I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2094 Postscript 3

Darkseid was very depressed.

He knew long ago that one day the multiverse would be completely destroyed - the destruction crisis of Palmer.

In order to cope with the final destruction, he began to pursue a stronger power, enough to transcend the power of the multiverse.

He made a deal with Palmer.

All along, the "Dark Lord" has been a balancing mechanism to maintain the normal operation of the cosmic crisis force.

Darkseid violated the mission given to the Lord of Apokolips by "Origin" and directed the crisis force to Palmer.

After that, the crisis force generated by all crises in the multiverse was absorbed by Palmer and became her nourishment to break free from the seal of the Origin Wall.

In return, Palmer told him the secret of the Life Equation.

In the Infinite Earth Crisis, Darkseid successfully stole the Anti-Life Equation of the Anti-Monitor King.

In the Final Crisis, he used the Life Equation and the Anti-Life Equation to prove that "I am the universe, and the universe is my body."

If his argument succeeds, he will gain the power of the entire multiverse and complete transcendence.

He failed miserably without even seeing the dawn of victory.

He was fooled by Papetua.

It is impossible to complete the argument of "I am the universe" by relying only on the existing equations.

Then Darkseid started his own plan B - committing suicide to escape, commonly known as running away with a bucket.

In the Darkseid War, he did not completely succeed in getting rid of the shackles of the Dark Lord.

Darkseid's plan was perfect. Lex Luthor had already joined the game and became the new Dark Lord, and he was enjoying it and continued to collect the godhood of other Dark Lords.

Unfortunately, man proposes and God disposes.

"Origin" did not allow him to escape, and the Dark Godhead returned to his body after a lot of twists and turns.

Fortunately, Darkseid was more skilled and had prepared the unique chess move of Greer (his daughter with the Amazon assassin) as early as the first invasion of the earth.

Greer stuffed his soul into the body of Alexander Luthor Jr. on Earth-3.

Alexander Luthor Jr. is the son of the "only hero" Luthor, and has the "innate furnace holy body" - which allows others to perfectly take over the body and perfectly inherit all the talents and powers of both parties.

The two generations of Little Luther were both possessed by the souls of the strong.

The first generation of Little Luther was secretly controlled by the residual soul of the monitor Mar Nou, and the second generation of Little Luther directly gave his body to Darkseid.

Little Luther has the talent of "Zansha", and can seize the divine power of others by calling "Zansha", and can also empty the divine power in his body by calling "Zansha".

Even if "Origin" descends on the destiny and allows the godhood of the Dark Lord to return to the body of "Darkseid Little Luther", as long as he calls "Zansha", he can expel the godhood and divine power from the body.

After planning to this point, Darkseid finally cut off the shackles on his body and can officially start the escape plan.

He thought very clearly that even if the Origin Wall collapsed one day, it would be difficult to leave the multiverse.

Either have the strength of transcendence and cross the void with strength; or use external objects to build a boat to cross the river and take a spaceship to enter the omnipotent universe.

Failure to prove "I am the universe", Darkseid has only one choice.

He took a fancy to the legacy, or remains, of the Omega Titan, and sneaked into the Prosperous Galaxy with his daughter, and eventually sank into the "Giant Tomb" along with the Prosperous Galaxy.

The Omega Titan did not have a proper cemetery, but in order to kill the giant hand, Harley teamed up with the gods to create a "big universe" with an energy level close to the multiverse, trapped the Omega Titan in it, and pulled it into the edge of the void, so that it would be convenient to use the power of the Entropy Sword.

After the death of the Omega Titan, the "caged universe" floated upward from the edge of the void, passing through the bottom layer of the Limbo, the middle layer of the Limbo, and the surface layer of the Limbo, and finally bordered the material universe.

And the bordering place was exactly the "Prosperous Galaxy" where the Coru people placed the bottled civilization.

Harley also went to the Prosperous Galaxy to observe in person. Although the Omega Titans died, they had drained the essence and future destiny of the Coru civilization before they died. Now the essence and destiny leaked out and were absorbed by the bottled civilization of the Prosperous Galaxy.

The Prosperous Galaxy and the Caged Universe attracted each other, and eventually collided and merged with each other.

This is a great thing for the civilization in the Prosperous Galaxy, so Harley did not stop it at that time.

After merging with the "cage universe", the flow of time in the Prosperous Galaxy began to accelerate rapidly.

It took only a few months in the main universe, but two thousand years had passed in the Prosperous Galaxy.

Two thousand years is enough for a planetary civilization to establish a new belief.

Using the "belief and faith of all beings" in the Prosperous Galaxy, Darkseid finally extracted the materials for building the "omnipotent spaceship" from the wreckage of the Omega Titan.

"Sepoulk, it's finally done!"

Looking at the inky black, dragonfly-shaped giant ship in front of him, Darkseid, who has the face of Luther, was full of emotion.

"Are we leaving now?" When the time came, "Darkseid's daughter" Greer hesitated.

"The origin wall collapsed, Papetua escaped, if we don't leave quickly, what are we doing here?"

Darkseid glanced at his daughter and understood that she still had a nostalgia for this familiar world and was afraid of the strange omnipotent universe.

He said: "The end of our universe is already determined - the end is coming.

No matter how cunning and treacherous Witch Harley is, even if she manages to defeat the Mother of Creation, she will definitely not be able to pass the level of the Giant Hand Tribe.

And the Giant Hand Tribe will not wait until she defeats Papetua, or Papetua just happens to kill Witch Harley before coming.

They must seal off the multiverse in advance.

Now that the origin wall has just collapsed, we still have a chance. If we hesitate for a moment, we won't be able to leave even if we wait for the giant hand tribe's judge to come over. "

Speaking of this, Darkseid couldn't help sighing with pride, "You and I are probably the only survivors of this multiverse.

I understand you feel confused about the way forward, but at least we have hope.

After passing the adaptation period to the unknown almighty universe, we will finally rise into the sea and soar into the sky. "

Greer sighed and hesitated no longer. It was useless for her to hesitate. Darkseid only cared a little about her thoughts, but would not change his plan for her at all. At this moment, he had already entered "Sepulke" first.

If Greer didn't follow quickly, he would just start the spacecraft and leave by himself.

Anyway, the Sepurk has been built, and Greer has almost lost its value.

It's a pity that Darkseid was so decisive that he still failed to leave the multiverse smoothly.

After leaving the prosperous galaxy and entering the outer reaches of the universe, the Sepurk encountered a malfunction before it even penetrated into the first ring.

"The problem is not big, it's just that the engine system crashed." Darkseid was very calm.

Greer shouted: "Isn't the engine the most important part of the spacecraft? The engine system has collapsed, so it's not a big problem?"

Darkseid scolded: "Look at the meteorites around, they are all fragments left after the origin wall collapsed.

Do you understand what this means?

It means that we have now crossed the origin wall and left the multiverse!

After leaving the multiverse, all physical rules and universal laws in the multiverse become invalid.

Of course there will be problems with the engines we build within the multiverse and according to the rules of the universe.

This was within my expectations.

Engine trouble isn't even a bad thing, it's a happy event - proof that we are indeed out of the multiverse. "

"What to do now?" Greer asked.

Darkseid left the bridge and said calmly and confidently: "I had planned to carry out a major upgrade of the equipment and instruments on the spacecraft according to the new rules of Taixu when we entered Taixu.

I have already prepared the materials for upgrading, now I just need to adapt to the Taixu environment.

Just wait, at most half a month, we can set off again. "

Darkseid is smarter than he thinks.

In just three days, he rebuilt the engine system and the spacecraft was able to hit the road normally.

However, he still spent a week inspecting the entire spacecraft.

Seeing how awesome her father was, Greer also put aside her worries and began to watch the new Infinite Void.

"It's really just us. I haven't seen a single god or spaceship for such a long time." She stared out the window, feeling both sad and satisfied that no one else had but only me.

Darkseid said calmly: "Currently it is only on the periphery of the Almighty Universe, and gods and demons can come here.

However, Taixu has no time and space, and the probability of meeting an acquaintance is extremely low. "

The spacecraft was repaired for a week and within three days of being on the road again, the engine system collapsed again.

Darkseid remained calm and said: "We have entered a new area, which is equivalent to entering the 'offshore' from the coastline, and may later enter the 'deep sea'."

He is right.

Shortly after the second upgrade of the engine system, the spacecraft stalled for the third time.

Because of Darkseid's advance notice, Greer has no worries now.

Dad is in control of everything.

"Ah, look, that's the sun!" Suddenly, Greer pointed forward and shouted excitedly, "The star is disappearing. After a burst of white light, it completely disappeared."

Darkseid smiled slightly, "We have completely entered the omnipotent universe."

"Will we also..." Just as Greer was about to ask, the spacecraft beeped and stalled for the fourth time.

"Sure enough, we have entered a new rule area. After this transformation, we will completely adapt to the all-powerful universe. The Sepurk will be a true all-powerful space mothership!" Darkseid's eyes were excited and he was full of energy.

"Father, our spaceship is also emitting white light." Greer shouted.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be no problem with the Omega Titan armor." Darkseid was very confident.

This guy was right again. The Sepurk really could withstand the nihilistic environment of the Almighty Universe.

It's just that he encountered a little trouble with the engine upgrade.

It's not that he lacks wisdom, nor that he makes a mistake in judgment, it's simply that the Almighty Universe has no energy, no matter, and no laws. If he wants to adapt to the environment of the Almighty Universe, he must first understand the rules of the Almighty Universe.

The difficulty lies in understanding the rules of the omnipotent universe.

"The environment of the Almighty Universe is indeed harsh." Darkseid's face showed no signs of discouragement or frustration, but rather a look of pride and pride. "It's already so difficult to cross the Great Void with the help of the Sepurk. If you want to throw away the artifacts, To escape from the multiverse with only one's own realm is almost to suicide.

If we came to this place, the situation would only be even more unbearable. "

He was proud of his wise decision and proud of his ability to build the "boat that crossed the river", the Sepurk.

Greer nodded in agreement.

She herself is also a god and demon with the power of a god king. Despite her strength and realm, she is also afraid of the Taixu environment outside. She only fantasizes in her heart that "if she leaves the Sepurk and sets foot in the almighty universe in real body", her The sense of crisis was intensely touched.

The Sepurk did encounter many difficulties along the way, but the difficulties only delayed time. The old father could always solve the difficulties.

If you encounter "difficulty" here as a god and demon, then the "difficulty" is a desperate situation and it will disappear directly.

By this moment, she had fully recognized how wise and decisive her old father's "Sepulke Plan" was.

She was sighing in her heart when suddenly her eyes froze and she stared at the window and screamed, "Ah, father, look, is that a person?"

Darkseid turned around and looked, his body stiff and his expression a little dull.

Sure enough, a person flew from afar at extremely fast speeds.

Without the help of aircraft or magical artifacts, he traveled through the void at a very fast speed, as if he did not encounter any difficulties. In the blink of an eye, he had already passed by the Sepurk.

At that moment, the man turned his head and glanced at Darkseid and his daughter.

The two sides were separated by a "glass" window made of Omega Titan material. Darkseid could see his face clearly and felt the other's aura of power. The other party also saw Darkseid, who looked like Luther and was wearing a khaki. He was wearing colored overalls, holding a wrench in his left hand, and there were traces of oil on his body and face. The daughter of Darkseid next to him was stunned.

"Fake, it's Ya Mo Zhuo! When the earth ascended collectively, he got the Mobius Chair and became the God of Knowledge. I recognize him." Darkseid squeezed the wrench in his hand, his body trembling a little.

In other words, it was not his body that was trembling, but his "Tao heart."

"Yamozhuo just now." Greer swallowed and said: "He has always been expressionless, but when he looked at us, he seemed to have a hook on the corner of his mouth, mocking us?"

Darkseid pursed his lips and said nothing.

For a long time, he remained silent and squatted down again to continue upgrading the engine equipment.

Greer was depressed and no longer had the sense of superiority she had before.

But this stimulation is also a good thing for them.

He had no idea when the repair work would be completed, but Darkseid worked on it silently for two days before it was completed.

The father and daughter cheered up and hit the road again.

I don’t know how much time has passed, and they don’t know how far they have flown. They have not seen another meteorite, and there is only nothingness around them.

"Father, are we lost?" Greer asked cautiously.

Ever since I saw Yamo Zhuo entering Taixu alone, the air pressure inside the Sepurk seemed to have dropped a bit, and Darkseid's gray face had always been gloomy, and he never took the initiative to speak.

Greer was well informed and did not take the initiative to bother his father.

But since entering the "deep water area", she has lost the concept of time, as if hundreds and thousands of years have passed, and she feels a little tired.

"There is no way in the Almighty Universe, how can you get lost?" Darkseid said indifferently.

"But we must have a direction and purpose, right?" Greer said.

Darkseid said: "The front is the direction, and the next multiverse is the destination."

Greer was speechless, "If we cover our heads and bump around, will we keep spinning in circles?"

Darkseid was silent for a while and said, "I made a mistake."

"What is wrong?"

"I have calculated countless times, but I have forgotten the simplest and most basic 'motion reference object'. Without establishing a frame of reference, the concept of 'motion' cannot exist." Darkseid sighed.

"Then you build a frame of reference now." Greer said.

Darkseid shook his head slightly, "We have completely lost our frame of reference. The space is empty and there is nothing to refer to."

"Then what should we do?" Greer said blankly.

"Keep moving forward. As long as we are 'moving forward', we will reach the other side."

There is no other way.

Greer whispered: "If we had known this, we should have said hello to Ya Mo Zhuo.

We are the New God of Darkness, and he has also been the New God of Darkness.

He is the super villain of the earth. We don't have to deal with the Justice League and the Witch Harley. Maybe we can form a team - ah, Amazo? ! "

While she was still talking about Yamo Zhuo, her eyes blurred and she saw Yamo Zhuo standing opposite her.

Greer was still rubbing her eyes to make sure she was hallucinating.

Darkseid was already wary and said, "Yamozhuo, didn't you leave a long time ago? What are you doing back now?"

Ya Mo Zhuo had a strange expression on his face, "Like you, I was a little reckless. I crossed the second ring without setting the frame of reference in advance and completely entered the omnipotent universe."

"Have you lost your bearings too?" A pleasant smile appeared on Darkseid's lips.

The next moment he stopped smiling and said in surprise: "No, if you lost your direction, how could you find us?"

"The entire Taixu is empty. I can only vaguely sense that you are following behind." Yamo Zhuo said.

"You are obviously faster than the Pulk," Darkseid said slower and slower.

"'Speed' has no meaning in the Almighty Universe, or in other words, the concept of 'speed' needs to be redefined in the Almighty Universe." Yamo Zhuo said.

"But Direction", with Darkseid's sophistication, had vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

"Where did you come from? What is the current situation of the multiverse? You just said 'the second ring', why is there a ring?" he asked.

"You don't even know about the second ring?" Yamo Zhuo was a little surprised, but without hesitation, he directly told his experience through spiritual transmission.

"Witch Harley can actually beat up Papetua. And you, you are so close to transcendence, and you even stole Papetua's genetic secrets. I know Witch Harley's "Thinking Sutra", is it really that strong? "

Darkseid has always been the protagonist of the multiverse, and countless major crises and events have revolved around him.

But now he feels like a person in Taoyuan Cave, who doesn't know about the Han Dynasty, let alone the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and is unfamiliar with the outside world.

"The Mind Sutra is incomplete, and the real power is me." Amojo said calmly.

Darkseid stared at his eyes, with provocation and desire on his face, "Give me the Mind Sutra, let's try it."

Amojo raised his finger and gently tapped his forehead, "This is the incomplete version of the Mind Sutra of Witch Harley. What I completed is my own. If you have the ability, you can also complete a set of the Dark Lord Mind Sutra."

"You will never be disappointed."

Darkseid sat cross-legged on the spot and began to practice the Mind Sutra.

Amojo also found a place to sit cross-legged and close his eyes to rest.

Greer looked at her old father, then at Amojo, and asked, "We have lost our direction, don't you want to think of a solution?"

"There is no direction here, where can we find the 'direction'? Anyway, we have endless lifespans, just wait, as long as we keep 'moving forward', we will reach the end." Darkseid said calmly with his eyes closed.

Greer was helpless and bored, and began to talk to Amojo, but Amojo ignored her. She leaned over and squeezed her body, but Amojo still ignored her.

She was not greedy for his body, but was simply bored and wanted to find someone to relieve her loneliness.

Even if Amojo ignored her, she still chattered to him.

Until one day, "Boom~~~"

The Sepulk hit a meteorite so huge that the boundary could not be seen, and went straight into it and got stuck inside.

"Ah, father, we finally reached the shore!" Greer was stunned for a moment, then excited tears splashed, hugged Amojo and kissed and bit him.

Yamozhuo pressed her forehead and pushed her away.

"The spaceship is stuck in the rocks?" He walked to the bridge, staring at the radar screen, and his thought waves had spread out.

Darkseid walked to the control panel and tried to fiddle with it, but to no avail. The spaceship sank deeply into the stone pit and did not move.

Half a day later, after carefully checking the inside and outside of the spaceship, Grayer worriedly said, "Did we hit the origin wall of another multiverse? We are stuck on it and cannot move."

The instruments in the spaceship stopped working completely, and the cabin door was smashed, but it was also blocked by the rocks outside and could not be broken at all.

Neither mental power nor thought waves could penetrate the rocks. They were too thick and boundless.

"Witch Harley!" Yamozhuo suddenly screamed, "Witch Harley, are you doing something wrong?!"

Darkseid's eyes flickered beside him.

Greer was surprised and said, "Amojo, are you crazy? We have traveled through the Omniverse and went to another multiverse. How many years ago has Witch Harley been in the past?

It should have been billions of years since we left?

The memory of my hometown began to blur in my mind, and I almost forgot the name Witch Harley."

Amojo called a few hundred times, but there was no response, and there was a trace of confusion on his face.

"Since we can still think and move, let's continue to practice." Darkseid sat cross-legged again and closed his eyes to practice.

Amojo stared at the rocks outside, his expression changed several times, and finally turned around, took Greer's hand, and walked to the back.

"What are you doing?" Greer was puzzled.

Amojo just pulled her and didn't say anything.

After leaving the bridge, Amojo stopped and started to pull Greer's clothes.

"I'm upset, help me relieve my anger."

Grell laughed, "I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

Amojo lost interest after doing it once, but it was really boring on the spaceship, so Grell could only pester him.

Amojo stared blankly at the rocks outside and let Grell do what she wanted.

Darkseid was very focused, and kept his eyes closed to practice, ignoring the panting.

"Boom~~" After an unknown number of years, the rock in front of them, which was as hard and solid as the Wall of Sighs, actually cracked on its own. Before the three of them could react, they saw a huge but delicate hand reaching in and fishing the spaceship out with them.

"Ahhh, the Origin Wall of the Other World has also collapsed, and the God of Creation is also buried in the Origin Wall of the Other World. Now He is resurrected!" Grell lay on Amojo and shouted.

"Hehehe" A chuckle came from outside.

Grell thought the laughter was a little familiar, and Darkseid and Amojo suddenly changed their expressions.

"It's you, Witch Harley!" Yamozhuo's face was livid and he gritted his teeth.

Darkseid also looked grim, "Witch Harley, what kind of illusion did you use?"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Darkseid to say such childish words one day. But it's not your fault. My current realm is too high and has exceeded your cognition."

They were shocked and emotional, and wanted to say a lot more and ask a lot of questions, but Harley was not interested in talking nonsense with them. She grabbed them in front of her with her delicate giant hand, and divided a bunch of information into three parts, stuffing them into the sea of ​​consciousness of the three people.

"Let me make a long story short. First of all, you have never left the scope of the multiverse.

Darkseid, your Sepulque surprised me a little.

You are worthy of forging an omnipotent spaceship with the knowledge of the multiverse. You have given my believers a lot of inspiration.

They can cross the omnipotent universe in the future, and you have a share of the credit.

But your Sepulque just entered the first ring and I found it.

You have already understood the meaning of the first and second rings from Ya Mo Zhuo, so I won’t explain more.

In short, you think you are out of the second ring, but in fact you have been making ineffective movements around the second ring.

You have never seen the environment of the omnipotent universe. It has no direction, no time and space, and no rules.

Ya Mo Zhuo, you think you can escape. Maybe if you are given time, you can adapt to the almighty universe environment. Unfortunately, I have the upper hand. If you are one step behind, you will never be able to climb out of my Wuzhi Mountain.

But you can be frustrated and gnash your teeth, but you don’t have to worry about your life.

Since I just used the 'infinite loop' to trap you, of course I won't kill you now.

When I trapped you, I originally wanted to study you.

Darkseid, your Sepulke, Yamo Zhuo, your way of evolution and the "New Thought Sutra" are all valuable.

Well, I am happy to inform you that while I was trapped, all your wisdom and inspiration were absorbed by me.

Now you have a new meaning of existence, you are going to save the multiverse from the giant hands!

The Eagle Judge has made an agreement with the giant hand clan boss. In order to show your respect to the giant hand clan, you will be 'ascend' to the giant hand clan as the most potential beings in the DC multiverse. "

In addition to these explanations, there is also a bunch of information about the beginning and end of Harley's conflict with the Giant Hands.

"I haven't seen you for more than a year, and you are actually able to fight against the giant hand clan's judge group, dozens of judges, the fifth presiding judge, and even the Source Lord."

Darkseid's Luthor's face is full of shock and confusion.

He cannot understand or understand the world today at all.

How could a cosmic being who grew up in a "jar" grow to be bigger than the owner outside the "jar"?

This is unreasonable!

Yamo Zhuo was also shocked, but he was more concerned about his own situation.

"Since you have reached an understanding with the First Judge, why do you want to sacrifice us and send us to the Giant Hand Clan to be the 'Creation Gods'?"

Harley grabbed the three of them with her hands and rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire outside "Harley's Wall" while laughing: "The Giant Hands want to save face. If we don't give anything, what will the detached people outside think?" How to say?

Our universe has attracted hundreds of transcendent people to watch before.

When the 'Lord of the Source of Fire' appears, and when I use the black vortex to bounce the source fire to Taixu, forming an 'omnipotent universe restricted area', more and more detached people will come to eat melons.

They are all watching the results between us and the Giant Hand Clan!

After all, our multiverse was entirely created by the Giant Hand Clan. Now that we are going to negotiate peace, we must at least ensure that the Giant Hand Clan does not lose money in terms of face.

You see, they originally invested in building a multiverse, and now I have sent two ‘Creation God Embryos’ to the Giant Hand Clan. After the education of the Creation God training class, you can create at least two multiverses. "

"You have saved the face of the Giant Hand Clan, but what about your own face? You obviously won, but you sacrificed two of your compatriots - no matter how you look at us, in the eyes of the transcendent people outside, you and we are compatriots, You are sacrificing your compatriots for a false peace," Yamo Zhuo said.

"I'm not qualified to ask for face from the Giant Hand Clan now. You can buy me a period of peaceful development first, and I can have as much face as I want in the future."

After a pause, Harley stuffed another bunch of information into their minds.

It is the newly revised "Thinking Sutra" and "The Enlightenment of the Source".

"Don't blame me. We are enemies. If I don't sacrifice you, why should I sacrifice Diana and Superman?

But I sacrificed you, but I don’t want you to sacrifice in vain.

Papetua can awaken, why can't you?

The "Thinking Sutra" is newly revised. It really has no secrets at all. You can keep it in your heart silently.

"The Enlightenment of the Origin" is more powerful than the "Thinking Sutra", including my understanding of the 'Giant Hand of Creation', 'Giant Almighty Eye', 'Skull of Creation', and 'Fire of Origin', all given to you.

The highest state of "The Enlightenment of the Source" is the 'source of thick skin' that I have guessed and am waiting to be verified in the future.

To put it simply, if you think of me as a source, you may be able to understand the "source" power of my thick skin. If I can become a "source master" in the future, the effect may be even better.

This 'source of thick skin' is equivalent to the thick skinned god's favored one.

There is no thick-skinned divine power, but there is a stronger thick-skinned source power.

I can't directly give you thick-skinned powers, the giant hands will find out and pull them out.

Alas, I hope you can persist until I become the Source Master. "

Darkseid and Yamo Zhuo were still digesting the information in their minds, but Harley had already led them through the sea of ​​fire and came to the First Judge of the Giant Hand Clan.

"Dear Lord Judge, Ya Mo Zhuo is the young talent second only to me, and also my lifelong enemy.

As you know, the tone of our multiverse is a cosmic fairy tale of good and evil.

Every superhero has a lifelong enemy, and every hero's lifelong enemy is as powerful as the hero.

I am no exception, both Darkseid and Amazo are my ‘villain fans’. "

"Xi Gou" the judge nodded slightly and stretched out his hand to pick up the three people.

Harley said another set of high-sounding flattery "loudly" before turning around and walking through the sea of ​​fire back to the multiverse.

After she left, the judge next to the First Judge asked carefully: "Master Judge, aren't we trying to lure the snake out of the hole? Witch Harley has entered our encirclement alone, why let her leave?"

"It's just a bloodline body formed by condensation of magic power, not her true body." The first presiding judge gently waved his hand and called to all the judges, saying: "Let's go back."

DC main universe, ten years later.

Harley woke up from her meditation, sighed with a complex expression, and flashed to Gotham's Wayne Manor.

"The medical examination report of the joke came out. Five ribs were broken, and one of them pierced the heart. If Barbara hadn't rescued her to the extreme, she would be a corpse now." A retired old bat wearing homely clothes was scolding his daughter. , "Helena, since you put on my Bat suit, you must follow the rules of 'Batman'.

Batman can't kill! "

Helena, who has grown into a curvy girl, pouted her lips and muttered: "I am not a 'second-generation Bateman', I am a 'Batter Goer', and there are all the other Batemans." New uniforms and new rules.

And I didn’t even think about killing her. She accidentally fell off the roof while escaping and killed herself. "

"If you didn't sneak up on her with a batarang, would she be able to fly in the air and suddenly fall down?" Old Wayne said without anger.

"Didn't you also throw batarangs at the Joker when he ran away?" Helena argued.

"First empty your body of the thick-skinned divine power, green light energy, white light energy, and messy miraculous energy, and then use your pure body to throw batarangs at will."

"My strength comes from hard training, why can't I use it?"

Bruce pressed his swollen temples, "I don't care what power you use, the key is that you have to control your power and make sure not to kill anyone under any circumstances!"

Helena wanted to say more, but suddenly saw Harley coming towards her, and immediately flew towards her with a smile on her face.

After she had acted coquettishly and cutely, Harry said: "Bruce, children are blessed with children. Now that she has not experienced the self-blame and pain of accidentally killing someone, it is useless no matter what you say."

Bruce sighed: "How cruel is it to others to use other people's lives to help her grow?"

"I have long said that before you, the old Zhenglian, retire, let the second generation be 'exorcist warriors' for a few years. They will be used to seeing life and death, understand life and death, and then become heroes when they mature." Harley said.

"Even if you are exorcising demons, you cannot harm other people's lives or kill people!" Bruce said solemnly.

Harley waved her hand gently to end the topic.

"I have an opportunity here to go out for training. Do you want to give it a try?"

"Mom Harley, I want to try!" Helena said excitedly immediately.

"You don't have the consciousness to think, so you can't try." Harley said.

Bruce's expression changed slightly, "You want to send me to another world?"

The smile on Harley's face faded and she said: "In the past ten years, I have delivered more than 1.08 billion stories.

1.08 billion stories, 1.08 billion new universes.

Including Hera and Heavenly Father, two hundred gods and demons were sent to another world by me in the form of story information.

Well, the thinking part is sent away.

Some people have developed well, while others have been annihilated and dissipated, and the inheritance of stories has been cut off.

Simply convey the story, no risk.

The development of the story recipient in the other world is not smooth sailing.

If the will of the universe in another world is strong, it will take the initiative to send down the destiny to exclude me.

But today I encountered a very special universe.

As soon as I passed on the story, the person who recorded it was favored by heaven.

Through the dimension of the story, I can even intuitively feel the closeness and affection of the ‘will of the universe’ to me. "

Bruce thought thoughtfully, "Since I have obtained the favor of heaven, sending the thoughts of gods and demons to that universe must be very safe and the future will be bright."

"If it was just about safety and security, I wouldn't come here to find you. Before I take care of the Giant Hand Clan, there are always unpredictable risks in sending you out," Harley said.

She doesn't care about the life or death of gods and demons.

She doesn't care about things that the Giant Hand Clan will use to threaten her.

Bruce wondered: "Didn't we reach a settlement with the Giant Hand Clan? You have also become a 'reserve judge'. When our universe comes to an end, you will go to the Giant Hand Clan as a judge."

Harley smiled lightly and said: "I'm not lying. When the universe comes to an end, I will definitely go to the Giant Hand Clan.

At that time, I couldn’t tell whether I bullied the Giant Hand Clan or whether the Giant Hand Clan suppressed me.

Of course, the chief judge and elders of the Giant Hand Clan must be full of confidence. Even if I practice for billions more years until the universe comes to an end, I will still be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth and offering food to the Giant Hand Clan. "

"So, the so-called 'reconciliation' is just a cover?" Bruce frowned.

"It's a cover, but it's not. The Giant Hand Clan is powerful, but they also have a big business. It's impossible to arrange for the first chief judge and elders to be stationed outside our universe all the time.

My black vortex is weird. Even if they are stationed outside, there is nothing they can do as long as I don't go out.

But my situation is also quite embarrassing. I am too stubborn to be aggressive, let alone enterprising. If I wander alone in the omnipotent universe, it may only take dozens of judges to seal me in the womb of the world, and then pack me and drag me back to the giant hand. Headquarters of the clan, he was beaten to death with the giant hands of True Creation.

Once I reveal my flaw, the Giant Hand Clan's thunder blow will fall.

If I have no flaws, the Giant Hand Clan will keep waiting, waiting for the end of our universe, and waiting for me to take the initiative to report to the Giant Hand Clan.

At that time, I am a fish and meat, and they are Daozu. They will do whatever is most beneficial. "

"I didn't expect the Giant Hands to be so evil and vicious. It's too much." Helena said angrily.

Harry rolled his eyes at her, "Why are you scolding your mother?"

Helena was stunned and said, "I didn't scold you."

"Why didn't I scold you? I have the same plan. The Giant Hand Clan is strong, so I will pretend to be a grandson. If I am strong, I will bite it all over, and many of them will die or be injured." Harley said.

Helena's pretty face twisted.

"It's always right to think too much, but your thoughts must be based on evidence!" Bruce frowned.

"My thoughts are my basis. When I can think this way, others can also plan this way."

After a pause, Harley sighed again: "I suspect that the universe was created by the Eagle Judge. The fate fluctuations caused by 'Heaven's Favor' made me feel strange and familiar, and I thought of him all of a sudden.

The cosmic consciousness is a bit like his thought waves. There is a kind of light joy, mixed with a light sadness. Alas, I almost couldn't help it and went over by myself."

Bruce was shocked, "Oh my god, you mean the new universe you just found, which naturally favors you, is the Eagle Judge - no, it's impossible, he is a judge, not a multiverse!"

Harley said with a complicated expression: "After the peace talks, I quietly advised him to stay in our universe. He didn't listen, and blamed me for thinking too badly of the Inquisition and the Senate."

"Just for speaking for us, the Giant Hands will punish the Eagle Judge?" Bruce couldn't accept it.

"Alas, our values ​​are totally different from those of the Giant Hand Tribe. You don't understand them, and they don't understand us either.

At least the Giant Hand Tribe made good use of the waste and didn't completely crush the Eagle with the Giant Hand of Creation, but gave him a chance to create the world." Harley sighed.

Bruce was silent for a while and asked, "What should I do after I go there?"

Harley looked at him and asked, "Do you know why I chose you instead of myself or other gods and demons?"

Bruce thought for a while and said, "You are worried that the world of the Eagle Judge will be a trap of the Giant Hand Tribe, and it is not safe for you to go there alone.

Other gods and demons are not familiar with the Eagle Judge and cannot get a response from the 'cosmic consciousness'."

Harley shook her head and said, "In these years, the universes that my mind has traveled in are at least one million if not one hundred million. This risk is nothing to me at all.

The reason I let you go is because you are just free and have nothing to do recently."

Bruce's eyes widened, and his expression was distorted.

Helena was trying to hold back her laughter on the side.

Harley added, "I'm not kidding. Gods and demons are not heroes, and you are the idlest among heroes.

Superman just became a grandfather, and his wife is also a troublesome person. Recently, she wants to fly a spaceship to interview the almighty universe transcendent.

Aquaman's big family makes me tired for him.

Hal is training the 'Magic Swordsman of Entropy' recruited from major civilized countries, Oliver is sitting in hell for me, and Diana is still repairing the multiverse. Among the heroes who practiced the "Mind Sutra" and achieved some results, you are the only one who has nothing to do. You toss your daughter and adopted son at home all day long. Dick and Damian are impatient to fly solo."

"Why choose a hero?" Bruce asked.

"If that universe is really created by the Eagle Judge who sacrificed himself, should we save him?" Harley asked.

Bruce nodded.

"To save the Eagle Judge, we have to extract his thinking consciousness from the 'origin', and it must be before the death of the universe.

Is it possible to extract the consciousness of the universe while it is still alive?"

Bruce frowned, "Almost impossible."

Harry raised a finger, "There is another possibility, to gain the faith of all living beings, replace the heart of heaven with your own heart, and replace the will of 'heaven' with your will.

You are a hero, and it is easy to gain recognition from all living beings; you are a hero who does not kill people. When your consciousness replaces the 'heart of heaven', you will not do whatever you want and be unscrupulous, causing the world to be devastated and the people to live in misery."

"How to replace the heart of heaven?" Bruce asked again.

"You go first, and we will slowly explore."

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