I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 328 Earth Representative

Admiral Mark's eyes flashed slightly and he said in a deep voice: "Dr. Manhattan is the United States' last resort. We can only rely on ourselves this time."

Harley looked at him deeply, nodded and said: "Before handing over Superman, let's negotiate first.

Even if an honest person encounters a robber on the street, he will say, "Please, I will give you all the money I have, please don't hurt me."

He would only pay after getting the robber's promise that he would "be honest and obedient and I won't kill you."

We also have to beg the aliens first to see what they promise. "

This time Admiral Mark had no objection.

The other generals, president, dignitaries, and staff members whispered among themselves for a while, and then they all reached a unified opinion.

The horse gang leader looked around and asked: "Who is willing to represent the U.S. government and all mankind to negotiate with the Kryptonians?"

Everyone lowered their heads and stared at the table, as if there were flowers on the table.

Harley also hunched her shoulders and pretended to be dead.

Even if she is willing in her heart, she should pretend not to and see what benefits she can get.

"Miss Quinn, it was you who proposed the negotiation." Admiral Mark looked at her with bright eyes and said, "You are proficient in magic and fighting skills, have extraordinary strength, and are eloquent. How about you step in?"

Harley said: "I am brave and resourceful, it is true.

But my identity is not enough!

It’s hard for a mere New York State Congressman to represent New York State, let alone the United States and the Earth?

Alas, to negotiate with the Kryptonians, one must at least be a full-fledged senator like Mike, with a military background and the trust of both Congress and the Pentagon. "

Everyone subconsciously looked at Mike Peng.

The fat man's face turned pale and he said anxiously: "I have an identity and a patriotism. This is true.

But my body is disabled, a whole leg is missing, and I am powerless! "

"Harry, just convey the wishes of the US government. You don't need to make any decisions." Admiral Mark said calmly.

Harley rolled her eyes lightly and said with emotion: "I have the consciousness to sacrifice for the United States, the earth, and all mankind.

It's just that I'm a man of few words.

In special circumstances, we have no right to make on-the-spot decisions.

But aliens may not be able to bear their temper and have many consecutive meetings with us.

So, I can go meet aliens, but I have to carry communication earbuds and accept instructions from Admiral Mark at any time. "

The horse gang leader frowned, this plan is very good, it is a mature idea of ​​​​seeking the country.

But he felt that he should be the one giving orders behind the scenes.

But before he could raise any objections, Admiral Mark immediately decided, "The best of both worlds, let's do this."

Then, everyone began to discuss the content of the negotiations, until a captain hurried into the conference room and shouted: "Mr. President, generals, Superman is here!"

"Where?" General Lane asked hurriedly.

"Right outside the Pentagon."

Everyone left the conference room and saw Superman suspended in mid-air at the gate.

"I surrender to Zod."

Dachao is very straightforward.

"No, we have to defend your legitimate interests."

The president and other officials shook their heads.

Harley made it clear before.

Keeping the Super League is like keeping a nuclear bomb in a war.

Giving him to the enemy before getting any definite answer is the most stupid behavior.

Therefore, hearing Superman say that he must surrender immediately, the military and political officials attending the meeting became nervous.

"Tearman, from the moment you came to Earth, you have become an American citizen.

Protecting the legitimate interests of citizens is a responsibility that the military and government must bear.

Don't be afraid, let us negotiate with your compatriots first. "Admiral Mark comforted.

"Tearman, we haven't forgotten the agreement we signed with you that day! In the name of the president, I guarantee your civil rights." Mr. President said with a kind smile.

Da Chao's expression was blank, but when he turned his eyes to Harley, he was full of gratitude and emotion.

He has super hearing and has been monitoring secret government meetings.

Throughout the whole process, only Harley stood firmly on his side and argued for his safety.

Others didn't care at all whether he lived or died.

"I will help you complete the negotiations on the condition of surrender." Dachao said solemnly.

Admiral Mark's pupils shrank, "Do you know the content of our meeting?"

Dachao nodded and admitted, "I can hear it."

can also be seen

"We are on the fifth floor underground." The leader of the caravan looked ugly.

He knew that Da Chao had good hearing, but it was a bit unexpected that he was so good.

The conference room on the fifth floor underground had a special sound insulation layer installed, but it still couldn't be hidden from Tearman.

Then wouldn’t he be able to hear all the ridiculous things he did in the White House and Camp David?

Thinking about it carefully, I feel so ashamed.

It’s shameful but also a little irritating.

"As long as I am willing, I can hear the voice from the other side of the earth." Da Chao said.

The dignitaries who heard about this ability for the first time looked shocked and frightened.

"Then our conversation was also heard by General Zod?" Ryan asked worriedly.

"I have never seen Zod, and I am not sure whether they have adapted to the earth's environment." Dachao said.

"Tearman, don't talk while floating up there. My neck hurts when I look up." Harley rubbed her neck and complained.

After being reminded by her, General Mark, General Minos and other elderly people were shocked to realize that they had been raising their heads to talk to Superman in the sky, and their mental power was highly concentrated. At this time, their necks were extremely sore.

"Well, as I get older, my neck is really sore."

Laurie lowered his head and rubbed the back of his neck vigorously.

On the steps in front of the Pentagon, a group of old men and women were complaining softly and rubbing their necks.

Dachao, with his red cloak flying in the air like a flag, looked embarrassed, slowly fell to the ground, and followed everyone into the conference room.

At nine o'clock the next morning, 14 hours had passed since General Zod's 24-hour declaration.

On the lawn in front of the White House, several gray finches were bathing in the golden morning light of late autumn, chirping and pecking at green-brown grass seeds on the ground.

"Long live Dr. Manhattan!"

"Blue Manhattan, the Manhattan of the United States, come out and save the world, Manhattan!"

"Summon Blue Manhattan and guard the blue earth star!"

"There are aliens in the sky and Manhattan on the earth!"

At the corner of the street outside the fence, a loud shout suddenly came from the sky. The sparrows were frightened and flew into the blue sky with their puffs and puffs.

Harley and others, who were preparing to welcome the alien at the White House, immediately went out to check the situation.

Thousands of demonstrators and intimidating people were seen rushing to the White House.

They chanted slogans and most carried rifles, automatic rifles and other weapons.

The leading people carried huge portraits of Blue Manhattan and even smeared blue dye all over their bodies and drew hydrogen atom symbols between their eyebrows to make themselves look like Blue Manhattan.

In addition to Dr. Manhattan's crowd, there were also people holding posters of superheroes such as Tearman and Wonder Woman, dressing up as them and chanting slogans such as "Wonder Woman, defend the earth."

Well, Bruce must be very embarrassed. There are thousands of people, more than a dozen cross-dressing heroes, even the "Mayor Man" who has retired for many years has two fans, but not a "Battman".

"Didn't I ask the MCPD (Metropolitan Police) to block the street? The Kryptonians are coming soon, why did this happen?" The horse gang leader was anxious, called the chief, and asked loudly.

"Mr. President, they came around just because we started to block the streets." The Washington Police Chief said helplessly.

The caravan leader said angrily: "Did anyone leak the information about the negotiations with the Kryptonians?"

"No, the citizens simply blocked the streets and speculated that the government was making big moves." The director shook his head.

The horse gang leader pulled him and growled: "We sent a message to the aliens last night and agreed on a time and place for negotiation.

It cannot be changed now.

Therefore, I don’t care what means you use, just let the people demonstrating and threatening leave immediately.

Make it clear to the organizers that today is not a suitable day for demonstrations and demonstrations.

At another time, I would greet them personally.

Or have the march go to the Capitol, go to the National Mall, wherever.

Don't come to the White House, at least not this morning. "

Harley squinted at the brighter and brighter 'stars' in the sky, and sighed: "It's too late, the aliens have already arrived."

Today she was dressed more formally, wearing a lady's suit and trousers, a white shirt, and black high-heeled shoes. Her thick blond hair was tied on top of her head, leaving only a few strands of hair around her ears. Her pretty face was lightly powdered, and her red lips were not rosy, showing her intellectual elegance. And charming and cute.

Many of the guards and White House staff nearby glanced at her quietly.

Well, it’s not just about the face and figure.

They were also both curious about the first Earthling to negotiate with aliens.

"Well, maybe we should listen to General Mark and go to Louisburg Air Force Base to hold negotiations."

Looking at the surging crowd of demonstrators and demonstrators in the distant streets, the leader of the caravan said in annoyance.

Harley said disapprovingly: “When negotiating in the White House, only ordinary people demonstrate and threaten.

The government has shown 100% sincerity.

By placing the negotiation point at a military base, it is the military and the government that are demonstrating to aliens.

Do you think that situation would excite aliens more? "

"Stop talking nonsense and get ready to welcome the alien guests."

On the other end of the earbud, Admiral Mark made his presence felt.

"Mr. President, please return to the White House immediately and enter the underground safe room." General Lane whispered.

"Harry, be careful."

The leader of the horse gang gave one last warning and led a group of people to retreat into the White House.

Harley and an officer named Nathaniel Adam were left alone in the front yard of the White House.

Adam is responsible for protecting Earth's representative, Envoy Hallie, and maintaining order on site.

"You became a major at such a young age, why do you stay here to take risks?" Harley looked at the sky and asked casually.

“While serving in Iraq, he accidentally killed two American soldiers who were molesting women.

Unfortunately, they all have higher ranks than me.

One of them was even a brigadier general.

I was sentenced to death by a military court.

For the president's pardon, I would accept any dangerous job. "Adam sighed.

Harley looked back at him with a strange expression, "It turns out he is a 'death row' who was forced to do nothing."

Adam said seriously: "Don't get me wrong, Miss Quinn, it is the greatest honor in my life to be able to welcome aliens with you this time, and there is no force."

"Ah, alien spaceship, aliens are coming!"

As the spacecraft slowly approached the White House, the crowds of demonstrators and demonstrators on the streets could also be clearly seen.

Some of the 'good Long Ye Gong' simply threw away the banners and ran away crying for their fathers and mothers, faster than when they came in a swarm.

Others were holding weapons, hesitating whether to attack.

What's more, he is confused and confused.

Harley picked up the big lama, walked to the lawn, and shouted to the panicked crowd outside and the police officers maintaining order: "Don't be nervous, everyone. I am Harley Quinn, the former mayor of Gotham City, now the state of New York. Congressman, special adviser to Congress, the White House’s top extraterrestrial affairs expert, and negotiator between the United States and humans on Earth.

Today, I have been jointly entrusted by the US government and the United Nations to conduct peaceful and friendly negotiations with the Kryptonians from afar.

Please keep order, put down your weapons, don't be nervous, and don't lose the face of Earthlings in front of aliens. "

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