Quinn Manor is located in the north of Arkham Island, backed by grave mounds and built on the swamp.

However, the puddles and graveyards back then have been transformed into green mountains and green waters by Ivy.

The beautiful natural garden scenery and strategic location close to Manhattan have attracted countless wealthy people in Gotham.

Rich people all want to build a villa near Quinn Manor, close to the bustling city.

Quinn Manor, which covers an area of ​​50 acres, has a yacht marina adjacent to the Hudson River in the north, and within five minutes can enter the asphalt road in Midtown Manhattan, the most prosperous city in the United States.

In the manor, there are horse racing courses, golf courses, open-air basketball courts, and martial arts fields.

In the backyard, a super-luxury villa built with white marble, glass, and special steel is located halfway up the mountain, at an altitude of a hundred meters. It is not too high, but it overlooks half of Manhattan, most of Jersey City, and the entire Arkham Island. .

Since the day Quinn Manor was built, it has been recognized by countless Gothamites as the jewel in the crown—if Gotham were a crown.

However, the manor is nominally called "Quinn", but it is actually the home shared by Harley, Selena, and Ivy.

Harley currently has four official positions: a pretending state legislator, the chairman of two companies, Paradise Mountain Group and Duoduo Technology, the Arkham Universe Boxing Champion, and the "exorcist" of Gotham Cathedral. nun".

State legislators have little work, and any work they do have to be handled by their secretaries.

Well, Harvey Dent is no longer the Parliamentary Secretary, and now he's a Lord Chancellor in the Public Prosecution Service.

The chairman doesn’t have much work, he only decides the business direction.

In terms of business management, professional managers are definitely more reliable than her who is half-hearted.

Gotham Cathedral is also quiet, and Father Carlisle will only contact her when encountering extraordinary events.

The boxing championship tournament has been held for hundreds of times and is now held once a week.

If nothing else, Harry spends most of his time at home.

"I saw Bruce today."

Hallie wore a loose suspender skirt and put on slippers on her white and tender feet. She lay on the sofa and looked at Selena who was doing yoga.

Like Bruce, Selena has also changed her shape. She has grown from a silver plate face to an oval face. Her figure has also lost the bulky waist she had when she was a girl. Her waist is slender but she has six-pack abs. She adds a sense of strength to her softness, and her shoulders are plump and right-angled. But she doesn't appear generous, her legs are straight and long, with the front and back curved, showing off her feminine charm.

Well, there’s a bit of Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman image.

With a hot and spicy figure and a sweet temperament, she is the one who has changed the most among the three girls.

"I went to Wayne Manor the night he came back."

The kitten rested his elbows on the ground and stood upside down in the air, his voice still stable.

"Are you rekindling an old relationship?" Ivy wrinkled her nose, "He hasn't been to the manor even once in the past few days, but you kept leaning over. Isn't it a bit pricey?"

"I just looked at him from a distance and didn't even say a word." Mao Mao said angrily.

"Don't feel it anymore?" Harley asked curiously.

"After he came back, the first person he looked for was you, and he talked to you all afternoon. How do you feel?" Mao Mao said lightly.

Ivy immediately looked at Harley, her big emerald green eyes blinking nervously.

"Haha, don't worry, you think fat meat tastes good, but others may dislike it.

Moreover, I made it clear eight years ago. Why are you still doubtful now? Go directly to him! "Harry said with a faint smile.

Ivy breathed a sigh of relief quietly, with a big sweet smile on her face, "Selena, you can ask him out to meet."

"After the first day, I met him formally several times. Every time we chatted, he took the initiative to mention Harley and asked about this and that. Instead, he didn't care about how I lived in the past few years." Mao Mao said sourly.

"Scumbag, he probably has evil intentions when he sees Harley getting more and more beautiful." Ivy said angrily.

Harley shook her head and said, "You are overthinking it. In Bruce's heart, Gotham will always be his favorite. By the way, did I tell you that he is Bateman?"

"What?" Both women were shocked, "It's completely different!"

This time it was Harley's turn to be shocked, "Are you blind? Your butts and buttocks are so obvious."

Selena turned forward, stood up, tidied up the messy hair that fell on her chest, and said: "There are butts and butts everywhere on the street. Bateman and Bruce's temperament, eyes, and body are completely different."

Then, she said thoughtfully: "However, he wanted to be a cross-dressing hero back then, but he didn't have enough strength.

Now that he has learned good martial arts, it is natural to become Bateman.

If you think about it more carefully, the question he asked about Harley seems to have evil intentions and treats you as a bad guy. "

"Yes, he spoke frankly today and said that he would keep a close eye on me. As long as I commit a crime, he will disregard the old relationship and bring me to justice." Harley said.

Ivy said angrily: "That kid is so ungrateful. How many times did you save him back then? How about we find an opportunity to hang Bateman up and give him a good beating?"

"In his mind, urging me and teaching me not to take the wrong path of crime is a way to express friendship." Harley shook her head.

Selina heard this, and her heart moved, and she said, "If I go back to my old business, will Bateman come to me?"

"A thief?" Harley asked.

"Not a thief, but a jewel thief." Selina corrected.

"You don't want to splash, so you become a thief for a man who ignores you!" Ivy said in disgust.

Selena glared at her, wouldn't it be shameful for you to sniff Hallie's underwear? !

She gritted her teeth and explained: "Bruce is just one of the reasons, don't you think your life now is too dull and boring?

Back then, we worked hard to make a living, and life was a bit hard, but every day was exciting and exciting.

Nowadays, it’s so boring to go shopping, play golf, attend high-end banquets, and be in fashion news! "

"Things like this in Versailles, if I were to tell you who lived in a shabby house eight years ago, you would probably be spit on your face," Harley complained.

"Hallee and I often fight against demons to defend the law. Not long ago, we also killed a demon and saved the souls of little Gemma and three girls.

Every day is fulfilling and satisfying, not boring at all. "Ivy said with a smile.

"I'm not interested in exorcism." Selina thought for a while and suggested: "The topic of superheroes is very hot recently, and new heroes appear almost every day.

How about we also form a group and debut?"

"The three of us?" Harley asked curiously: "Are we going to debut as heroines, or are we going to be the 'three witches who bring disaster to the country and the people'?"

Ivy is a little moved. She doesn't care whether she is a heroine or a witch, but if the three of them form a team, they can spend more time together.

She glanced sideways at Harry, her face slightly red.

"Exorcisms don't happen every day." Ivy tentatively said: "If we wear uniforms and masks, drive an airship, and whiz through the streets of Gotham, no one will know us, we can be free, laugh loudly, and do whatever we want. , seems good too?”

"Are you confused?" Harry rolled his eyes at her, "Who doesn't know the Archimedes airship?

When ordinary people see it, they immediately think of Watchmen.

As soon as the mages saw it, they all excitedly shouted, "Witch Harley is here." "

Ivy was silent.

Selena complained: "We are now in our twenties, which is the best time in life, but you practice at home every day. It's so boring."

"Jingle Bell"

Harry's cell phone suddenly rang. When she took it to look at it, she looked solemn, stood up and left the glass flower room, and pressed the answer button in the corridor: "Sister Laurie?"

"Harley, NASA's Global Observing System discovered anomalies in a recently uplifted Arctic glacier.

After sonar exploration, it seems that there is a large metal object hidden inside. I suspect that there is an alien spacecraft under the Arctic glacier. I want you to be responsible for it. How about it? "

"Are you sure it's an alien spacecraft?" Harley asked.

"Not sure, this is the result of my own analysis after getting the information.

Once it is confirmed that it is an alien spacecraft, the whole world will be shocked, and you will probably not be able to get this good job.

Countless departments in the Pentagon and the White House will pounce on it like crazy dogs. "Laurie said.

Harley understood that Laurie was helping her "pull resources" again.

"In what capacity should I preside over this?" she asked.

"Call Joseph Perry and ask him to appoint you as the government's special commissioner, and then apply to me as the special commissioner to take charge of this matter." Laurie said.

Joseph Perry was the Democratic Senator from New York State.

If American politicians are divided into sects, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are like Wudang and Shaolin.

Inside the Shaolin Temple, it is divided into various hills such as Luohan Hall and Lecture Hall.

Congressman Joseph Perry is Harley's "steward", the New York branch of the Democratic Party.

If they just come from the same state, Harley, a Democratic state representative, and a Democratic congressional senator may not necessarily belong to the same faction.

Back then, Emperor Sichuan often had conflicts with members of his own party.

But when Hallie originally ran for Senate, she fell in love with Joseph's dock.

Money and power trading.

In Gotham City's new economic industry optimization project, Harley found a good opportunity for Joseph's nephew, and Joseph reciprocated and helped her politically.

If Harley can enter the Senate, she will still be affiliated with Joseph.

Because senators also have grades.

Joseph is an experienced senator with 20 years of experience.

The Senate is a place based entirely on seniority.

The more senior you are, the closer you are to the podium.

National committee positions will only be given to senior senators.

Although it is inappropriate, it can be understood like this: There are 50 states in the United States, each state has 2 senators, and one hundred senators are equivalent to one hundred cabinet ministers.

Even the cabinet ministers were divided into the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of War. Joseph Perry was the "Six Cabinet Elders" in charge of intelligence and foreign affairs.

Of course, the person in charge here is not directly involved.

The three powers in the United States are separated and restrict each other. Senators are more like "talking regulators" than practical executors.

For example, in the recent political news between China and the United States, it is the senator who often speaks harshly to the great power and criticizes the internal affairs of other countries.

There are two senators in a state. According to tradition, one is old and the other is young. The senior is qualified to guide the unqualified. Therefore, Joseph does not have to worry about Harley usurping the throne. He sincerely dragged her into the hospital at the beginning - Harley promised that there will be more wealth after success. of remuneration.

It's a pity that this Joseph, whose surname is not "McCarthy" (ps), could not withstand the pressure from all aspects.

In the end, Joseph Perry only gave her a "staff" job.

In addition to members, Congress also has other staff, most of whom are partisan and have relationships with a certain political party or member.

Just like Harley became the mayor that day, allowing Harvey Dent to "rise to the top" and become the mayor's secretary. Finally, he passed the qualifications, sneaked into the prosecutor's office, and is now promoted to the justice.

If you have no background and it doesn't matter, don't even think about working as a civil servant in the United States.

(ps: You may not know Joseph McCarthy’s name, but ‘McCarthyism’ is world-famous and has profoundly affected all aspects of American politics, diplomacy, and social life.

The person who proposed this policy that changed the political landscape of the world was the senator.

In the United States, senators have a very high status.

This can often be seen in American TV series and Hollywood movies. )

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