Before the accident, the headquarters of the Kang Council was a fortress suspended above time and space. At this time, all the Kangs were wiped out. Even if the personal story of the Venerable Kang was preserved, the fortress could not be maintained. It was like an ordinary stone that traveled through hundreds of millions of years. Large areas of the fort were decayed and collapsed.

When the Diamond Spider came to find it, there was only a ruined wall left, desolate and dead.

Above the desolate and silent arena, in the dim and rolling tide of time and space, a little golden light suddenly lit up.

The golden light flashes one after another in the tide of time and space, like swinging on a swing, swinging from one side to the other side, and from the other side to that side again. The golden light spots gradually become clearer, and you can see that there is a thin golden thread behind it. There is light, and there is a figure at the end of the light.

The man's hands continuously ejected threads of golden light forward. When the threads landed in the void, they stuck stably. Then he swung forward again and again.

It's the Diamond Spider, and the Diamond Spider actually tracked it to the Kang Council headquarters.

"呲~~~" After a sound like tearing silk, the Diamond Spider finally jumped out from the gap in the dimension. A piece of spider silk stuck to the physical material - the energy field generator above the arena. The Diamond Spider also loomed from the The "ghost man" status becomes clear.

"Fake!" As soon as King Kong Spider entered the arena, he saw corpses littering the arena.

His scalp was numb, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

"It was all Kang who was killed by the Great Venerable? He didn't brag. He really wanted to make the multiverse without Kang on his own?"

Diamond Spider was shocked, not knowing whether to be frightened or admired.

After walking around for half a circle with complicated and unclear emotions, the Diamond Spider finally found the only "corpse" with vital signs.

"Whoosh!" After flying over, the Vajra Spider was surprised to find that he was actually the Great Venerable.

Well, although all Kangs look very similar, the Great Master has also lost his clothes and appearance - his muscles and muscles are rotten and bloody, like a medium-rare steak that failed to cook and was chewed a few times by the guests and then spat out. ——But the power of the God of War cannot fool anyone.

In this lump of rotten meat that barely maintained vital signs, the Vajra Spider sensed the strong and familiar martial power.

Part of the martial arts power even emerged from the wound where the bone marrow was visible, slowly repairing his injury.

"King of the God of Martial Arts, what happened? Kang was actually injured to this extent. Could it be that he was besieged by all Kang Jihuo?"

Diamond Spider's subconscious emotion revealed most of the truth at once.

"I was indeed attacked by those bastards."

The rotten meat lump actually spoke. Although his face was rotten into a lump with no distinguishable features, the Venerable Kang still had mental power and could transmit his voice mentally.

"Kang, are you still conscious?" The Diamond Spider was surprised and happy.

"Since you can chase me here, you can definitely take me away. Take me back first."

Venerable Kang's tone was not weak, but he was not willing to waste energy on things other than silently channeling holy power and repairing injuries.

"Where are the other Kangs?" Diamond Spider looked around and asked with a vigilant expression.

"No, stop talking nonsense, this place will soon turn into nothingness under the erosion of the power of time and space." Venerable Kang said impatiently.

Diamond Spider still has countless questions in his mind, and he really wants to drag Venerable Kang into talking about it.

But he could also see that Venerable Kang was in bad condition. Well, no normal person with eyes would think that Venerable Kang was in good condition.

In addition to having eyes to see, the Vajra Spider can also sense that Venerable Kang is using holy power to repair the body.

As expected, he stopped talking nonsense, "呲呲呲~~~"

He shot the milky white spider silk at Venerable Kang continuously, covering Venerable Kang's face and body, almost forming a cocoon.

Then, "Buzz buzz~~~~"

The originally milky white and transparent spider silk lit up in an instant, flashing with bright holy light. The warm holy light wrapped the eroded flesh of Venerable Kang and accelerated the recovery of his injuries.

"Well, don't you only know the magic of Black Vortex?" Venerable Kang groaned in comfort.

Divine magic not only requires holy power, but also mental power to continuously maintain the activity of holy power. Therefore, although he clearly has holy power in his body, his injury recovery speed is still slow and his condition is also very bad.

Being criticized and erased from the story before really hurt his foundation, exhausted him, and withered his life.

If it were a normal person, not to mention a normal person, even a powerful god or demon, would be dead long ago if he suffered the same injury.

"It's just a basic healing magic. It's very useful for me and for rescuing citizens who suffer from disasters."

The Vajra Spider carried the cocoon coffin behind its back and shot out the spider silk with a "swish". The spider silk penetrated directly into the void in front and landed on a time and space node. Then the Vajra Spider's body ejected forward lightly, and the figure changed from a clear and real figure. It becomes blurry and illusory, and eventually disappears completely.

And after they left, whether it was the remaining eaves and broken walls of the Kang Council or the piles of corpses on the ground, they immediately disappeared, as if they had never existed before.

The Diamond Spider appeared directly with the cocoon coffin in the Holy of Holies in New York in Universe 1813. No, it is now the Church of the Martial God in New York.

"Adamantine Spider?! How did you end up in our universe? Is it America? Have you tracked Kang?" The Diamond Spider suddenly appeared, and Doctor Strange was startled by him.

"I have found Kang, right here." The Diamond Spider neatly placed the "Holy Cocoon Coffin" behind him on the floor tiles, and then explained: "Since it can travel through time and space nodes to higher dimensions of heaven and hell, It’s also not surprising to cross parallel universes.

In fact, after returning from heaven, I have followed the traces of time and space through the universe many times in order to follow the traces of 'Kang'.

Otherwise, I would not have been able to successfully find the headquarters of Council Kang. Well, it was a bit of a coincidence that I was able to find Council Council Kang. I followed the traces of time and space left on our earth to find a different world.

After quietly inquiring, I found that the world was ruled by an 'Arab Kang'.

Nakorn was an Arab who rose up in the Middle East, unified the Arabs, overthrew the United States and its allies, and eventually became the world's hegemon.

Alas, in that world, we Europeans and Americans were so miserable. We were derogated as "eternal splashers" by Chief Kang. We have been burdened with the "original sin of our ancestors" since we were born, and we have to work for them all our lives to pay off our debts.

I originally planned to stay in that world and wait for Chief Kang to return. He must know where the Kang Council is.

As a result, my space-time spider web sensed intense space-time fluctuations, traced the fluctuations back to the source, and finally found Director Kang.

It was like a slaughterhouse. Thousands of Kang died without any intact corpses, and the Venerable Kang lay among the corpses. "

Doctor Strange asked in shock: "Kang really killed all Kang?"

"It should be so. I saw with my own eyes that only the Great Venerable was left alive in the Kang Council. The Great Venerable even told me personally that there is no more Kang in the multiverse." Diamond Spider said with emotion.

Just as Doctor Strange was about to be shocked, Venerable Kang's mental fluctuations came from the Holy Cocoon Coffin.

"I only killed the Pharaoh and the Centurion. Before the next plan could be carried out, a new remaining person, the God of Stories, was born. He immediately wiped out the remaining Kang, including me.

If it weren't for the Lord's protection, I would have disappeared without a trace at this time, and the story of our universe would have been rewritten, and all plots related to the Martial God King Sect would have been deleted. "

"The man left behind, the god of stories? What is it? How to erase Kang? What have you experienced?" Doctor Strange asked in surprise.

Venerable Kang recounted his experience from beginning to end. When he mentioned the "God of Stories," he paused for a moment and hesitated: "I seemed to hear the voice of the Lord, and the Lord called him the 'God of Stories.' I don't know the specific reason.

Probably TVA's Loki has now become the writer of the story of our universe. Hey, I think it is impossible. How can someone completely control the story of the universe?

But the fact now is that except for Kang who was killed by me and the story is over, all the other Kangs have disappeared.

I remember clearly that at that time, my memory, soul, and body were all disappearing. I seemed to see another me. I was from an ordinary background, but I was very talented - a talent for acting.

When I grew up, I became a famous black star in Hollywood. I was approached by a major Disney production and my acting career was booming. Then my girlfriend Grace accused me of domestic violence and I was imprisoned? Disney fired me too?

Alas, in short, I almost experienced another life that was completely different but 100% mine.

It was only a matter of moments before that actor Kang's life would cover my reality and become my true story.

It must have been the God of Stories.

If in my heyday the God of Story had a hard time succeeding, I would have mustered the holy power to resist fiercely.

Unfortunately, I was in the weakest stage of my life at that time, almost on the verge of death. Even though I still had the Holy Power in my body, I did not have the mental power to maintain the miraculous effects of the Holy Power.

Fortunately, the Lord came in time."

At this point, his passionate voice became hesitant again, "I feel that the Lord has come, but it is impossible for the Lord to come now. He is fighting against the Giant Hands in the Almighty Universe, and even the thread of faith has been forced to interrupt."

Not long after, other heroes of the Avengers came after hearing the news.

After listening to "The Adventures of Venerable Kang" relayed by Diamond Spider and Doctor Strange, all the heroes felt incredible.

"You can actually fight one against ten thousand? Are you stronger than the Diamond Spider? But you are obviously not as good as the Diamond Spider. In that case, the Diamond Spider can't hold on." Tony couldn't believe it.

After a period of recuperation and treatment, Venerable Kang's condition improved a lot. Hearing this, he said proudly: "Vajra Spider and I both use the divine power of martial arts, but we take different paths.

His path is a black vortex of thorns, which mainly absorbs and reflects damage.

The Black Vortex is more universal and can target almost all enemies, but its attack is weak and the attack it can withstand is limited, so it is not suitable for my "World Wretched Plan".

My way of 'Bloodline Martial God' and all kinds of magic that target the power of time and space cannot travel through dimensions like the Diamond Spider, and I can still face angels and demons flexibly, but it is best suited to deal with Kang who is good at time and space technology. "

Captain America nodded slightly, "Facing different enemies and using different tactics, since Kang has long been determined to eradicate Council Kang, his training over the years will naturally target Council Kang specifically."

Diamond Spider said: "Now that Kang has been completely erased from the world's story, is the crisis in our main universe over?"

Venerable Kang mused: “Even without Loki, the God of Story, the crisis in your universe has ended.

I killed the Pharaoh and the centurion and became the strongest Kang.

I will definitely not allow Council Kang to continue to form legions to invade the main universe.

Moreover, Kang was just cut off from the 'crisis story' by the God of Story, and is most likely still in the world story.

For example, for me, what I felt at that time was not that my existence completely disappeared, but that the life of an actor Kang replaced my current story.

I guess the other Kangs who are still alive must have lost their destiny as 'Lords of the Timeline' and are now reduced to ordinary people with average intelligence and average opportunities.

You can search the timelines of other universes to find the health of those universes and see if they exist and what they are experiencing now. "

"Well, I won't deliberately travel through parallel universes, but if I encounter an opportunity, I will pay attention to the stories of Kang in the other world." King Kong Spider said.

"Kang, are you sure that the God of Stories is Loki?" Thor hesitated.

"It's probably him, but he has nothing to do with you. He is Thor's brother in the main universe."

Thor looked at King Kong Spider.

King Kong Spider had a tangled expression, "The Loki I am familiar with has died heroically, but the Avengers did lose Loki in the Chitauri invasion when traveling through time and space."

"You lost everyone, so why didn't you look for them carefully or investigate?" Thor asked.

King Kong Spider scratched the back of his head and said awkwardly: "We thought the timeline would self-correct and restore itself to its original state, but we didn't expect that the missing Loki would cause such a big change.

Alas, now thinking back to that day, we were indeed too reckless."

Everyone chatted for a while, and the Venerable of the Martial God King Cult also drove a spaceship to Earth.

Venerable Kang was taken to the Divine to rest, and King Kong Spider returned to the main universe that day.

The world seemed to have returned to peace.

On the morning of the second day, Venerable Kang sat up suddenly on the bed.

"Hades, did you feel it?"

"What did you feel?" The Hades in his sea of ​​consciousness asked in confusion.

"The Lord is coming!" Venerable Kang said excitedly: "I feel the Lord's breath, the Lord has descended, came to our universe, and is still beside me"

His tone became hesitant, and his brows gradually tightened, "He was here just now, but now he seems to have left?"

"Are you dreaming?" Hades said.

"Of course not, I... Hey, there seems to be an extra piece of information in my mind, which is the information transmitted by the Lord." Venerable Kang was excited again, but at the same time he was a little confused.

The information in his mind was not false, but the breath of the Lord he just sensed did not seem to be false either.

Could it be that he was too seriously injured, too close to the statue, and too sensitive?

Venerable Kang tilted his head and glanced at the giant statue.

He was lying in the Divine Hall at this time, and he could see the statue outside the glass dome when he looked up, and he was just below the statue.

"Haley sent you another message? What did she say?" Hades was a little excited and a little nervous.

"Hades, don't call the Lord's real name in front of me, and don't show the slightest meaning that you are equal to Him in status." Venerable Kang said coldly.

Hades felt both aggrieved and helpless.

What can he do when he is under someone else's roof?

"OK, what did the old man, the Martial God King, say?"

"Don't be sarcastic!" Venerable Kang's voice became even colder.

Hades's frustration turned into anger, and he simply shut his mouth and stopped talking.

Venerable Kang was silent for a while, but took the initiative to speak, saying: "The Lord told me that He has won the key battle, and a great victory is imminent. Soon, we will be able to re-establish the line of faith with our multiverse.

It's just that the time flow rate of different universes is different. It may take a few days for Him, but I may have to wait for a few years here."

"What does it mean to win the key battle?" Pluto was surprised.

"What else can it mean? It defeated the main force of the Giant Hand Clan." Venerable Kang said excitedly.

Pluto was suspicious and asked, "Did he say how many people from the Giant Hand Clan came and how strong they were?"

"I told you long ago that there were dozens of Giant Hand Clan giants, led by the Fifth Judge, and the weakest one was also a judge of the Giant Hand Clan. The Fifth Judge, as you can tell from his name, is probably the fifth most powerful superpower in the Giant Hand Clan." Venerable Kang said.

Pluto shouted, "Impossible! No matter how strong Harley is, it's impossible for her to——"

"Don't call the Lord's real name directly!" Venerable Kang shouted.

"Okay, Martial God King! No matter how strong the Martial God King is, it's impossible for him to defeat dozens of Giant Hand Clan giants, let alone the Fifth Judge." Pluto shouted even louder.

"You dare to question my Lord?!" Venerable Kang said angrily, "Get out, get out of my sea of ​​consciousness, we will go our separate ways and break off completely."

Pluto wanted to say something cruel, and it would be best if he raised two middle fingers to Venerable Kang, then turned around and walked away.

But he couldn't leave.

Today, Venerable Kang is the only "Hegemon Kang", and even if Harley is bragging, she has finally sent news again, indicating that she is in good condition, at least not.

Even if her bragging is discounted by 10%, she is still fighting against several giants of the Giant Hand Clan. If it is discounted by 100%, she is still fighting against several ordinary judges of the Giant Hand Clan, which is still a great existence that he can't even compare to.

He only wishes he could flatter her more, and then continue to eat meat and drink soup with her, how can he leave?

"Of course I won't question it, Ha... Ahem, King of Martial God. I just suspect that you misunderstood her meaning and mistakenly regarded the giants of the omnipotent universe as 'giant hand clan giants'.

The two seem to be the same, but in fact there is a big difference.

Ordinary members of the Giant Hand Clan are also giants in the omnipotent universe. After all, the Giant Hand Clan is a super organization." He softened his attitude and said euphemistically.

"My understanding is correct, my Lord - eh"

Venerable Kang was shouting, and suddenly a mysterious feeling appeared again, as if the Lord had returned and the Lord was by his side.

The next moment, a piece of information appeared in his mind out of thin air, and the Lord sent another message.

"What's wrong?" Hades asked.

"You didn't feel anything just now?" Venerable Kang hesitated.

Hades sighed: "What can I feel? Although I am in your sea of ​​consciousness, the power of the martial god protects your soul, and I don't control your thoughts. What are you fantasizing about in your mind, what illusions are there, how can I know?"

"It's not an illusion, Lord." Venerable Kang hesitated for a while, but he didn't say that he felt the Lord's breath again. He just said: "The Lord sent another message. He said that the situation of the war has changed. He is going to turn defense into offense."

"So fast? You really didn't hear it? Was your soul injured too badly before? You..."

The Hades was cautious. He wanted to say that Venerable Kang had a problem with his brain, but he was worried that he would get angry and drive him away.

Venerable Kang said coldly: "Why am I the Lord's apostle on earth? Only I can receive His thoughts and stories. This is my special gift and will never go wrong."

The Hades said: "Perhaps as the God King Ha Wu said, the flow of time is too unstable. It takes a few words on our side, but a long time has passed on her side.

From the fact that she frequently sends you messages, the current situation of the war is indeed very favorable to her."

Otherwise she wouldn't be so idle.

Venerable Kang really has a talent.

His feeling is not wrong. Harley is here.

While the Justice League and the Essence will beg for life to the Giant Hand Clan, she quietly transmits a story to the Marvel Multiverse here.

The content of the story is just as Venerable Kang said: she has won the key battle (her black vortex rebounded the giant hand, making the giant hand tribe feel apprehensive), and a complete victory is imminent (when she uses Marvel's Mother River of Time to complete the transcendence of time, the black vortex breaks through to the highest level of the multiverse), and will soon be able to re-establish the belief line with our multiverse (the highest level of black vortex will definitely be able to deal with the giant hand tribe).

Well, she had something else in her words, and only said the surface to Venerable Kang.

Harley didn't want to hide the words hidden under the surface from him. She planned to tell him in person after coming to the Marvel multiverse.

Just like Pluto's thinking soul was hidden in the story, today Harley took out a part of her thinking consciousness, used it as "ink" to write the story, and then projected it into Venerable Kang's mind through the story dimension.

After Venerable Kang read the content of the story, the "ink" did not dissipate like the normal story projection (it consumed Harley's mental power), but it spread in his mind and recombined into a lump of "ink".

Even if Pluto was in the mind of Venerable Kang, he didn't notice this process.

Even Venerable Kang himself almost didn't feel anything.

In addition to the fact that Harley's methods are more sophisticated now, it is mainly because Venerable Kang is her devout believer.

Kang's flesh is the continuation of her body, and Kang's soul is the extension of her spirit.

Everything of Kang is hers. She returned to her "house", how could "outsiders" know?

The reason why Venerable Kang could sense her was that she took the initiative to leak her breath.

Harley planned to discuss the "Black Vortex Art Promotion Plan" with Venerable Kang.

After obtaining the power of Manhattan with blue laughter, she can learn to transcend time like Dr. Manhattan.

Theoretically, when she transcends time, she will have the same wisdom as herself billions of years later, and the Thorn Black Vortex will also have the same realm.

Obviously, her realm will definitely improve billions of years later.

It's just that the mother river of time in the DC multiverse has collapsed long ago, leaving only a section of the river of time.

Of course, even if it is only a section of the river of time, Harley can pinch it into a circle, and circulate it countless times in a thought, which means there is countless time.

But what she lacks is not just time. Cultivation is a brainwork. When it is stuck at a bottleneck, it needs more perception.

Without perception, it may be like this for a lifetime.

The so-called "perception" requires "feeling" to "understand".

99% of sweat plus 1% of inspiration equals genius.

Pure time can only increase "sweat", and "perception" requires more external factors to stimulate it.

Blue Manhattan transcends time, visits the past, present and future, learns countless knowledge, accumulates countless wisdom, and finally transforms into a "human god" who knows everything without desire.

Blue Laughing is also a tour of every dark universe in the nightmare dimension, gathering all the "wisdom" of all dark Batman in one body, and finally becomes the "laughing bat" that makes the world tremble.

Harley needs a "complete mother river of time" that can provide her with learning materials and give birth to various inspirations.

The mother river of time is complete, and the world is complete.

So she traveled through the story dimension and came to Marvel from DC.

But just coming to Marvel is not enough. Marvel has a complete mother river of time, which is true, but the original Marvel universe does not have the concept of "thorny black vortex".

Harley is not Dr. Manhattan, who only craves the wisdom of natural science and humanities knowledge.

She is not laughing wildly, and needs all kinds of "crazy and crazy wisdom".

Her purpose is very clear: the wisdom of the thorny black vortex.

But the thorny black vortex is her exclusive spell, and the original Marvel does not have the thorny black vortex.

In a universe without the thorny black vortex, from the origin of time to the end of time, there is no black vortex at all, so where can we find the wisdom of the black vortex?

So after Harley crossed over, she planned to discuss with Venerable Kang and ask Venerable Kang to help promote the thorny black vortex.

For example, the thorny black vortex has become a "compulsory course" for all venerables.

Every venerable must practice.

For example, countless copies of the thorny black vortex secret book were copied and given to everyone in the Marvel Supernatural World.

In short, the black vortex must be thoroughly popularized.

Only when everyone is practicing and providing inspiration and enlightenment together, can Harley harvest a vast amount of Black Vortex wisdom after tens of millions of years, and then break through her own bottleneck and rise to a higher level.

As a result, before Harley could open her mouth to call for Venerable Kang, she had already "seen" the future where all gods, demons and humans practiced Black Vortex.

At this time, she came to the Marvel multiverse, just like Dr. Manhattan who crossed the infinite omnipotent universe to the DC multiverse.

She had mastered the skills to transcend time. As soon as she came to this multiverse where the mother river of time was running healthily, her consciousness floated above time.

Her heart was moved, and she saw the future she had been thinking about, the future of the "black vortex".

Harley was stunned - at least for that moment, she was happy and shocked.

Then her thoughts spread out on the timeline.

She understood.

Harley left the "remote" 1813 universe and went to the main universe as soon as possible.

She met Spider-Man in the main universe.

Spider-Man was whipping Wanda.

Wanda knelt in front of her statue, her clothes were messy. Well, it was indeed Spider-Man who did it, but he didn't do it with his hands. He whipped her skirt to pieces with a whip, revealing her spring light, her icy skin was torn, her jade skin was bloody, blood flowed, and tears became beads.

"I thank God." Spider-Man shouted.

"I thank God." Wanda sobbed and shouted.

"Crack!" A whip.

"I thank Saint Harley Quinn." Spider-Man shouted again.

Wanda followed.

"I thank my parents."

"I thank my parents."

"I am a sinner, I broke my oath, hurt America again, and endangered the multiverse."

"I am a sinner, I broke my oath, hurt America again, and endangered the multiverse."

Even though it was above time, for Harley at this point in time, the scene in front of her was still shocking.

"Oh my god, how did the shy and honest little Spider-Man become such a cult pervert?"

Harley didn't understand, and then Harley understood.

She watched Spider-Man whip Wanda, and watched Wanda go crazy and slaughter Kamar-Taj a day ago, frantically extracting the superpowers of "America". She also watched a few days ago, Wanda sensed America's mental power and found that she came to the main universe. She tried to suppress it but couldn't help it. She longed for her own child and wanted to take it away. Harley watched Wanda's mental problems due to missing her two years ago. Harley watched "Avengers 3 and 4" five years ago. Harley watched "Avengers 3" and Loki ran away with the space gem. Harley followed the anime "Loki".

Harley saw with her own eyes that Loki used himself as a vessel to control the super-time stream and achieved the status of "God of Stories". While she was showing appreciation at the TVA headquarters, she shouted coldly above the "Con Council": "Enough, Loki, modifying my story is beyond the ability of the 'God of Stories'.

If you continue to mess with my believers, I will destroy your newly acquired status even if I am rejected by the origin of your universe!"

Harley stretched out her hand and pinched the super-time stream, just like an ordinary person pinching a bundle of wool, "Don't doubt it, even you 'mortals' can mess with the super-time stream, it will be even easier in my hands."

She pinched and pulled hard, as if to pull the internal organs out of Loki's body.

In fact, the super-time stream is in the body of the "God of Stories".

Loki uttered a painful groan.

At the same "time", after Loki compromised, Harley had only a gentle smile on her face and her hands behind her back.

Facing Loki, the god of stories wearing a crown of antlers, she sighed, "You really impressed me."

"Oh?" Loki's expression was not as relaxed and calm as hers, with nine points of vigilance and one point of fear in his eyes.

"You were originally just a third-rate super villain. The idea of ​​dedicating yourself to the world would never appear in your head. Why did you suddenly mutate?

Is it destiny, or do you have a new realization? Or is there a story above the story?" Harley said faintly.

At the same "time", Harley smiled as Gwen came to the main universe half a year ago and talked to Spider-Man about the "Spider Maturity Theory". A few days later, when Spider-Man fell asleep with the "Secret Book of the God of War", she stuffed her own understanding of the black vortex into his dream and made it his understanding.

At the time when Spider-Man made a big fuss in heaven.

"Hahaha, the Spider-Man version of making a big fuss in heaven is very exciting and exciting! Spider-Man, I said that Monkey failed that year, but five years later you will become the king of heaven!" Harley laughed and bent over.

In a ghost dream a few months before Spider-Man wreaked havoc in Heaven, Harley looked at Tony, Uncle Ben and Aunt May who were working miserably, and sighed: "The darkness of Heaven is indeed hereditary. There are bad things in every multiverse.

But the Heaven here seems to be even worse. They actually use the souls of Christians as human shields to consume the power of the enemy in Heaven.

After all, they are believers of the Old God. Any behavior that hurts the souls of Christians will cause the angels to lose their "holy favor".

The King of Angels also seems to understand the thoughts of the rebel leader. He only destroys the siege equipment and tries not to hurt the souls of believers.

But the souls of believers building siege equipment is just an appearance!

The real purpose of the rebels is to torture the souls of believers and make them hate and resent.

Heaven is even a pure and peaceful place.

Once hatred and resentment gather in Heaven, they will eventually destroy the foundation of the throne of the current "Angel King".

Alas, these bastards are cruel and cunning!"

Five years later, it is still Heaven.

"Brother, hello!" Harley floated in the air, bending over and smiling to greet the prince who was dozing with his chin supported by one hand.

"Who? Harley Quinn?" The prince stood up suddenly and looked at the vague figure in front of him in surprise, "When did you come here?"

"Hehe, I have been here for a while, and I have left 'now' a long time ago." Harley said.

The Maharaja closed his eyes and then opened them again, all confusion disappearing from his face.

"I see. If you don't concentrate on dealing with the Giant Hand Clan, why did you come here to find me?"

"Thank you, brother, for helping my little brother, thank you!"

Harley bowed to him respectfully, and then said with a smile: "Little sister, I have an unkind request. You see, heaven has become such a mess. Why don't you replace it with someone to manage it? Spider-Man is a brave and courageous young hero. He is brave and brave. Planning is worthy of a great responsibility."

The Maharaja sneered and said: "You are very confident. You think that the whole heaven is a waste of food and wine, and as long as I don't interfere, your people will definitely be able to ascend the throne and become kings?"

"If he doesn't succeed, it's my fault. Next time we meet, I'll make three requests. If I win, next time we meet, I'll make one request." Harley said.

At the same "time", Loki said: "I just made the most regretless choice. If I don't be the one left behind, both me and the stories I'm familiar with will die."

"This is the truth, but the fact that you can be accepted by the super-time stream shows that you have a kind and just heart. If not, you would have been assimilated by the 'God of Stories' and become a machine without independent thinking. " Harley said.

Loki was silent for a while and said: "Let's make a deal. You will not take the initiative to create new stories. I will not delete the stories of your followers."

"Don't worry, I'll leave soon." Harley said.

"I want you not to come again." Loki said.

Harley was silent for a while, nodded and said, "I'll give you some face, just this once."

Harley traveled through every timeline, and then she found a hidden timeline.

"Hey, why is there still a timeline? If I didn't transcend time, I wouldn't be able to discover it. Judging from the energy level and volume, it seems to be higher than the time mother river of the main universe. An underground mother river? Interesting, let me Take a look."

When she tried to get closer to it, "Stab~~~"

A fierce sword light flashed through, and she stood there blankly, her thinking body split into two.

The "strips" of Harley across the timelines of countless parallel universes were all split into two.

"Ahhhh~~~" Harley, who was talking to the king, was screaming.

"Ahhhh~~" Harley, who was talking to Loki, was also screaming.

"Ahhhh~~~" Harley in the Marvel multiverse timeline was howling miserably.

"What the hell is this? In the multiverse of magic and fantasy, how can there be such a powerful sword energy?

There is also the world hidden by the sword energy, which even the King of Heaven and the God of Stories have not discovered.

What old monster is hiding there? "

"What?" The prince looked puzzled.

"What?" The God of Stories was puzzled.

"I'm leaving now, leaving right now, goodbye." Harley's cry echoed through the mother river of time.

She was obviously not the king and the god of stories in front of her.

"If we ever see each other again, it can only be in another place. I hope you can all transcend. The water in this ghost place is too deep. I dare not come here again. Fake, could this power hide a source master?

But why does the Source Master hide in a small single universe? "

The two pieces of Harley barely stuck together, limped, and left the super-time flow without looking back.

Universe 1813, aboard the Divinity.

"At this moment".

"Of course I won't question it, haha, King of Martial Gods. I just suspect that you misunderstood her meaning and mistook the almighty giant of the universe for the 'giant of the giant hand clan'.

The two seem to be the same, but in fact the gap is not small. Ordinary members of the Giant Hand Clan can be considered giants in the Almighty Universe. After all, the Giant Hand Clan is a super organization. "Pluto softened his attitude and said tactfully.

"My understanding is correct, my lord - eh"

Venerable Kang Zheng was shouting, and suddenly there was a mysterious and mysterious feeling again, as if the Lord had returned and the Lord was by his side.

The next moment, a piece of information appeared in his mind out of thin air, and another message came from the Lord.

Thinking of Harry, he tried hard to suppress the sword energy in his body and prevent it from leaking out and harming Venerable Kang.

When the spirit projected the story into the mind of Venerable Kang, she became one with her own spirit in thinking, and returned to the DC multiverse along the story dimension.

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