I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 406 Ready, the war is about to begin

On December 24th, Harley, who spent an afternoon watching "Watchmen" in the FBI secret archives, finally stepped on the colorful sunset and returned to Gotham, where she had been away for only two days.

"Congressman Quinn is back, and we have a backbone!" Still at the door of the front yard, across the backyard, Harvey Bullock led several government officials and shouted loudly: "Congressman Quinn Back, Gotham is at peace.”

"Harvey comes in, the others stay in the front yard." Ivy's voice came from inside. Several important officials looked at each other and silently watched with envy as the fat director moved into the backyard gate.

They all turned around and, led by the housekeeper Angela, returned to the front yard and living room.

"Hello, Miss Ivy, Congressman Quinn, you don't seem to be well?"

Harvey was planning to give him a slap in the face as usual, but was surprised to see Harley's face turning pale, holding her weak and languid old dog Duo Duo, lying feebly on the sofa.

The snow-white silk scarf on the coffee table also had scarlet blood stains.

"Just got punched by Dr. Manhattan." Harley said listlessly.

"Haha, Boss Quinn, you really know how to joke." Harvey had a silly smile on his face, not believing it at all.

"What do you want from me?" Harley asked.

Harvey opened the leather bag tucked under his arm, took out a thick stack of documents, placed them respectfully on the coffee table in front of Harley, and said, "These are the big and small cases that have happened in Gotham in the past half month."

Harry gently rubbed the dog's back with his hand and said lazily: "I'm too lazy to look, just say so."

Harvey coughed a few times and said: "A week ago, Iron Fist Malone and his Red Belt Gang were slaughtered by the Mexicans led by the 'Avengers'.

Because Ma Long was unwilling to lend Pier 7 to the Avengers to smuggle Du Ping and people.

The above is the confession obtained from Malone by Hell Detective Gordon. "

It sounds ridiculous to get a confession from a dead person, but several people here know the inside story, so it would be easier to speak openly.

"However, after several days of Bateman's investigation, it became clear that the Avengers may have told Malone lies.

He is not a Mexican who came to Gotham to seek a life, but a shadow warrior, the ninja master's apparent puppet.

What they plan to smuggle into Gotham is not Du Ping, but fear gas.

Bateman believes that the Ninja Master plans to destroy Gotham in order to get revenge on you. "

Harley raised her eyebrows and said, "Destroying Gotham for me is too ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Who doesn't know that you work diligently and love the people. You protect Gotham just like you protect your own home. You cherish the people just like you cherish your own children. It's not impossible for a ninja master to hurt you by hurting the one you love." Harvey laughed. road.

"Speak humanly." Harley said.

Harvey touched his chin and said humbly: "Gotham is your kingdom. Of course destroying the kingdom will hurt the king."

Harley tapped the armrest of the sofa with her fingers and said calmly: "Master Ninja is Bateman's master. The master and apprentice had a falling out, so Master Ninja planned to destroy Bateman's city."

Harvey was stunned for a while before he realized: Even if the Ninja Master didn't destroy Gotham, he still killed people, and he didn't know how much damage he would cause to Gotham. If he came because of the 'Fifth Ring Admiral', sin and The responsibility and the resentment of Gotham's victims all fell on her.

Wanting to understand this, he didn't hesitate for a moment and said immediately: "Yes, it was Bateman who caused trouble for Gotham. I will modify the testimony from Bateman later. Well, he is lying!"

Harley waved her hands and sighed: "It's not entirely the fault of Bateman. He was the victim and met a mentally ill teacher."

The corner of Ivy's mouth twitched, "Why bother? Lei Xiaogu is just a dead remnant. He should have been hidden from the world forever if he escaped with his life. Now if he dares to commit suicide, he can be captured immediately and used as fertilizer."

"Has Bateman found Lei Xiaogu?" Harley asked.

Harvey shook his head and said: "Ever since Arkham Asylum was robbed last night, Gotham has been on alert throughout the city. All retired police officers immediately returned to the police force. GCPD can be seen everywhere on every street.

According to Bateman's plan, we will focus on the water plant and companies related to you, such as the Quinn Building where Puppy Technology Company is located, and the headquarters of Paradise Mountain in the Science and Technology Park.

We caught a dozen criminals who escaped from prison, but they were never found—"

"Ding ding ding," the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Harley raised her chin, signaling for him to answer.

"Hello? What, the heating pipes are exploding on Wall Street and the poisonous fear is spreading?" Harvey exclaimed in disbelief: "Why Wall Street?"

"Miss Quinn, Lei Xiaogu showed up on Wall Street." He covered the phone and said to Harley with a solemn expression.

"Harley, let me deal with him." Ivy stood up and volunteered.

Harley shook her head and said, "Lei Xiaogu is Batman's responsibility. Let's see how he responds."

As she spoke, she picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and searched for the 'Gotham News Channel' that was broadcasting live on Wall Street.

It's late December, and Gotham's heating system is connected to every house and running all the time.

At this time, the pipes connecting thousands of households have become a lit firecracker.

"Bang bang bang bang!" The heating pipes buried under the street and connected to the houses burst one after another, filling the air with light green steam, as if heavy fog had enveloped the entire neighborhood.

Passers-by on the street breathed in the steam, their expressions immediately distorted, they shouted in fear, and even attacked each other.

".Terrorists blew up the underground heating pipes. Look, Batfighter. We can see Bateman fighting-ahhhhh-"

The announcer suddenly screamed in hysterical fear. Then, the camera shook, the helicopter carrying the announcer and photographer crashed, and the screen disappeared.

“The helicopter was too close to the ground, fear gas evaporated, and the pilot and live anchor were also infected.

Miss Quinn, do you want to go to the scene?

I'm the police chief and I have to leave. " Harvey said nervously.

"You go, I'll wait for the news at home." Harley waved her hand.

"This" Harvey said hesitantly: "If you don't go, what if the situation gets out of control -"

"There's Bateman here. The anchor has discovered the Bat Fighter just now." Harley said.

"Battman is unreliable. I think if I were twenty years younger, I could beat him." Harvey said with worry on his face, "To protect Gotham, we have to rely on you. You are Gotham's Optimus White Jade Pillar! "

Harley glared at him, "Go if you are told. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Harvey walked away in despair.

After he left, Harley took out her phone and said, "Hey, Flying Robin Cat? I want to turn on the camera on your forehead."

On the Batfighter, Selina remained calm.

Knowing that she had acquiesced, Hallie took the phone and pressed it a few times.

"Stab-" A picture that kept shaking appeared on the TV screen again.

Over Wall Street.

The tail of the Bat fighter sprayed gurgling red mist and flew almost close to the ground. Wherever it passed, the citizens who were crazy in fear immediately returned to normal.

"Is this the antidote to fear gas? You've never said that before." Robin Cat said in surprise.

"It was originally prepared for Harley. It was just researched not long ago, so of course I can't let you know.

You know it, and she knows it too. "Baitman said matter-of-factly.

Even when alone with Robin, he uses a low, husky falsetto.

"Are you sick? Are you on guard against Harley? How could she use fear gas to deal with civilians?" Robin Cat said in disbelief.

"She has already used it once, in the Shadow Warriors League."

"Those are Kagemusha, they deserve to die."

"The Alliance also has aunts who cook, uncles who chop wood, doctors who treat patients, teachers who teach children how to read, and of course there are underage warrior apprentices." Batman sighed.

Robin Cat was silent.

She greatly appreciates and admires her lover's compassion and kindness.

But similarly, she will also consider issues from the standpoint of her friends.

After flying around in the sky, the red antidote spread all over the streets, and the fighter plane hovered over the Trinity Church.

Although there is a lot of money in downtown Manhattan, many churches were built in the early years.

This Trinity Church is located at the intersection of Broadway and Wall Street and has a century-old history.

"Robin Cat, put on your respirator mask, I'm going to open the hood."

The Flying Robin Cat has metal wings, and when the cape behind Bateman is pulled up, it also has huge bat wings, which can glide in mid-air.

"Lei Xiaogu, come out, your conspiracy has been exposed!"

Bateman landed in the street and shouted to the church.

Robin Cat retracted its metal wings and squatted on the rooftop of the building next to it, holding a phaser gun with a stun setting.

As usual, Bateman leads C and Robin Cat hides in the dark to support.

The church door opened, and a group of people walked out surrounded by the tall old man.

There were hundreds of people, 30% of them were Kagemusha dressed as ninjas and carrying katana swords on their backs, and the rest were Gotham gang members and Arkham 'talents'.

"Baitman? Or, my beloved disciple?"

Bateman's pupils shrank and he said indifferently: "I have never seen you before. Who are you?"

"Hehe, the most important characteristic of a warrior is not his voice or his appearance, but his moves, habits, and the spirit that he exudes. I remember I taught you." Lei Xiaogu said with a smile.

Bateman was silent.

"How did you find this place?" Lei Xiaogu asked deliberately in surprise.

Originally, they were planning to take action yesterday.

Harley got the power of Manhattan in Salta City the night before yesterday and returned to Gotham yesterday morning.

But not long after returning home, Harley disappeared again.

Conquering Arkham Asylum and kidnapping super criminals was not in Lei Xiaogu's original plan.

Because the target of this operation has changed from Gotham to Harley.

The Arkham Heroes are okay against Bateman, but they are weak against Witch Harley.

After waiting all day yesterday and still not seeing the witch, Lei Xiaogu became anxious.

In two days it will be the 25th.

If the Son fails to come, heaven will be furious, and all the demons on earth will have to go out and hide from the limelight.

By then, the Second Prince's 'Witch Hunting Team' will not dare to show up in Gotham.

In order to force the witch to return home quickly, he opened the "small branch" of Arkham Asylum.

If he doesn't see her again before dark, he will burn Quinn Manor tonight.

In fact, burning the manor has become a mature plan C. The hunting team even set up a hidden magic circle near her home while she was out.

But no one knows what is hidden in the witch's lair, and the risk of Plan C failing is extremely high.

Fortunately, he finally waited for her. As soon as he confirmed the news of her return, he immediately took action on Wall Street.

As for why we started targeting Wall Street?

There are two reasons: First, Flatulence has shorted U.S. stocks at all costs, and U.S. stocks must fall to the bottom, otherwise he will lose money and jump off the building; second, as a bait, the place where Lei Xiaogu showed up is the battlefield where the witch is ambushed. Obviously, The safest ambush point is the territory of the demon hunting team.

The only place in Gotham that belongs to the Demon Hunting Team is Wall Street - the flatulent lair of hellish financiers!

As long as the witch is attracted and the trap is activated, she will be dead.

Lei Xiaogu looked at Bateman, his chest surging.

He has seen the dawn of victory - he defeated Bateman easily, Gotham is in danger, the witch comes to destroy him, the culprit, the underground magic circle is activated, and the witch hunting team swarms out

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