I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 326 Negotiation (please vote at the end of the month)

"General Zod seems to have evil intentions." Clark sighed.

"Have you asked 'Joel' for information about Zod?" Harley asked.

Just now in the office, when everyone was discussing aliens and guardian dogs, Dachao disappeared for a while.

Clark spread his hand, and the key to 'Jor-El' was in his palm, "Zod was once the head of the Kryptonian Military Association.

Before Krypton was about to be destroyed, he led a group of soldiers to launch a coup, hoping to save Krypton by reforming the social system at the time.

It was also during the turmoil of the coup that my parents put me on a spaceship bound for Earth.

Zod and others should have been exiled to the Phantom Space."

Clark looked hesitant, "Maybe Krypton exploded and broke the cage of the phantom space, allowing them to escape."

Harley asked doubtfully: "You also said before that the phantom space is the fifth dimension, which is Limbo. How can the explosion of a planet in the material world interfere with the prison in Limbo?"

"Prisons should be connected to the physical world"

Clark pondered for a moment, and suddenly his heart moved, and he said: "You took me into the Shadow Realm earlier, and the environment there was exactly the same as the Earth.

In other words, it is the projection of the earth in limbo. "

Harley suddenly said, "You mean, the Kryptonians also have a shadow realm, and then they built a prison in the shadow realm of Krypton.

Krypton was destroyed, and there was turmoil in the shadow realm of Krypton, allowing Zod to find an opportunity to escape? "

"It's just a guess," Clark said.

"What specific crime did Zod commit? Based on his past behavior and character, we can roughly deduce his purpose of coming to Earth today." Harley said.

Clark looked complicated, "To understand why he made a coup, Harley, you must first understand the two systems of Krypton.

First, the reproductive system.

Kryptonians gave up on natural pregnancy very early, and through the Central Collection - you can think of it as a genetic library, which contains all the genetic information of Kryptonians.

Every newborn is born based on social needs and a combination of corresponding genes. "

Harley said disapprovingly: "Without natural genetic mutation, how can we evolve?

That central book is good for collecting genes.

If we rely on it to build society, it will completely kill the possibility of evolution.

Moreover, the future of social individuals is determined by genes long before birth. What is the difference between humans and functional robots in factories?

When individuals lose their vitality, society will inevitably become dead. "

As if he was afraid that she would dislike him as a 'robot' on the assembly line, Clark quickly explained: "I am the first individual born naturally on Krypton in tens of millions of years.

My parents don't agree with this law very much. They believe that life should have the right to choose. "

Harley frowned and said, "Zod and those soldiers are completely born for fighting. They are natural warriors and generals."

"Probably." Dachao sighed, and continued: "The second system is that the Kryptonian parliament hopes that Kryptonian society will die naturally, and strictly orders Kryptonian people to shrink their strength and no longer migrate or expand.

Before the advent of this system, Kryptonians existed throughout the universe.

For example, the reconnaissance ship discovered in northern Canada that day.

There is a complete set of equipment for cultivating Kryptonian babies inside.

It is not only a scientific research ship, but also a migration and civilian ship. "

"This" Harley wanted to complain, but she also understood that as long as the Kryptonian leaders were not collectively mentally retarded, they would not make such a 'national policy' without any reason.

"Why?" she asked.

"I probably feel that Kryptonian civilization has come to an end. Just as individuals are born, grow, and age, so is civilization."

Clark is not sure, "This is just Joel's guess, and 'Joel' is a simulation of all the memories and thoughts of my biological father.

The problem is, my father is just a Kryptonian scientist, and he doesn't necessarily know the whole truth. "

Harley wanted to complain again, but endured it and asked: "Zod wants to revolution, probably because he wants to abolish the second law and allow Kryptonians to migrate outward again to avoid the possible explosion crisis of Krypton?"

Clark had a complicated expression and nodded slightly.

"Alas" what else could Harry say?

Dachao's father, Joel, has determined that he is a 100% double-standard dog and a white lotus bitch. He felt that the laws of genetic customization were inappropriate, so he secretly had a baby with his wife naturally.

Zod is obviously more selfless and only wants to save Kryptonian civilization, but he is regarded as a traitor and a heinous criminal and thrown into the phantom space.

But from the perspective of an Earthling, there is no doubt that Zod is a dangerous person, and Jor-El is a good old man suitable to be friends with.

Harley is a human being, her butt and ass cannot sit upright. Even the Kryptonians don't cherish their heroes, so why should she cherish heroes?

"The government must be looking for me to discuss Zod's affairs. I will try my best to persuade them not to hand you over," Harley said.

"Zod gave a 24-hour limit," Clark said hesitantly.

"You have been on Earth since you were a baby and have no personal relationship with Zod. He is looking for you and must want to get something from you."

Clark looked at the 'Joel' key in his hand, and said hesitantly: "This one in my hand is of some value, but what is he going to do?"

"No matter what we want, we can negotiate with him." Harley said.

"What if Zod insists on me? The U.S. government will never fight the Kryptonians for me, nor can we defeat them," Clark said.

Harley thought for a while and took Clark to the rooftop.

The Pentagon helicopter hasn't arrived yet.


After shouting, the Archimedes airship appeared above the two of them.

"My dear, the airship has been following you all the time?" Clark asked in surprise.

Harley chuckled, "There is no way, there are so many enemies that I can't even count them on my fingers. We can't eliminate them all, we can only defend them for a thousand days."

Then, she shouted to Ivy: "Give me a handful of seeds, small, hard-to-find seeds."

"What is it used for?" Ivy asked.

"Eavesdropping and positioning, if necessary, can open the green plant transmission channel."

A young seedling poked out from the airship cabin and grew into a sesame seed in front of Harley.

The sesame blossoms are growing higher and higher.

The straw shook slightly, and a handful of white sesame seeds fell into Halli's palm.

"Take these sesame seeds with you. If you have a chance to enter the alien spacecraft, scatter them along the way." Harley handed the sesame seeds to Clark.

"Magic?" Clark asked curiously.

"Plant magic can eavesdrop and locate space. If the talks break down and we have to fight, just..." Harley smiled at him.

"I see."

After Clark left, Harley frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Ivy, go to the lawn in the front yard of the White House and sprinkle a layer of grass seeds on it.

In addition, look for opportunities to leave seeds on the bodies and stomachs of the President, Secretary of State, and several generals. Well, there are agents from the Shadow Bureau secretly protecting you, so even some magic fluctuations can be easily detected. You should wait until I send you a message. "

"What are you going to do?" Ivy asked confused.

"I will convince the president to negotiate with the Kryptonians. The negotiation will be held in the White House, leaving grass seeds in the hope that the soles of the Kryptonians will get on them.

Leaving a mark on the President General serves the same purpose.

Maybe, they have a chance to go to the Kryptonian mothership? "

A hint of calculation flashed in Harry's eyes, and he said with a smile: "Hey, whoever annoys me the most in the meeting later will be sent as a negotiator."

"I feel that the government, with their greedy, ruthless and ruthless style, will not try their best to save Superman's life. Most of them would like Superman to be taken away by aliens," Ivy said.

"I will convince them." Harley said.

"I do believe this," Ivy nodded, and added: "If you see someone you don't like, you can just kill him, why bother killing someone with a borrowed knife?"

Harry rolled his eyes at her, "How untechnical and boring is that? It's not my style."

Ivy disagreed, "If you have time to go back and forth, you can find other fun."

Harley said: "You can't look down on the IQ of those politicians just because they don't have extraordinary power and can't defeat you.

Not to mention the constant protection of top bosses by agents of the Bureau of Shadows.

Even if I do it quietly, once suspicion arises in my mind, I don't need any evidence.

Then, because I don’t follow the rules, I can’t get along in politics at all. "

"Isn't it comfortable for us to dominate in Gotham? Why come to Washington to hang out?" Ivy sighed.

"The government has a lot of resources I need. If I want to quickly improve my strength, I really have to come to Washington.

Moreover, the era of superheroes is about to come. Without a prominent identity, why should he yell at the unruly group of people? "

Take control of Gotham, take control of an Arkham.

After entering the White House, all the super criminals in the United States and even the DC universe were forced to practice boxing with her, so the experience points...

Harley looked into the distance and could already vaguely see the shadow of a helicopter. "This time, maybe we can also find out the details of Dr. Manhattan."

"Why are you suddenly paying attention to Dr. Manhattan?" Ivy asked doubtfully.

"I met Laurie a few days ago and she said she has been dreaming about Manhattan a lot lately." Harley's eyes narrowed slightly, "This is not normal!

If Manhattan is in the United States, we are paying attention to Lowry and the US government.

Even if the guess is wrong, it can at least expose some of Dr. Manhattan's secrets to the US government. "

Half an hour later, Washington, information room on the fifth floor of the Pentagon.

"Miss Quinn, your guard dog." General Minos said with a solemn expression and an emotional tone, "It's really impressive.

Now that the global network is controlled by the Kryptonians, only your watchdog still guards the last information portal for people on earth. "

All the generals and staff in the room looked at the beautiful woman walking slowly with complicated expressions.

Harley raised her lips and smiled, but the smile quickly faded.

We're being invaded by aliens right now, so we can't show too much joy.

“My good friend Richie is a true quantum magician.

The guardian dog adds some magical paradigms, so the scientific alien devils can't crack it. "

Some people who knew her details showed expressions of surprise and relief.

——No wonder even with a full set of original data, I can’t figure out the secret of the watchdog. It turns out it’s mixed with magic.

"The focus now is the 24-hour deadline for Kryptonian Zod." The white-haired old black man in the central seat reminded in a deep voice.

He has four stars on his shoulders.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 54-year-old General Mark!

Harley glanced at him, a little confused.

This guy has a glowing face, is full of energy, and has a strong horse. He doesn't look like someone who is in a hurry to go to hell. (ps)

"General, I recommend handing over Ripman."

A middle-aged man in casual clothes who looked like a university professor said seriously: "Through the Kryptonians' complete control of the earth's electronic equipment, it can be completely confirmed that there is an insurmountable technological gap between us and Krypton.

When we face them, we are like primitive people facing the current American soldiers. We have no chance of winning. "

"I agree with Dr. Avio's proposal." Mike Peng, who was missing a leg, said coldly: "Rip Man is an alien, why should we protect him?

Even if one American soldier is sacrificed for him, it is not worth it.

Our soldiers only serve the United States and the earth. "

The horse gang leader (Oba) frowned and said: "We have an agreement with Tearman, he is American.

However, I support Mike and Dr. Avio.

Zod, who calls himself General Zod.

There is no general who fights alone.

As long as he has ten soldiers under his command, let alone the technological gap, we can't withstand only 10 supermen. "

"What the president said makes sense." Many generals and staff members agreed.

Harley smiled softly, "What a stupid idea!"

"Harley Quinn, are you insulting Mr. President?" Admiral Mark said sternly.

"No, I don't mean anything against Mr. President. I mean, everyone here, anyone who nods in agreement or has similar thoughts is very stupid." Harley said lightly.

As he said these pretentious words, a sour feeling rose from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, which was completely comfortable.

(ps: In Chapter 293, through the mouth of Mike Peng, General Mark briefly appeared. He is the military boss in Washington who covets Harley's Paradise Card.)

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