I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 310: Capture Heaven and Become God

——Hell, like heaven, is all around you. Otherwise, where do you think it is?

Kristen had never thought that she was so close to hell, and that falling into hell was so easy.

She is a country girl, very beautiful, but she has always lived a very simple and pure life.

After graduating from high school, more than 70% of the students stayed in that remote and closed town, and like their fathers, became farmers, loggers, foresters, car mechanics, or ran a small shop by the road.

The remaining 30% of students continue their studies, 20% become small town police officers, civil servants, teachers, etc., and the last 10% are lucky enough to enter nearby cities, such as state capitals.

She is the luckiest among the adults. She may be lucky, but she is definitely the one who works the hardest.

She came to the most prosperous city in the world, Manhattan.

And got an offer from the world's most famous National Bank of the United States.

She is not the pride of the whole village, because this is not popular among Americans.

But she is definitely the most promising member of her family in the past century.

After joining the company, she continued to decorate her world with hard work, seriousness, persistence, and optimism, and life rewarded her with songs.

At work, except for the inexplicable insistence of the board of directors on "Big Money" and the fact that every now and then, all employees in the company must observe three minutes of silence for the "heroic death" of the previous Big Money, everything else is fine. She has been steadily promoted and is almost on the verge of being a deputy manager. .

Emotionally, she found her other half, a handsome, gentle and talented university professor.

Dalton is not an old professor who nibbles on young students. He is the same age as her.

At that time, she felt that heaven was around her.

Even if one day she overheard a phone call between her boyfriend and his family - his mother asked him to break up with her and find a well-matched Upper East Side girl - she did not resent or complain.

She just gritted her teeth and made up her mind to work harder.

Dalton's mother will definitely change her mind when she impresses her superiors with her hard work and is promoted to deputy manager.

That afternoon, she met the old gypsy woman at the company.

In their old age, American elderly lose their stable source of income, are not used to saving money and are not good at financial management, so they can easily go bankrupt.

Even if they have money and buy properties that maintain and increase their value, they will still go bankrupt inexplicably.

This is America, and bankruptcy is as common as divorce.

Even many young people are bankrupt, why can't old people go bankrupt?

The old woman owed the bank a sum of money and used her house as a mortgage. It has been overdue twice and she wants to extend it a third time.

Kristine knew how cruel it would be to evict an old man from the home where he had lived for decades, but she went to ask the manager to explain the old woman's situation, but the manager asked her to choose between compassion and the normal interests of the company.

I think of the position of the deputy manager and my fiancé’s mother. If she decides to extend the payment for the old woman, but ends up unable to repay the loan on time, she will have to bear the responsibility.

Christine's reason prevailed over her personal emotions: With the old woman's financial situation, if nothing unexpected happens, ten extensions will be useless.

She didn't want to tarnish her performance at the critical moment when the assistant manager was vacant.

She persuaded the old woman to find a nursing home or go to her granddaughter's home.

The old woman didn't want to disturb her granddaughter and even knelt down to beg her on the spot.

She had never encountered anything like this before. She was so frightened that she subconsciously called the security guard.

Then, the old woman's pleading face became twisted and vicious.

That night, the old woman sneaked into her car, ambushed her, and placed a curse on her.

After that night, strange things began to happen around her.

She went online and asked Bateman for help. She felt stupid afterwards.

But posting online was not completely ineffective. She got at least two more reliable suggestions: The first one was to go to the church to find a priest. One netizen swore that the 'retired' mayor Harley Quinn was very good at exorcism. ; Second, go to a psychic. Countless people recommend Mrs. Xanadu in Greenwich Village.

Kristen hesitated and went to Greenwich Village first because it was close to home.

She also lives in Greenwich Village.

Moreover, the mayor wearing a nun's uniform sounds a bit unconventional.

Mrs. Xanadu is a ‘hundred-year-old brand’.

Well, many netizens said that Xanadu was exorcised by those people decades ago.

She felt that she had made the right choice, because Mrs. Xanadu said calmly: "Harry? My apprentice."

Mrs. Xanadu is really strong! ! !

She easily forced the demon to appear. He was a three-meter-tall, muscular and terrifying demon king!

Christine even suspected that it was the legendary Satan! !

But Madam Xanadu was able to fight against such a powerful demon king for three hundred rounds, with lightning and thunder, meteors and fire showers, torrential demonic flames, and flashing magic circles. All kinds of dazzling, heaven-destroying magic was simply horrifying.

Mrs. Xanadu's residence seemed to have been baptized by missiles over and over again.

Finally, the demon wailed and disappeared, and Mrs. Xanadu stood proudly on the spot covered in blood, like a female war goddess from myths and legends.

"Has my curse been lifted?" Christine asked expectantly.

"Half of it has been lifted," Mrs. Xanadu looked solemn, "The source of the curse is that button. Before nine o'clock in the morning on the third day, as long as you give it to another person, the curse will leave you."

"Transfer it to another person?" Christine shook her head repeatedly, "I can't do that! How can someone else bear such a terrible curse as going to hell? This is more evil than killing people."

"This is not harmful, but a trick often used in the exorcism world." Mrs. Xanadu explained patiently: "Find a person who is going to hell, give him the button, and the curse will be fulfilled on him. It will make his ending more miserable, right?”

"But..." Christine hesitated: "No one is destined to go to hell."

“Either you go to hell, or you throw your button on the ride, two choices.

And you can only choose it yourself and give the buttons away with your own hands.

In fact, don’t put too much psychological burden on yourself.

Hell is all around us.

More than 80% of people will go to hell after death. Madam Xanadu sighed.

Christine leaves the exorcism office with the button.

In the next two days, she tried throwing buttons to homeless people, competitors in the workplace, "Neptune" colleagues in the company, the boss of female colleagues who took advantage of her, the hawker who sold her high powder to her at the bar, and protecting herself at the door of the store on the street. GCPD

She never gave the button away.

As long as people are alive, they have the opportunity to change their ways.

She has no power to decide who should go to hell immediately, let alone deprive those who go to hell of their chance of redemption.

On the last night she went to the grave of the old gypsy woman.

Well, the old woman died the day after he cursed her.

She dug up the old woman's grave.

On a dark, wet and rainy night, the old witch cheated her body.

But she is on the verge of despair, and hell is right in front of her, so why should she be afraid of mere zombies?

She bravely knocked it down and stuffed the envelope with the button into its mouth.

The curse it placed on her was borne by it.

She didn't feel any guilt, but felt a sense of relief after taking revenge.

But the next day, at the subway station, her boyfriend took out the button that was supposed to be buried in the cemetery.

What a mistake!

Her boyfriend's birthday is approaching, and she gave him an antique coin yesterday.

The coins and buttons were all in envelopes, but she sent the envelope with buttons by mistake!

She wailed and fell into hell, landing in a sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood was turbulent, huge waves arose, and she was thrown into the air like a drop of water. She was surrounded by countless desperate and crying souls like her.

She only remembered crying, feeling pain and despair, and seeing a sea of ​​blood in front of her eyes, nothing else.

"I didn't expect you to come to me."

She seemed to hear a joking voice coming from the sky, and the waves became faster and higher.

The sight is 'infinitely' raised, sea water, sea surface, waves, transparent sky. A glass, a strong hand, a handsome man in green robe sitting leisurely on the throne, a royal palace, the eighth level of hell Eight ditches.

This is the palace of the Inner Dragon, the King of Hatred.

That sea of ​​blood is just ‘wine’ in a wine glass.

The wine glass shook gently in the hands of the Demon King Neilong.

"Would you like a drink?" Neilong smiled and handed the glass to the hooded man opposite, "I heard that my old friend is coming, so I prepared a bottle of 'Jehovah's Tears' for you in advance.

It is a fine wine made by fermenting the souls of those who are qualified to become the Holy Spirit through many processes such as corruption, distortion, resentment, and hatred. "

"I don't want to stay in hell forever."

The hooded man, who looked like a giant, refused indifferently.

"That's right. Not only do you want to return to Silver City, but you also plan to be its master. I have to say, you are really brave."

The inner dragon raised its neck, opened its mouth, poured the liquid in the glass, and every drop of wine turned into a small red figure, struggling and wailing as it fell into his throat.

"Ah, what a wonderful taste!" The devil's handsome and extraordinary face showed a look of intoxication and drunkenness, "Old man, look at me, I do whatever I want without any scruples.

It's so comfortable to be a demon king, why do you insist on hanging out in Silver City? "

"It appears," the hooded man sighed.

"Who?" Neilong was confused.

"God, or rather, the opposite of Little Black Bean." Hooded Humanity said.

"Michael, that traitorous king, is willing to open the door of light and let him out?" Neilong said in disbelief.

"Humph, so what if it comes out? It can't go back to the Golden Hall." The hooded man sneered.

"It's out, how dare you rebel?" Neilong asked in confusion.

"Hmph, if you see it in its current state, you'll probably have the same reaction as me." The hooded man said.

Neilong fell into deep thought.

"You help me win heaven, and I'll let you rule hell. It's a win-win situation." The hooded man said calmly.

Neilong tilted his head and thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "You were suppressed by Michael in heaven, and I was humiliated by three bastards Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Belena in hell.

We two potential 'rebellious parties' do have a basis for cooperation.

However, you came to me without even trying it yourself. Are you too hasty? "

"You are just one of the trump cards, I want to be foolproof! It's possible that I can handle everything by myself, or it's possible that I'm out of my depth and need your help.

After all, it showed up.

No matter what, my promise will not change. The position of 'Satan' belongs to your old friend for many years. You should trust me. "The hooded man said solemnly.

"Old friend." Neilong looked in a trance, falling into long-lasting memories from tens of billions of years ago.

"Your Majesty, Duke Asham wants to see you." A short ancient demon shouted outside the door.

"Whoosh!" The hooded man disappeared like a phantom, leaving only one sentence, "Neilong, I will launch a coup within five years. I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible."

"Five years." Neilong smiled playfully, "I can't wait. As soon as it appeared -"

"Your Majesty, it's a disaster!"

Not being rejected by Neilong, Asham hurried in.

"Your Majesty, I'm being targeted by a witch."

"Which witch is it? Is it the witch Harley?"

Neilong recovered from his carelessness and looked slightly surprised.

"That's her!" Asham said urgently: "She wants Christine Brown's soul and body from me. If she doesn't agree, she will stare at me completely. Your Majesty, help me!"

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