I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 230 The second deathbed transformation, the curse of greed

"Kent, why didn't you stop them?"

Sage Aoqi looked doubtfully at Dr. Fate, whose eyes radiated brilliant golden light.

"I also want to know her secret." Kent said bluntly.


Zatara smiled and said: “Don’t worry, we won’t really watch her being killed.

First of all, blocked by the sealing wall we jointly cast, they cannot use the hugely lethal regular magic.

In addition, Harley Quinn's constant yelling is both annoying and shows that she can handle it now. "

Sage Aoqi frowned, feeling uncomfortable.

Zatara's words seemed to be correct. If she didn't ask for help, there would be no need for them to save her.

But the problem is, no matter what secret skills or treasures Witch Harley has, it is her own business, and they have no reason to force her.

What's the point of forcing her to call for help first, and then trying to save others?

"Gudong." Harley's consciousness sea, the experience jar is overflowing, level 31!

The upper limit of bloodline power is increased.

The magic power can be transformed again.

"Hey, it's strange!" Dr. Destiny said in surprise, "Although she was seriously injured, Harley Quinn's momentum suddenly soared, and the speed of absorbing the power of Satan also accelerated!"

Previously, when her bloodline was reaching its limit, Harley slowed down the speed of extracting Satan's power. Now that she had reached level 31, breaking the limit of level 30, she once again exerted herself with all her strength.

Satan's magic power was like a torrential river, pouring into the world from the depths of hell. The black magic energy around her became more and more intense, and the huge sealed ball began to slowly expand.

"I, a veteran grandmaster who has lived for eight hundred years, dare not touch such a violent power.

Why is Witch Harley fine?

Even the strength has obviously skyrocketed. What secret technique can be so powerful? "Mrs. Hong shouted in a high voice.

The blue-skinned monk wearing cassocks and hanging beads on his chest said excitedly: "Brahma is above, it must be the 'Singularity Curse' that blocks a loophole in the rules of the universe!"

"Singularity curse? Oh my God, every singularity curse represents a god." All the mages were excited.

Turn exclusive magic spells into rules and become a magic master.

To advance from a master to a god, you must write your own rules in the "Book of Magic" that represents the laws of magic.

To put it bluntly, let the multiverse accept your rules.

Take the Confucian master Zhu Xi as an example. He studied under Er Cheng (joined Er Cheng's sect, not became a disciple of Er Cheng), learned Er Cheng's "Heavenly Principle" magic, and made it his own exclusive magic spell.

In this way, he became an official mage (graduated from Er Cheng).

Later, based on Er Cheng's theory, Zhu Xi developed a more complete and "advanced" "Zhu Xi Neo-Confucianism", turned the exclusive curse into his own rules, and achieved the position of great master.

Later, Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucianism was recognized by many Confucian scholars and showed a tendency of accumulating faith. Heaven (the court, the ruler) recognized his new rules and included them in the "Book of Magical Rules".

In this way, Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucianism became the rules (laws) that all mages (people) in the multiverse (Great Celestial Dynasty) must abide by.

Zhu Xi took this opportunity to break through the realm of a master and achieve the status of a divine wizard - he entered the Confucius Temple and became a sage.

Did you notice?

To become a spiritual wizard, you not only have to have your own new rules, but you also have to have "God" recognize your rules.

In reality, I will prepare a few good friends, a plate of peanuts, and a bowl of spicy crayfish for you.

After two bottles of Erguotou, you can still talk about the world's major events, point out the country, and criticize Fang Qiu. The thinkers of the past have formed a set of their own theories. The gay friends who are also drunk echoed and applauded loudly. Applause.

However, don't say that "God" is too lazy to pay attention to you. As long as your wife, who is disturbed by your drunken behavior and disturbs her sleep, rushes in, curses and slaps you, you yourself will deny the law (theory) of the evolution of the "exclusive curse". - He lowered his head and apologized profusely to his wife.

Therefore, in this world, magic masters are born every few years, but not many are promoted to spiritual wizards.

However, there is a magic spell that can instantly make "God" recognize you.

That is the "singularity curse" that finds loopholes in the laws of the universe.

For example, you have neither gay friends nor peanuts and crayfish, but as long as you point out a certain loophole in the existing law. Even if your wife still slaps you, God (the country) will seriously consider it and accept it in time. Your "new rules" will close the loopholes.

First use the Singularity Curse to steal power, then create new laws based on the Singularity Curse, fill in the loopholes, and easily become a god.

There is precedent for this.

For example, the famous Thunder Shazam!

Not all mages know the secret of the Singularity Curse, but the mages who came here at this time are at least the Archmage.

So, everyone knows, everyone is in a frenzy.

"Hahaha, ants, when I become a god, I want you to look good!"

Feeling the power filling her body, Harley ignored her bruises and laughed even more wildly.

These words simply added fuel to the fire, irritating everyone.

"Quick, everyone uses all their strength to interrupt her promotion!" Faust shouted.

The mage's attacks became more and more unscrupulous. Even Zatara and Dr. Destiny couldn't help but be curious and "gently" threw a few energy rays inside.

"Oh, my brain is so broad——"


Everyone has a limited amount of experience to offer.

A great mage is as powerful as a thousand ordinary people, and a grandmaster is even more exaggerated, but they also have an experience limit.

While Harley fell into madness, she still had instincts.

Gradually, some weaker mages with vicious methods - high levels of attack and malice, and rapid loss of experience - stopped providing experience and were abandoned by Harley.

Use the mind spell to counterattack and stop them from attacking her wantonly.


In a few breaths, the experience tank overflowed again, reaching level 32!

Magic comes with a price.

Harley doesn't feel the cost now.

After being injured, counter-injury magic is continuously stimulated in the body, which is magic output.

But the power of Satan continued to flow in, and the surge in blood power brought the ultimate sense of satisfaction and pleasure, giving her the illusion that she was always receiving without giving anything.

Grandmasters are not vegetarians. Even if they are immune to 70% of their magic attacks, the remaining 30% will still cause huge damage. What's more, many magics are physical attacks, such as bone spears and ice picks.

Therefore, Harley was extremely miserable at this time, with bruises all over her body, blood dripping from her body, tattered skin and flesh, and broken bones.

She was like a skinned live chicken that was slapped a few times by an expert from within.

Injured internally and externally.

But she couldn't notice that the strength in her body was still increasing rapidly, and she was as satisfied as a hungry person after a full meal.

The anti-injury magic inspired her, and she didn't even feel the pain of being hurt, only the pleasure of releasing magic, and the pride of being in control of everything.

"Hahaha, you bunch of losers——"

"Harry, be careful!" Suddenly, a loud shout like thunder resounded in her sea of ​​consciousness.

A somewhat unfamiliar and familiar middle-aged male voice spoke very quickly: "Look at yourself! You are about to die. Use your heavenly merits to recover from your injuries!"

"Who? What are you talking about?" Harley didn't react for a moment.

"It's me, Stranger. You have entered your second terminal transformation, wake up quickly————————"

The stranger's voice turned into physical thunder, illuminating Harry's chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

Harley shuddered and looked down, but saw nothing. There was darkness in front of her eyes.

She stretched out her hand tremblingly. Her eye sockets were all gone, let alone her eyeballs.

Even her hands had only two phalanges left.

She was frightened and wanted to scream, but no sound came out.

No tongue, no mouth.

Harley was even more scared.

She groped around randomly, and her body was wet, pitted, and dripping. Sometimes it was soft, like rotten flesh; sometimes it was hard, like bones exposed on the body surface.

She was almost beaten to death by the mages. She recalled the old eunuch at the end of the childhood shadow series "The Three Heroes of the East". She also thought of "Dragon Gate Inn", where Donnie Yen, who was warmly "received" by the waiter, seemed to be also an eunuch.

Harley is horrified.

She didn't feel any pain. Instead, she felt so comfortable and happy.

It’s so evil.

After such a fright, she came to her senses completely, and quickly followed the Stranger's instructions. She no longer poured the power of heaven that had been transformed by her merits into the experience jar, but separated a part of it and turned it into a healing technique.

"Om——" The warm holy light seeped out from her body, and the darkness in front of her eyes turned into blood red. The blood redness quickly receded, and the things in front of her were clearly visible.

"Oh my God!" She was frightened.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw colorful magical attacks, like a tsunami, sweeping towards him one after another.

Harley subconsciously raised her arms to block her face.

Then she saw that there was only a burnt bone left in the arm, connected with some blue fascia and bloody flesh.

"Fake!" Lowering her head, she saw more and more terrifying pictures.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The magic fell on him, giving off a brilliant brilliance.

"Boo boo boo."

A huge golden shield appeared on her body and exploded, layer after layer, as continuous as the magic attack.

"This is my destiny!"

It suddenly dawned on Harry that he was still alive despite this. In addition to his high magic resistance and defense, he also had to thank the cost magic he learned from Goddess Asael - the Guardian Shield.

The magic attack fell on the body and was first weakened by 70% by the "Third Specialty Resistance Skin".

Then, the physical body's 30-point defense resisted part of it.

The protective shield triggered by the damage is then partially offset.

Less than 10% of the real damage is left.

Of course, as long as the attacks are strong enough and intensive enough, 10% of the damage will be fatal enough if accumulated.

But don’t forget, Harley’s attributes are all 31 at this time, almost 32.

All attributes include recovery, 31 recovery points.

In this way, Harley was not killed by a wave of attacks and was able to hold on until now. In fact, it didn't last long. It had only been two or three minutes since the mage started attacking.

The Stranger lives on Gotham's Long Island and arrived earlier than Zatara.

It's just that Harley was clearly benefiting from him before. Even if he asked her to stop, she wouldn't listen, so she stayed hidden on the side.

Harry waited until he was almost done playing, and then he issued a warning.

After spending a total of 50,000 merits, Harley finally returned to the appearance of a fair and tender little beauty.

"Why didn't you remind me earlier?" she complained to the stranger.

The stranger smiled bitterly and said: "Like them, I thought you had some treasure or secret technique as a trump card. Who knows?"

I thought you were showing off, but I didn't expect you to be a bastard!

After a pause, he said: "Who knew that your life was hanging by a thread, you were about to die, and you were still laughing like crazy.

Only then did I wake up, you probably encountered the 'greed curse' that was very common in ancient times but rare now, a kind of deathbed transformation that is more terrifying than the change of mind and cognition. "

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