I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 399 Witch Hunting Team

Lucy was the last starlet Jessica took care of when she was an artist manager in Hollywood.

Although she was not well-known, she just played a supporting actress role in a popular drama on a local TV station.

But Jessica is very optimistic about her potential. Her acting skills are immature, but she is very intelligent and has a pleasant appearance. She has practiced Taekwondo since she was a child. She is tall and strong and has four strong abdominal muscles all year round.

The development path she has planned for her is that of a female star.

Therefore, when the casting call for Tom Cruise's new action drama was open, she used her connections to get Lucy, a complete newcomer to the film industry, a great role.

As long as Lucy complies with her requirements and completes the audition process honestly, the casting director will definitely choose her.

But Lucy 'rebelled' at the critical moment and threatened her to get the endorsement of "The Nth Generation Hundred Dollar Bill" for her, otherwise she would not go to the audition.

Jessica was almost mad at the time, and then she received a call that changed her fate - Harley called her to go to Gotham to discuss becoming Superman's agent.

"Hi, Jesse."

Lucy's figure has not changed. She loves bodybuilding and still maintains her beautiful body lines.

However, after not seeing her for several months, the unruliness and wildness in his eyes were almost gone, and there was a flattering smile on his face that he had never shown to her before.

"What do you want from me?" Jessica went straight to the point, not wanting to waste time.

Lucy said cautiously: "I heard that your Shining Star also has a business of helping ordinary people become superheroes?

It’s the ‘Tomorrow Star Project’, an advertisement placed on Puppy Headlines, inviting people with lofty ideals to join the superhero team. "

Jessica smiled weirdly, "Creating superheroes is my family's traditional craft.

For example, the first generation silk soul was ‘created’ by my grandfather.

Later, the first generation of silk souls used the same method to cultivate the second generation of silk souls. "

"What do you think of me? Back then you said I was agile. Can I join your Rising Star Project?" Lucy looked at her longingly.

Jessica shook her head and said: "No, you have no superpowers, nor the determination and will to become a hero."

“Isn’t the Rising Star Project cooperating with the world’s number one martial arts dojo?

Reserve heroes can go to Gotham to participate in martial arts training, with professional martial arts teachers as teachers, and even get personal guidance from Gotham boxing champion Harley Quinn. "Lucy said excitedly.

"You don't have what it takes to be a hero."

"I have!"

Jessica asked: "Martial arts training will make your body full of muscles and your body will no longer be well-proportioned. Are you willing?"

After all, there is no strength without muscles.

Heroines and female fighting stars are completely different. One is really fighting to fight, and the other is pretending to be acting."

Lucy was surprised and said: "Harley Quinn is the number one boxing champion in the United States, but her figure is almost perfect.

Every girl who enters the gym for the first time will take her photo and ask her fitness instructor if she can become like her, a perfect blend of feminine beauty and healthy vitality. "

"Don't ever use her as an example. Every meal she eats is as sumptuous as a palace feast, including high-sugar and high-fat foods, but she never gains weight.

She exercises for more than four hours a day and can bend a steel plate as thick as her palm with one punch, but the muscle knots on her body are not as obvious as yours. "Jessica said enviously.

"If I join the superhero training camp, will she teach me the skills to maintain a perfect figure, with strength and figure?" Lucy asked eagerly.

"No, because I don't have that kind of skills at all. If I did, do you think I don't want to be as sassy and pretty as her?"

"Kesihun seems to be in good shape too." Lucy said.

"Times have changed. Silk Soul can only do tricks and tricks, and it is impossible to become a hero in modern times." Jessica sighed, "Let's put it this way, either you have superpowers and rely on talents.

Either you, like Green Arrow and Bateman, have perseverance and talent, practice hard for many years, and become a top martial arts master.

By the way, you also have to be rich, so you can buy million-dollar bulletproof armors at will, and all kinds of cool high-tech equipment will be updated every few days."

"Don't superheroes need a facade? You can arrange for me to join a certain hero team, and I will be responsible for external relations."

Jessica shook her head repeatedly, "Stop thinking nonsense, you have to become a hero first before you can be accepted as a teammate by other heroes.

If it were you, would you rather let Wonder Woman be the face, or would you choose an inexplicable ordinary person? "

Having said this, she looked at her watch, frowned and said, "Lucy, let's talk some other time. I have a date later."

"You want to meet Spielberg?"

"How did you know?"

Jessica was shocked. Could it be that the receptionist dared to reveal her schedule to outsiders at will?

"My current agent is Lina, she told me, actually this is not a secret.

Superman is going to film a public service announcement for the United Nations Fund for Children with Disabilities, and Spielberg personally comes out. What a sensational thing, everyone in Hollywood knows about it, and they also know that the advertisement needs a heroine. "

Speaking of this, Lucy looked expectant and asked tentatively: "Do you think I'm suitable? I'm tall, 1.75 meters tall, and I'm perfect for playing with Tearman."

"You can't. I arranged this advertisement for Superman with only one purpose - to downplay the difference of his Kryptonian origin and improve his affinity in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, the heroine must be an amateur who is engaged in charity.

Lucy, I advise you to stay down-to-earth and hone your acting skills and cultivate connections through small roles first. Don’t spend all your time trying to get to the top through crooked ways. "Jessica said unceremoniously.

Lucy's face turned red and white, and she left the office building with gloomy eyes.

In the lobby downstairs, a woman in professional attire with thin lips, thin eyes, and a big face saw her. She quickly stood up, walked over and asked in a low voice, "How are you doing?"

"That broad-foreheaded Splasher doesn't care about old friendship at all, and won't give me any benefits." Lucy said with a ferocious expression.

"Oh, you were with her that day." The big-faced woman sighed and fell silent.

If you didn’t accumulate good deeds in your early years, and if you don’t have any blessings today, who is to blame?

"The new season of Game of Thrones is about to start filming. I've helped you contact a female Dothraki wildling character for about three seconds of frontal footage." She suggested.

"Female savage? Three more seconds?" Lucy shouted, "As long as you have some ability, at least arrange for me to sleep with a famous director, and get the second or third female lead, right?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, this is on the street, everyone is looking at you."

The big-faced manager even blushed for her.

"Hi, are you Lucy Katie?"

A black man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks and colorful hair came over, looked at the 'female star' inexplicably, smiled and handed over a black card, saying: "Your conditions are really outstanding, you can try this place. The people there can fulfill all your wishes.”

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Lucy asked doubtfully.

"I'm just a little person who offers hope. You don't need to pay attention to me." The short black man smiled, put his hands in his pockets, and walked away humming.

Lucy looked down at the card in her hand. It was like the darkness of the night, like twisted words flowing from blood: Engstrom Street, No. 1247, DreamWorks Store No. 7.

"Lina, does DreamWorks have a branch?" she asked doubtfully.

The big-faced agent thought for a moment and said, "It probably has nothing to do with DreamWorks Film Company."

Lucy gently fumbled for the black card in her hand, and an uncontrollable impulse arose in her heart.

"Let's go take a look."

An hour later, they arrived at the door of a large manor covering several acres by the sea.

Agent Lina felt uneasy, "It seems that few people come to the manor."

"It's close to Marbury. It's a typical wealthy area. Of course it's not as noisy as the city." Lucy was even more excited. She walked to the big iron door and gently tapped the ring on the door.

In just a few seconds, a fat white man in a tuxedo trotted over and said, "I'm sorry to keep you two guests waiting. Come in quickly."

"Are you waiting for me?" Lucy asked doubtfully.

"DreamWorks Store No. 7 is always waiting for all those who have dreams, come in and talk."

The fat man opened the door and extended his hand in invitation with a smile.

Lucy handed over the black card and said hesitantly: "Someone gave me this and said you could help me realize my dream."

"I see."

The fat man's expression remained unchanged, and he did not reach out to take the card, but just led the two women into the hall.

"Oh my god, is she Jennifer?"

As soon as they entered the door, they saw a new Hollywood actress, wearing a sexy rhinestone-encrusted mini dress, laughing and entering the elevator with a middle-aged man who looked like a butler.

"You can also be her." The fat white man said softly.

"What can you do for me?" Lucy's eyes lit up.

"We only do one thing and fulfill all your wishes."

"What about the conditions? What do we need to pay?" the agent asked quickly.

The fat man curled his lips and smiled, with a kind of weirdness in his kind smile, "It's very simple, sign a contract with us."

Ten minutes later, the female agent returned to the car outside the gate alone. Lucy changed into a sexy short skirt, black stockings, and hollow high heels similar to Jennifer's.

As she followed the fat man, her heart was pounding, not because of fear.

She guessed what she was going to do, but she was happy to trade her youthful and energetic body for a bright, star-studded future.


The elevator stopped on the fifth floor. Before the door opened, the loud music and the laughter of men and women could be heard.

The elevator door opened to both sides, and a pink mist floated towards the face. The fishy-sweet smell was inhaled into the abdominal cavity. Lucy's pupils instantly turned red, and her expression became excited and confused.

Above the head is a huge glass dome, which reflects a dreamlike brilliance under the colored lights.

In front is an indoor swimming pool. The water in the pool is bright red, and pink water vapor comes out, covering the entire hall with red mist.

"Haha, Second Prince, a new person is here. You are a distinguished guest today, so you can enjoy it first."

The rough laughter, like a chain saw cutting human bones, came from the depths of the red mist.

Lucy smiled shyly, with a shy blush on her cheeks.

Part of her mind is awake, she can see, hear and feel, and she knows what she is doing.

But she was confused and lost the reaction that a normal person should have to what she heard and saw.

For example, when she got close to the swimming pool, what she saw was not a puddle of clear water, but a mud of flesh and blood that was as thick as snot, full of fermented stench and filth.

For example, the fat gentleman next to her has taken off his human form and has a big pig's head on his neck.

For example, on the lounge chairs behind the swimming pool, there was not a single human being among the VIPs who were being carefully attended to by several actresses.

Lucy seemed to have been equipped with a navigator and automatically walked to the man who was 2.5 meters tall, with rough red skin and a pair of yellow eyes on his forehead, and together with the sweet star Jennifer.

The Second Prince of Sannomiya said lazily: "Belur, what are you thinking about? Do you want to join my witch hunting team?"

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