I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 348 Who will judge the first contribution?

"What do you say now?" Harley asked.

"Superman is trustworthy." Everyone in the airship, except Luther, was very impressed.

Luther frowned and said, "You think that his ruthless act of destroying the embryos of thousands of his compatriots for mankind is a very clear statement.

Have you ever thought about it, if he regards us as compatriots now, will he also massacre us in the future for the sake of 'justice' in his heart?

There is never absolute justice in the world.

Absolute justice can be distorted. "

"Luthor, you always miss the point." The horse gang leader said impatiently: "I believe in the justice in Superman's heart, but I don't care.

Our current perspective has risen to the level of the entire civilization!

There is a central treasure book in his body. No matter how many embryos he has destroyed in the past, he will be able to create more in the future.

Made by others, or made by others.

As long as Kryptonians are produced in large numbers, they will have the instinct to "revitalize the Kryptonian race."

This is the biggest threat to earth civilization. "

Luther was about to continue to curse 'Nigelou' secretly, when suddenly his heart moved and he got an inspiration from the caravan leader's words: Can he use the central book to create a superhuman enemy?

That would be considered a victory over Superman.

"Superman can't kill in secret, let alone kill him now. Leave him to me. I -"

"I can't trust you." The horse gang leader interrupted Luther's excited declaration without hesitation.

"Barack, when you ran for president, you took three million US dollars in campaign funds from me. You made me believe you." Luther said coldly.

"Ahem, Lex, I am very grateful that you trust me. I have always regarded you as a friend and trust you deeply, but trust also has many aspects," the horse gang leader said awkwardly.

At the same time, he also secretly decided in his heart that if he had the opportunity, he must put small shoes on for the Luther Group.

Anyway, he has been successfully re-elected and will never be able to serve a third term.

From now on, there is no need to ask tycoons for sponsorship.

"Harry, what do you think?"

"My idea is very simple. Find Superman an Earth wife as soon as possible." Harley said with a smile.

"What?" Everyone here on the spaceship and on the other end of the phone shouted.

"With a wife and a baby, there are two central books in the world, version 1.0 in Superman's bloodline, and version 2.0 in Superboy's body.

Please tell me, which version of the Central Book will be used to revive Krypton in the future?

Don't forget, the definition of the Central Codex - the sum of the genes of all Kryptonians.

Superboy is of course also a Kryptonian. "Harry said with a smile.

"This" the caravan leader fell into deep thought.

"This is ridiculous." Luthor looked like his lover was going to have a baby with someone else. He had an unacceptable expression on his face and shook his head repeatedly: "The Central Book is in Superman's genes, but it will not be passed on to the next generation as genetic information.

Even if it is passed to the next generation, its data will not change.

Even if the data changes, the new book will not be recognized by the Kryptonians because it contains too many human genes. "

"When General Zod is eliminated, there will be only one Superman in the world who is qualified to represent the Kryptonian civilization. Will he not recognize his child?

Everyone is worried about the resurgence of the Kryptonian civilization. To put it bluntly, they are afraid that one day Superman will go back on his word and leave humanity to start over, right? " Harley said.

"It sounds reasonable," the caravan leader murmured, "Harry, you are an expert on alien civilization. Is there any theoretical basis for this method?"

"How did she become an expert on alien civilization?" Luther frowned.

The caravan leader said: "She has written "The Trisolaran Crisis" and has a mature theory.

Her theories were verified one by one in this incident.

She also defeated a Kryptonian, so why is she not an expert? "

Luther said dullly: "It's just the 'Law of the Dark Forest'. I already knew there are no good aliens, but I don't bother to write novels."

Harry ignored him and thought thoughtfully: "In ancient times, transportation was not developed, and every country in Eurasia and Africa had almost a unique civilization.

In the eyes of ancient Asians, Africans were no different from aliens.

But now, countless civilizations have perished in the conflict, and the remaining ones have merged into one, and the earth has become a village.

Perhaps the values ​​of each nation are still different, but at least they have a unified understanding of the concept of 'humanity'.

The appearance and outlook of Kryptonians are not much different from humans, and they can also integrate into the 'human' family. "

"The Kryptonians want to destroy billions of people on the earth. How evil. How are their views different from ours?" Major Adam exclaimed.

This time no one echoed him and everyone else was silent.

"At least I can sympathize with Zod's determination to protect his family and country." From the opposite side, General Lane's sigh came.

The caravan leader said meaningfully: "Harley, we have the idea of ​​eradicating the root cause, mainly because you control three Kryptonian prisoners.

Let us see the hope of success.

Because without your cooperation, even if Luther provides the kryptonite weapon, we have no confidence in stopping Superman.

Teaching Superman to escape once he has broken up will push him to the extreme that we least want to see. "

He was telling the truth.

In the "Man of Steel" movie, Da Chao is the savior, the main C, the only one to rely on, and the hard-to-reach god of steel.

Human beings, who were as humble as ants in the Kryptonian war, only hope to survive this disaster safely. How can they hope to "cut the grass and root out the roots without leaving any future troubles"?

It's different now. Harley has snatched Da Chao's position. Human beings have the ability to turn their thoughts into reality.

They began to obey their biological instincts and wanted to get rid of Chao.

"So, the decision-making power is in your hands. No matter what decision you make, you have to bear the corresponding responsibility psychologically and morally." The caravan leader said quietly.

"Okay, I vouch for Superman. If he wants to follow Zod's path again in the future, let me deal with him." Harley said without any psychological burden.

Anyway, she has a way out. If the earth explodes, she can move her relatives and friends to True Lord Quin's Mansion. There is nothing to scare her.

As for responsibility, if that day comes, she will appear very sad and remorseful in front of others, get angry for a while, and then turn around and continue her life.

After hanging up the phone, the atmosphere in the cabin was still a bit depressing.

Except for Luther and Harley, everyone else felt uncomfortable. No matter whether it was done or not, at least the government showed its attitude of burning bridges and stabbing comrades in the back.

"Hey, an interview helicopter has already arrived." Ivy patted Harley's arm and reminded softly.

Well, she wasn't affected either.

"Ahem, sirens are coming from the streets below. There should be citizens trapped in the ruins. I'm going to rescue them." Luther said this, then he couldn't help but open the hatch and jump out of the spacecraft.

He flew around in the sky, attracted the attention of several interview helicopters, and landed in the most 'noisy' neighborhood.

There is the 'Earth Defense Force' - an elite American force equipped with kryptonite weapons and red sun generators.

There were not many, just three hundred people and twenty armored vehicles.

Under the leadership of Colonel Hardy, they maneuvered to support friendly forces fighting the Kryptonians on the ground.

Well, at noon, Da Chao and Fiora were fighting in Metropolis between gods and demons, and this force was preparing to support Da Chao.

At this time, only Zod was left among the remnants of Krypton, and they slowly approached the battlefield and set up a defense line on the outside.

Luther was not interested in soldiers.

The people and reporters who are not afraid of death who follow the soldiers are his targets.

As soon as he landed, he immediately became the focus of everyone, with microphones and cameras all surrounding him.

"This guy" Harley was secretly annoyed. Luthor was sanctimonious all day long, saying that he wanted to defend the future and hope of the people on earth by defeating Superman. In fact, he was just a jealous and vain villain.

"Colonel Hardy." She picked up the communicator and ordered: "Let the reporters and citizens leave. The war is not over yet."

"I've already driven them away, but it was useless." Colonel Hardy shouted: "Commander-in-Chief, Superman and Zod are fighting in the opposite block. When will we get there?

Or, do we need to help Superman? "

"Zod." Harley glanced at the radar screen. Two small dots, one red and one green, were as fast as lightning. The buildings on the street were like shadows, unable to cause any obstruction to them.

During these few words, the two of them were even flying fast, knocking down outer space from the ground, and about to escape the surveillance range of Andy's radar.

Let alone ordinary soldiers, she would be of no use.

"Although it's embarrassing, I have to tell you the truth. Only Kryptonians can stop Kryptonians. Let's wait and wait--"

She looked up at the sky again, where the three Kryptonians were still busy.

"The wreckage of the spacecraft is almost cleared. When Zod and Superman fall down, we will fight four against one to end the battle quickly."

"Luthor said the same thing." Colonel Hardy said in surprise.

"Who did he say that to?"

"Said to the live camera, he reassured the people of the world that this alien invasion is almost over." Colonel Hardy said.

Harry couldn't bear it any longer. The Archimedes airship jumped into the material world, turned around, roared along the street, and landed five meters above the Earth Defense Force.

This shocking appearance suddenly interrupted Luther's eloquent speech.

The hatch opened, revealing a group of people possing inside.

Well, not only Harley, but also several other people, knowing that they were about to face reporters and hundreds of millions of viewers behind the camera, also put on the mighty Kryptonian armor - no hoods, solemn expressions, holding phaser cannons, He stood next to the Commander-in-Chief with a battle-hardened look.

"It's Harley Quinn's Watchmen team!"

"What kind of armor they are wearing seems a bit like Kryptonians."

"Decades later, Archimedes airship appears again, even the outer shell is rusty"

The young people cheered excitedly, but the older people were more sighing and sighing.

"I am the Commander-in-Chief of the Earth Defense Force, Harley Quinn,"

Harley jumped out of the airship and landed on the red sun generator on the roof of the armored vehicle.

The gold and silver heavenly armor shows her graceful figure and heroic posture, and the shimmering cloak moves automatically without wind, adding a bit of heroism and chicness to her.

"Hula!" The reporters immediately turned their cameras and microphones, abandoned Luther, who had an ugly face and ugly armor, and surrounded the armored vehicle.

"The war is not over yet." Although Harley was secretly happy to be receiving so much attention, she really had no intention of showing off at the moment. "Zod is crazy and wants to kill people on Earth to vent his anger. Are you guys going to get together and act as a target?"

"Didn't the Watcher team, under the leadership of Luthor, control three Kryptonian prisoners? Four against one, they should be able to stop Zod easily, right?"

It was Louise who asked the question, and she came too.

"Under Luther's leadership?" Harley wanted to roll her eyes at the female reporter, but she had to use her eyes to despise Luther who was looking over.

"Ahem, what I mean is that we mainly rely on the kryptonite weapons and ideas I provided to capture those Kryptonians."

Luther jumped up, and with his bulky armor, he forced his way next to Harley, becoming the center of attention again.

"Harry, you can't or my weapon played a key role." He looked at her with burning eyes.

Louise rolled her eyes, "Mr. Luther, you mean to say that in this battle to defend the Earth, you have the most merit?

Commander-in-Chief, do you agree that your role in the team is inferior to Mr. Luther? "

The war has just ended and the Watch team is going to split?

Two big guys competing for credit in public?

This is big news!

All the reporters stared eagerly at the Commander-in-Chief.

Harley wants to be admired by thousands of people, but doesn't want to be looked upon as a monkey by thousands of people.

"It's not my place to answer this question. Please leave first. It's really dangerous here."

"You are the commander-in-chief. If you don't answer this question, who is more qualified?" the reporter below asked relentlessly.

"Witch Harley, you, the culprit who destroyed the hope of Krypton's revival, finally let me find you——"

At this moment, Zod's vicious voice came from the sky.

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