I want to have a date with Superman

PS of the previous chapter

(PS: This is DC after the "Doomsday Clock" event, that is, in order to survive the nuclear bomb crisis, after Dr. Manhattan merged his own universe with the DC main universe, the Watchers and the Justice League coexisted.

Well, Watchmen and Justice League both belong to DC Comics, but they were indeed two different universes and different world views.

In the world of Doctor Manhattan, there is no Superman.

There’s also no Watchmen in the world of Justice League .

But in this merged universe, they inevitably influence each other.

For example, Dachao.

In 1985, when the earth's nuclear crisis reached its climax, the superhero of the Watch team, Pharaoh, invented a psychic weapon - a giant octopus that could teleport and attack psychically.

He disguised it as an alien creature, teleported it to the world's most prosperous metropolis, New York, and released a psychic shock, killing more than three million people and half of the remaining people going crazy.

That incident alarmed all the nuclear powers on earth: Aliens have invaded the earth! Let's fight a nuclear war, so let's unite to protect the earth!

As a result, the world has entered a period of harmonious and beautiful peaceful development.

At the same time, it is also the period when people on earth are most fearful and sensitive to aliens.

It was against this background that Clark took a small rocket and came to the small town of Smallville, Kansas.

This is simply.

If normal people were to think about it, the Kents would have handed over this little alien guy to the relevant departments. After all, the alien octopus had just wiped out more than three million people on earth.

The plot in the movie "Man of Steel": Jonathan Kent would rather let his son watch him die in a tornado, leaving a permanent psychological shadow, but he firmly shook his head and told him not to reveal his identity and power to save him - true Nonsense!

But now in this fan novel, in the context of an era when alien octopuses invaded the earth and killed three million earthlings, and the earthlings extremely hated and feared the aliens, Jonathan's idiotic behavior seemed to be very reasonable. )

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