I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 402 The Devil’s Plan

"You had known that the Son of God would arrive on December 25th. Why would you place the final action of hunting the witch near the 23rd?" Nergal asked in confusion.

Lei Xiaogu explained: “In October, I discussed the ‘Gotham Destruction Plan’ with His Highnesses Milton and Raskov in Las Vegas.

This is part A of the current witch hunting plan.

The plan is entirely my responsibility, and I have less contact with the magic world and am not very sensitive to the major event of the coming of the Holy Son. Therefore, after more than two months of preparation, the launch time happened to be at the end of December.

The whole city is in a joyful atmosphere at Christmas, and the witch has the lowest vigilance and the highest success rate of her plan.

And the purpose of destroying Gotham is to attack the witch and teach her pain.

Losing everything when she was happy at Christmas was even more irritating to her.

Later, when His Highness Raskov discussed with me how to expand Plan A of destroying Gotham into Plan B of hunting witches, he suggested that I move the time forward or backward to avoid the coming of the Son.

I decided to advance two days in advance. If there were any big changes when the Son came - for example, if Hell succeeded in destroying the Crusaders' plan - Heaven might go crazy, and Harley Quinn would hunt down and kill demons all over the city. and thus become aware of my plan. "

"You are very thoughtful. A few days later is worse than two days early." Nergal praised proudly.

Looking at his expression, the demons couldn't help but feel curious, saying, "You seem confident? How far is the plan?"

"Hey, I can't go into details about the specific situation. But I can assure you that the decades of planning and efforts of the Holy Advent Crusaders and Heaven will definitely be in vain."

Nergal held up the red wine brewed with the virgin's blood and laughed excitedly: "Heaven will eat shit, long live the eternal punishment!"

"Heaven eats shit, long live eternal punishment!" The demons raised their glasses in agreement, but they were really itchy and asked: "Can you tell me a little bit about who is the key to destroying the plan of the coming of the Holy Son.

Judging from your leisurely and contented appearance, it seems that you have no intention of going into battle to capture Saint Mary in person. "

Nergal sighed: "I am just a human being turned into a demon duke. I was deceived by the witch in my early years and lost most of my origin (ps). I almost couldn't even keep my current dukedom.

The Holy Advent Crusade headquarters was shrouded in the sacred light of the golden hall.

After the Superman attack, a group of archangels guarded it at all times.

If I go into battle in person, aren't I looking for death? "

"Actually, the big bosses of the Eternal Punishment Legion have never thought of storming the Holy Advent Crusade headquarters.

Therefore, I am even more curious about what strategy you used. " Flatulence stared at him.

“It’s very simple, I bribed the Virgin Mary’s boyfriend.

Insiders are often the best way to breach a strong fortress. "Nergal said with joy.

"John Constantine?" the second prince exclaimed in disbelief, "Impossible, he seems to be a superhero. During the Little Black Bean incident, his 'Constantine Team' was so crazy and ostentatious!

For the sake of justice, he could even risk his life, so how could he collude with us demons?

What's more, you are still his old rival.

When there was a psychic incident in Jersey City, you treated him like a monkey, and Constantine ended up in Arkham Psychiatric Hospital. Didn't he hold a grudge? "

"Every angel corrupted by us once hated us and hated hell to the core. Didn't they all eventually become members of the Legion of Eternal Punishment?

Now, under my wise counsel, Constantine not only joins the Legion of Eternal Punishment, but also becomes a glorious Satanic Guard. "Nergal said with high spirits.

"Hiss, Satan Guard." Belur tilted his head and thought, "This name seems a bit familiar. Oh, it's not the Satan Guard itself, but the Satan Guard of human mages."

The second prince shouted: "Isn't the last human Satan Guard the Witch Harley?

In her early years, she was also judged and liked to use tricks to get her into the Legion of Eternal Punishment.

Later, Huanxi also recommended her to become a glorious Satan guard. "

The Iron Giant murmured: "I suddenly had a bad feeling. Constantine and the Witch are good friends."

Nergal glared and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Constantine is an honest man who values ​​love and justice. He is incomparable to the witch."

"I don't know if Constantine is honest or dishonest, but with the cunningness of the witch, she is like a source of pollution, which can turn purity into corruption and holiness into uncertainty," Belur said.

The second prince also thought deeply and said: "In terms of cunning and cunning, Constantine is indeed a bit like a witch.

I once planned to make the witch feel the pain of losing her best friend by killing him, but I failed several times. "

Nergal's face showed a look of reminiscence, "Constantine himself didn't know it, but when he was eight years old, I transformed into a human being and became friends with him for a while.

No one knows him better than I do.

Underneath his smooth, bohemian exterior, he hides a sincere, fiery and soft heart.

The witch is the exact opposite of him. She looks righteous and majestic on the outside, but is cold and cunning on the inside.

For example, when Constantine got into a car accident (Richie broke a street light to get revenge on him) and ended up in the hospital, I was able to use the hospital baby to force him into submission.

But in the face of a witch, only a fool would do something stupid like "If you don't obey, I will kill XX". "

"You have confused me. Since Constantine has a soft and kind heart, how can he really join the Eternal Punishment Army?" The second prince frowned.

"Aren't angels kind and sincere? Angels can also fall. Constantine ate, drank, whored, gambled and smoked. He was full of the five poisons. How could he still want to go to heaven?

Just rest assured that my methods can 100% guarantee that he will not and cannot betray the Eternal Punishment Legion.

Get your champagne and barbecue ready. On December 25th, when the Advent Crusaders hold the Nativity Ceremony of the Son, wait and see the show. "Nergal said confidently.

"As long as you have confidence, we came to you to ask whether the witch hunting on the 23rd or 24th will affect your arrangements?" Flatty asked.

Nergal pondered for a moment and said: "If it had been a few days earlier, I don't know, it might have affected me, but around the 23rd, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Do you think this will work? I'll send you a message after my arrangements are complete, and then you can launch your hunting plan. "

Although the second prince was unwilling to delay his own affairs, the arrival of the Holy Son was a major event that the Demon King of Hell had been planning for decades. He had to take into account the overall situation, and hunting the witch was also the overall situation.

It's just that the coming of the Son of God has a strict time limit. December 25th cannot be brought forward or postponed.

Hunter Witch can postpone it for months, or even years.

The time soon came to the afternoon of December 22nd, and the Witch Hunter team was restless while waiting.

Flatulence sighed: “My recent abnormal move of selling U.S. stocks has caused a commotion in the financial world.

The big bookmakers may withdraw their money at any time, and then all the stocks in my hands will be turned into worthless waste paper, and the hell currency market will follow suit-"


A dark red space vortex appeared above the flesh and blood pool, and Nergal, carrying a giant bottle of champagne, stepped forward.

"Hahaha, the big thing is done, you can celebrate!"

He bit off the cork with his mouth and filled the bottles for several demons with great satisfaction.

"What did you do?" the second prince asked curiously.

Nergal laughed and said: “Just an hour ago, Constantine went to the Crusade headquarters in Glastonburg.

That kid is really good. He actually invented a magical trick that could send a message to the Virgin Mary without alerting the Crusaders.

Then the Virgin Mary opened a small door for him, and the two hid in a tree hole and made a final passionate farewell. "

"Uh, sleepy? What's the use?" Flatty asked doubtfully: "Constantine had already played with the Holy Mother by turning her over and over.

Even if he planted the seeds in her body now, he couldn't teach her to get pregnant first.

Since she received the Seal of the Virgin 20 years ago, no one except the Holy One can make her pregnant.

But after giving birth to the Son, Constantine can take over and become the biological father of the Son's brothers. "

After Jesus’ mother gave birth to him, she also gave birth to a second child with her husband, Jesus’ biological brother Jacob.

"Hey, just wait and see, a good show will be staged in three days. I promise that I will never disappoint you."

When the second prince heard this, he no longer inquired about the situation and immediately sent a message to Lei Xiaogu: Prepare to start the final action plan.

Flatulence also conveyed instructions to his stock traders: no matter how low the transaction price was, he should clear out all the US stocks in his hands as soon as possible and transfer the cash received to Buddhism and Catholicism.

The Asian and European plates are big enough and stable enough.

Belur smiled and said: "If we can deal with the witch tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and mess up the plan of the Son of Heaven in heaven the day after tomorrow, wouldn't it be a double happiness?"

Several demons were in high spirits and opened champagne in advance to celebrate and drank from the afternoon until midnight.

Suddenly, an undetectable wave of energy swept through them and quickly spread across the earth.

"This is." Beluer held the wine glass and stood there blankly. "It does not contain any elemental power. It is not the power of magic. It is somewhat familiar."

"Isn't it a hallucination?" Nergal opened his big drunken eyes with a confused look on his face.

He was the weakest and wasn't even sure what happened just now.

Flatulence picked at his butt and butt and complained: "It should be an explosion of superpowers. Human beings with superpowers have appeared in a spurt recently. The number of superheroes is more than the hemorrhoids on my butt and buttocks, and they are all very powerful."

The second prince sighed and said: "Their existence has begun to squeeze our living space.

Such as myself.

Because he was worried that the witch would lead someone to raid his lair, he didn't even dare to go back to Las Vegas.

He quietly opened an underground casino in Chicago. Within a few days, he was kicked out by Wonder Woman for smuggling live people, and now he can only run around.

I really miss the golden days in the past when one could run wild in the United States with a few simple black magic tricks. "

While several demons were talking, another wave of stronger fluctuations came like a storm - Zhao Yu took the quantum centrifuge and teleported to the black Doctor Manhattan's cage.

The Iron Giant exclaimed: "I remember, it's Dr. Manhattan's quantum power!"

"Yes, it's Dr. Manhattan. He's not dead and he appears again." Belur said in shock.

Half an hour later, Harley's blimp left, and the demons, along with other wizards and gods, approached the place where Dr. Manhattan had 'fallen'.

"The witch is indeed a witch. She even swallowed Dr. Manhattan." The stainless steel giant's face turned pale, and he looked hesitant and frightened. "Otherwise, let's break up.

Previously, the witch was invincible thanks to her machinations and tricks. Now that she has the power of Manhattan, will she still be invincible? "

"Alas, although we have suffered heavy losses, it is still too late to stop the losses." Flatulence sighed.

The second prince also looked worried at first, but looking at the intact cage, centrifuge, and tachyon cannon below, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"No, our chances of winning are greater and we will gain more."

ps: Nergal was tricked by Harley during the Astra incident. She left a heaven coordinate on Astra's soul. When Nergal kidnapped the person, Zaulie intercepted him halfway and almost killed him. Nergal.

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