even more dazzling.

More than ten blue laser rays suddenly shot out in the darkness, two of which landed right on Lei Xiaogu's chest.

"Bah, bah, bah!" A sound like tearing cloth sounded in the air.

What followed was a hail of bullets.

There was a Bat fighter suspended in the air, with two Vulcan cannons protruding from below. Two pairs of 12 barrels fired while rolling, and arm-long red fire trees emerged.

"Ding ding——" Lei Xiaogu had quick eyes and quick hands and knocked away a few bullets, but the bullets were too dense and he immediately felt a dull pain in his chest and head.

The body was like a rag doll at the feet of a strong man, and was knocked four to five meters away.

"Mother Fuck, Bateman killed someone!" The Arkham team was more shocked than afraid.

"Oh my God, Bateman used the Vulcan Cannon to massacre——"

The Riddler howled and was hit by seven or eight bullets.

"Ouch, it hurts -" Mr. Freeze screamed while lying on the ground. He suddenly froze and touched his chest. There was no hole or bleeding, but there was a hard soft thing printed on the special cold-proof suit.

After digging it out, he shouted in surprise: "It's a rubber bullet, it only broke the ribs! Fake, I was scared to death. I thought Bateman had finally fallen like us."

The pig-headed man dragged a lame leg with a broken bone, rolled and rolled, and while escaping into the church, he said with great joy: "God bless, Holy Mother bless, Bateman is still Bateman, and he has not turned into us. Not becoming Harley Quinn."

"Should we provoke Bateman less and be more provocative in the future?" The leader of the 'Bucktooth Gang' on the side suggested tentatively: "Although I was not hit by a bullet, as long as I think of Bateman's depravity and unscrupulous behavior, I I almost peed my pants, it was so scary.”

Ten thousand rounds of ammunition were fired, the Vulcan cannon was idling, and the injured were lying on the road in front of the church, lying on the ground and wailing.

"GCPD, these criminals are yours."

Bateman did not deal with the remaining people. He raised his hand and shot a rope towards the Bat fighter. With a "swish", it disappeared into the night sky.

Flying Robin Cat followed, and the Bat Fighter quickly flew towards the open sea.

"GCPD, put down your weapons, put your hands on your head, and lie on the ground!"

Jim Gordon took the lead and rushed over with a group of police officers.

"The GCPD also wants us to surrender? Protect the Ninja Master and retreat into the church."

The few surviving shadow warriors did not give up resistance.

At the underground barrier of the church, Flatulence cursed again: "You're a waste, you idiot, you just stood there carelessly under someone else's Vulcan cannon, and you got kicked out of the pot."

"Baitman has never used thermal weapons before. Who would have thought that he would use a Vulcan cannon to deal with 'ordinary people' without respecting martial ethics?

Moreover, Ancient Lei Xiao was not dead, but his bones were broken and his tendons were broken. He fainted and could still be saved. "The second prince said sarcastically.

Flatulence said coldly: "The witch hunt can fail, but Gotham must be destroyed, and the U.S. stock market must collapse. I don't care about Lei Xiaogu's life or death. Who is going to deal with Bateman and his antidote cruiser now?"

"Baitman is just an ordinary person, let me rip off his head." Demon Marquis Salos volunteered.

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