I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 259 God breaks his promise and a giant ferocious beast comes

Taking into account the fact that Harley had become loyal to him and became his confidant, the Great Witch Master simply communicated with his spirit and revealed the core secret of the wizard group:

“The giant ferocious beast has no self-awareness or thoughts and acts entirely on instinct.

You can indeed think of Him as a blank-minded child, a newborn.

Countless wizards have studied it for tens of thousands of years.

They discovered that the love of sweetness and purity was His instinct.

Just like a baby’s instinctive desire for milk.

In fact, black pearl has already surpassed the concept of fruit wine.

It is the most pure, pure, sweet and beautiful law.

We are not only using the ‘black pearl’ to awaken Him, but we also hope that the purity of the black pearl will infect Him and become an eternal part of Him. Do you understand what I mean?

We awaken the giant beast and change the dynasty, not to change the master, we want to be the master of our own country! ! "

Harry was both shocked and weird.

It's weird because the giant beast that makes heaven and hell restless and affects the pattern of the multiverse is actually a "baby" who has not established three views.

And the wizard group's plan to establish the 'pure and pure' view of the giant baby beast is so arrogant and bold.

Do they blaspheme their faith?

In other words, let your beliefs perfectly match your imagined beliefs?

Harry suddenly had a strong impulse in his heart: he wanted to see the result of the wizarding group's efforts for thousands of years.

"Alas!" She sighed with some annoyance.

It's a pity that she will never see the final result, because the wizard group's ten thousand years of efforts will be in vain today.

The Seal of Heaven is a beacon that only the Archangels can detect.

She exchanged two of them that day, and used one on Astra, allowing Zaulie to find her and save her from Nergal.

She didn't expect to use the remaining one on Judith's soul. She was just prepared to encounter the Astra incident again during future exorcisms.

But now, all it takes is a mere five hundred meritorious deeds to obtain the Seal of Heaven to achieve success.

It will destroy tens of thousands of years of hard work of the wizarding community.

Even Zauliel can find Astra. For the great event of the giant beast, Heaven will only send out more powerful beings.

Judith, the messenger bird, is afraid that even the shadow world will have a hard time getting close to her.

Although she regretted not being able to witness the wizarding group's final plan, Harley was also secretly delighted: she, a little apprentice, had become a key figure in changing the pattern of the multiverse.

When the identity of the Heavenly Warrior is revealed, she will make sure to publicize this great achievement.

Well, she'd have to find Jim Luke's and buy a spot in the Oblivion Bar.

Post the story of ‘Hero Harley’ saving the multiverse.

Let the entire multiverse applaud and cheer for her!

In addition to the huge gain in fame, how many merits in heaven should Tian Zhizhi reward her?

At least use hundreds of millions as the unit of calculation, one billion, ten billion?


"why are you laughing?"

Didier's old face, half of his face missing, suddenly appeared in front of Harley, startling her.

"The messenger bird has flown away. I'm so happy thinking about the bright future that's coming soon!" Harley said naturally and excitedly.

This kind of joy from the heart made the old lich and the great witch master beside him feel complicated: now it is certain that she was indeed wronged before, and the witch Harley is the great loyal minister of the wizard group!

"Boom~~~Boom~~~Boom~~Boom~Boom boom!"

Suddenly, a thunderous vibration came from afar, as if it came from outside the universe. It was extremely far away and felt very strong, but it was extremely light when it was transmitted to this moment.

But gradually, the vibrations became louder, clearer, and more frequent.

The peaks of the Sahara are like beans on a dustpan, jumping up and down visibly to the naked eye.

Originally, the cave was already very dark, and was completely illuminated by torches and braziers. Now, a layer of black mist seemed to fill the cave from the outside, ignoring the mountain walls, and instantly filled the cave.

Harley's expression changed, "This kind of breath——"

"Hahahahaha!" the great witch master laughed wildly.

"Hahahahaha!" All the magic masters and archmages were dancing and looking crazy and beaming with joy.

"Hahahahaha, we succeeded, the giant beast has been awakened!"

They raised their arms and announced to thousands of wizards of all shapes and sizes around them.

"Long live, long live the wizarding corps, long live the giant beast!"

The cave shook more violently and was shaken by cheers!

"It's impossible. The Seal of Heaven is like the password of a secret service organization. Only the archangels know it and only they can sense it.

It is impossible for the Voice of Heaven to ignore the Seal of Heaven flying away from the fragments of time and space! ! "

Harley also cheered, her face full of ecstasy, laughing, but in her heart she turned into a roaring horse.

But right now, she didn't even know who to yell at.

Which link is the problem?

Could it be that there are archangels in heaven who are dissatisfied with the current situation and want to use the power of the giant ferocious beast to change the dynasty?

"Everyone be quiet!" The Great Witch Lord shouted, and all the wizards in the room stopped shouting and cheering, and only looked at him with excited eyes.

"Is everyone here? Each team reports to me." he asked.

After a while, the great witch master showed hesitation.

"Who else is not here?" Gorky asked in a low voice.

"There is a mysterious guest who has been participating in the core events of the wizarding group in a secret capacity, but he did not come this time." The great wizard said hesitantly.

"His identity is also hidden from you. He is probably a 'just wizard' from the Wizards Council, or from the church." Gorky affirmed.

“It could also be an angel from heaven or a demon from hell, disguised as a mage.

Or, a god who doesn't want his identity revealed.

He is very powerful and I can't see through it at all. "The great witch master said.

"Is he important?"

"His contribution to the Wizarding Group is no less than mine. For example, this altar array and several core designs were all made by him.

For example, he came up with the plan to make the wizard council misunderstand that the giant beast had not awakened yet through the increasingly intensified extraordinary events.

Facts have proved that it is very effective. "The great witch master said.

"Then did you inform him?" Gorky asked.

"We had an agreement. Although I still didn't know his identity, I sent the message according to the contact information he provided.

I'm still thinking about it, and today I can finally unveil his mystery. "The great witch master frowned.

"You informed him, but he didn't come. That's his own problem. We can wait for him, but time waits for no one." Gorky said solemnly.

The Great Witch Master nodded and announced crisply: "Now that the giant ferocious beast has awakened, the final ceremony will be started immediately!"

Dozens of top wizards were floating in the air, holding spells and chanting spells.

The huge cave changed again.

Originally, the cave was not flat. Some were high and some were low. They were all small platforms. The small ones were as big as a basketball court, and the large ones were close to two football fields.

At this time, there seemed to be gears and chains rotating under the mountain. Dozens of platforms either rose or fell, or moved in an arc. In just a few dozen seconds, they were assembled and arranged into a giant circular array.

Ordinary magic circles can be drawn with chalk.

Or, on the dirt floor, draw with branches.

Those who are more particular will use trees that symbolize metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, corresponding to December, and corresponding to the seven days of the week, to pave the floor, and then use talisman pens made of magic materials to draw them.

Basically, the more powerful the formation, the higher the requirements for materials and drawing techniques.

There is no doubt that the sacrificial array in the Sahara Cave at this time is almost the best of its kind.

"Harry, come with me."

As soon as the magic circle was completed, dozens of platforms formed a four-story temple of heaven, and bright red patterns flashed. The Great Witch Master grabbed Harry's arm, jumped up, and flew lightly to the center and highest platform of the magic circle.

Other qualified wizards either used flying spells, teleported, or ran on their feet in the stairwell. They all rushed to the central circle.

"What happened to the two of them? They were whispering for a while and their relationship suddenly became so close?"

On the second floor of the altar, the female dwarf touched Didier and asked in a sour tone.

"I don't know." Didier said weakly.

He was in a very bad condition, half of his body was disabled, and he had not yet recovered from the "daily" magic backlash.

"Aren't you worried at all when a female apprentice approaches the great witch master? Besides, your teacher is still on the second floor, so it's good that she went to the top floor where only the master can go."

The resentment in the dwarf's words was barely concealed.

There are four levels of altar, with a dozen grand masters standing on the first level, hundreds of great mages on the second level, and hundreds of official wizards on the third level.

The fourth level is for apprentices and peripheral members.

Well, there are also formal mages and archmages among the peripheral members, but they are not part of the inner circle. They usually only do soy sauce and seldom do tasks.

According to Didier's promise to Harley back then, she would have been on the third level, better than ordinary peripheral members, but not as good as the core members of the first and second levels.

"Monica, I'm exhausted right now. The final ceremony is about to begin. I really have no intention of scheming with you." The old lich said with a bitter smile.

The dwarf wizard glared at him and turned to the other wizards who also looked at Harry "differently"

On the first floor of the altar, the Great Witch Master also faced questions from other masters.

"Harley has killed four grandmasters! Moreover, her contribution will not be lower than your average.

More than 50% of the black pearl refining materials and funds come from her.

She is the head of the Wizarding Group on the east coast of North America. Even in her position, she is qualified to stand here. "

"Grand Witch Master, we all know that the position of the wizard group in the mortal world is valuable, but it is useless." The enchanting wizard said coldly.

The Prime Minister of North America, the head of Gotham Branch, and the person in charge of the East and West Coasts are all used to deceive peripheral members into working for the Wizarding Group.

The magic masters at the top of the wizarding group don't have these messy positions.

"I think Harley can play a greater role in the new world." The Grand Witch Lord insisted.

"The ceremony is about to begin."

Gorky did not participate in the dispute and kept looking up at the deep darkness of the sky.

Several grandmasters exchanged glances, and then took a deep look at Harry, who was pretending to be innocent. They all took their positions without saying a word.

Harley is so innocent.

She didn't want to undergo the final trial at all.

To say whether she covets the original power of the giant ferocious beast.

No doubt, very greedy.

But the giant ferocious beast comes from the sunless sea under hell, and God's skin may not be able to withstand the alienation of its origin.

As for defensive expertise.

Not to mention that Harley is not level 40 yet, even if she can activate the fourth defense specialty, she is not willing to waste a "skill slot" for the giant beast.

Because she was sure that the giant ferocious beast would not be able to accomplish anything!

She left a mark of heaven on Judith's soul. In theory, it would be impossible to escape the search of the angels.

But now the messenger bird has successfully reached the other shore.

Eighty percent of the time it means one thing: God, that bastard, has once again extended his little black hand.

God stretches out his black hand, can the giant ferocious beast have a good outcome?

Since the giant ferocious beast is very likely to be suppressed, its magic resistance is useless.

Previously, the giant ferocious beast had slept in the Sunless Sea for tens of billions of years.

Tens of billions of years, Harley defends it with a hammer!

If you can't even see the dragon, what's the use of learning dragon-slaying skills?

Therefore, at this moment, Harley has branched out a ray of spiritual power and entered the big cross. Once the final ceremony begins, once the original power of the giant beast comes, once she is sure that God's skin cannot resist it, she will run away immediately!

"The sacrifice begins!" the great witch master shouted excitedly.

There is a sacrificial pool on each platform, similar to the one where Zha Kang was imprisoned. It is seven to eight square meters and contains about ten living people imprisoned in chains.

There are men and women, old and young, even children.

"Ah ah ah" at this moment, they all screamed and cried for help, but their skin and flesh were chapped under the magic circle, their blood was burning, and their souls were swallowed by darkness.

Harry felt pity in his heart, but was helpless.

She leaves the mark of heaven on Judith's soul, which is the coordinates of the messenger bird and a signal: calling the voice of heaven to fire at her.

But God broke the promise.

"Ah!" The great witch master let out an inhuman howl.

The sacrifices were presented and the first stage of the sacrifice was completed. The giant ferocious beast immediately responded to the summons of the wizard group, and a pitch-black light beam as thick as a bowl came straight down on the great witch master in the center of the altar.

Before he had time to observe his changes, the pure black light pillar suddenly expanded, covering everyone on the first floor.

"Ahhhh!" The masters were almost howling with their souls.

The pain, which was like scraping bones and extracting marrow, instantly overwhelmed their consciousness.

"Ah!" Harley also shouted.

"How is this possible?!" she shouted in disbelief.

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