I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 394 Insidious Killing of Pharaoh

"Are you going to kill me directly?" Pharaoh sneered.

Harley glanced at Laurie and Chao out of the corner of her eye. If they hadn't been there, she would have simply thrown this old guy into outer space.

"Ivy, increase the dose of mental spores and let's see how he breaks free."

Ivy wonders in her heart, whether mental spores can control a person has little to do with the dose.

The next moment, Harley's cold and chilling voice came through the mental fluctuations: Make the red mist thicker, there are deadly poisonous spores hidden in it, I want him to die! Quietly, he died a few days later. In addition, be careful not to let Superman notice anything unusual.

Ivy did as she was told, controlling the vines to bind the Pharaoh, and the other one penetrated his mouth, spraying out a rich red mist, leaving a few poisonous seeds in his stomach.

"Eh~~~~" The Pharaoh looked ferocious and roared, but stared at Harley coldly.

No loss of sanity.

Superman had been staring at the old man, but then he frowned and glanced at Ivy: Is her heartbeat speeding up? The micro-expression also seems murderous.

Ivy immediately shouted excitedly, with an expression of hatred, "Damn it, it's completely ineffective."

Superman suddenly realized that he was upset about this matter.


Harley released the state of the God's Stick and re-separated into the Penitence Chain and the Silver Baseball Bat,

Harley handed the chain to the Pharaoh and asked, "What do they look like to you?"

The vines were pulled away, and the Pharaoh spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva. He opened his swollen and bleeding eyes and looked carefully. The chain was made of dozens of small teardrop-shaped rhinestones connected in series.

The rhinestones are crystal clear and sparkle under the light.

"What are they? Kind of like tears."

"Good eyesight, they are tears shed by holy souls who are virtuous enough to go to heaven. Do you know what the greatest effect of the tears of the Holy Spirit is?" Harley asked with a smile.

The Pharaoh was so excited by her weird smile that he asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Carlisle, introduce him to Tears of the Holy Spirit."

The old priest said: "The tears of the Holy Spirit are mainly used for taking. After swallowing, you can get the spiritual enlightenment of the tearful Holy Spirit. There is a high chance that the soul will be sublimated and become a new saint."

"Do you want to eat one? It will transform your soul into a Christian saint and you can go to heaven." Harley asked with a smile.

"No, Harley, we are all watchers, don't do this to me."

The Pharaoh, who was not afraid of death, suddenly became frightened.

His old face turned pale, he shook his head in fear and cried: "I give you the 'Buddha Mother's Original Vow Sutra', and I swear that I will never leave the Garden of Eden voluntarily in this life."

"The tears of the Holy Spirit are the holy objects of heaven, the most desired treasure of all God's believers." The priest said with a complex expression.

"I would rather go to hell than become a normalized saint, that's not who I am," cried the Pharaoh.

"Okay, just write down the exercises silently." Harley put away the chain.

Pharaoh didn't want to eat it, so she didn't want to waste it.

"By the way, why can you get the true teachings of Zen? Many foreigners have gone to China and can't see the core techniques at all." Harley asked doubtfully.

She wasn't sure how many of Bateman's 127 fighting techniques were authentic, but among the Kung Fu that Bruce had learned, none were as good as the Pharaoh's 'The Mother's Purpose Heart Sutra'.

A look of reminiscence appeared on Pharaoh's face, "My master is also my lover, he has nothing to hide from me."

Harley's expression was slightly distorted, "It's incredible."

The great monk of the Chinese dynasty actually eats foreign meat

Laurie thought she doubted Pharaoh's words and whispered: "Witt looked like Jude Law without baldness when he was young. He was very popular. It may be true."

Half an hour later, the spacecraft slowly landed on the frozen ground 100 meters behind the "corpse banner" in accordance with the Pharaoh's instructions.

To the naked eye, they appeared to have landed on the ground, but the airship did not reach the ground and continued to fall.

It's like there's an invisible valley below.

"Rao, what's going on?!" The armored man in the driver's seat shouted in shock.

The darkness and coldness of outer space suddenly disappeared, and the airship landed on an 'alien planet' with bright spring scenery.

"Oh my god, we clearly landed on the ground, how did we get to the atmosphere? There is a world below." Superman glanced out the window and couldn't help but exclaimed.

But after shouting, he suddenly turned his head and stared at the armored man, his eyes flashing with an inexplicable light, "Who are you? You were shouting 'Rao is the best' just now. Only Kryptonians believe in Rao."

Apart from himself, there are a total of ten Kryptonians who have visited Earth.

Among them, Fiora died tragically, and her body fell into the hands of the military. The chief scientist was wiped out in the mothership explosion without a body. Seven people, including Zod and Adjani, were personally sent into the phantom zone by him.

His super vision penetrated his helmet, but he saw a completely unfamiliar face, not any of the ten people above.

“Rao has a kingdom of gods in heaven, and the Kryptonians are not the only race who believe in him.

He is the Dark Knight I hired from another world, Darth Vader.

Yeah, a big Star Wars fan. " Harley said.

While explaining, she also looked out the window with a look of wonder on her face.

At this time, they landed on the atmosphere and were falling from the sky to the ground.

There are no spatial fluctuations.

What's even stranger is that the atmosphere of this world is very thin, only a few kilometers above the ground.

The small world has beautiful mountains and clear waters, bright sunshine, and fertile soil. It is dotted with grasslands, mountains, lakes and streams.

In the middle of the green space, there is a huge stone castle, medieval British style, like a small city.

When the airship landed, it also attracted the attention of people on the ground. They looked over from their respective work stations on the field ridge, in the castle, and in the mountains and forests, with joy and curiosity on their faces, without any fear.

"My dear, they all look the same and are about the same age." Carlisle shouted.

"Hi! Are you alien visitors?"

The farmers, gardeners, blacksmiths, and hunters, with faces full of joy, waved and cheered to the airship.

The spacecraft landed on the ground and detected that the gravity and air composition were exactly the same as those on the earth.

The cabin door opened, and a burst of exclamation came from the crowd outside.

"Ah, master, you are back!"

"You are bleeding. Who hurt you? I will bandage you."

"Master, are they all masters too?"

"Masters, welcome to the Garden of Eden. Please tell us, how can we make you happy? We are willing to do anything for you."

Pharaoh sighed and shouted to them: "Go away, you are not needed here."

After hearing this, everyone around them looked disappointed and turned around and left.

"You see?" Pharaoh turned to Harley, "For the people in the Garden of Eden, making me happy is the most meaningful thing in their lives.

Joan created them to distinguish them from the people on Earth who were obsessed with their own selfish desires.

The greatest happiness of Eden people is making others happy. "

"Listening to what you say, I feel more and more that you are guilty. In front of these angels, you reveal your disgusting desires without any shame and take pleasure in torturing and killing innocent 'angels'. Aren't you ashamed?" Harley said in disgust? .

"Hypocrisy!" Pharaoh sneered: "You may sound high-sounding, but can you deny that there are dark thoughts in your heart?

I was completely honest with them about all my thoughts.

That’s why they, who are pure in nature, respect and love me.

Just like gods will not hide their divinity from believers, greedy, cruel, bright and beautiful."

"We are not the same creature and cannot communicate. Take me around and make sure that you can no longer do evil or escape, and then I will leave." Harley said.

The Pharaoh didn't agree, so he called a housekeeper to come over and act as a guide.

This small world is both harmonious and deformed.

Men are cut from the same mold, and so are women.

It is said that they were Dr. Manhattan's sexual enlightenment teachers - the young Dr. Manhattan hid in the cupboard and peeked at the baron and baroness in the castle making love hoarsely and with faces full of intoxication.

Dr. Manhattan was deeply impressed by the couple and almost equated them with sex and reproduction.

When he created the Garden of Eden on Europa, the Baron and his wife became the template for Adam and Eve.

Beside the woods outside the castle, there is a small lake, Womb Lake, which is almost equivalent to the growth process of Kryptonians.

The Pharaoh would row his boat every now and then to catch newborn babies in the womb lake.

It's like fishing.

Simulate the process of removing a baby from the mother's womb.

Then he put the baby into a very high-tech 'growth acceleration chamber', which matured the baby into an adult male and female within half an hour.

He can even load them with 'life' memories through the growth acceleration chamber.

Pharaoh didn't lie, he was a false god here.

The real God is Dr. Manhattan.

"I declare that this place is called Eden, and you are Edenites. From birth, all Edenites enjoy the basic civil rights of equality, freedom, and democracy.

There is only a difference in position between citizens, not in status. "

A day later, Harley gathered all the Edenians on the grass, stood above the airship, and announced loudly.

They all looked at her eagerly, without any objection or response.

But it is not that he is ignorant, but he is thinking.

The people of Eden are not stupid, but Dr. Manhattan has shaved off the selfish desires in human nature and added the attribute of selfless dedication.

“From the moment the ship under my feet leaves, Eden will completely abolish the identity, title, status and power of the ‘master’.

Adrian Veidt was once your master.

When we leave, your masters will be yourselves. "

"What should I do if the master is unhappy? We cannot disobey the master."

An Edenian dressed as a hunter looked at the Pharaoh carefully.

"Am I your master?" Harley asked.

The hunter nodded, "I am willing to serve you, Master."

"Very good, now you have two masters. The masters have different opinions. Who do you listen to?" said Harley.

The hunter looked confused and didn't know how to answer.

Other Edainians also whispered, most of them looking confused.

Harry smiled and pointed at Laurie below, "Is she the master?"

The Edain nodded.

Harley clicked through Clark, Ivy, Carlisle, and Iron Man in turn.

After questioning one by one, everyone in Eden recognized the identity of the ‘alien’.

"That's not right!" The Pharaoh noticed Harley's plan and shouted quickly: "The identity of the master cannot be so casual. The reason why I am your master is because of the authority given to me by the Creator.

God who created you and your world, make me your guide and master. "

To put it simply, Pharaoh helped Dr. Manhattan pick up a girl (Angela), and Dr. Manhattan rewarded him with the most perfect nursing home.

"Master, we seem to have sensed the will of the Creator. He did not deny their master's identity." said the Edenian housekeeper.

"Oh, No——" Pharaoh held his head and howled, "Joan, you can't do this! This is just a little toy for you, give it to me."

"Stop yelling. This place is just a toy to him, yes, but you are also meaningless to him." Harley sighed.

"Nonsense, we have been friends for more than half a century." Pharaoh said excitedly.

"Laurie and Angela are still his ex-wives!" Harry said coldly, "He and your friend are no longer the same person. He is now a true and complete god."

No longer paying attention to him, Harley continued to face the Eden people and said: "Now, I will teach you democracy.

Masters, do you agree with my previous "Edain Constitution"? "

‘Master’ Ivy first raised her hand and shouted: “Completely agree.”

"Agree." Superman agreed wholeheartedly.


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