I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 304 Return of Superman

Two days later, a small new camp was built five hundred meters away from the original camp.

At this time, the atmosphere in the camp, just like the weather here, was full of ice and violent chill.

The 325 people who survived in the camp were all controlled and questioned separately by senior military officials from Washington.

Even Harley, Hardy, Javier, Louise, Wintermelon, and Deathstroke all gathered together to talk about their responsibilities and dereliction of duty in front of Vice President "Sleepy".

"Well, Dr. Shitou brought that..." Sleepy Man hesitated, "That cube is a high-tech treasure that is not inferior to the alien spacecraft.

People disappeared, treasures disappeared, and the exploration team suffered heavy losses.

If we can get the spaceship, it will be worthwhile, but now even the spaceship has been snatched away by Superman, who will be responsible for this?

Who can afford this responsibility? "

Well, just last night, the spacecraft suddenly started and disappeared from the sky.

This morning, dozens of helicopters full of American soldiers crossed Canada and rushed from the United States to the Arctic expedition camp, taking everyone in the camp under control.

"Joe, first it's a Soviet spy, and then it's Superman, the Man of Steel. There's nothing we can do about it."

Short Winter Melon looked pale and said in a weak tone, "Let me go back to Washington. My legs need treatment."

"Mike, I also want to go back to Washington. It's freezing here, and I had some nasal congestion the afternoon I just came here.

But this matter is really too important.

You and I both have to prove that we have lived up to this country. "Sleepy Man said with a heavy tone.

Xiao Donggua was a little angry and shouted: "Are you implying that someone here is betraying the United States?

My legs were eaten by demons, could I be a spy?

When the spaceship was driven away by Superman, I was lying on the hospital bed and hooked up to an intravenous drip. What do you want me to do? "

"Are you sure it was Superman who stole the spaceship?" the vice president asked.

"Hundreds of people at the scene watched him fly over, ignoring the warnings and bullets of the soldiers, and the laser rays of the guard robots in the spacecraft, and rushed into the cabin. How could this be wrong?" Short Winter Melon said excitedly.

Sleepyhead glanced at Harley and said meaningfully: "Mike, be patient, sometimes what you see with the naked eye is not true.

Even if that person is truly superhuman, he may be someone else's pawn. "

Harley was also very direct, "Qiao, do you doubt me?"

Sleepyhead rubbed his nose and said, "Washington has listed you as the number one suspect."

"What's the reason?" Harley asked.

“First of all, Mike and Dr. Stone are here mainly because of a rumor.

There are rumors about you trying to steal an alien spacecraft from the US government.

You have a motive.

Secondly, according to the information provided by the Bureau of Shadow agents, you seem to be the devil's primary target.

And you seem to have teamed up with Superman to defeat your enemies.

Some people suspect that you have joined forces with Superman and deliberately set up a trap to kill the enemy.

Within two days, Superman took off the spaceship.

Tell me, can we not doubt you? "The vice president said seriously.

As soon as these words came out, several people in the conference room looked at Harry with inexplicable expressions.

"Call the people from the Shadow Bureau and let's confront them face to face," Harley said.

The vice president only hesitated for a moment, then whispered a few words to the secretary beside him.

After a while, a female agent wearing glasses walked in and stood at the end of the rectangular conference table.

She is a typical American girl, tall, slightly hunky, with a dozen small freckles on her square face and yellow hair tied back.

"I am S.H.A.D.E (Shadow Bureau) Agent Kincaid."

Da Niu looked at Harry and said, "After careful investigation in the past two days, we can confirm that the 'spies' who attacked the camp are the two princes of the Three Palace Demons.

They came prepared and went all out, but failed in the end. They were even united by Senator Quinn to kill the eldest prince Milton.

This incident caused huge waves in the supernatural world.

The demons were shocked, and the mages were discussing what kind of impact a powerful superpower like Ripman would have on the future of the mages. "

Louise, Hardy, and Javier had never been in contact with the wizarding world, so they had a hard time listening, but they finally understood the information revealed by the agent: Quahali and Superman teamed up to kill the son of a demon king.

It's like listening to a fairy tale.

"Kincaid, please tell me first, what happened in the camp that day?" Harley said with a faint smile.

Kincaid adjusted the frame of the mirror and said calmly: "It is certain that Washington has been infiltrated by demonic forces."

"Impossible!" The expressions of the Vice President and Short Winter Melon changed drastically and they denied in unison.

“The news about Senator Quinn’s intention to steal the spaceship was spread by the Son of the Third House.

There are His people in the government.

He doesn't want Senator Quinn to get close to the spacecraft, nor does he want her to leave the camp.

At the same time, He also wants to plant spies in Congressman Mike Pompeo's team. "

"What, spies are in my team? Impossible, this is slander!" Short Winter Melon was excited like never before.

If his feet were still there, he would definitely stand up and jump on his feet again and again.

Kincaid looked at him steadily and said, "We have arrested fifteen spies."

"Fifteen? My dear, of the people I brought, only about two hundred survived, but you found 15 spies. This is simply..."

Dwarf Winter Melon waved his hands unconsciously, "It's simply more nonsense and worse than the human rights report that Congress reports on a certain North Korea every year!"

Kincaid glanced at Harley, who had a dull expression, and said solemnly: "This is true, Representative Quinn has provided us with some clues, and they have confessed.

Moreover, they are all magicians who are proficient in formations.

We can easily confirm everyone's true identity.

The spy survival rate is high and very reasonable.

Because they led the attack that night, they were certainly able to avoid danger. "

The Vice President glanced at Harley and Kincaid's faces and frowned.

The Shadow Bureau never told him about the 15 spies before.

Before the meeting, he had thought it was a trial against Quinn.

But now it seems.

This may still be a trial, but it is no longer a trial against Quinn.

"Can you identify the government personnel behind the 15 spies? Is it Senator Mike Pompeo?" the vice president asked.

"I swear, it's not me!" Short Winter Melon shouted excitedly.

"There is no trace of Senator Mike Pompeo's involvement so far, but two senators in Congress, Katie Hopkins and Songer Hardaway, have been confirmed to be involved in this matter," Kincaid said.

Short Winter Melon breathed a sigh of relief, but looked at Harry with the same eyes as the Vice President, becoming extremely cautious.

There are many politicians in Washington who are hostile to Harley and have intentions. Those two are not big bosses, but they are also "pioneer officer" level figures.

Now they are all in decline.

There was silence in the conference room for two minutes, and the Vice President sighed softly and said: "The reason why there are accusations against Harley is mainly because of two points.

Motivation and ability.

The information about Agent Kincaid proves that the rumors that she stole the spaceship are not necessarily true.

But her relationship with Tearman."

After pondering for a moment, he added: "One more point, if it can be proven that Tearman and Harley are accomplices, then should she be responsible for the tragedy in the camp?

For example, can I think that she hid Tearman in the camp, used herself as bait to lure the Third Prince into a death trap, and completely ignored the ordinary people in the camp? "

In the conference room, everyone looked at Harry with complicated eyes.


Suddenly, a strong wind carrying snowflakes roared into the big tent. Desktop documents were flying everywhere, and everyone was stunned by the wind and snow.

When the wind stopped and the snow fell, they were surprised to see a tall figure floating in front of the conference table.

The strong Chinese character face is neatly trimmed.

Blue eyes shine with the light of purity and wisdom.

A tuft of curly hair hangs down on his forehead.

Wearing dark blue bodybuilding clothes with a grainy touch, there is a red "S" on the chest, and a wide bright red cloak looks like a flag.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" The vice president was horrified.

"S, Tearman, you are Tearman!" Louise said excitedly.

"What, tear you apart, come here"

The short winter melon looked at Superman and then at Harley, who looked indifferent, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Terrifying thoughts such as killing people to silence, clearing the place, overturning tables, convincing people with force, and suppressing people with force, etc., all came out of my heart, and finally merged into one sentence: Superman and the Witch Harley are going to join forces to rule the earth!

“I’m here to tell you two things.

First, I no longer hide who I am.

I am an alien, an alien refugee."

Facing everyone's fearful, curious, or wary eyes, Da Chao expressed a bitter expression, "The spaceship you discovered before came from my home planet.

It was once prosperous and powerful, but now it is ruined.

Another thing is that Congressman Quinn and I didn't know each other before.

I came here for the spaceship. No one knew it before. It was purely accidental that I encountered a demon attacking the camp. "

"Why did you choose to reveal your identity at this time?"

Louise subconsciously took out her sketchbook and asked first.

——Because the U.S. government has known my identity for a long time. Instead of deceiving and hiding it, which will lead to more estrangement and suspicion, it is better to use candor to build basic trust.

Moreover, he was wearing a uniform and did not fully reveal his true identity to the public.

Clark glanced at Harry sideways from the corner of his eye. These thoughts came from her persuasion.

"It wasn't until last night, when I entered the spaceship from my home planet and got some information from the mastermind, that I was truly sure of my identity as an alien immigrant."

"Can you reveal a little bit about your identity on earth?" Louise asked again.

"No!" Clark refused flatly at first, then explained: "My adoptive father lost his life to protect my identity.

I don’t want to live up to his good intentions, and I don’t want my relatives and friends to be disturbed. "

Harley winked at him and asked: "Is your home planet related to the alien octopus incident in 1985?

Is it possible that your home planet is facing a crisis of destruction, so you plan to occupy the earth? "

Louise's beautiful eyes widened, why didn't I think of such a sharp and constructive question?

Short Winter Melon's forehead began to sweat again. If she could ask this question, either she was his trustee, or she was seeking death!

If it's true, this pair of bastards are working together. They have a spaceship, a body of steel, and magic. How can they still rule the United States and the earth?

If they really have nothing to do with each other, if Superman's race is really the director of the alien octopus in 1985, will Superman go crazy and kill people and silence them?

"First of all, the octopus and I are hugely different in shape and ability, and we are definitely not the same species.

It has powerful psychic powers that I don't have.

It was physically fragile and could not withstand interdimensional transport, and died in Manhattan that day, while I was physically strong, as everyone knew.

Secondly, my home planet was destroyed long ago, but the squid rain still continues.

Finally, I come from an outer galaxy in the physical universe, which comes from an alternate dimension.

My kindred race was able to come to the earth in a spaceship 20,000 years ago, but it has not been able to cross dimensions and enter the earth again. "

"It seems to make sense!" Louise murmured.

Clark glanced at Harley again.

The question was asked by her, but it actually came from the worries he and his parents had back then; the answer was what he said, but it came from her analysis.

"I am not a scientist and cannot judge the relationship between you and the octopus, but how do you prove that you and Miss Quinn are not the same person?" Colonel Hardy said seriously.

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