I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 317 The arrival of the true body of the Three Palaces

"Hagging seems fun. But I haven't bargained before, what should I do?" Xiao Heidou said excitedly.

"Bargaining is to use language to devalue the goods and persuade the seller to realize this, so as to achieve a fair transaction result." Harley said.

"Tian Zhi Sheng does not accept bargaining." Tian Zhi Sheng said immediately.

Little Heidou immediately applied what he learned, "The cost of restoring Richie's soul is not worth 50 million merit. I hope you can realize this."

Why does this sound like "Is this melon guaranteed to be cooked?"

The voice of heaven.

Harley first advised Little Heidou: "When you first bargain, try to be more tactful. Wait until the other party is disobedient before you speak harshly."

Then, she said to the voice of the sky: "Even if there is a rogue shopping software on earth, please give it a try and lower the price to give Little Black Bean some face."

"Heaven does not accept bargaining when redeeming merit, but you are willing to pay so much for an ordinary friend. It is very loyal and in line with Christian doctrine. I can give you some additional small gifts." Tian Zhisheng said.

Harley's expression is strange, is loyalty consistent with Christian doctrine?

Could it be that Brother Guan is acting like God?

The little black bean next to him was very knowledgeable and immediately asked: "Since he doesn't accept our gentle persuasion, do you want to threaten him with harsh words? Why don't you let him give it to you for free?"

"No, it's not necessary." Harley quickly taught: "We don't have to be good people, but we must have principles in doing things. Only people who adhere to principles can win the respect of others in their actions."

"When I sleep in the Sunless Sea, I can dream about what all the demons do. They are also very principled." Little Black Bean said.

"Oh, you can sense the behavior of all demons? You shouldn't have been able to do this before, right?" Harley said in surprise.

If he had been able to 'dream' the various forms of demons earlier, he would have given birth to consciousness from difference.

"I started dreaming after I returned to the Sunless Sea last time." Little Black Bean said.

Harley thought thoughtfully. After awakening, the little black beans began to grow.

It's just that I have been following the devil, and my three views seem to be distorted.

"There are more undead in hell. They are repenting for their sins in life. Have you seen it?" Harley asked.

"I'm not like humans, and their moral values ​​don't mean anything to me.

I am the embodiment of darkness and corruption.

I don't need to do evil or preach extreme evil.

On the contrary, I carry all the evil in the world. "Little Black Bean said meaningfully.

Harley understood, he understood the meaning of her admonishment, but he seemed to be in a higher realm than her, and in turn advised her not to 'meddle in other people's business'.

She rolled her eyes and smiled: "Have you ever heard of Yin and Yang?

Light is born from extreme darkness.

You are darkness, you are corruption, you are the sum total of evil in the world.

But you shouldn't settle for less.

If you can go one step further, discover the purest light in the darkness, awaken to holiness in the midst of degradation, and transform the accumulated evil in the world into good and beauty.

You will become the unified master of light and darkness.

You will represent everything. "

Little Black Bean was silent.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

After a long time, the Tai Chi diagram in front of Harry exploded.

The black smoke excluded the holy white light and began to rotate, forming a pure black disk, but vaguely, it seemed that there were white spots about to emerge from the darkness.

Harry's heart was agitated. Little Black Bean was only a part of God, not even one half. But if he could 'create cathode and yang', light would be born from darkness, and he would become a "small complete body" of light and darkness. He Is it possible to dominate the will of God?

"Harley, thank you, I seem to have a different feeling." Xiao Heidou said with a smile.

"Little Heidou, you-" Harley was surprised, his voice changed, and so did his image.

His voice was exactly the same as hers, and his image was no longer a black mess, but exactly the same as hers.

“I feel like I can never be pure darkness again.

I have some new feelings about the light that I once hated so much that I wanted to destroy it.

I think I can accept that I am dark and light, evil and good.

Carrying light and darkness, good and evil at the same time, isn’t that what humans are?

Perhaps this is why humans were created by your ‘God’? "

At this point, Little Black Bean gave an extremely humane sly smile and winked at Harley: "When making friends with humans, it's best to have human form and human values.

The image is different, and the unfamiliarity arises by itself. The three views are different and it is difficult to be in harmony. "

Harry was stunned for a long time and said with emotion: "Little Heidou, you are a true monastic genius."

She is so understanding.

Technically, she's not yet seven years old.

"Harry, what do you think of me now?" Little Black Bean spread his arms and turned around in front of Harley with a smile.

"Very beautiful, perfect." Harley praised shamelessly.

"However, you are you. You can use my perfect image as a reference, but it's better to be a little different."

Little Black Bean tilted his head and thought for a moment, "What you said makes sense."

The next moment, her image changed again. The corners of her mouth were pulled toward the roots of her ears, and her mouth became... Harley has a heart-shaped face, a broad forehead, full cheeks, but a delicate and small chin. At this time, the little black bean mouth became a bit exaggerated, but it was not considered Too big.

The corners of her eyes and eyebrows were also slightly adjusted.

Then the lips turned black, and the hair and eyes turned pure black, as if there was a tiny bit of white, looming in the center of the pupils.

"How?" Little Black Bean asked again.

His current appearance is still very similar to Harley's, but if they stand together, they will never be confused again.

"very good."

"Harry, do you still want to bargain?" Little Black Bean rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

"No need, I have a small gift!" Harry said dryly.

"Fifty-five million, restore Richie's soul to its original state and absolve him of all the sins of his lifetime, qualifying him to enter the fiefdom of the Duke of Paradise Mountain."

Tian Zhisheng seemed a little anxious and wanted to end this merit exchange quickly.

"OK!" Harley nodded.

In the Shadow Realm, the weathered Quinn Building.

Top floor.

Harley held the cross in her hand and stood with Clark on the edge. The robot lay on the ground with sparks flying, and Richie's dark face let out an inhuman roar.

"Buzz!" A beam of holy white light fell on Richie.

The ferocity, malice, and jealousy on his face slowly disappeared.

Dots of fluorescence converged on the head with only the broken skin left, as if the mosaic picture was restored to a high-definition image bit by bit.

Richie's image gradually became complete.

"Harry? I -" He turned around and looked around, surprised: "What are we doing in Limbo?"

"You helped Constantine search for Zed's information. Do you still remember the result?"

Richie was stunned, his face changed drastically, and he cursed: "That bastard Constantine unplugged the power, why did he want to hurt me?"

"Because your body has been burned to charcoal."

Then, Harley described the situation that day and his previous situation in detail.

Richie's expression changed several times. He was first shocked, disbelieving, and then frustrated. Finally, he said with gratitude: "Harley, thank you. I know merit is rare. You wasted tens of millions on me all at once. I..."

After the incident with the wizarding group, he had been hanging out with Harley and fully understood the meaning of 55 million meritorious deeds.

In the past six years, she had worked so hard and only earned tens of thousands of merit.

Harley waved her hand, "Merits are the same as money. They are bastards. You can earn more after spending them. But you are my friend, unique in the world."

Richie wanted to cry, especially after comparing himself to the 'ruthless and unjust' Zha Kang.

"Richie, I have to explain something to you. It cost 50 million to completely restore your soul without leaving any sequelae.

If you were to be completely redeemed, that is, using the power of heaven to distort the magic mark on your body, it would cost another 50 million.

I don't have that much merit, so I just asked Xiao Heidou for help.

But in that case, you will awaken the dark magic power and cannot enter the bottom heaven. You can only go to my heaven mountain to become a grass-headed god.

Do you want to?

Or do you have other ideas? "

Richie thought for a while and said: "Harry, we are friends from the beginning, and you have spent so much effort on me.

I am not a ungrateful person, and of course I am willing to enter Paradise Mountain to work for you.

The only thing I can't worry about is my children and my mother.

After becoming a Caotou God, can I return to Earth often to see them? "

"You can return to Earth, but you are in an 'electrical signal state' and cannot be seen by ordinary people." Harley said.

"I am very satisfied to be able to see them. If I let them see me, my life will be disrupted." Rich sighed.

"Little Black Bean, help him twist his magic power."

"Whoa!" Little Heidou outside Baiyin City instantly arrived in the shadow world on the edge of hell.

"Ah, who are you? Why do you look exactly like Harley?" Clark asked in surprise.

"I'm Little Black Bean, Harley's good friend." Little Black Bean grinned and pointed at Richie's eyebrow.

There was no atmosphere of fireworks, and no power was leaked out, but Richie's expression was twisted, as if he was suffering from great pain.

"Witch, come out, I know you are inside, come out and die!"

Suddenly, a familiar loud shout came from outside the building.

"Who is it?" Clark opened his clairvoyant eyes, glanced around, and said in shock: "Harley, something bad is going on. Thick demons have surrounded this ruins."

"It's just a bunch of chickens and dogs." Harley sneered.

Seeing Little Heidou retracting his fingers, she felt a move in her heart and asked, "Little Heidou, can you help me fight the battle?"

"How to do it?"

"You hide in the spaceship first and don't show any breath. When I call for help, you come out and save me from the devil." Harley said.

"This is simple."

Harley smiled and called out, "Brother Huanxi, we haven't seen you for a few years. Are you okay?"

"Boom!" A thick red lightning blast directly exploded the ruins into powder.

Harley, wearing the armor of the Duke of Heaven Mountain, and Chao floating next to her, appeared in the circle surrounded by demons.

Headed by Huanxi, he surpassed more than a thousand great demons.

"Tear Man?!" There was a blood-red lightning arc jumping in Huanxi's palm, and he was about to continue his attack, but when he caught a glimpse of Dachao in the red cloak, his expression immediately changed, "You deliberately released the aura of heaven to expose your body and lead us into a trap?

You are too arrogant, this is hell! "

"Brother, now you lead people to ambush me." Harley smiled.

"Tearman, are you sure you want to get involved in the feud between Hell and the witch?" Huanxi said sharply.

"Let us leave, and I won't kill you." Clark said solemnly.

"Kill me?" Huanxi sneered, "I'm just a mortal who has gained supernatural powers. Do you know who I am? I am the judge of hell. If you have the guts, come and kill me -"


A beam of gray-white light as thick as the mouth of a bowl shot out from Tranpoman's eyes, spanning a hundred meters in an instant. Before Huanxi could finish his words, his head exploded, and blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

The demons were stunned, "Tear apart Man and kill the judge!"

"Did you use all your strength?" Harley asked strangely.

Clark was also a little sluggish, "Of course, it is the Judge of Hell! Why does it behave so badly? It is not as good as the previous Son of the Three Palaces?"

"It is a judge, but it is also a crispy mage, and"

Moreover, she also used the God's Force Field in conjunction - constraining the spherical force field with a radius of ten meters into a bundle as thick as the mouth of a bowl, which perfectly matched Superman's heat ray.

All the defensive magic on Huanxi's head failed.

"Death to the witch!" A red-brown skinned palm stretched out from the depths of hell, covering Harley within a hundred meters.

Without saying a word, Clark raised his fist and punched the sky.


A powerful gas explosion formed a circle of gray-white turbid waves.

The surrounding demons were blown away like lamp grass.

"Boom!" Dachao shot down from above like a cannonball, creating a ten-meter-deep crater next to Harley.

"Witch Harley, Tear Man, you are dead today, even if God comes, it will be useless, I said so."

The huge demonic shadow slowly flew from the sky, 300 meters high. It was still roughly human-like, with rough reddish-brown skin, a golden armor on its chest exposed, and a pair of eyes each on its cheeks and forehead, a total of six eyes.

The body of the Three Palace Demon!

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