I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 339 The Kryptonian’s Explosion Plan

Although the planetary reformer spacecraft cannot start its engine and take off due to "space cracks", it does not mean that the spacecraft hatch cannot be opened.

Harley and the others will not sink in the sea and wait for the Kryptonians to come.

At this time, Wu Mu and Adjani have taken control of the spacecraft bridge and are in constant communication with the aircraft on the sea and the main ship above the White House.

The scene in the control room is transmitted to the mothership in a timely manner, and the mothership can also communicate with Ebony at any time.

This is the normal mode of action of interstellar civilization.

If there are no people from Ebony, or if the main brain of the planetary transformer is completely shut down, the mothership will definitely feel something is wrong.

Therefore, not only were all the daily defense systems of the transformer spacecraft activated, Wumu also had to repair the spacecraft while the mothership was visible at all times.

After Harley and others entered the spacecraft, they were unable to go to the bridge, which was monitored at all times. They could only stay in the front cabin where the monitoring was canceled and the ecological environment was changed to Earth mode.

Well, the ecological environment of the bridge is Kryptonian mode, and gravity and air are not suitable for earthlings to survive.

Now Kryptonians can adapt to the earth's environment, but if it were changed to the earth's environment, it would be strange if the mothership could see the data.

In the front cabin, several Earthlings stared eagerly at the round-faced Kryptonian female warrior.

"How many of you are there in total?" Bruce asked solemnly.

"There are only ten Kryptonians who came to Earth." Adjani's eyes were empty and her voice was without any emotion.

"Great, with just ten people, we can solve half of them right away." Major Adam said excitedly.

Harley, Bruce, and Luther also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me how you came to Earth." Harley said.

"Witnessing the destruction of Krypton with our own eyes, we were very sad, but we were also freed from the Phantom Zone. For decades after that-"

"Wait!" Bruce interrupted her and asked doubtfully: "What is the connection between the explosion of Krypton and the liberation from the Phantom Zone?

If the Phantom Zone is to Krypton, it is like the Shadow Realm to the Earth. They are both the projection of the fifth dimension's 'World of the Dead' in the material world.

Theoretically, changes in the material world should not affect the fifth dimension.

Just like the previous nuclear bomb explosion, we were less than one kilometer away from the center of the explosion, but because we were in the shadow realm, we were not affected in any way. "

"This is a very good question." Luther asked in surprise: "Why did you drop out of school?"

"I'm rebellious." Bruce smiled like a second-generation ancestor.

But this time, Luther would never believe this disguise.

Harley smiled and said, “I can answer such a simple question.

You've been on the Archimedes airship.

I also experienced the wonderful difference between time in the shadow world and the material world.

Have you ever had the idea of ​​letting Aki stay in the Shadow Realm forever, or even turning it into a prison for prisoners? "

"That's it." Luther and Bruce suddenly realized.

Harley smiled and continued: "As for the observed changes in Krypton,

This is simpler.

After the nuclear explosion, we spent some time in Limbo to avoid the powerful shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion and the crash of the spacecraft.

During this period, I sent a message to the president on my mobile phone.

Ask him to alert leaders of nearby countries to prepare for a possible tsunami.

I can make phone calls in the Shadow Realm, and Kryptonians should be able to do basic message transmission as well. "

"Adjani, tell me." Ivy said.

The female warrior said obediently: "The illusion space prison is not just a spaceship hovering in the fifth dimension.

The entrance to the prison is a space base in the outer orbit of Krypton.

The cells where prisoners are held are in the fifth dimension and are connected to the space base in the material world.

When Krypton explodes and the security system in the base collapses, we in the cells are freed.

Also through the base's space observer, we witnessed the aftermath of the explosion of Krypton in the prison.

For decades after that, we wandered around the ruins of Krypton, living worse than dead, like ghosts.

It wasn't until we received the message from the Earth that we saw hope again.

However, our mothership was actually transformed from a "prison ship". Before coming to Earth, the ghost engine had to be replaced with a hyperdrive, which delayed it for several months. "

"Who gave you the information?" Bruce's expression changed.

Adjani said: "No. 0344, a Kryptonian reconnaissance ship from the 'Era of Great Expansion' 18,000 years ago. The direct source of the information is Captain Kara Zor-El."

Harley was surprised, "Ancestor of Kal-El?"

Moreover, Kara El seems to be the name of Clark's cousin, the tearing song?

"It is indeed Kal-El's 'El Family'."

"Harley, is the Kryptonian reconnaissance ship on Earth? Have you ever seen it?"

Bruce looked at her appraisingly.

"I'm not in the mood or have the time to talk nonsense with you about the government, Adjani, please continue," said Harley.

“One of Kara El’s fellow graduates was a murderer named ‘Dev Em’.

He wants to be a captain.

For each graduating class, only the top four students will be selected as reserve captains.

During the field trial before graduation, he murdered his classmate, a powerful competitor.

In doing so, he became Krypton's first murderer in nearly a century.

The Law Council should have sentenced Defo Em to death, but Kryptonian law itself prohibited the killing of fellow humans.

Eighteen thousand years ago, phantom space technology was not yet mature, and there was no phantom zone prison.

The final sentence imposed by the Legal Assembly on Defoe Em was permanent imprisonment.

However, a small number of council members believed that Defoe Em's stay on Krypton was always a hidden danger.

If he is paroled in the future, his existence will be a great threat to Kryptonian values.

So, they secretly released him, creating the illusion of a jailbreak.

In the era of great expansion, more than a thousand reconnaissance ships will leave Krypton every year. They will take Krypton’s ‘life program’ with them to settle on new planets, never to come back again.

Law Councilors believe that releasing Defu Em and letting him sneak into a scout ship is a disguised form of exile.

Defo Em infiltrated Kara Zor-El's ship and murdered the crew one by one while they slept. "

"When I heard the beginning, I guessed this ending." Luther commented.

"The Kryptonian Council is mentally ill," Ivy muttered.

"How did the spaceship crash?" Bruce asked.

“Eighteen thousand years ago, space jumping technology had not yet been invented, and more than ten years of space navigation made Defuem feel the loneliness of being alone.

He left Kara Zor-El alive and awakened her.

The two got into an argument.

And just in time, the spacecraft enters the solar system.

The two people who were exposed to the yellow sun became extremely powerful.

During the fight, the spacecraft was severely damaged and eventually crashed into the North Pole of the Earth.

Kara Zor-El left a distress message in the host, but the spacecraft crashed and entered a self-maintenance stage, unable to send it out.

Until some time ago, people on earth discovered the spacecraft under the glacier. Kara El entered it, restarted the engine, and activated the command to send a distress letter.

Only in this way can we know the story of 18,000 years ago and successfully locate the Earth and Kal-El. "

"This plot is so twisty and bizarre that it could be made into a Hollywood blockbuster. It's called 'The Murder Case Caused by Alien Murderers.'" Harley complained.

Luther sneered: "You are wrong, the movie should be called "Savior Hero De Fuem".

If he hadn't brought a boatload of Kryptonians to death together, the earth would have been reduced to a Kryptonian colony 20,000 years ago, and humanity would have been extinct at that time.

Haha, now it seems that my vigilance against Superman is really very prophetic.

The El family carries original sin in their blood, and the instinct to destroy the earth is burned into their genes. "

Harley smiled strangely, "Adjani, it was probably when Kara El was dormant that Defoem reset the ship's route, right?"

"I know you have a good relationship with Superman, but what about that?"

Luther's lips curved into a sneer.

"Yes, Defuem wanted to occupy the earth, but Karael stopped him because primitive civilization had already been born on the earth." Adjani said.

Luther's face turned green and red, "This plot is too blunt. Harley, you must be hiding behind the 'director' Ivy as a 'screenwriter', and Adjani is your actor."

"If thinking this way makes you feel better, please continue." Harley said with a smile.

Bruce also laughed and said, "Luthor, the reason why Harley has this inference is actually very simple.

Krypton's first murder in a century.


Almost every normal Kryptonian has a moral mysophobia.

To be honest, like you, I was skeptical about Superman before.

Now I'm willing to give him more credit. "

"Hmph, what is the purpose of our teaming up now?"

Luther sneered, then turned his gaze to the Kryptonian female warrior, and said in a deep voice: "Adjani, what can this spaceship do? What are you planning to do?"

"This is a planetary terraformer. We intend to transform the earth into a Krypton-like ecological environment. First, the gravity will be fifteen times greater, and then the composition and proportions of the atmosphere will be modified."

"Hahaha" Luther laughed proudly and sarcastically, "Harry, Bruce, what do you say now?

This is the good deed done by an ethical Kryptonian!

We only meet 11 Kryptonians, and ten of them want to destroy the Earth.

Billions of people!

They didn't even hesitate.

We just came to Earth yesterday, we were still negotiating in the morning, and in the afternoon we officially started to destroy the world.

Kryptonians are more evil than Trisolarans.

Although the Trisolarans also occupied the earth, they also left Australia to the earthlings. "

Having said this, Luther seemed to have succeeded in his discussion and his spirit was sublimated. The look of pride on his face became thicker and his eyes were shining.

"I am absolutely right about Superman, I have the truth!

Superman is the quintessential Kryptonian.

On the surface, they are highly civilized, morally noble, powerful, and flawless as gods.

But when it comes to a critical moment of life and death, no matter how much light has been delivered to the world, ten times more darkness will be released in the heart.

God took off his coat and became a devil.

Therefore, I don’t shy away from revealing my desire to defeat or even kill Superman.

Because I am convinced that when he is about to die, he will reveal his true dark nature just like the Kryptonians. "

"Superman knows Zod's plan, but he still stands on our side." Bruce said solemnly.

"Bruce, you are so naive!" Luthor sneered: "If Superman joins Zod's team, he will be just an ordinary soldier.

Only on our earth, where there are hundreds of millions of ordinary and "inferior" human beings, can he be God. "

Harley said: "Luthor, your love and hatred with Superman is your own business. Now we have to defend the earth.

Adjani, go ahead and tell us Zod's full plan. "

“General Zod needs the Cephalon Tome that contains all of Krypton’s genes.

It was stolen by Jor-El (Superman's father) and hidden in Kal-El's bloodline.

After bringing Kal-El into the mothership in the morning, Ludo, the chief scientist of the Military Association, had obtained the tome from his blood.

The secret key to opening the book was also obtained by General Zod.

Now he is starting the growth process in the scout ship, and in a few months we will have thousands of fellow Kryptonians.

In a few years, Earth will completely transform into Krypton, with billions of Kryptonians replacing billions of Earthlings.

Even if heaven and hell, angels and demons, gods and wizards, and even Dr. Manhattan are all real, we are not afraid. "

Harry and the others looked at each other in shock.

"This is unscientific. Biologically speaking, the more powerful an individual is, the more difficult it is to reproduce. Kryptonians are already so powerful and can reproduce so quickly and easily.

Within a few years, billions, this..." Luther looked in disbelief.

Harry's eyes flashed and he vaguely grasped an important point, "Why does it have to be that scout ship?"

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