I want to have a date with Superman

Final remarks, preview of next book

Harry's book is finished. Thank you all for accompanying me and accompanying Harry to this day. I have experienced all kinds of things and I want to say "thank you a thousand times"!

Alas, my mood is a bit complicated. I finished it yesterday, and I am still upset sitting in front of the computer today.

Forget it, let's get straight to the point. I will summarize this book first, and then talk about the next book.

It should have ended earlier.

Just a month ago, I planned to use two or three chapters to deal with the Giant Hand Tribe Judges. A few words made Harry go to the "next universe" to transcend time, and return instantly. She has the black vortex that can be deduced to the limit of the multiverse, and then use the black vortex to make the fifth judge retreat.

Well, I didn't think of destroying them at the beginning, and I didn't have to provoke a stronger Senate and the first judge.

As a result, everyone knows that I was stuck in sending the chapter before 12 o'clock. Time was tight, and I habitually clicked send, forgetting to change the chapter to free (sending free requires finding a special button to change mode, which is not complicated, but it is easy to overlook).

I was embarrassed to immediately publish a chapter for free after promising to publish it for free. Then I expanded the plot of Harley going to the "next universe" across time.

As I was writing, I wanted to complete the plot. Since I had written it, I couldn't write it without a beginning or an end. I wrote it for another month "unconsciously".

Actually, I didn't think much about writing about the "next universe" when I first designed the outline. It's just that Harley's story needs a destination, and I have to roughly describe the setting of the omnipotent universe, so there is the "next universe".

Let's talk about the plot of the final ending.

First of all, the original comics have the setting of the omnipotent universe, but they don't go deep into it to develop the plot. For example, the chief judge of the giant hand tribe, the Senate, the source master, the omnipotent universe master, and the old man of the border are all secondary settings, which are not in the original comics.

In addition, in the original comics, the giant hand tribe and the DC heroes have very little communication. The giant hand tribe is high above and basically does not show up. They only grant Diana "ascension", and the rest of the miscellaneous work is handed over to the essence.

The ending of this book expands a lot of content that is not in the original comics.

There is no way. I can't use the ending of the original comics at all, not even for reference.

The original comics were only to deal with such a broken universe as DC, and the giant hand tribe actually came with five big guys.

They did intend to use the "Giant Hand of Creation" to recycle the broken universe, and they were very determined.

If it were placed in the Internet novels of China, the author would not write it like this even if he was drunk.

This situation is almost impossible to break, the enemy is too strong, which is equivalent to the mortal world finally breaking the sky curtain and communicating with the fairy world, but as a result, five Daluo Jinxian came to the world to replay the earth, water, wind and fire.

Western authors wrote it because they think it is natural to kneel down and beg for mercy and mercy from the strong.

After Kuangxiao betrayed Pa Mu and snatched the crisis force, facing the upcoming giant hand tribe power, he actually didn't want to toss the heroes of the Justice League. He proposed to join forces with Diana to fight against the giant hand tribe together, but Diana refused and beat him to death.

Finally, after the arrival of the giant hand tribe, Diana, who had already surpassed the gods, prostrated herself, even her soul crawled on the ground, begging for mercy from the giant hand tribe.

The Giant Hands ascended with Diana and restarted the DC multiverse. In the restarted world, the old heroes of the Justice League quickly disappeared from the world story, and the new young heroes became the protagonists of the story.

It can basically be equated with my "conspiracy theory" - harvesting the essence of DC stories, controlling the world to continue to stage the eternal universe fairy tale of justice and evil, and continue to squeeze the remaining value of the world through the performances of heroes and villains - replace the Giant Hands with the authors and directors of the DC comics department, and it makes sense all of a sudden. Isn't the "Giant Hand" a writer? The "Giant Hands leadership" served by the Giant Hand Judge is the shareholders and senior executives of DC Comics.

DC and Warner will never let the heroes of the Justice League "free".

They will restart and repeat their stories over and over again, and squeeze money from the stories - the power of the story.

Back to the topic.

DC authors can write comic protagonists kneeling and begging, expressing 100% obedience to solve the crisis of "descending immortals", but in the East, at a certain point, which brainless author dares to write like this?

The protagonist has been awesome all his life, has struggled and worked hard all his life, but at the end of the day he has to kneel down and beg for life?

But this is a fan work. Settings that are not in the original comics can be created by yourself, but the existing major settings are not easy to change.

The giant hand tribe, the giant hand of creation, the eagle judge, and the five giant hand bosses who can easily destroy the world are the major settings.

I can't say that they are strong on the outside but weak on the inside. They look awesome, but in fact they are only at the level of Pa Mu. This is obviously not right. Pa Mu was forced to sacrifice herself to create the world, and she obviously belongs to the exploited sweatshop class.

It is impossible that the entire system is full of sweatshop workers. Some people carry heavy burdens and move forward, and some people have a peaceful life.

The boss of the giant hand tribe must be extremely strong, far stronger than Pa Mu.

And the organization of the giant hand tribe must be extremely large, otherwise it would not be possible for it to "plant" countless multiverses in the omnipotent universe.

Each multiverse represents a creator god. Suppose the giant hand tribe is a sweatshop and Pa Mu is an exploited worker. Now this factory has countless employees. How many leaders should there be?

The factory workers are not obedient and need judges to manage them. Wouldn't Pa Mu rebel?

So to manage countless workers, there must be countless "judges" (foremen and factory leaders).

Since the number of "judges" is huge, with such a huge foundation, countless stronger and strongest people will inevitably be born.

Even if the original comics did not draw it explicitly, the above information can be deduced from the existing settings.

Based on this setting, let's look at the ending of this book.

In the original comics, there were only five giant hand masters coming to deal with one Pamu. Now there is obviously a variable like Harley. Harley can knock down Pamu with one punch. How can the giant hand tribe still have five people?

So there is a group of giant hand masters surrounding DC in this book.

It's not that I deliberately made Harley's situation so bad that it makes people feel desperate. According to the original comic setting and normal logical reasoning, she should face such a crisis.

How to resolve the crisis next?

Relying only on the power in the DC universe, the power of Manhattan and the power of Pamu is definitely far from enough.

Considering this, I set the DC power limit to level 120 at the beginning. As a result, before the finale, Harley's defense level has exceeded level 150.

Only higher defense can allow Harley to withstand the attack of the giant hand tribe boss.

Harley's high defense and weak attack will not destroy the story power system too much (of course, this is the author's idea, you don't have to consider it).

But if the defense is high, it is just a solid stone pillar. Harley can't scare away the giant hand tribe leader by crouching with her head in her arms.

So there is the setting of the thorny black vortex.

It is not obvious in the early stage, but the black vortex is really powerful in the later stage, but if you think about it seriously, it is just the development of Harley's "thick skin physique".

High defense is like a physical talent, and the black vortex is a martial arts secret. Developing and amplifying this talent is like a fast runner practicing "Wind God Leg".

The black vortex is a martial arts secret. Martial arts require time to practice and wisdom to settle. The power of Manhattan can span time and "instantly" obtain all time. The two cooperate with each other, just like "Nine Yang Magic" with "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon".

The black vortex, the power of Manhattan, and the story transmission are pure cheating.

This set of "God's cheat" is the method prepared by me, the author, for Harley to successfully pass the finale without violating the original comic setting as much as possible.

This is also the reason why the "next universe" appears in the plot, which is considered to be a foreshadowing in advance and the ending is concluded.

However, I originally only intended to let Harley use the Nine-Layer Black Vortex to show the Giant Hand Tribe that the profit and cost of forcibly harvesting DC are seriously mismatched. Isn't it a bit cowardly?

If there were no plots of Venerable Kang and King Kong Spider, the Giant Hand Tribe had just made a shocking appearance, and immediately struck hard and forced them to compromise, which could show Harley's awesomeness.

But Venerable Kang and King Kong Spider were awesome one by one, and the battle of the Giant Hand Tribe was interrupted by the "Marvel plot" for more than half a month.

The plot interval is too long, no matter how awesome it is when it first appears, time can numb all senses.

At this time, looking at the Judges of the Giant Hand Tribe, they have lost their mystery and style.

As their style declined, the style of the ending where Harley forced them to compromise also declined.

So I temporarily added a scene, created the "Old Man of the Borderland" and the "Source Master", and directly wiped out the Judges.

In the original comics, there is a clear setting: DC made too much noise and attracted a lot of attention.

It's just that the identities of the "eyes" are not named one by one, and there may be "the old man from the wilderness" and "the source master" among them.

The two source masters who appear clearly in the book are the protagonists of my previous two books, Maya and Dani, and the black dragon that spews fire is "Dahei". Harley saw Dani's figure in the black dragon's eyes when Dani was in the dragon spirit state - the fusion of human and dragon souls, and Dahei spit out the first fire.

Maya has two lives in total. In the first life, she was a sword fairy, and the road was not yet completed. In the second life, she was the only owner of chakra. In order to facilitate reincarnation, she restarted the single universe she was in. The sword energy that split Harley's mind into two pieces was left by "Maya in the first life" to protect her own world. Harley just leaned over to see it and was hit.

But everyone has seen that from beginning to end, Maya and Dani did not even show their faces, nor did they mention their names. They only appeared in this "final speech" at the end.

It can be regarded as pure soy sauce, guest appearance to support Harley, and it does not affect the main plot.

The "Source Master" is only used to mark the strength of the Giant Hand Clan and to highlight Harley's awesomeness. Anyone can be the Source Master, even if you haven't read the first two books.

Let's talk about Wukong.

The original intention of writing Wukong's plot was to give the self-laughing bat an ending.

A bastard like the Laughing Bat must have a funny and tragic ending, otherwise I can't think clearly.

Then why not let Harley break her oath and kill the Laughing Bat?

First of all, the Laughing Bat is bad, but he is definitely smart and sharp.

If Harley tricked him into giving up his strength and wisdom with just a few words, and he was eventually crushed to death by Harley's oath, it would make the Laughing Bat look particularly stupid.

Secondly, Harley's personality would also be destroyed.

Although DC gods and demons all say "Witch Harley has no faith", there are actually many people who are willing to believe her.

And as readers, we all know that it is rare for Harley to actually "directly break her oath".

Even if she didn't keep her word, she would first use her rhetoric to find an excuse for breaking her oath. For example, when she fished out the ghost essence from the Mother River of Time, she swore not to steal the ghost essence, but ended up "drinking" the water of the River of Time that was full of the power of the ghost essence.

She said she didn't break her oath, she drank the water of the River of Time, but some "strange and unfamiliar power" just happened to be dissolved in the water of the River of Time.

In the finale, Harley suddenly broke her oath "hardly" and roughly, which hurt her character.

So, did Harley really let Laughing Bat go?

Not really.

Witch Harley is cunning and treacherous.

Laughing Bat had this ending, which was basically within her calculations.

She predicted Laughing Bat's prediction.

Xiaofu guessed that even if Harley didn't break her oath, she would find a chance to make herself unlucky.

For example, she would send him to a world without the power of miracles and trap him forever.

So he took the initiative to ask to go to a world with a high level of miracle power.

Harley was waiting for him to say that!

She packed him up and stuffed him into the strongest oriental prehistoric world she had discovered so far.

Xiaofu, a Westerner, had no intuitive concept of the power of saints and Taoist ancestors even if he had read "Journey to the West" and "Investiture of the Gods".

But Harley understood that as long as Xiaofu dared to make trouble in the prehistoric world, Taoist ancestors would never let him go.

With Xiaofu's personality, his origin was also taken away by Harley, and he had wisdom but no power. It would be strange if he didn't make trouble.

In order to give Xiaofu an ending, the plot of Wukong was created, and the content of the plot was to let go of himself and play casually.

Of course, Wukong also brought out the ending of the book in the end. Through Wukong's experience, it indirectly described the story of Harley's dominance in the omnipotent universe and defeating the giant hand tribe thousands of years later.

By the way, Harley said that she surpassed the "Source Master", and she was not lying.

Just like in the DC multiverse, the realm has reached the limit of the universe, but the defense level continues to increase.

Harley raised her defense level to 150+ in the DC with a limit of 120. Now that she has gone to the omnipotent universe, she has broken through the level limit again.

18 black vortices opened together and blasted half of the Chaos Sea. It was not a vendor selling "fake news".

The plot that was not directly written was like this: Harley looked calm, with her hands behind her back, and asked all the giant hand tribe to attack together. After they used all their strength, she was bored and bounced all the damage absorbed by the 18 black vortices back to the Chaos Sea.

"Alas, why are you so useless? I was counting on your power to split the Chaos Sea with one shot and transcend to the real world. As a result, the black vortex has not reached the limit, and you wilted first."

The giant hand tribe knelt.

It can be regarded as satisfying the general rule of online novels that "the protagonist must be invincible in the world at the end."

Whether Harley can be invincible depends on whether the opponent is strong enough, but she must be "invulnerable" - no one in the world can hurt her.

When Monkey goes to DC, the news that Harley has opened the 18th Black Vortex in the Giant Hand Clan will spread in the omnipotent universe, and the name of "Thick Skin Source Master" will spread like wildfire and be known to the world.

The reason why Harley is so strong is also given in the book: the hawker publicly sells the latest version of the 18th Black Vortex secret book, and the price is even less than one twentieth of the "18th Black Vortex News", and any transcendent can take out hundreds of versions of the "Black Vortex" secret book.

What does this show?

Almost the entire omnipotent universe is helping Harley improve the "Black Vortex" secret book.

With the blessing of the wisdom of all living beings, "Black Vortex" has been revised countless times, and each improvement is an improvement.

In the final analysis, the Black Vortex is Harley's "exclusive" magic, which is most suitable for her defensive evolution.

Learning her method will eventually help her achieve enlightenment.

The stronger the apprentice, the stronger the master.

Well, after talking so much, the book of Harley is really over. Alas, I feel so emotional~~~~

Let's talk about the next book. This journey is over, and there are new stories ahead.

The next book is a classic fairy tale, which is a little different from other classic fairy tales.

Let me roughly talk about the creative ideas.

In "Journey to the West", Bodhi Patriarch said: "There are 360 ​​side doors in the 'Tao' gate, and all the side doors have positive results."

Then he provided Wukong with several choices, including "Shu", "Liu", "Jing", and "Dong".

Wukong always only asked one question, "Can I get immortality?"

In the end, Bodhi taught him the great way.

Let's do a logical reasoning.

In Bodhi Patriarch's school, except for Wukong's attainment of Taoism, his hundreds of brothers and sisters only got one of "Shu, Liu, Jing, and Dong", and even the single item was not complete.

For example, in the "Liu" gate, there are Confucianists, Buddhists, Taoists, Yin-Yangists, Mohists, and doctors, or reading scriptures, or chanting Buddha, and worshiping the true saints.

Once a disciple enters the "stream", he must make another choice, either Confucianism, Buddhism, or Taoism. The combination of the three religions is almost the limit. Mixed and impure, it may not have a great future.

Wukong is the only one who has achieved the Tao, and the rest have entered the side path. If there is a time traveler who arrives in the world of Journey to the West, he will definitely not let himself become one of the "fellow disciples". No matter stealing, robbing or plagiarizing, he will always follow Wukong to get the light.

Let's raise our sights a little higher, and don't just focus on Wukong who has achieved the Tao.

Look at those brothers who have entered the side door, they are Bodhi disciples!

If Wukong is a recipient of the National Scholarship of Tsinghua University, other brothers at least have a Tsinghua diploma.

According to the pyramid model of social structure, in the world, Bodhi disciples are also considered "upper and middle class in the cultivation world", and below them there are even larger "211" and "985".

And below "211" and 985 there are more second-tier and third-tier universities, even junior colleges and technical schools, and more "miscellaneous practitioners" who don't even have a high school diploma.

Does it mean that except for the top students of Tsinghua University, other people in this world don’t need to live? Or is life meaningless?

Whether it is Journey to the West or Investiture of the Gods, they are actually just describing the small group of people at the top of the cultivation circle.

If a TV series shoots the love story of the upper class, whether the audience is happy or not, it is not clear, but at least one thing is certain, the world in the TV series is far from representing the real social appearance.

Then I came up with the idea of ​​writing the "real" classical fairy world.

To be honest, I can't guarantee whether I can write well.

But I promise to write the story in my heart completely, keep updating, don't dig holes or fill them, and the story has a beginning and an end.

The title of the book is probably "If You Don't Abandon Me, I Will Become My Godfather"

If nothing unexpected happens, it will still be a female protagonist, born by the Liusha River. There are many familiar places in the world, but she didn't see the gods and demons she was familiar with. In short, it's the end of the Journey to the West, and I don't know how many tens of thousands of years later.

Just by listening to the title of the book, you know what she is going to do. You can help her choose a name that is both appropriate and nice. When I start writing the book, I will come to read the comments in this paragraph. If I like it, I will choose it.

About two months later, I will upload the new book and look forward to your support.

Finally, thank you all again for your company over the years. I am sincerely grateful and wish you all the best. Friends, happiness and peace!


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