I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 397 Wonder Woman was brutally bullied online

More than half a month ago, Los Angeles.

The parade celebrating the victory over the Kryptonians spread from the Great Coast to the West Coast.

Starting from Washington, it spread throughout the United States as fast as the radio waves radiated.

Although Superman and the temporary Watchmen team members were not present, the enthusiasm of the citizens of Los Angeles did not diminish by half.

This is a victory parade and a carnival of the aftermath.

The two-story tourist bus is shaped like a giant owl airship, several times larger than the real Aki.

On top of the airship stood actors dressed as members of the Watch team.

If real people can't be hired, Hollywood stars will make guest appearances.

For example, Lily Collins put on golden fish scale armor and imitated the "ball-protecting hero" Harley, and Ben Affleck almost reappeared as the "third generation Night Owl".

Los Angeles police officers on horseback flanked the parade vehicle.

There is also a long motorcade behind the Owl airship, with personal giant puppet models of the Watchers and large photos of Kryptonians.

There’s even a blue Manhattan.

Hundreds of men and women wearing makeup and revealing clothes gathered around the floats, playing loud music and slowly moving along the street.

Countless citizens and tourists stopped, either directly joining the carnival team, or stopping by to cheer and take photos.

"There is no Superman."

Jessica, who was in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, frowned slightly, "The invasion of Krypton and the exposure of Superman's Kryptonian identity have seriously affected the public's trust in him."

"Rupert, we need more videos of Superman participating in the Battle of Krypton, otherwise it will be very troublesome to review Superman." She turned around and said to her secretary.

"BOSS, as you know, the Kryptonians controlled all the electronic devices on the earth back then, and citizens could not use their mobile phones to take photos." Rupert said with a grimace.

"Why are there so many videos of Luther fighting bravely and offering wise advice on puppy videos and YouTube videos?" Jessica asked doubtfully.

"Luthor has more videos than General Five Rings, and more videos than the rest of the Watch team combined. He must have filmed them himself and uploaded them to the Internet.

In recent days, when we were helping Superman control reviews online, we often encountered Luthor’s trolls. Rupert said.

"Since Luthor has the entire video, can we ask him for some Superman material?" Image consultant Darcy suggested.

The information director shook his head and said, "No, Luthor hates Superman the most. He will only provide us with videos that discredit Superman."

Jessica thought for a moment and said, "Help me book a ticket for tonight. I'm going to Gotham."

Rupert's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "BOSS, are you looking for Miss Quinn? Take me with you, I want to take a photo with her.

If my daughter Nancy saw a picture of me standing side by side with my ball-protecting hero, she would absolutely adore me. "

Jessica shook her head and said, "I want to meet Bruce Wayne and record a video of him personally narrating the battle and his evaluation of Superman."

"The words of General Wuhuan are more convincing." Darcy said doubtfully.

"Harley knows Superman and is not suitable to speak for him. Bruce Wayne is the richest man in the world and a famous playboy. Well, he is still a playboy now, but he is now a rich and capable young man.

Everyone knows that no one can make Bruce Wayne say something against his will. "Jessica said.

"Are you sure Master Wayne will put in a good word for Superman?" the information director asked doubtfully.

"If he says bad things, I won't post that video." Jessica laughed.

"Dong dong dong" At this moment, the voice of the female secretary at the front desk came from outside the door, "Ms. Schexnard, Animal Man is here."

Jessica was shocked and immediately said: "You go back first and continue to publish drafts for Superman.


Whether you're defending Superman or recounting his role in the fight against the Kryptonians, be gentle and neutral.

Don’t be like the idiot fans of popular celebrities and don’t start a fight.

Superman symbolizes light, justice, hope and God-like power.

He already has everything, we just need to help him show it and let the people know who he really is, that's enough. "

After the boys left with the Paradise Mountain Tablet, Jessica also adjusted her suit.

Soon, a muscular man with a height of 1.8 meters was brought in by the female secretary.

He wears a yellow jumpsuit, has yellow hair, and wears a hood on his head that only covers his eyes.

"Hello, Miss Scheksnard." Animal Man was very cheerful and took the initiative to say hello with a smile.

"Hello, Animal Man, I think your uniform lacks distinctiveness," Jessica pointed to his chest, "It would be better to add a symbol, such as 'A' for animal.

In addition, in addition to the main color yellow, you can add a second darker color, such as black, on the arms and legs. "

Animal Man lowered his head to look at it and said happily: "It seems very good. I'll go back and try it."

Jessica took advantage of the situation and said: "If you are willing to sign with our 'Shining Star' agency, a more professional designer will customize a battle suit for you, which is not only beautiful and durable, but also bulletproof."

Animal Man sighed: "I came here today and sat across from you. I believe you can guess my purpose."

"I'm honored that you can come to me. If you have any questions or conditions, you can talk to me freely."

Animal Man said with a grimace: "There is a real problem. Recently, many netizens have been violent towards me online, saying that I am a coward who is afraid of life and death and is just seeking fame and reputation.

I was in the 'Animal Man Zone' of Puppy Video, and almost got the word 'coward' on my screen. "

Jessica understood as soon as her heart moved, "Because you didn't respond to the Fifth Ring Admiral's call to go to Metropolis to fight the Kryptonian devils?"

"I'm going!" Animal Man said excitedly: "The Samsung mobile phone I used was completely unable to contact the outside world. It was only at 2:30 in the afternoon that I heard about the summoning order of the 'Starless Admiral' from the street.

Then I immediately flew to Metropolis, but before I got there, the cell phone signal was restored and the Kryptonians were defeated. "

"How do you fly?" Jessica asked curiously.

"I am Animal Man, and I can borrow the power of animals, such as the speed of a cheetah and the flight of an eagle." Animal Man said proudly.

"It's a bit slow. No wonder the battle is over before anyone arrives." Jessica frowned.

"It's already very fast, but Harley Quinn is faster at beating alien devils." Animal Man said helplessly.

"You need an agent who will be responsible for solving this kind of thing, so that you will not be disturbed by mundane things and can do the great work of a superhero with peace of mind." Jessica said.

"That's exactly why I'm looking for you," Animal Man looked at her expectantly, "Tell me how to make everyone realize that I'm not a coward."

"Why didn't you find a mobile phone that could make calls and call Admiral Wuxing first? She even left her phone number on the summons order." Jessica asked.

Animal Man hesitated for a moment and said: "To be honest, I don't trust the military very much. I plan to go to Metropolis first to see the situation before deciding how to protect the earth."

"Can anyone prove that you did go to the Metropolis at that time?"

"My girlfriend knows, but I can't ask her to help testify because I don't want to be exposed."

"This is a bit troublesome." Jessica thought for a while and said: "My suggestion is that you make a statement and show your Samsung mobile phone to prove that you did not see the news immediately.

Then, in the days that follow, do a few more challenging tasks.

For example, risk your life to save others and let everyone know that you are not a coward. "

"It's a good idea, but it's too passive and slow to produce results." Animal Man was not satisfied.

"Since you said that, do you have a better plan?" Jessica asked doubtfully.

"I heard that you and Miss Quinn are good friends?" Animal Man's cheeks were slightly red, "Can you introduce me to her and let me join the Watcher team?"

"This method is quite straightforward, but the Watch Team has been disbanded, didn't you know?"

"I can be a reserve team member."

Jessica said: "I can ask for you, but I don't make any guarantees."

"Thank you." Animal Man grinned and said, "One more thing, I am very interested in being an actor, and I have guest-starred in several movies as Animal Man before.

If I sign a contract with you, what advantages will I have in terms of film and television resources? "

Jessica frowned and said: "Animal Man, with all due respect, even if you sign a contract, you can only get a C-grade contract. Your top priority is to upgrade yourself to B-grade or even A-grade.

If you want to join the entertainment industry, you must at least be promoted to S level.

At that time, others will not say that you are not doing your job properly. "

"How are these levels divided?" Animal Man asked curiously.

"E-class is a super newcomer with no level; D-class is a slightly famous hero in a certain neighborhood.

C-level, the ability covers a certain neighborhood, but the reputation spreads in the city, and even has its own superhero section in Puppy Video.

Class B has become a symbol of a city.

To truly protect a city is A level.

The S-Class spans city limits.

The SS class can resist natural disasters, and its scope of activities is not limited to countries.

Those who have saved the earth as a main force are SSS-level, such as Superman. "Jessica said.

Animal Man left dejectedly.

He didn't sign the contract immediately and had to go home to discuss it with his girlfriend.

Jessica was not in a hurry.

Superman is in hand, she has it on the river.

In front of Superman, other superheroes are just embellishments.

"Ding Ling Ling" the girl at the front desk called and said excitedly: "BOSS, Wonder Woman is calling. She wants to see you."

Jessica could no longer remain calm and said quickly: "Get in quickly."

"Ms. Scheksnard, I want to consult with you." The voice of the woman opposite was as melodious as a violin, but there was a tired hesitation in her tone. "In the past few days, I have been watching 'Wonder Woman' on Puppy Video." When the special section encountered some trouble, countless netizens flocked to it and left comments like 'a coward who is afraid of death.'"

Jessica was stunned. Why are superheroes encountering cyber violence one after another?

Is it the American netizens who have distorted human nature, or who is acting as a monster?

Suddenly, a smiling heart-shaped pretty face appeared in her mind.

A few days ago, when she called to congratulate her, she had talked about superheroes.

She seemed to be very dissatisfied with her failure to ‘give the order and all the heroes would arrive’, and even scolded those people

Shit, at that time she called them cowards, greedy for life and afraid of death!

Now the identity of the man behind it can be determined.

But as for that?

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