I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 380 Killing Harley

Zhao's Industrial Park in Xicheng, Salta City.

At the top of the Millennium Clock Building, Zhao Yu looked at the city in the distance where the lights were dimming and brightening, and said anxiously: "Looking at this situation, those American bastards in the Cavalry Regiment should have activated the converter, but why don't they have the power of mind to teleport here?"

"Are you sure you are an oriole and not a mantis being targeted by an oriole?" The old man in a silver Chinese tunic suit next to him said with a smile.

"Father, all the equipment of the Cavalry Regiment was assembled under my supervision." The middle-aged Asian woman said solemnly.

"Where's Mark? Has his successor contacted you?" the old man asked.

"Of course, that is the power of God on earth, how could the military give up?" Zhao Yu pointed to the huge metal ball above his head with a touch of sarcasm on his lips, "Lieutenant General Benjamin is inside, waiting for the infusion of the 'Power of God'. "

"So, the accident came from the 7th Cavalry Regiment and a third party outside the US government?" the old man frowned.

"I don't think there will be a third party. Everyone wants to be alone. The government and the Cavalry will not easily leak Dr. Manhattan's secrets." Zhao Yu said.

The old man's eyes flickered and he said: "Where is Harley Quinn? She returned to Salta with Joseph Jean and is now at the scene.

Maybe she discovered the Trojan horse you hid in the converter operating system and blocked the flow of psychic energy to the Millennium Clock. "

"Father, do you value her very much?" Zhao Yu frowned.

The old man seemed to be caught up in long-lasting memories, his eyes were uncertain, and his tone was sighing: "Honestly, she is more like the 'smartest woman in the world' than you.

I also like her better than you.

At least she is a good Watcher, with enough wisdom and strategy to inherit my position among the Watchers. "

Zhao Yu's narrowed eyes flashed with undisguised jealousy, "Father, do you understand why I brought you back from Europa?"

The old man smiled strangely and said: "Of course it's not for the never-before-existing father-daughter relationship. You want me to witness the moment when the entire solar system surrenders at your feet."

Zhao Yu held his head high, "If Harley Quinn dies without being useless, she will be one of the sentient beings who surrender at my feet."

The old man stretched his hand towards the console and said, "Find out the reason why the program failed and then talk about other things, otherwise you won't even be able to see her."

Harry took a step forward and found that the blood had reached his calf.

Her heart moved, and she simply ignored the dirty and pungent burning smell and lay down in the pool of blood, "Richie, are you still there?"

Well, the blood not only smells fishy, ​​but also smells burnt by high-voltage electricity.

"I am here, the host of the converter has been controlled by me, and the program loopholes set by the Zhao Group have also been plugged by me.

However, Manhattan's power was so powerful just now that my quantum data soul was almost shattered. Can you bear it? " Richie said with lingering fear.

Harley and Richie have three ways to communicate: The first is the most common mobile phone contact. Richie must digitize his soul and stay in the host built by Harley in Paradise Mountain.

In the second type, Richie crawled back to the earth along the network cable and communicated face-to-face with Harley in the spiritual form of the Grass-Headed God.

The third method is to borrow the "Golden Hall" general database of Silver City. As long as Harley holds the big cross, they can communicate at any time, but the traffic fee is a bit expensive. Basically, one sentence can cost hundreds of merit points.

Harley couldn't use her cell phone in public, nor could Richie show up, so she had to pay to talk.

"I'm fine. Remember, no matter what happens, don't turn off the energy extraction program." Harley said solemnly.

"I see."

"The instrument didn't stop, but there was no energy flowing in. What's going on?" Harley asked.

"Maybe Dr. Manhattan is aware of it and is holding back the energy to prevent it from leaking out?" Richie said.

Harley pondered: "He couldn't hold it in, because the law of cause and effect destined 'Jonathan Osterman' to die today.

The only thing that can kill him is the spiritual energy converter. If the energy is drained, he will die naturally. "

Richie's heart moved, "Harry, have you ever thought that he wouldn't mind completing the causal chain?

To casually kill the thief who stole his power means to die together. "

"Hahaha, what is he using to kill me now?" Harley laughed proudly.

"Buzz! Stab! Stab!" Another violent blue arc suddenly exploded.

But this time it’s not centered around Black Manhattan, but instead descends directly on Harley.


She was like a model made of countless colorful building blocks, which was kicked to pieces by a naughty child and shattered to pieces.

She didn't turn into blood.

Her intrinsic field has not disappeared.

The intrinsic field, also called the existential force field, is the force field that allows elementary particles to maintain the form of things.

Without this force field, it would at least turn into a puddle of red liquid that cannot even be detected by DNA - not blood, or at worst it would vaporize into atoms.

Harley already has level five 'Manhattan Power Defense' and has opened the jar, waiting for the energy to pour in.

Even so, her intrinsic field was like a breast in the palm of a hungry man, twisted and squeezed out of shape.


Continuous flashes of blue arcs.

Not only did Harley have no chance to reassemble, the 'building blocks' also shattered into smaller pieces.

Waves of violent energy hit her, and her intrinsic field was in danger and was about to be torn apart.

"Harley, Harley?" Richie yelled, but there was no response.

"Damn it, I guessed it right. Dr. Manhattan has discovered the 'virus' and wants to kill you!"

Since Dr. Manhattan is destined to be drained of energy tonight, he certainly doesn't want to let the water flow slowly and let the thieves happily absorb it.

If it were Richie himself, he would first 'build a dike to store water', and then burst the dike, causing a tsunami of energy to drown people.

Richie was at a loss as to whether he should turn off the instrument's control program immediately.

Harley was shattered and lost contact. He should have turned off his phone immediately.

But Harley just said that no matter what happens, he must ensure that the machine does not stop.

Moreover, although Harley was broken, she was not completely broken into pieces.

"Bang, bang, bang—" Suddenly, gunshots rang out outside the warehouse.

Joseph, who was looking into the spiritual energy conversion cabin, was startled, and quickly turned around and asked: "Who is it? Who is here?"

He remembered the variables that Harley had mentioned before.

"BOSS, it's Angela. She has broken through the outer defense line and arrived outside the warehouse." The boy at the door exclaimed.

In the cage, black Manhattan was sitting on the ground, his eyes moving slightly, and his head slowly tilting towards the west wall of the warehouse.

The blue arc in the transformation chamber became more intense, and Harley seemed to shatter into a ball of colloid fluid.

"Angela is not dead yet? How did she find this?" Joseph asked doubtfully.

The next moment, he thought of Kasapa who was wrestling with Angela in the previous video, and his expression changed.

The cavalry regiment raided Angela's house, leaving Kasapa alone.

Angela could find this out because she must have gotten the information from him.

With the relationship between the two of them, Angela could only use torture to extract a confession, but Kasapa couldn't resist.

"That veteran Kasapana could obviously be a hero, but he failed to secure his position at the last critical moment." He cursed.

"Joseph, listen to me!" Angela's shout came from the walkie-talkie.

She robbed a cavalryman of his equipment.

"You were deceived by Zhao Yu, and your spiritual energy converter was tampered with by her. Don't activate it."

"Where are you? Come out and talk." Joseph winked at Giles beside him.

Giles glanced at the black Manhattan in the cage, looking hesitant.

"Have you ever thought about why I know your plan?" Angela continued.

Joseph sneered: "Of course I know, you asked him from Kasapa.

Angela, I underestimated you. A veteran warrior with firm beliefs like Kasapa was tamed by you in a short period of time. "

"Kasapa" Angela said with a weird expression, "I didn't torture him, I only slapped him a few times and he succumbed.

However, I also visited the Zhao Group this afternoon and learned that the Millennium Clock is a larger and more perfect spiritual energy converter.

Your machines come from Zhao Group, right?

She is using you. When you arrest Qiong and activate the unqualified instrument, part of the psychic energy will be transmitted to the Zhao Industrial Park in the west of the city.

That power would be used to activate a teleportation similar to Joan's, transporting the entire army to this warehouse.

By then, you will all be finished. "

"We have turned on the converter, and nothing happened." Joseph quickly walked to the console and asked, "Clark, is there any spiritual energy flowing out?"

Tulsa Clark said awkwardly: "I can only turn on and off the phone, and I'm still figuring out the rest."

"Turn off the phone first, open the transformation cabin, and see if Harley and the others succeeded," Joseph said.

Before Clark pressed the power-off button, Richie gritted his teeth and strictly followed Harley's previous instructions: no matter what, he could not interrupt the process of extracting energy from her.

He revoked the blocking of the Zhao Group Trojan, and immediately part of the energy was diverted to the Millennium Clock Building dozens of kilometers away.


The blue spherical arc exploded from the cage again, and the violent airflow directly lifted Clark and Joseph away as they prepared to shut down.

The blue arc of light is the power of Dr. Manhattan's mind. Anyone caught by it will be seriously shocked. People with weak physical fitness will be dizzy directly. Those who are not dizzy will have five senses disorder and lie on the ground vomiting.

When they woke up, the sky had changed.

"Fake, what happened?"

Joseph shook his head, and when he woke up, he was dumbfounded.

The instruments and people in the warehouse are all there, but the ceiling and four walls have disappeared, replaced by eight ten-meter-high rhombus-shaped energy towers and a ten-meter-diameter laser ball in the sky.

There were hundreds of soldiers wearing white protective clothing, surrounding us from all directions.

Giles walked to the congressman, helped him up, and said solemnly: "Teleportation, space displacement! Harley guessed it right, we are just other people's pawns, and now the mastermind behind the scenes has jumped out, and most likely it is related to the military."

"Congressman Jean, are you still here? I thought you entered the transformation chamber." A middle-aged woman's voice came from behind.

Joseph turned around and saw a short woman with an Asian face walking slowly. She was wearing a white wide-brimmed hat, a white embroidered skirt, and white short boots. She looked like a lady going out for an outing.

"Zhao Yu, it's really you!" Joseph gritted his teeth.

"It's us, General Benjamin and I," Zhao Yu extended his hand to introduce the middle-aged officer next to him. "This is Colonel Peake. Just now, when you were dizzy, he had already led people to clear out your cavalry."

Speaking of which, she looked around and asked, "Harley Quinn isn't here?"

"Everyone in the 7th Cavalry Regiment is under control, and Harley Quinn is not found among them." Colonel Peake said.

"Hahaha, she was the one who turned on the converter before?" Zhao Yu laughed sarcastically, "I originally thought of her as a character, but I didn't expect that she was so stupid, and she was so stupid that she was so stupid.

Without even trying it, he just jumped into an instrument that he didn’t understand at all. "

"What did you do to the instrument?" Joseph asked with an ugly expression.

"Nothing was done, except that General Mark asked me to hide a key accessory." Zhao Yu said with a proud smile.

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