I want to have a date with Superman

PS of the previous chapter

(ps: I know that in the Qidian novels, God is regarded as an alien god, the 'despised enemy' of the Taoist ancestors of the Three Purities of the Celestial Dynasty. Some readers even subconsciously regard God as the ultimate boss in ancient alien novels, the God of Light. '.

After reading this chapter, I even suspected that I, the author, was not upright and that I worshiped foreign and charming people.

First of all, this is a fanfic with a Western background. I can't introduce the Eastern pantheon, such as awesome existences like Laozi, Yuan Yuan, and Hongjun.

In my first novel, "Marvel's Planting the Divine Tree", I did try this and made a clone of Taihao, but the result was not very good.

In novels with Western protagonists such as Marvel and DC, introducing Eastern gods is completely asking for trouble. You have overwritten them and the original protagonist has been upstaged, which does not fit the comic setting.

If your writing is weak and logically more consistent with the plot, you will be criticized by netizens.

Therefore, this book "A Date with Superman" does not involve Eastern gods at all. You can understand it this way. Eastern and Western gods each occupy a large universe. Now that Harley has come to the core area of ​​​​the Western gods, God is the boss among the bosses.

In fact, no matter DC or Marvel, God is the boss, just like in our Oriental novels, Taozu is the eternal boss. God and Zeus are like clowns when facing them.

When it comes to Wai Guoren’s comics, our heaven and emperor have also become clowns

Secondly, the God in this book is not the God of Light who pursues ultimate faith. He has hired mercenaries from heaven. This shows how casual this God is.

In DC comics, God really requires the least amount of faith.

For example, the setting of ‘bottom paradise’ is not my second setting.

The original comic makes it very clear that the lower level of heaven is specially prepared for good people who do not believe in God.

God never comes to the earth and forces others to believe in Him. On the contrary, many wild gods, evil gods, and aliens often do that.

The God in this book is more like the evolution of Tao.

Third, with the setting that "the complete God" is the strongest, it is obvious that surpassing Him, or at least getting close to Him, has become the ultimate practice goal of the protagonist in this book, Harley.

Just like in the starting point novel, in the finale, the protagonist must be the most awesome.

Finally, did you find out?

Harley's strength is not very high at this time. She has 39 points of all attributes, which is equivalent to a soldier on Paradise Island or a miscellaneous angel in Silver City. They are all cannon fodder.

But her enemies are Lucifer, the Three Palace Demons, and Barbatos. There will be more supreme beings in the future.

Her strength is not high, and her enemies are powerful and numerous. If she wants to survive and live happily, she must have a logical reason, such as finding a backer.

This kind of plot design is similar to the protagonists of many fantasy novels in Qidian. They find a "Poison Douluo" in the middle and early stages, or a "Poseidon" who fights against the sky. They are all characters who support the protagonist in the early stage and attack the soy sauce in the later stage.

Of course, DC God is different. He is like a rope ladder that can help Halli continue to climb on the path of spiritual practice.

ps: The evil god behind the Court of Owls is Barbatos, who does not come from outside the DC multiverse. Harley has limited knowledge of the DC universe and has wrong ideas.

The DC multiverse is actually divided into three layers, the positive matter universe and the antimatter universe. The positive matter universe is divided into the light multiverse and the dark multiverse.

You can think of it this way, the light multiverse and the dark multiverse form the Tai Chi Diagram, a complete positive matter universe.

The positive matter universe and the antimatter universe constitute the Tai Chi diagram of the complete DC universe.

The Dark Multiverse is the matrix, the birthplace of the single universe.

Note the difference between the single universe and the multiverse.

The single universe is like an egg, and the multiverse is a basket with many eggs.

After the birth of the single universe, it is the ‘existence’ and growth of the universe in the multiverse of light.

The antimatter universe is the final grave of the single universe. )

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