I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 279 In Gotham, you can always find the meaning of Batman’s existence

"Why is a shell company so valuable?" Bruce asked blankly.

Afu thought deeply and said: "Simply selling brands is definitely not worthy of everyone's optimism.

Paradise Mountain stock really started to grow wildly for two reasons.

First, it has an independent and high-quality operating system.

Software and operating systems are the core technologies developed by Tiantangshan Ziru. "

"Harry didn't even graduate from high school, does he know how to develop software?" Bruce asked doubtfully.

Ah Fu said seriously: "Master, don't underestimate Miss Quinn.

In the past six years, she has received three PhDs from Gotham University, in mechanical engineering, psychology and history.

Her transcripts and graduation thesis are all traceable, and there is no trace of them. "

"." Bruce's eyes were blank and his expression was dull.

"Besides, she doesn't need to know software. Does she have to learn how to build a car before becoming a driver?

Her friend Rich Simpson is a top software engineer who was once hailed by Time Magazine as a 'pioneer in quantum information technology' and a 'magician of the digital world'.

In addition to leading the way in software and operating systems, after joining forces with Wayne Group, we also provide Tianshan with a full set of highly competitive core technologies in terms of hardware.

For example, chips, LCD screens, communications, and memories are all our technologies, and they are all world-class.

We have both soft and hard skills, and our strength is guaranteed.

Coupled with the early deployment of China, the flourishing Tianchao foundries have advantages in production capacity and cost.

Finally, if you sell the brand, you will be invincible in the world. "

Bruce felt disappointed, "Harley is still as strategic, clear-minded, and strong in action as ever. Over the past few years, the gap between her and me has grown."

"Master, don't worry. Although her wealth is increasing rapidly, there is still a big gap compared to you."

Ah Fu straightened his chest, spoke loudly and looked proud: "From the very beginning, I have trusted Miss Quinn's vision.

Over the years, I have been following her closely, investing in all high-tech industries that are favored by her and strongly supported by her, and I have also helped you buy a large number of Paradise Mountain stocks.

She is the majority shareholder of Wayne Group, and you are also the majority shareholder of Paradise Mountain Company, owning more than 20% of the shares, second only to Miss Quinn herself who owns 30%.

Six years have passed. Due to the impact of a series of unfavorable news such as Indian Mountain, the market value of Wayne Group has not increased much, but Master, your personal assets have increased four to five times.

Not only are you the prince of Gotham, you are now the richest man in the world! "

"Following Harley and I become the richest man?" Bruce was stunned.

"Hey, Master, you have to understand that you are already rich and have an advantage over Miss Quinn.

For example, she thinks social networks are very promising and borrows 1 billion from the bank to engage in research and development. But you don’t need a loan at all. I will directly help you spend 3 billion.

She also needs to purchase patents and develop new technologies.

But your Wayne Group already holds a large number of patents.

In this way, as social networks develop, you will earn more than her. "Afu said proudly.

Although he didn't like money very much, Bruce felt inexplicably relieved when he thought that he was still the richest one.

Then, he doubted: "Based on what I know about Harley, she won't give away this kind of fat so close to her, even if we are her friends."

"Master, you guessed it right, it hasn't all been smooth sailing for Miss Quinn these years."

Afu said thoughtfully: "You may have discovered that the current mayor is Thompson."

"I have been wondering why Harley was not re-elected." Bruce nodded.

"The fact that she was not re-elected does not mean that she cannot be re-elected, but she plans to go one step further and enter the Washington Senate." Afu said.

"Senator?" Bruce was surprised at first, and soon understood that in the United States, senators have a distinguished status and great power. Their status is equivalent to that of the governor (there are only two senators in each state), but they are closer to the United States than the governor. center of power.

Haley wanted to take it a step further, and the senator was more attractive than the governor.

"She failed?"

"Well, it seems to be a disastrous failure. Here's the inside story." Afu said in a very uncertain tone, "The people on the board of directors said that a big boss in Washington wanted to punish her because she was disobedient.

I don’t know what the big boss’s request was that she refused.

I asked Miss Quinn herself, and she said that if you don’t take advantage of the right time, location, and people, you will simply lose. "

"The right time, right place and right people, what exactly does that mean?" Bruce asked doubtfully.

"Ask her yourself, I don't know either."

"What does political defeat have to do with economic investment?" Bruce asked again.

"Miss Quinn herself said that there is an 'anti-Quinn alliance' that is encircling her and suppressing her in all aspects, from economics to politics.

She saw some opportunities but couldn't get them and had to give them to us.

This is why you are far richer than her. "

"What alliance?" Bruce asked confused.

“I only heard her say that the remaining members of the League of Assassins are one of the allies.

Don't ask me what the League of Assassins is, I don't understand and I haven't asked about it.

Just listen to Miss Quinn's tone, which seems to be full of disdain and ridicule. "Afu said.


Bruce's expression changed, remembering the massacre that occurred at the Shadow Warriors headquarters four years ago.

His body trembled slightly.

He almost died in her hands without knowing why.

"It seems that Harley looks glamorous on the outside, but faces many difficulties on the inside." He said with emotion.

"Don't worry about anyone, I have 100% confidence in her.

At least in Gotham, she is a proper local bully! "

"Ouch!" At this point, Ah Fu slapped his forehead and said in annoyance: "The topic went too far and I almost forgot about the real thing."

He quickly opened the tablet and entered the Duoduo video-superhero section.

"Master, look, this female warrior wearing sexy ancient armor is the most active, and people often take videos of her doing heroic things on their mobile phones.

Netizens call her ‘Wonder Woman’.

Look at her, she's invulnerable, fast as lightning, can fly, and has magical weapons. "

"Look at this again," he swiped his finger and clicked on another video that was obviously shot on a mobile phone, "Oh my god, the 'Mighty Hooded Man' with a body of steel.

Look at him flying in the sky, and he can even lift a smoking and falling Boeing passenger plane with one hand. How powerful he is! "

"And this one." Ah Fu clicked on a video with 380 million views.

The camera shakes violently, and in the stormy sea, a strong man with long hair rides the wind and waves, quickly travels through the water, and saves fishermen who have fallen into the water one after another.

"Massachusetts, in the Atlantic Ocean near Cien City, whenever there is a shipwreck, a mysterious hero will appear. Netizens call him 'Aquaman'."

Ah Fu didn't look at other videos, just stared at Bruce who looked shocked and confused, and said meaningfully: "Master, times have changed. I know you must have worked hard in the past few years to learn good martial arts.

But you can physically stop a bullet?

Can you dive underwater at supersonic speeds?

Can you lift a Boeing plane?

Let these extraordinary people be heroes.

You go home to recuperate for two months and become familiar with the new Gotham and the new era.

Then, I will help you contact several tutors, complete your high school coursework, and then go to college as a transfer student for two years and get to know several young and lovely female college students.

Finally, choose a lady from a famous family, get married, have children, and inherit the family business. "

Bruce held his tablet and looked through various superhero videos with a serious look on his face, "Are these people all appearing in the past few years?"

"Obviously, no." Afu shook his head, "For example, about Wonder Woman, some people say they saw her in the 1980s, and some even say she is a World War I veteran.

A veteran of World War I, this sounds very ridiculous.

But there is a lot of information about her in the 1980s and 1990s, with detailed time, place and deeds, so it should be unmistakable.

The reason why it is only exposed now is because of the large-scale popularization of mobile phones in Tianshan Mountain.

Even the homeless people on the street squatted outside KFC and browsed the Internet to watch the idiots.

Everyone has a mobile phone, and they can take a picture of whatever happens around them and upload the video immediately. Even if the relevant departments want to suppress the news, it is difficult to do so. "

As he spoke, Ah Fu subconsciously took out a "small tablet" from his suit pocket, leaned close to Bruce, grinned, and said softly, "Click!"

After a while, the phone made a series of "ding ding dong dong" sounds.

"Hey hey hey" Ah Fu pointed at the screen with a silly smile, "Young Master, look, Miss Quinn, Selina, Gordon, Xiao Lai, and several directors have all given likes.

Miss Quinn was also curious about what happened to your chin and why your oval face turned into a butt and a butt. "

Bruce looked over in surprise. Under the account with the panoramic view of Wayne Manor as the avatar, there was a photo of him and Alfred, and below it there was a sentence: Master Bruce is home!

The first reply came from "The Kitten Who Loves Pearls" from the black cat avatar, with only an exclamation mark.

Bruce immediately thinks of his old flame Selina.

The second reply came from Gordon, a mugshot of Gordon's serious face, also named "Jim Gordon".

Next to the name, there is a small font indicating his identity: GCPD Old Town Police Superintendent.

——Just come back!

The third one comes from "The Roaring Green of All Things", an avatar of the Amazon forest, with identification on the side: Chairman of the Gotham Green Environmental Protection Organization, Vice Chairman of the Paradise Mountain Amazon Conservation Foundation, United Nations Environmental Ambassador, and Congressional Advisor on Forest and Climate Issues.

A series of names that looked noble made Bruce stand in awe.

As a result, she replied: Why do you look like this? Crippled, @Exorcist Sister Q——What do you think?

The next article is from "Exorcist Sister Q", the avatar is of a strange city (Silver City) emitting golden light, without any identity authentication.

——It’s not a long-term disability, but how did you get your butt, buttocks and chin done? He clearly had a small face back then.

Bruce touched his plump buttocks, buttocks and chin, and knew in his heart that this 'Exorcist Sister Q' was probably Harley.

A flurry of comments followed.

Moreover, the number of comments has increased visibly.

"Hey, I kind of understand what the social network era is."

He sighed with complicated emotions and returned the phone to Ah Fu, "Information exchange has become too fast, too easy, and too direct."

"So, are you still a cross-dressing hero?" Ah Fu asked.

Bruce leaned on the sofa and stared out the window blankly, "Afu, I want to do something good for Gotham and the people.

The new era of the Internet only changes the environment I live in, but does not prevent me from doing anything.

If Gotham and its people need a Guardian, then I'll be it.

If it turns out that the hero is redundant, I will not be disappointed, but will happily enjoy my new life in Gotham. "

"Gotham's crime rate is only one-tenth of what it was when you left, per capita income has increased by 1.5 times, and the unemployment rate has been reduced to one-third of the original level." Afu said.

After a moment of silence, Bruce asked: "Are there any new cross-dressing heroes in Gotham? Like Mr. Shadow and the Baton?"

"No." Afu shook his head slightly, "Gotham is peaceful and harmonious. There are no cross-dressing heroes or cross-dressing criminals."

Having said this, he approached Bruce and lowered his voice: "Do you remember that devil horn that can teach the dead to speak?

Miss Quinn got a big horn from nowhere (the devil horn of Prince Sannomiya), and gave the previous small horn (horned dog devil) to Gordon.

In the past few years, the GCPD's crime detection rate has been extremely high, and the crime rate has subsequently dropped. "

Because of Afu's Twitter, news of Bruce's return spread early. When the plane landed at the airport, a large group of reporters gathered around him.

When he first got on the plane, Bruce dressed up and tidied himself up properly. Now that he was facing reporters, it didn't ruin his image as a young man in everyone's mind.

However, he did not accept the interview at the airport. He got directly into the Bentley and returned to Wayne Manor.

In the following days, he felt the changes in Gotham more directly.

There is less haze in the sky, the sun is brighter, the sky is bluer, and the air is fresher. Because of Mayor Quinn's "Gotham Industrial Structure Optimization Project," a large number of factories in the suburbs have either stopped production or received government subsidies and moved to Asia.

The old factories were demolished and replaced by "Gotham Silicon Valley" and ecological gardens.

The old and shabby buildings in the city have been replaced by commercial buildings and new communities.

Even now, you can still see construction sites with busy workers in the city.

"How did Harry do it? It is difficult to renovate the old city because the buildings are privately owned. It is almost impossible to convince everyone to agree to demolition."

Bruce was surprised and confused.

Ah Fu said: "It's difficult for others, but it's very simple for Miss Quinn.

Those who obey will be given subsidies, and those who disobey will be fined.

What about dirty and poor sanitation? What about fire safety hazards?

In short, she set up a "Bill to Check for Illegal Buildings".

Buildings that do not meet the living standards she set will either have to be demolished and compensated, or they will have to pay a fine first and then spend a large sum of money to renovate the old buildings, leaving the owners with no choice but to go bankrupt.

If you really refuse to give in to hard and soft policies and refuse to demolish life and death, then——

You know, she's also the Godfather of Gotham. "

Bruce's eyes lit up, as if he had found the meaning of existence, "It seems that she only eliminated the evil she didn't need, and the real evil in Gotham has not been reduced.

Afu, contact Lucius for me. I'm going to the Wayne Weapons Laboratory to have a look. "

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