I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 232 Harley: I don’t know magical powers, I’m just born with magical powers

Limbo is like outer space, dark, cold, and empty.

However, there is no difficulty breathing or loss of heat in Limbo.

Limbo is the dimension of thinking. Thinking does not require breathing, and thinking is not afraid of cold or heat.

At the same time, the mind can also breathe and feel cold and heat.

To put it bluntly, thinking is imagination, ‘I think’.

If you feel like you can't breathe and you're going to be suffocated to death, you're really going to be suffocated to death.

Ordinary people cannot control their messy thoughts, especially their subconscious minds. Therefore, after entering Limbo, they will feel depressed and have frost on their bodies.

Most mages can control their own thoughts. Even if they can't unify all their thoughts like Harley (ps), they can at least control their own main consciousness.

Therefore, when they fell into Limbo Prison, except for those who were killed by the aftermath of the Owl God's "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms", the remaining mages did not immediately burp their farts, but instead swam in the void like fishes.

With just one click, Limbo will annihilate all physical and spiritual bodies - melting the body and disintegrating the soul.

They couldn't stay in Limbo for long.

Harley's magic resistance is super strong, but she is not completely immune to Limbo's dissolving power. Therefore, after waking up from the confusion of the time and space explosion, she immediately began to summon the Archimedes spacecraft.

With a "swish", Aki dragged his long blue, white and scarlet tail flames to Harley's side.

But Aji's movement was too loud and ostentatious, which immediately attracted the attention of the mages.

"The culprit, Witch Harley, wants to escape!"

"Witch Harley, don't run away!"

"Witch, you can escape the monk, but you cannot escape the temple."

"You are the mayor of Gotham. Your family lives in the world's largest fighting arena by the Hudson River. The house number is XXX. Everyone knows it."

The mages shouted angrily.

Harley, who had just climbed onto the airship and breathed a sigh of relief, was stunned.

These bastards are right!

She is too famous and has a big family and business. She can escape today but cannot escape tomorrow.


"Da da da da."

Harley returned to her old ways, calling out the Vulcan cannon, radar Andy locked the target, the spaceship approached, and used the barrel to hit the clamoring mages, spraying finger-thick projectiles like rain.

"Click, click, click."

With the radar Andy accurately tracking the target person, Harley did not need to aim by herself, so the spacecraft drove to the highest speed, like a bright beam of red, white and blue colors.

The flight trajectory winds into a dense coil in this space.

The Vulcan Cannon hits the mage at close range, hitting the head, chest, or directly breaking him in two.

Bullets in the material world will lose kinetic energy in Limbo and disintegrate quickly. But the quantum engine of the spacecraft swallowed the heart of a demon duke, and its magic energy automatically impregnated the bullet loaded into the magazine, giving it spirituality.

"Oh, my head, I was beaten into a pulp! Witch Harley, you are so vicious~~~"

"What a tragedy. My body was destroyed and I became a lonely ghost! Witch Harley is a witch and a devil!"

"No, no, please save me. My soul has been corrupted by the dark energy of the evil god, ah~~~"

Previously in Indian Mountain, more than a hundred mages had "provided" experience for Harley. The Dark Lord clawed through the void with one claw, accidentally killing seven or eight people and injuring more than a dozen.

There were also eight or nine mages who were invaded by the dark magic energy escaping from the dragon's claws, and were covered in python-like black smoke.

At this time, Harley went crazy and killed everyone on sight, breaking the flesh shells of more than thirty mages.

Others are just struggling with their souls naked and exposed in Limbo.

Those who have been corroded by the escaping energy of the "Owl Evil God" are extremely miserable.

Without the body, the supreme energy of extreme evil and darkness can infiltrate the soul unscrupulously.

In an instant, they were transformed into demons.

However, Harley was only rampant for a while.

The remaining mages either dodge quickly, evade through virtualization, or resist with a shield, avoiding a wave of attacks and immediately rising up to resist.

There were even more than a dozen magic masters who hid their flesh in the void and had their souls leave their bodies, chasing the spacecraft in turn.

"The witch deserves to die for killing so many of her comrades!"

This is a mage from the neutral camp.

"We must eliminate demons and defend the law."

These are the superheroes of the wizarding world - at least they think so.

"Don't worry about justice and evil, kill her!"

This is an honest person who only cares about his own interests, regardless of good or evil.

"Ping ping bang bang, biubiubiu"

Colorful beams of magic energy came and landed on the spacecraft. One after another, the rusty iron plates could not hold up and fell off the hull.

Harley looked up and saw that there were more than a dozen holes in the spacecraft, and she could directly see the outside scene.

"You're looking for death! You really thought I couldn't do anything to you."

She got angry, pulled out a heavenly silver baseball bat, wrapped it around the Tears of the Holy Spirit necklace, and chanted a spell, and the baseball bat immediately turned into a stick of God.

"Ivy, use maximum horsepower and hit those bastards directly!"

Harley held the bat in both hands and assumed a batter's stance in the middle of the cabin.

"I bumped into it just now. It can't hurt the spirit body." Ivy said.

"You heard me right, hit the old woman in red first." Harley insisted.

"Andy, target the old woman in red." Ivy ordered the radar Andy.

"Target locked." A line of text immediately appeared on the operation screen.

"Whoosh!" The spaceship turned into a stream of light, got rid of the mages, circled around, and fiercely attacked them.

"Hahaha, using a spaceship to hit a spirit body, Harley Quinn is at her wits end and is getting impatient."

Madam Hong, who had lost her flesh shell, simply opened her arms and made a proactive gesture of greeting.

Sure enough, Madam Hong, who had transformed into a spiritual body, came to the cabin through the bow of the ship as if she were nothing.


The speed of the spaceship was so fast that everyone saw Mrs. Hong smiling as she faced a red, white and blue beam of light, and then exploded in the beam, turning into a meteor shower.


Madam Hong is not dead, she just shattered from a complete spiritual body into countless pieces of thinking.

In the material world, this kind of injury would be serious, but not fatal.

The penitence stick does not kill people, but scattered thoughts can be regrouped and reunited.

But this is Limbo.

A complete soul must be careful not to get lost.

A single thought, hit with a confession stick

When the spaceship circled around and rushed towards the next Grandmaster's spirit body again, no one saw the complete Red Lady again.

Thoughts turned into meteor showers and disappeared in all directions. Madam Red's wails through her thoughts echoed in the void, getting farther and farther away and getting weaker.

I don’t know how many percent of her soul she will be able to recover in the end, or will she be completely lost?

"Oh, no!" Having learned from the past, Faust, who was targeted, no longer dared to be as reckless as Madam Red.

But his speed is not as fast as the spaceship.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, he howled and simply returned to his shell.

"Everyone, we don't need to fight to the death. Please calm down and have a good talk." Dr. Destiny said loudly.

Harley wanted to mock him, but she knew the identity of Dr. Destiny - the God King of Order, the most powerful spiritual mage in mankind.

Well, the Lord of Kosmos is Naboo, and Doctor Fate is just a human wearing a Naboo helmet.

But now this human being is wearing a helmet and speaking, and he represents the God King of Order.

"Dr. Destiny, you are the God of Justice, I listen to you."

Harley stopped the ship and shouted through the loudspeaker.

Well, it's embarrassing, she can't telepathize.

"Dr. Destiny, she has killed so many mages, what else is there to talk about?" Mr. E in a white suit said coldly.

"Why don't you tell me why I want to attack them? If you want to kill people and seize treasures, you have to be prepared to be killed." Harley sneered.

The old man holding the crystal ball said sadly: "Witch Harley, you are very arrogant and ignorant.

There are so many great masters here, any one of them can quietly destroy you in the material world.

Now you are proud, but you cannot stay in Limbo forever, waiting for you to return to Earth! "

Harley immediately remembered the old man's voice and appearance, and took photos with the camera on the spacecraft.

Then without saying a word, he directly drove the spaceship to attack.

"Dr. Destiny, don't blame me for not giving you face. It's this old guy who doesn't accept you at all."

"Oh, NO——"

Harley suddenly made a move, and the spaceship did not go around in a circle, but crashed into it at the highest speed in a straight line. The old man was unprepared, and his eyes were blurred, and he was covered in blood.

"I regret it!"

There was no pain, just extreme regret.

The spirit exploded into a firework-like shower of thoughts, each one filled with regret.


The old man's soul was shattered, and the crystal ball he had been holding in his hand fell to the cabin deck.

Harley only glanced at it, and then tried to use the spacecraft engine tail flame to burn the crystal thoughts and thought fragments scattered in the void.

The effect is surprisingly good, "cracking" like popcorn.

However, there was no real pop of rice popsicles. The thought directly turned into smoke in Limbo and was annihilated.

"The witch is so vicious!"

The mages were shocked, angry, and fearful for the first time.

The witch is not very strong, but neither is her junk cargo ship.

The spaceship does not have powerful attacks, let alone strong defenses, and is not particularly fast, but it seems to be very suitable for the Limbo environment. Even at the highest speed, it can turn at will like a swimming fish and bite the target without letting go.

And the witch, how did she disperse the master-level spirit body?

The master's spiritual body is a thousand times stronger than the physical shell. What power can make it disintegrate into thoughts?

Harry was determined to retaliate, and kept burning all the thoughts that he could catch, before returning to the original place and shouting: "Who else thinks that they can kill me casually?"

This time no one mocked her or even responded to her.

Even if you really have an idea, you won't say it again.

At this time, the witch at least proved that she still has the ability to protect herself under the siege of a group of masters.

So many magics failed to kill her before, but now with the help of the artifact spaceship, it is difficult to kill her instantly, and she can escape quickly.

The mages stayed away from her, watching from a distance, waiting for others to take action.

As long as every magic master does not encounter a creditor "demanding debt" or an accident, there is no theoretical limit to his lifespan.

Even if the physical body cannot withstand the erosion of time and magic, he can still learn from Nabu and create an artifact of his destiny, on which all magic power, soul, and knowledge can be placed.

Therefore, they will not fight for their lives against the witch who suddenly becomes mysterious and unpredictable.

Well, the witch was just a young apprentice before, so the master of course chose to manipulate her at will instead of having an equal dialogue.

Now she has proven to everyone that anyone who touches her will be in danger, so they will not touch her at will.

As for avenging other mages,

Well, if they met at other times, it wouldn't be strange for them to fight first.

In the awkward silence, Dr. Fate once again stood up to be the peacemaker.

"I can tell my secrets, but everyone present must swear on their souls never to reveal my secrets.

If you don't agree, you can choose to leave. " Harley said.

Dr. Fate swore first, and the other mages hesitated for a moment and followed suit.

Harley said directly: "I do have a secret skill, but it's not a singularity spell."

She was also afraid of being remembered. There were so many masters present and it was impossible to silence them all. If they didn't speak clearly, there would be no peace in Gotham in the future.

"I am not a wild mage without any sect. My teacher is nobler than all of you."

"Is it a god?" A mage sneered.

Harry said calmly: "Many mages know him, the reclusive god in the Nine-Nine God List."

As she spoke, she also ran the Escape Pattern, embodying Asal's iconic cloud rune on her forehead.

As long as any mage who has studied the Nine-Nine God List, he will not admit his mistake.

"Ah, it's really the goddess Asar of Acharath!"

Everyone exclaimed, and several veteran mages looked thoughtful.

"Didn't Asal fall?" Zatanna, the girl in black stockings, asked doubtfully.

"It's hard for a god to die completely. Even a wisp of his soul can recruit disciples." Zatala said.

Sage Aoqi hesitated for a moment, but chose to transmit the message publicly: "I am proficient in the Nine-Nine Gods' List, and I also know a little bit about the natal curse of Goddess Asar.

The Escape Pattern can indeed absorb magic power and transform the power of blood.

But as a mortal, why haven't you been exploded by Satan's evil power, and why haven't there been any traces of alienation? "

"I don't know any special spells, but I am born with magical powers." Harley said confidently.

(PS: Unification of all thoughts is not a basic skill on the bad street. It is a skill developed by Harley during her deathbed transformation. Not all mages have experienced their deathbed transformation.

Even if a mage has experienced a deathbed transformation, it may not be the same as Harley's. For example, Zha Kang's transformation involves a change of mind and cognition. )

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