I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 337 Capture two Kryptonian devils

On the surface of the Indian Ocean, Archimedes' airship floats like a submarine.

Everyone in the cabin was silent, checking their weapons and waiting for the Kryptonians to arrive.

Harley jumped onto the outer deck of the spacecraft and called the caravan leader to report the results of the previous battle.

After the horse gang leader calmed down from the excitement of "defeating the Kryptonians," she lowered her voice and said: "Admiral Mark seems to have had his memory searched by the Kryptonians, and even the secret of Doctor Manhattan's long-dead death was exposed, so Zod didn't do anything." Act without scruples and brazenly."

"I also expected this," the horse gang leader said hesitantly.

"Your tone is wrong, and you didn't even show worry or nervousness. Could it be that there is another hidden secret about Admiral Mark?" Harley narrowed her big eyes and said slowly: "Barack, I am now the president of the Alien Resistance Army." Commander, your identity should be enough, right?

Moreover, unnecessary concealment of information will cause me to misjudge Krypton’s combat form, just in case.”

"Oh, don't worry. It's impossible for the Kryptonians to probe General Mark's true memory, because several top government officials have undergone 'information shielding surgery.'" the horse gang leader sighed.

Harley was surprised and relieved, surprised by the methods of the US government.

But if the government really has this kind of technology, it would be normal for it to take such precautions.

At the same time, she also recalled that when General Mark was kidnapped by the tractor beam in the morning, the horse gang leader and other bosses only cursed the Kryptonians for their wolfish ambitions, and were not too worried about General Mark exposing military secrets.

"What kind of surgery is information blocking?" she asked curiously.

"A combination of magic and science." The horse gang leader was not sure: "I don't know whether it is a magic technique or a scientific method.

In short, the weirdos of the Shadow Bureau have developed a technology to prevent important personnel from having their thoughts and memories stolen.

Including me, many people in the government have had that kind of minor surgery.

It has no effect on the brain and only passively defends against mind control and memory reading.

If you are interested, I can help you——"

"I'm not interested, and I don't know any government secrets." Harley quickly refused.

"Okay, remember to keep it a secret, at least don't let the Kryptonians know about it. Otherwise, Admiral Mark may not be able to withstand torture-ah, Harley, idea!"

The caravan leader suddenly shouted, "Another aircraft has left the mothership above the White House. It is leaving at a speed exceeding Mach 5. Our radar cannot be used, and it cannot lock on the alien spacecraft. We don't know where it is going. Anyway, be careful." "

"I see."

Harley hung up the phone and entered Aki's airship.

"The Kryptonians are really here." She smiled at everyone, "The plan of how to ambush the Kryptonians has been discussed before, and I won't talk nonsense.

Just one last check to see if anyone else plans to quit. "

Her eyes fell mainly on Luther.

There were only Zatanna, Ivy, Bruce, Lucius, Major Adam, Luther and her, a total of seven people.

It's a bit shabby. After "Starless Admiral" Harley released the news of recruiting superheroes around the world, no one except Batman came to apply.

"Of course I won't back down." Luther gritted his teeth.

Although the previous battle plans involved unknown magical fields, he failed to rely on his wisdom to turn the tables and become the leader of the team.

But he firmly believes that his enemy will always be Superman.

Only Superman is worthy of being his opponent. These people in front of him are just a bunch of ordinary people!

With this thought in his mind, he couldn't help but take another look at Harley and Bruce.

Harley's way of thinking is very similar to him, profit comes first, being cunning and ruthless.

Facing her, he had complex emotions that were both bright and beautiful.

Bruce Wayne. What a surprise.

His knowledge was somewhat lacking, but in terms of intelligence, he was barely qualified to talk to him, and in terms of hypocrisy, he was on par with a farm boy with a tuft of curly hair on his forehead.

These two people can be his teammates. Zatanna is beautiful, strong, and has long legs. She is fat but not greasy. Maybe he can invite her to a candlelight dinner. Hmm, it seems that he can do his own magic. Teacher, or counselor? Irony magic is so interesting, but using it directly to kill enemies is a waste. If this power of changing reality at will could be used in scientific research, wouldn't Superman be at his fingertips?

Luthor, who had been single for many years, was attracted to Zatara's beautiful black stockings and legs in just 0.05 seconds, and then his thoughts quickly diverged, and he devoted countless thoughts to dealing with Superman.

The fat but not greasy long legs are not as attractive as Superman's broad and strong chest muscles.

About ninety minutes later.

An aircraft shaped like a racing car that was magnified several times slowly landed in the Indian Ocean - the place where the giant spacecraft crashed.

Suspended five meters above the sea.

"General Zod, we have arrived at our destination."

The big Kryptonian in the driver's seat spoke into the communicator.

"Ebony, you are the engineer, and you are responsible for the maintenance of the spacecraft.

Toti, Adjani, you must protect the planetary transformer and prevent it from being damaged a second time.

Well, Ebony and Adjani are going to restart the spacecraft. Totty, you stay on the aircraft to prevent Harley Quinn from sneak attacks. "

Above the White House, on the bridge of the mothership, Zod looked at the screen and skillfully issued orders.

"Harley Quinn is still near this sea area?" Adjani, who has short hair and a round face, asked.

"No, they have already returned to Washington. They are near the mothership. They just talked to me on the phone and advised me to retreat and leave the earth immediately. What's wrong with 'don't say it's unforeseen'."

Zod smiled sarcastically and reminded seriously: "But her airship is indeed strange and can enter the phantom space at will.

When the people on Earth discover that we have restarted the planetary transformer, she may rush back immediately and attack with nuclear bombs again. "

The big man Totti smiled and said: "General, don't worry, after being illuminated by the yellow sun, we have gained the ability to fly at high speed.

As soon as a missile comes over, I will rush over and destroy it, or throw it into outer space. "

"Isn't it too wasteful to throw it into outer space?" The female warrior Ajani clenched her fist hard, feeling the power that was almost exploding in her body. "We want to kick the nuclear bomb back and hit Harley Quinn just like kicking a ball to the people on Earth. On the face.”

"Hahaha, what a great idea!" Totti laughed.

"We should go down," Ebony Engineer reminded.

"Plop, plop!"

Wumu and Adjani were still wearing iron armor and light film ventilators on their heads, like fish, moving quickly through the sea.

"Aren't you going to check the damage?"

Adjani said doubtfully when she saw Wu Mu swam directly in the direction of the cabin door after clarifying the direction.

"First restart the spacecraft, leave the sea, enter outer space, and find an absolutely safe place—uh, something!"

The two Kryptonians were very fast. As they spoke, they had already arrived at the door of the cabin. There happened to be a dense "water plant" growing there. The space was extremely dark, and the light shone in it, but it was a pale light.

A qualified magician would be able to feel the faint smell of plants mixed with black magic here, and become wary.

Kryptonians are 100% Muggles.

Dozens of water plants were more agile than pythons, and they were entangled in all directions, leaving no room for escape.

"Haha, don't be afraid, Ebony, we have encountered a predatory plant."

Only Ebony was screaming, and Adjani found it amusing and was still laughing.

"The birth of Hell!" Almost at the same time as the water plants were entangled, from the depths of darkness, Harley's slightly proud voice came.

"Buzz" The seabed below the Kryptonian suddenly lit up a giant bloody magic circle with a radius of twenty meters. The seabed at night was even darker, pure black.

The cold sea water is like a leech sucking the temperature, making people's souls freeze.

"This, we have fallen into the phantom space?!" Adjani was horrified.

Kryptonians do not understand magic, but their scientific research has begun to involve the divine realm. Several Kryptonians have been imprisoned in the phantom space for many years, and they immediately felt a familiar yet unfamiliar atmosphere.

"No, my power is disappearing!" Ebony yelled in horror.


The vine in front of Adjani opened its mouth, and its teeth were all jagged teeth that shone white. The light fell on her face, and she immediately felt the piercing burning pain and endless weakness.

"It's Kryptonite! There's an ambush among us, Toti, Toti? General Zod?"

Kryptonite is supposed to be green light, but when it falls in the shadow realm, all colors turn to gray.

Adjani's expression was distorted, and dark gray spots in the shape of spider webs appeared on her fair face, like cracks in porcelain.

She shouted her companion's name, but all she heard was a rustling sound.

Lost contact.

The shadow realm blocks their information connection with the material realm.

At least the communicator that came with the helmet failed to achieve cross-border quantum signal communication.

In an instant, the dark seabed was illuminated by dots of white light.

Pale white ‘teeth’ bite everywhere on the Kryptonian’s body.

"Ahhh-" They roared loudly and struggled hard. The vines broke and covered them one after another. The quiet seabed was like two tyrannosaurs awakening.

From the dark corner, four figures emerged, Harley, Luther, Bruce and Major Adam.

Harley is wearing handsome silver-gold heavenly armor.

The Luthor mecha cannot enter the water. Like Bruce and Adam, he wears a diving suit and holds a whale hunting gun.

"Ivy, separate the two people from top to bottom, Bruce, you three deal with the weakest technician."

The water plants grew wildly, like two pythons, each biting a Kryptonian and walking away.

One went up, one went down, the positions were staggered, but they did not leave the range of the magic circle.

The three Bruces rushed to Ebony's side and fired six flying forks of Kryptonite arrows at the Kryptonian.

"ding ding ding"

It has no effect if it falls on the armor and transparent breathing mask.

However, behind the flying fork is still connected the carbon nanomaterial rope that Luther is preparing to tie up Da Chao.

The three of them quickly circled the "Zongzi Man" according to the previously agreed upon plan, and the rope gradually became tighter.

"Try harder, he's still struggling!" Bruce gritted his teeth.

"I'm right, Kryptonian armor must be able to protect against Kryptonite radiation." Luther shouted.

On the other side, Harley roared and rushed directly towards the Kryptonian female warrior.

Her appearance at this time was a little strange.

The stick of God became a mace, and the silver body was inlaid with kryptonite as thick as a little finger.

Her Duke of Paradise Mountain armor is also inlaid with green kryptonite nails on the forehead of the helmet, the back of the gloves, and the shoulder armor.

There are also small pieces of kryptonite on the chest to make an "H" letter.

Vine moved out of the way, allowing her to approach the female Kryptonian whose hands and feet were bound.

"Boom!" Harley hit her round face with a hammer.

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