I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 29 Harley is in action

Harry kicked thirteen times, until his ankles were sore, before he kicked open the soundproof oak door of the inner room.

Old woman Theresa also dragged a table behind the door.

After finally squeezing into the inner room, the old woman slithered into the bathroom like a loach.

More importantly, there was actually a cordless phone in the bedroom, which she held in her hand.

Harley was so angry that she swung the baseball bat and smashed the bathroom glass door to pieces.

"Hey, no matter what you came here to do or what you planned to do, you are finished now."

The old woman was naked, like an eggplant that had been drying in the sun for two days, huddled in the empty bathtub, and proudly waved the wireless phone in her hand to Harry.

"Hello, Aunt Teresa? It's so late, what's wrong?" A guard on the night shift asked loudly on the other end of the phone.

Under Harley's cannibalistic gaze, the old woman shouted at the top of her lungs: "Bring someone to rescue me quickly, someone is rebelling!"

"Bah!" Harley said with a sullen face and snatched the phone away.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah," Harley said to her.

"You dare to hit me?!" The old woman fainted for a while, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and poked Harry with a cold and terrifying look, "Little Splash, you are dead, I swear, you are dead!"

Accidents happened frequently and time was urgent. Harry didn't want to talk, so he let her howl and curse in the bathroom, and went back to the office to make phone calls.

"Hey, Jessica, it's me. Harry, don't talk. Listen to me. St. John's Monastery is a devil's cave."

Harley's little mouth was like a machine gun, speaking very fast and concisely.

"Find a way and help me."

"Hey, Harvey, it's me, Harley. Don't call me 'Jesus'. I know it's late, but the situation is really special now."

Repeating what she said to Jessica before, she asked: "What do you think I should do?"

On the other end of the phone, Harvey did not answer immediately. Instead, he turned on the light and walked around the bedroom a few times before saying in a deep voice: "This matter has a huge impact. I'm afraid you don't know. Mother Teresa and Archbishop Marvin are Brothers and sisters.

Archbishop Marvin is not the bishop of a certain community, but the patriarch of the entire Gotham and the entire state of New York. "

"Holy Advent Crusaders and Tongues of Fire, do you understand?" Harley put her left hand into her pocket and held the big cross tightly.

She cares more about organizations with extraordinary powers than the mortal Archbishop.

"The Holy Advent Crusade is a church organization, right? Their headquarters seems to be in Europe, the United Kingdom? I have never been in contact with it and don't know much about it. This is the first time I have heard of the Tongue of Fire." Harvey Dent said.

I have never even heard of the Tongue of Fire, and I certainly don’t understand the extraordinary Great Cross.

"Harvey, you are my personal lawyer, now it's your turn to give me advice." Harley said.

In the United States, private lawyers are sometimes more reliable than friends.

In addition to having relatively high credibility - few private lawyers betray their employers, they also know the laws of the United States best and know how to help employers avoid and solve troubles.

"Did you kill anyone?" Harvey asked.

"should not."

"Probably. I understand. You didn't overdefend, you didn't commit manslaughter, and you didn't commit intentional homicide. That's good." Harvey breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you called the police?" he asked again.

"of course not."

"Very good!" Harvey praised again.

"The police cannot be trusted! You have to make sure now that the evidence that is favorable to you is in your hands before the police arrive. It is best to hand it over to me immediately," he said.

"What evidence do I need?" Harley asked.

“It’s nothing more than physical evidence, such as witness, you have to make sure that your legal behavior is seen by others, and your illegal behavior is not seen by others.

Photos, videos, and audio recordings are all high-quality physical evidence. Clothing, blood, semen, and weapons also need to be collected. "

"He attempted rape, it's a shameless night!" Harley said with a dark face.

"That's not the point." Harvey on the other end of the phone frowned, "Now, my phone has the recording function turned on. Since you took control of the situation with your bravery, are you sure?"

His tone was a little awkward.

"Of course, why would I lie at this time? But something unexpected happened now.

I planned to make a quick call and go downstairs to take control of the situation, which would give me all night.

But I can't do that now. Maybe I have to wait for help. " Harley said.

"Well" Harvey frowned and said, "Since you have temporarily controlled them, seize the time and do something smart. Regarding the evidence, do you understand what I mean?"

"I probably understand." Harley's eyes lit up, seeing a glimmer of victory.

The annual fee of three thousand US dollars was not in vain.

"Harvey, can you come here immediately? Don't let those policemen hurt me." Harley said.

"It's too far. By the time I get there, it will be daylight. Besides, I have no connections in Jersey City. If the police are really bold enough to hurt you, they won't mind wasting an extra bullet." Harvey said helplessly.

"Then what should I do?" Harley asked anxiously.

Harvey pondered for a moment and said, "Is there any police officer you particularly trust? Or, which of your friends can influence the top brass of the police station?"

"I don't quite understand." Harley said.

"If the Gotham Police Department is involved in this case, even if no one arrives for the time being, the Jersey City police will have some scruples - the matter of the monastery is no longer something they can cover up.

And since you are from Gotham, or were arranged by the Gotham Children's Rescue Center, the Gotham police are fully qualified to intervene in your case.

However, the police in Gotham are even less trustworthy.

In order to prevent them from collaborating and taking dirty money from the same employer, you have to have someone you trust, someone who cannot be bribed. " Harvey Dent said.

Harley immediately said: "Jim Gordon should be credible."

Even if she couldn't remember the details of the "Batman" trilogy, she would never be mistaken about Commissioner Gordon's good-guy persona.

She was not sure before that this Gordon was Peter Gordon, but there is only one Bruce Wayne, and the Jim Gordon he befriended must be that Jim Gordon.

"Hero policeman Jim Gordon." Harvey frowned and said, "It seems he was the one who arrested your father, right? He got the title of 'hero policeman' from the media because of this."

He had never heard of this person before, but the case of the Waynes was too sensational. Harvey had seen the photos and introductions of the "heroic detective" countless times on TV and newspapers.

"I can only believe him." Harley said helplessly.

"Okay, you call him immediately."

"I don't know his mobile phone number." Harley said.

"I'm not familiar with him either. How about you wait and I call my friends at the police station?" Harvey said.

Harry's heart moved, and he shook his head and said, "No, I will think of something myself."

Harley came to the dean's desk, turned off the wireless phone in her hand, ended the communication with Harvey, and started dialing the number in Wayne Manor.

——Bruce, I'm sorry for letting you be a tool at this time, but the monastery background is too strong, so I have to recruit a big boss to attract the attention of the other big boss.

At the same time, she reached out with her free hand, picked up the wired phone on the table, put it aside, and reconnected with Harvey's mobile phone.

"Dududu" No one answered the mobile phone. Harry glanced around the table, found a pencil, and took off the small eraser on his hat.

Then, she sliced ​​the eraser into pieces with a knife, and carefully inserted the small piece of eraser into the gap of the phone's hang-up button.

After she was done, she put the corded phone back on the table.

"Harvey, can you hear me clearly?" she asked as the phone hung up automatically.

"It's okay." Harvey's weak voice came from the receiver.

"OK, from now on, just listen and don't talk."

The convent's phone bill this month will probably go up to 80%, but that's none of her business.

"Hello?" A tired and weak voice came from the other end of the cordless phone.

Harley was startled, "Bruce? You're not asleep yet. Where's Alfred?"

She dialed the number in the manor's living room, not the young master's personal cell phone.

"Harry, is that you Harley?" The young master opposite was obviously more surprised.

"It's me, I'm having some trouble here"

Harley had repeated the same words twice, and this time it only took half a minute to briefly explain the situation on her side.

"This, how is this possible?" The young master's outlook was completely shattered.

Having always lived in the holy light of heaven, he could not imagine that reality could be so dark.

Not to mention the young master, even Harry, who has lived in two lifetimes and knows how to understand the world, feels that what he has experienced is very magical.

"I'm not asking for your help." She said shamelessly before asking for Jim Gordon's home phone number.

As expected of Gordon's good friend, he knows both the mobile phone and the home phone number.

Harley called the landline first.

"Hey, this is Barbara." Soon, a panting female voice came from the other side.

The voice sounded like it was stuffed with Marilyn Monroe's saliva, sweet, sexy and sultry.

Another Barbara, which surprised Harry a little, but she didn't forget about the business, "I'm looking for Jim Gordon. I want to call the police. There's a big case."

Barbara on the opposite side seemed to have covered the microphone, and her voice was weak and hard to detect: "The person who is looking for you is a young woman, maybe a girl, saying there is a big case."

"Hello? I'm Jim Gordon. Tell me, are you kidding me by not reporting a false alarm?" Gordon said with some anger.

"Is this what the police should say? Don't you want me to report a false police report so that there will be one less tragedy in the world?" Harley said unhappy.

"You, your voice is a bit familiar."

"It's me, Harley Quinn." Harley said.

"Oh, what trouble are you in?" Gordon's tone was much more serious.


"I'll come right away, wait for me."

Before Harley could finish her words, Gordon started to get dressed.

"Uh, you're coming over now?" Harley was stunned.

Although this was exactly what she wanted, she thought she would have to put in a lot of effort and the other party would be reluctant to do so.

"Of course, I'm a police officer. The situation over there is critical, and we can't delay even a moment."

She also heard the sound of Gordon putting on his leather shoes, and the woman named Barbara's complaints beside her.

"What should I do?" Harley was touched.

"Protect yourself, try to delay as much time as possible, and wait for me to come." Finally, Gordon asked one last question, with a little hesitation, "Are you really kidding me?"

Harley said nothing, just walked a few steps into the inner room and pointed the phone at the bathroom.

The old witch's curses and threats were transmitted to the other side without missing a word.

"OK, I'll leave now. If something happens again, call me immediately. My mobile phone number is -"

"I know, I got your home and mobile phone number from Bruce Wayne."

"Harry, next, don't rush or worry, you'll be fine, I promise!" Gordon said solemnly.

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