I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2097 Quantum Sutra, Journey to the East

"Senior brother, the demon monkey is so ferocious that we can no longer hold back!"

Empress Nuwa threw the red hydrangea again, but this time she used the power of the saint.

The Great Dao is fifty and the Heavenly Evolution is forty-nine. When a saint combines the Dao, he uses his own Dao to combine with one of the forty-nine Dao, and replaces part of the Heavenly Heart with his own heart, thereby mastering the power of the Heavenly Dao.

There is usually a skin-fight between saints, and the power of the great road is rarely used.

Today, when facing the "heterodox evil saints", they only increase their strength and energy, but have no obvious effect. The monkeys are still grinning and mocking them!


The red hydrangea turned into a nuclear bomb and hit the monkey's head, shooting out thousands of bright red flames like lava.

Tushita Palace was immediately torn apart, and the entire Lihentian was shaking slightly.

The monkey screamed "My life is over", its head exploded, and its body was destroyed in ashes.

After confirming that the monkey was really dead and not an illusion, Nuwa Empress smiled and said: "The heretical evil saint's quantum method is nothing more than this."

But the next moment, still on the Bagua furnace, the monkey turned from virtual to real and appeared in front of the saints again.

"My dearest lady, Lao Sun respects you and gives in to you! After all, it was the Sky-Mending Stone you left behind that allowed the world to give birth to an elf like Lao Sun. Today Lao Sun stands still and lets you smash him to death. , it’s a matter of cause and effect.”

Empress Nuwa blinked and said in surprise: "What kind of magical power does this monkey head of yours have? You were indeed dead just now, your body was shattered and your soul turned to ashes."

The monkey pretended to be innocent and said: "My dear, you also said, 'just now' I was completely dead, the 'me just now' was completely dead, what does it have to do with the 'me now'?"

Another auspicious cloud flew from the Yuxu Palace in West Kunlun, and the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun came from the auspicious light, "It's probably a time division technique. The demon monkey that the junior sister killed was just a demon monkey in a time segment, and the demon monkey spans the past. , present and future.

Just now, I was calculating the secrets with my fingers, and I actually noticed the traces of the demon monkey at the beginning of the wilderness.

This evil barrier has never rewritten the prehistoric history, but has quietly embedded itself in the prehistoric history.

Alas, the way of the heretic evil saints is really different. We have combined our bodies with the way. The way encompasses all things, including earth, water, wind, fire, time, space, and the universe.

This body also becomes eternal, immortal and immortal, sitting and watching the reincarnation of the world.

This way of the beast is only the way of time. Although it is not as complete as the 'Great Way', it is specialized in time and possesses magic that we have never seen before. "

"The way of time must also surrender to the great road!" said the Western sage.

"His way of time is not the ancient time, and it is not inferior to our way." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

Laojun's eyes flashed and he said: "If he does not live in the great river of time, his way of time will be like a rootless duckweed, and the time and space of the prehistoric time will be under my great way."

Wukong pointed at Lao Jun and said with a smile: "You are an old man, you have a kind face and kind eyes, but you are so vicious when you start.

Lao Sun just ate your Heretic Saint Pill, instead of being snatched away by the original owner of the Saint Pill, why did he become a heinous 'extraterrestrial evil demon' who must be refined to death? "

Lao Jun also laughed and asked curiously: "Why don't you laugh wildly with 'haha'?"

"Hahahaha, Old Sun can laugh whenever he wants. But now that he is surrounded by a group of saints analyzing his weaknesses and vital points, Old Sun can't keep giggling, right?" The Great Sage grinned again.

Lao Jun stared at him for a while, a look of regret appeared on his face, "Oh, I missed a great opportunity!

The elixir energy of the Saint's Pill has demonic properties. The Saint's Pill itself is extremely pure, and the demonic elixir energy is the impurity discharged by it.

If you eat the Sage Pill directly, you will not become possessed. At most, you will have the sequelae of being excited and laughing loudly. "

"Hahaha, you saints still want to refine the devil even though you know that Old Sun is not possessed by the devil. Who is the devil?" the great sage said with a smile.

The old man shook his head gently, "The Laughing Bat, the demon outside the territory, is a demon, and you, the monkey, are also a demon yourself. You need to refine it!"

"Hahahaha!" The great sage raised his head and laughed, and the skinny and small hozen body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But they are not the Dharma-Xiang Heaven and Earth that stands tall with heaven and earth. Together, they only grow to a height of thirty or forty meters.

Then the monkey hairs on his body began to dye blue one by one.

"Then come on, you and the saints will come together. The word 'fear' in Lao Sun Ruodao is the result of that coward Jade Emperor."

Although the great sage's body was not as huge as the sky and the earth, his voice was as loud as thunder and spread throughout the thirty-three days.

"Monkey, monkey, hateful monkey!" The Jade Emperor's face turned red and he cursed repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, please calm down first and change your skirt first." Taibai Xingjun said cautiously.

A monkey head flew over just now, opened its four-nine titanium eyes, and saw through the immortal power and supernatural powers of the immortals, and modified the reality in a targeted manner. Some of the immortal officials who were disgusted by the great sage disappeared without a trace, and those who were slightly less disgusted were also Being trolled.

The Jade Emperor's realm and conduct were actually very high. At that time, Monkey could not completely change his reality, so he just replaced his complicated and gorgeous "dragon robe" with a bikini.

Well, it's an extremely cool three-point bikini.

The monkey got the memory of the Laughing Bat and felt that the pink bikini was very suitable for the Jade Emperor.

"Bastard, do you think I don't want to get rid of the evil monkey's magic? He's playing tricks on me with his magical powers. How can I change my clothes without removing the magic?" The Jade Emperor was both ashamed, angry and unwilling.

The monster monkey made him unable to do anything in the blink of an eye, and the "Journey to the West" originally planned would definitely not be carried out.

The plan fell through, leaving him unwilling to accept it.

Monkey became so powerful with just a single Saint Pill, which made him have mixed emotions after going through 1,750 tribulations to achieve what he is today.

"The saints have already started to refine the demons." Taibai Xingjun stood on tiptoe, glanced at the direction of Tushita Palace and then retracted his gaze.

It was already a mess there. The saints joined forces to almost reenact the earth, water, wind and fire. The little demon monkey turned into a huge blue ape, roaring and struggling in the chaos of the saints' evolution, and a pair of 49 titanium eyes flashed with bright light.

With Taibai Xingjun's realm, he couldn't take another look. He looked at it with tears in his eyes and his head was dizzy.

"The saints will attack together, Wukong cough, the demon monkey will be doomed. When the saints subdue him, the evil magic on your majesty and the immortal officials will surely disappear."

As soon as Taibai Xingjun finished speaking, the blue demon ape that was roaring in the distance suddenly laughed, and the 49 titanium eyes that kept shining also temporarily restrained their divine light.

"Hahaha, thank you all the saints for demonstrating the saint's method for me, my 49 titanium eyes have 'seen' the saint's way in this world.

Now, I have achieved the way!

Hahaha, today, let me evolve the quantum way for you that conforms to the rules of the great way of the prehistoric world.

The fusion of Chinese and Western, quantum immeasurable, hey, silicon crystal monkey brain, quantum law, 49 titanium eyes, simulated universe!"

With the demon monkey's shout, the law data of the prehistoric world of earth, water, wind and fire ran at high speed in his silicon crystal monkey brain.

As the data of the earth, water, wind and fire restarting the universe was analyzed, the demon monkey would use the analyzed data to replay the earth, water, wind and fire.

"Ouch, ouch, it's so hot, the silicon crystal brain chip is overloaded, and the monkey brain temperature is so high! Quantum law is a way outside the domain after all, and it is not very compatible with the prehistoric world. The framework is different, and a lot of computing power is wasted."

Lan Wukong fanned his head hard, but his face still turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The silicon monkey brain calculation saint reenacted the method of earth, water, wind and fire. The CPU burned red, and his face and head were also red like a piece of carbon in the furnace.

"No, this won't work. Now we are just roasting the silicon monkey brain. The 49 titanium eyes haven't been officially started yet! We need to add a fan."

Wukong suddenly had an idea and used 72 transformations to turn a pair of protruding ears into propellers and blew air into the ear canal.

Gradually, as the "cold wind" poured into the monkey brain, a stream of hot steam could be seen floating out from the top of the head.

"It's still not enough, it's still not enough!"

Wukong opened his mouth and took a deep breath, and then exhaled white steam from his two nostrils that was hotter than the Samadhi True Fire.

"Chi Chi Chi!" It was like a steam train whistling.

"Well, it's cool now, and Lao Sun's 49 titanium eyes can also operate at full capacity."

As he said this, he imported the "rewrite reality" data calculated in the silicon monkey brain into the two eyes.

The two 49 titanium eyes then converted the data into a "real picture" that replaced the real with the fake.

Wukong opened his eyes, and a dazzling white light covered the whole world.

Even as powerful as the Jade Emperor, he could see nothing but whiteness in front of his eyes.

Only saints can see that the world is changing rapidly, and the images projected by the 49 titanium eyes are replacing the existing reality.

"Evil beast, it's okay for you to fight with us, but how can you harm the whole world? The millions of people in the world, how have they ever provoked you?" Yuanshi Tianzun shouted angrily.

"Stabilize the earth, water, wind and fire, and don't let the demon monkey run wild." Laojun was still calm, and he shook his sleeves lightly, and a piece of fiery red floated out and settled in the "Li" position in the south.

It was the "Li Di Yan Guang Flag" among the innate five elements flags.

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed and pulled out a "Wu Ji Xing Huang Flag".

The other saints either took it out themselves or summoned it from elsewhere. In addition, the "Qinglian Bao Se Flag", "Su Se Yunjie Flag" and "Xuan Yuan Control Water Flag" were all gathered.

The innate five elements fixed the five elements of the five directions, and the image projected by the 49 titanium eyes was still flickering and had the tendency to collapse.

"Good flag, good magic!"

Seeing this, the Great Sage was surprised and happy, and quickly paused the "image" output and changed it to "49 titanium eyes to see the world" again.

The golden "eyes" scanned the five element flags one by one.

The secret of the innate treasure was originally hidden very tightly, but now it seems that all the mysteries are filmed into 8K high-definition pictures, which are directly absorbed by the 49 titanium eyes and then sent to the silicon crystal monkey's brain for "digestion".

The whole process is just like before when Lao Sun used the 49 titanium eyes to observe the performances of the saints.

"Good five element flag, Lao Sun has learned a lesson!"

The Great Sage laughed and opened the 49 titanium eyes to project the world picture again, and the earth, water, wind and fire surged and changed again.

"What? The innate five elements flag can't suppress the 49 titanium eyes of the demon monkey?!" The Western saint was shocked.

"The demon monkey's 49 titanium eyes are strange. They can quickly analyze the secrets of the five elements flag. Before, when we used the power of the saints, the demon monkey also learned the saint's method, so he can use the 49 titanium eyes to evolve earth, water, wind and fire. This is our saint's method!" Yuanshi Tianzun said with an ugly face.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can the 49 titanium eyes see through the saint's method and the secrets of the innate treasure so quickly? Even if we saints have teachers to preach, it takes tens of millions of years to realize the truth." Nuwa Niangniang shook her head repeatedly.

Wukong smiled and said, "If it were someone else, I would definitely ignore him. Since the Queen has doubts, I will tell her everything I know.

The computer graphics card is just the appearance of my 49 titanium eye, and the essence is still the application of the quantum road.

The quantum road spans time, and I am the same as I was after billions of years of hard practice.

Once I see the sage's method, it is equivalent to letting me carefully study the sage's method for billions of years.

Once the innate five elements flag is taken out, I will know that this treasure still exists in the world, and immediately search for all information about this treasure from the past, present and future.

Only you few saints know the sage's method, but many immortals have used the innate five elements flag.

Their experience is Lao Sun's experience, and their wisdom is Lao Sun's wisdom.

Hahaha, do you understand? Although the 49 titanium eyes have the magical power to tear apart all illusions and haziness and penetrate the essence, it is also a pair of eyes of time. Everything that happens in time and is recorded by time, whether in the past, present or future, is in Lao Sun's eyes.

What Lao Sun knows is what Lao Sun sees. The 49 titanium eyes can see through the world and evolve the world. "

"Humph, I don't believe that your 49 titanium eyes can really see through everything."

The old man shouted, and a black and white scroll flew out from his sleeve.

The scroll unfolded, but it was a huge black and white Tai Chi.

"Tai Chi diagram!" The Western saint exclaimed.

"Junior brother, come together!" Lao Jun shouted.

Yuanshi Tianzun hesitated for a moment, but still pulled out a big banner.

"Pangu Banner! "

Still in Cuiyun Mountain, Bull Demon King and his sworn brothers stared at the sky with dull expressions.

The clear sky turned into a huge vortex, with the power of earth, water, wind and fire surging in the vortex, almost turning into chaos, and a dazzling golden light shone from time to time in the chaos.

"Is this the havoc in heaven? The sky is about to break." King Yu was so frightened that he trembled all over, and the wine glass in his right hand spilled out.

"Gudong!" The old cow swallowed his saliva and murmured: "Brother, do you hear bursts of laughter? It seems that our brother Wukong is laughing"

"Every time the golden light shines through the chaotic vortex, there is a faint sound of his laughter, just like now'Hahahaha, happy, come again', it's him, it's him!" The monkey king looked a little dazed, "It turns out that he is really showing off his magical powers and showing off his power!"

"I heard a rumor that Jiuyao and the four heavenly kings recommended Wang Lingguan to deal with Monkey... Ahem, to deal with Brother Wukong. Is this Wang Lingguan fighting against the demon monkey king? Isn't that too exaggerated?" King Yuxiong shouted.

"Brother, what are you thinking about? With this battle, even the situation at Jiepai Pass when Tongtian Sect Master used the Zhuxian Sword Formation to deal with the four saints was far inferior." Jiao Demon King's eyes flickered and said: "That big vortex is evolving earth, water, wind and fire! If it is allowed to spread, our reincarnation will end today, and all gods, demons and monsters will be transformed into the four elemental forces.

If I'm not mistaken, it's the saints who are besieging our brother Qitian Monkey King at this time!"

"Hiss, how is it possible for the saints to besiege? We all know the realm of Wukong, barely breaking through the Xuanxian. "

The Bull Demon King actually has the same insights and opinions as the Dragon Demon King, but he really can't accept or understand such a fact.

The monkey is just a chess piece on the chessboard of Journey to the West, confused, stupid and ignorant, how can he suddenly be matched with the saints? He was also besieged by the saints. The one who was besieged by the saints was Master Tongtian, and the master couldn't hold on!

"Ah, the demon monkey is crazy, the heavenly palace is collapsing, run~~~"

Several sworn brothers were shocked on the mountain, and suddenly there was a sound from the sky There were waves of mournful and terrified howls.

Then, the fairies with pale faces cried to the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, with tears falling from the sky and landing everywhere on earth.

There were also mighty and strong heavenly soldiers and generals, like defeated soldiers who had thrown away their armor on the battlefield, running away like wolves and pigs, and fleeing madly.

The Bull Demon King had an idea and flew into the air, intercepted an old friend of Jiejiao, and asked him the reason carefully, and then returned to Cuiyun Mountain in a trance.

"Brother, how is it?" Several brothers looked at him eagerly.

"The monkey was lucky enough to eat the saint pill that Laojun spent a thousand years to refine, and became a saint outside the domain in one fell swoop. If I had known this, I would have gone to the West to seek connections. At most, I would have kowtowed to Duobao and won the destiny of the senior brother of the Journey to the West. It was me, the old bull, who would have achieved the path of quantum saint. "Lao Niu's tone and expression were extremely complicated.

"Is Lao Jun crazy? Why did he give the good Saint Pill to the monkey?"

Not to mention Lao Niu, the other brothers were also jealous and crazy.

"Lao Jun is not crazy, he just misjudged the efficacy of the Saint Pill! "

"Boom~~~" The sky cracked.

With the chaotic vortex as the center, dark cracks opened up in all directions. Wherever the cracks reached, reality turned directly into a hazy nothingness.

Just one look, the demon kings were frightened and their scalps tingled.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha~~~" The laughter in the golden light spread throughout the three realms, and even mortals could hear it.

"No wonder the immortals in the thirty-three heavens fled in panic. It turns out that the saints can't suppress Wukong even if they join forces." The Jiao Demon King didn't know what to say, what expression and mood he had.

"Evil creature, stop~~~" At this moment, a beam of purple light flew from the sky outside the sky, turned into a broken jade disc, hovered above the chaotic vortex, and slowly stabilized the momentum of the collapse of time and space and the collapse of the Heavenly Palace.

The Bull Demon King and the Jiao Demon King changed their colors in horror, "The Taoist Hongjun is here"

"Is it the legendary Hongjun Patriarch who lives in the Purple Sky Palace outside the thirty-three heavens? "The Monkey King asked hurriedly.

"That's the Jade Disc of Creation," said the old cow, pointing to the sky.

"Teacher! "When Hongjun appeared, all the saints stopped immediately and bowed to him.

Ancestor Hongjun nodded, turned to the blue-haired giant ape and said, "Wukong, you have become a saint, so you should have the compassion and tolerance of a saint."

Wukong stared at the Taoist ancestor with his golden four-nine titanium eyes and said, "Ancestor, I am just modifying reality, not destroying the three realms.

You also said that I have achieved the status of a saint of the outside world. A saint should not only have compassion for all living beings, but also have temper and face.

Aren’t these old saints role models? For the sake of skin, killing people and destroying their families and causing rivers of blood?

They are plotting against me, Old Sun, to seek Buddhist scriptures from the West, and they are going to suppress me for five hundred years.

It's not that I don't have the stomach for it, I just need to retaliate. "

Ancestor Hongjun asked: "How do you want to retaliate?"

Wukong immediately said: "Whoever plots against me will suffer retribution. What a big cause and effect, what a big retribution."

Ancestor Hongjun handed the jade plate of creation to the monkey and said: "This is the manifestation of the way of heaven. Since you want the face of a saint, you must first become a saint in the wild.

To become a saint, understanding the saint's Dharma is just the beginning. The key is to follow the Tao with one's body.

The jade disc is the way of heaven, and your quantum way can occupy one of them. "

The monkey smiled and said, "Ancestor, grandson is a monkey, but you can't treat grandson like a monkey!"

Today, if Lao Sun uses his body to follow the Tao, not only will his body be gone, but he will no longer be able to control himself, and the newly minted Quantum Tao will no longer belong to him.

Now Lao Sun is free and at ease, and owes nothing to heaven or earth. Heaven's way does not care about me. I don't seek heaven's way, so why bother. "

Ancestor Hongjun said calmly: "You say you owe neither heaven nor earth, but have you ever thought about why you can quickly condense the quantum avenue?

It's destiny!

Both the heavenly way and the old way are helping you become enlightened! "

"Ah, teacher, you——" The Western Saint was shocked.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes flickered for a few times, then his expression became calm.

There was a trace of resentment and unwillingness in Lao Jun's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

It’s not that he hated Heaven for helping the monkey achieve enlightenment, that was what happened after the monkey took the Saint’s Pill.

Laojun hated Tiandao and Daozu for depriving him of his destiny.

Only at this moment did he truly understand why the Four Golden Immortals were poisoned by erysipelas in the first place. It was because "God" did not allow him to take the Saint Pill!

The monkey achieved his current achievements after taking the Saint Pill. If he took the Saint Pill, "God" would no longer be able to control him, so "God" made him worry and mixed the Saint Pill into the Nine Turns Golden Pill.

Hongjun Daozu only controls the jade plate of creation, but he cannot be 100% equal to "God". Otherwise, he would have taken the Saint Pill and eaten it. In other words, he would not have had the diamond bracelet to smash the Cirrus Cloud Priest. However, Hongjun Daozu has one point. The prophet, just end it on your own, hook the Cirrus Cloud Priest and the Laughing Bat into the Zixiao Palace, and enjoy them quietly alone.

The monkey was stunned for a moment and sighed: "Ancestor, you are right, the Quantum Avenue comes from outside the territory and is a new avenue and a new power for the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric heaven longed for it.

If the Quantum Avenue is merged into the Heavenly Dao, the number of fifty avenues will be broken. Not only will one more avenue be added, but the entire world may be promoted as a result.

So after Lao Sun and I took the Holy Pill, God sent down the destiny on me.

Alas, fortunately, Lao Sun had been complacent before, thinking that everything was in Lao Sun's plan, and even Lao Jun and the saints were fooled. "

"You are indeed a spiritual creature born and raised with a high level of understanding.

Now that you understand, your alignment is destiny, and destiny cannot be disobeyed. "Hongjun Taoist ancestor said.

The monkey thought for a while and said: "Old Sun was born between heaven and earth, and he should repay heaven and earth. However, it is up to him to decide how to repay."

"How do you want to repay me?" Hongjun Daozu asked.

The monkey smiled and said: "Isn't it now the time of the 'Journey to the West'? The calamity has accumulated here, and we are just waiting for the story of Journey to the West to be staged!

Now the catastrophe and the story still continue, but the protagonist has to be changed.

We won’t go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

It's useless, Tathagata is a liar, so what if his Tripitaka Sutra is sent to the Tang Dynasty? Will Middle-earth change as a result?

No, there is no difference between the period after the Tang Dynasty and the period before the Tang Dynasty. All living beings are still trapped in misery and cannot escape forever. Only the rotation of dynasties in the world.

Now that I have become a saint, I, Sun, must also write down the "Saint's Scriptures" and keep them more true and useful than your false and empty "Saint's Principles". "

Hongjun Taoist Patriarch said: "You want to write the "Quantum True Sutra" and let the "book seekers" go to Huaguo Mountain to get the scriptures to complete an alternative journey to the west?"

The monkey nodded first, then shook his head, and laughed and said: "The way of heaven wants me, Lao Sun, to join the Tao, so I will use the method of preaching to join the Tao.

As long as the quantum way spreads in the prehistoric world, the prehistoric heaven will have the quantum avenue.

But there is no need to go to Huaguo Mountain. Huaguo Mountain is clean and beautiful, and the monkeys are sincere and cannot do the dirty tricks of the Buddhas in the West to fool people.

Lao Sun obtained the Tao from the Xianyue Sanxing Cave, and now he wants to "return the Tao" in the old Taoist field and repay the teacher's kindness in preaching.

People seeking scriptures come from the west and go to the east to make a "Journey to the East". "

"Okay." Taoist Hongjun agreed, and then asked: "Who do you want to choose as the Buddhist scripture collector? Or Jin Chanzi?"

Wukong glared and shouted: "Ancestor, don't try to deceive me! Old Sun made it clear and clear that whoever caused the karma will repay it. At this moment, what karma does that old monk Tang Monk have with me?"

Daozu was silent.

The Western saint looked ugly and hesitated to speak.

Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun had nothing to do with each other, their expressions were expressionless.

When Wukong said this, they all understood what he wanted to do.

But none of them opened their mouths, so Wukong could only speak directly, "The person who wants to learn the scriptures should choose the Jade Emperor, and let him reincarnate ten times to become a Buddhist scripture seeker of the Tang Dynasty. Oh, that's wrong, he shouldn't be allowed to reincarnate in the Tang Dynasty." , let him go to the West and become a blond and blue-eyed 'Royal Brother of the Rakshasa Kingdom', hahaha!

The royal disciple of the Rakshasa Kingdom is delicate and frail, but he is also a great virtuous man and great nobleman who has experienced 1,750 tribulations. How can he not be allowed to ascend to the heavenly palace even if he eats a mouthful of meat?

It must be guarded by an apprentice.

Well, the eldest disciple will choose that old boy Tathagata.

I know Tathagata is not convinced. I will capture him and suppress him under the Five Fingers Mountain for 500 years to ensure that he is calm and his fierceness has disappeared.

By the way, we have to feed Tathagata under the Five Fingers Mountain with molten iron and copper. On the surface, it is said that he will not starve to death, but in fact, it is to deceive his true spirit and lower his realm.

Otherwise, with his identity and strength as the Lord of the Buddha in the West, which monster on the journey to obtain the scriptures dare to provoke him?

How can we be a match for him if we provoke him?

If all the monsters stay away from us, how can we get through the 81 difficulties, right?

I still have six sworn brothers. They will all become disasters on the journey to obtain the scriptures. If we don’t suppress Tathagata’s realm, there is no need to go to Huaguo Mountain to shout “Saint Wukong, help me”, and directly kill my brothers. What should I do? "

Even though they had already understood, the expressions of the saints were distorted when they heard Wukong's words.

The Great Sage waved his hand again and said, "I also understand the ways of the world. I can't arrange all the places for the pilgrim team by myself. We must share the rain and dew.

We finally encountered a great disaster, and of course everyone should share the benefits.

Laojun, if you still want to arrange for the fool to go to the lower world, you can let him be the second junior brother of "Big Brother Tathagata". This arrangement is much higher than that of the old junior brother Sun who has not yet attained the Tao.

Junior brother Sha can also be arranged, or, if you have any confidants, the pilgrim team of "Journey to the East" is not limited to four people and one horse.

In short, if I am good, everyone is good, and everyone is good, then it is really good. "

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