I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2086 Great Venerable, Great Ape King

After Chief Kang summarized the news he had learned over the past few months, he took the initiative to leave the "spotlight" and gave the stage to the Big Three again, and also gave the time for contemplation to Kang at the venue.

After waiting for three to five minutes, everyone had almost digested the matter of the remaining people, and then Pharaoh Kang spoke again: "Now do you understand the attitude of the three of us?

As long as the remaining people exist for one day, and as long as Kang still controls the super-time flow, there is no point in doing anything we do.

Just like within our respective territories, any rebellion that attempts to resist our rule is meaningless.

We control time. The rebellion happened today, but we can travel to yesterday to eliminate the hidden dangers.

This is a basic means of editing the timeline.

And Kang, the one left behind, can do the same to us.

At least the current situation is acceptable to us.

If we anger Kang, the remnant, I, the Immortal, and the Centurion are still able to withstand the massive distortion of the timeline, but what about you?

Most of you are powerless to fight back, and don't even notice that your timeline has been adjusted.

We may go from being the overlords of the universe to being prisoners of the Avengers. "

Venerable Kang felt that this guy was targeting him.

Not only did they humiliate him with the past of being a prisoner, but they also wanted to mislead him and make him suspect that the people left behind had done something to him and tampered with his destiny. Or, Pharaoh Kang was reminding him not to mess around, the people left behind were not dead yet. Still watching them, if he dares to cause trouble, the remaining people will not let him go?

Venerable Kang fell into deep thought.

"If the remaining people are still there, how could Kang the Conqueror die?" Kang, the boss, asked loudly.

Pharaoh Kang said in a deep voice: "I did not say that the remaining people must still be alive. Our three giants just told the Kang Council to maintain the status quo for the time being and wait for changes.

We will definitely take action next, and through action we will test those left behind at the end of time. "

The centurion continued: “As mentioned before, we will form a ‘Kang’s Team’, and any Kang on the council can join.

As long as the team is assembled, we can go to the main universe tomorrow and completely destroy that world.

The main universe is the core of the multiverse!

If the Earth in the main universe is occupied by us, how will the remaining people react?

Fluctuations on the timeline will tell us the answer. "

"I'm joining Kang's team. We'll set off immediately. We don't need too many people. Just the Avengers. You guys can watch from the side and watch me beat them all to death by myself." Kang, the boss, shouted passionately.

"Form Kang's team and destroy the world of the Avengers, ho~~ho~~ho~~~"

Qun Kang stretched his neck again, pursed his plump and thick lips, beat his chest, and roared towards the podium.

The three giants Kang looked at each other and exchanged opinions with each other with their eyes. The Pharaoh raised his hand and shouted: "Okay, as you wish, we will immediately mobilize the army and go to the main universe now."

"Let's go, let's go immediately, ho~ho~~ho~~~" Zhongkang became even more excited, almost unable to control himself, and began to leave the field to summon his own legion.

"Wait a minute~~~" Venerable Kang jumped into the venue and quickly soared.

During the ascension process, his voice spread in all directions, "Don't worry, everyone, the conference is not over yet. According to the rules of the Kang Council, the winner is king and the strong is respected. Now I want to challenge the Pharaoh. I want to be the Big Three." !”

Like a zoo sprinkled with aphrodisiacs, it was quiet for an instant.

All the audience members stared in disbelief at the Venerable Kang who slowly floated to the same level as the podium.

On the other hand, the three giants looked calm, neither surprised nor surprised.

Well, the centurion and the immortal were calm, and the Pharaoh did not hide the coldness and ridicule on his face.

"Which madman is this? Does anyone know him?"

"I know him. He is a cult leader who serves an evil god called the 'Martial God King'. Before, everyone called him 'Father Kang', but now he calls himself 'The Great Reverend'."

"Isn't this great lord so smart? He has been imprisoned by the Avengers for eight years and has lost his mind. He dares to challenge the Pharaoh."

"Hehe, you still don't know the Great Venerable Kang well enough. He has no choice at all! The Pharaoh robbed him of a sacred object and wants to kill people to get the treasure! If he doesn't take the initiative to challenge the Pharaoh, the Pharaoh will kill him sooner or later. Now. Now He was beaten to death by the Pharaoh in public, at least he died in a grand manner.”

"Ah, there is actually this story?"

Many spectators were chattering and discussing the matter of Venerable Kang. Venerable Kang and Pharaoh Kang looked at each other coldly for a while, then spoke again and said: "Pharaoh, one of you and I must die today.

I don’t want to talk nonsense, the arena mode will only end when one party falls completely.

According to the rules, we should all give up the legion and fight head-on one-on-one.

But I'll give you a chance. You can call all your people.

Although you can't bring the legion here, there are many brothers in the Kang Council who support you.

Going together is not only your only chance to survive, but also my chance to clean up all traces of you in the multiverse. It will benefit both you and me. "

After the Venerable Kang finished speaking, he ignored Pharaoh Kang's ugly expression and looked around again, "You are Kang, not cowards, so don't wait and see.

If you side with Pharaoh, or if you see me unhappy, stand up and stand against me.

Beat me to death, or be beaten to death by me one by one. "

"Hiss, this guy is so arrogant?!" Everyone was shocked.

"Oh my god, isn't he a novice like us? Why dare he say such things to Pharaoh and madly provoke all Kangs?" The rookie Kang who greeted the Venerable Kang before was stunned.

"Boy, you are so arrogant." Even the Centurion, one of the three giants, couldn't help showing his anger.

"Why, you are on the side of Pharaoh too? Sure, call your people too."

The Venerable Kang hooked his finger at the Centurion with a provocative look, "Pharaoh and I have a grudge. Even if he kneels down and begs, I will crush his stupid head with one foot. You are different. I allow you to be my little brother. Well, as long as you surrender in time."

All the Kangs in the audience were shocked again, and they couldn't believe what they heard.

"You mean, I will bring the Kangs who support me to join the arena?" The Centurion pointed his finger at his nose with a dreamy expression.

As if he thought his question was childish, Venerable Kang looked arrogant and ignored him at all, saying coldly: "Conqueror Kang is dead, and there will always be someone to become the new 'conqueror'. Today is the day I ascend the throne.

Is this clear enough?

You are a bunch of rats who can only keep each other warm, stop asking meaningless questions."

"Good, good, good, very good." The centurion laughed angrily, "I have seen many Kangs, and almost every Kang is arrogant and conceited, but today you opened my eyes."

"You talk too much nonsense." Venerable Kang was impatient, "Open the arena, those who are dissatisfied with me, my enemies, come in."

He slowly raised his hand and pointed at Pharaoh Kang, who had been gloomy and silent, "Others can escape, they can refuse, but you can't, today I will beat you to death."

Immortal Kang frowned and looked at Venerable Kang, then turned to look at Pharaoh and Centurion.

Pharaoh's expression was cold, and Centurion's face was full of anger and murderous intent.

"Do you want to open the arena?" Immortal Kang asked softly.

"Since he wants to die, why not fulfill his wish?" The centurion clenched his fist and turned his head to look at Pharaoh, "Give me face and give him to me."

"Okay." Pharaoh was very straightforward.

The anger in the centurion's heart suddenly dissipated half, and was replaced by "suspicion".

He looked at Venerable Kang again, this time more carefully than before.

Venerable Kang was wearing a purple-black priest robe, which looked powerful and oppressive, but among many Kangs, his appearance was only ordinary.

The centurion wanted to sense Venerable Kang's energy and spirit.

Unfortunately, both his own spiritual power and the "atomic level analysis instrument" on his waist were blocked outside by an invisible force and could not enter Venerable Kang's body at all.

"Boom, click, click."

With the roar of the machine, the meeting place of the council quickly transformed into a battlefield of death.

The previous meeting place looked a bit like a football field, and now the arena was like a bowl upside down on the ground.

Countless Kangs dispersed and flew into the air with the flying board, forming a huge bowl, which was inverted on a metal ground covering an area of ​​100 hectares.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~~~~"

There were also fully armed "warrior Kangs" landing from the air to the ground, standing silently behind the Pharaoh and the centurion, staring coldly at the lonely Venerable Kang on the other side.

In a moment, tens of thousands of "warrior Kangs" formed a huge army.

Venerable Kang even saw Chief Kang, the "eldest brother with whom he had no fate".

Chief Kang still did not take off his Arab scarf at this time, but was wrapped in thick Arab-style armor.

Even though there was only one Venerable Kang on the opposite side, even though many of them were confident that they did not need to take action at all, and their boss could deal with the "crazy Kang", they were still cautious, fully armed, and ready.

Because Venerable Kang acted very calmly, and they could not see through his strength at all, neither magic nor technology detection methods were effective.

"Only so few people?"

Even though the opposite side formed a huge army array, Venerable Kang was still not satisfied.

A big man behind the Pharaoh said coldly: "Don't be mysterious, maybe you feel that you have the strength to support your confidence, maybe you are just a madman, any Kang can kill you, you know this, so you deliberately provoke all of us, anyway, you will die, go crazy before you die, die heroically. No matter what your situation is, the arena is now open and the battle has begun."

"You are right, the battle has begun, it's time to shut up and clench your fists."

Venerable Kang clenched his fists, his legs naturally formed a horse stance, his body sank slightly, and his head lowered to face downwards.

"BOOOM!" It was as if a holy light nuclear bomb exploded from his body, and endless holy light energy gushed out, instantly tearing the priest robe on his body.

"Roar~~~" At the same time, Venerable Kang let out a roar mixed with pain and hideousness.

His thick black body seemed to be inflated, expanding more than twice at a speed visible to the naked eye. His body was almost more than three meters long, with bulging muscles, thighs thicker than buckets, and arms thicker than the waist of an ordinary Kang.

The holy light not only burst his clothes, but also rolled up a violent energy storm with him as the center.

"What is he doing?" The other Kangs were either surprised or suspicious, but Pharaoh Kang had a calm expression, but secretly told Hades to help him check the details of Venerable Kang.

"It's not a clever trick, just the most basic blood burst. I also taught you to convert the magic power that cannot be carried into blood power and store it in the body.

Of course, he is probably not storing strength. He is using the power of his blood to improve his physical fitness. His speed, strength, defense and other physical values ​​will soar. ” Pluto explained.

"You want to deal with us just relying on your physical strength? No matter how strong you are, can you surpass the Hulk?" Pharaoh sneered.

Without waiting for Pluto to respond, Venerable Kang made seals with his hands and recited the divine mantra loudly, "Time, space, as the apostle of the King of Martial God, I now order you to kneel down to me!"

"Buzz buzz~~~" The holy power storm surrounding him trembled slightly, and then shrank suddenly. All the holy light and holy power suddenly disappeared, condensing into a watermelon-sized ball of light in front of the Venerable Kang's eyebrows.

There were space-time runes flashing on the surface of the light ball, and then, "Boom!"

The ball of light expanded infinitely, encompassing the entire arena.

All Kang's eyes were dazzled, and a bright holy light swept over them and around them.

It seemed that nothing had changed, they were not injured, and they were not dizzy, but in the next moment, the expressions of everyone in the venue changed drastically.

"Ah, my space-time belt failed. What did that guy do? Was it a super electromagnetic pulse? Did he want to paralyze our technological equipment?"

"It's not electromagnetic pulse, it's magic. The magic circle causes space-time oscillation, which is probably the time-space version of electromagnetic pulse. It only targets equipment and magical objects that control the power of time and space.

Falk, my time necklace is suppressed and cannot activate the magic of traveling through time. "

"My time and space bracelet can still be used, but the fluctuations in time and space are too intense and it cannot accurately lock on to my universe."

"Is he really a novice? This kind of method is inferior to many giants!"

"There are not many giants, but no Kang can use such a huge and advanced magic. I swear, this is a super forbidden spell."

"What exactly does he want to do? Does he want to catch us all?"

Zhongkang was frightened and confused.

Venerable Kang immediately took the initiative to explain after releasing his ultimate move, saying: "Don't panic, everyone, I'm not targeting you, I'm just preventing the Pharaoh and Centurion from cheating.

Well, he was a deserter, and when the situation was unfavorable, he used a space-time device to escape from the arena.

They are the creators of the Council, and they may abide by the rules they set on weekdays, but in the face of life and death catastrophes, they are no different from ordinary people, and all rules and regulations are just floating clouds.

Now, I'm going to use time and space magic to set off a big storm in time and space nearby. No one can leave the arena in a short time through time and space technology.

If it affects non-Dueling friends, I apologize to you. You just need to wait and wait for me to finish them off and finish the 'New Big Three'. Oh, it will be the 'Big Two' soon. When the 'Big Celebration' is over, You can naturally leave normally, or stay and listen to my cooperation plan. "

"Is this guy serious? He even prepared magic in advance to prevent the Pharaoh from escaping from the arena when he sees that the situation is bad."

"Obviously, this magic is not a temporary thought. I have never seen this kind of magic. He must have created this magic specifically for today and for us Kang. Fa Ke, who is he? Such courage, such magic, Why was it so unknown before?”

Zhongkang was shocked and shocked.

"Samurai Kang" in the arena was shocked, but also had a vague premonition of something ominous.

People who can create time and space magic specifically for Kang may be crazy, but they are never stupid.

"Whoosh!" An energy pillar as thick as a bowl crossed the sky and landed on Venerable Kang's chest.

"What are you still doing? He has already taken action, and we are not targets. Let him attack us?" It was Kang, a big boss covered in armor.

He received the hint from the centurion's eyes and jumped up first to launch a sneak attack on Venerable Kang. It was not considered a sneak attack. Venerable Kang used divine magic to disrupt time and space, which was no different from using divine magic to attack them.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" With the person taking the lead, more energy rays immediately appeared.

In an instant, Venerable Kang was overwhelmed by energy beams shooting from all directions, from heaven and earth.

The vast majority of Kangs are technology Kangs. Even the "Magic Kang" who is good at miracle power also has very powerful technologies, such as Pharaoh.

Even an ordinary Kang can travel through time through technological equipment, and "Big Brother Kang" can already edit the timeline using scientific means.

Like the Big Three, they can even create timelines.

So their energy weapons are also extraordinary.

Even though Venerable Kang had the power of martial arts to protect his body and the power of blood to strengthen his body, he still howled miserably in the millions of beams of light.

"Ouch~~~~" Although his cry was shrill, his voice was loud and powerful.

"Whoosh!!" All Kang's eyes were blurred. The energy gun sighting device had lost sight of Venerable Kang. The next moment, "Pfft!"

The sound like a watermelon being smashed with a stick came from the side.

“Ah, he killed—poof!”

Next to him, Kang was still screaming in fear. A fist as big as a millstone fell on his head, and then his vision went black and he completely lost consciousness.

Kang, who was nearby, could see clearly that his companion's head had been taken away, and a faint blood mist filled the air.

Really, the brain is bursting with thousands of pinks, and the teeth are sprayed with jade pieces.

"Hoho~~" Venerable Kang didn't have an inch of intact skin at this time, and his whole body was black and red.

The black color is not the original color of the skin, it is the color of skin erosion and burnt flesh, and the dark red color is the blood seeping from the body.

It is simply a skinned old Vajra ape.

He looked extremely miserable, but his skin injuries did not affect his strength and movements.

A black shadow flashed back and forth like a flea, taking at least one life each time. Every Kang who died had his head smashed by a fist.

Whether it was a technological Kang or a magical Kang, they all wore thick and sturdy armor.

Venerable Kang did not smash all Kang's heads into nothingness. Some big Kangs had advanced technology and sturdy helmets, and Venerable Kang could only smash their helmets, but could not smash them into pieces.

But that was the head! Even if there were no thousands of pink dots and thousands of jade bones, people would die if their heads were shrunk into a piece.

As the old saying goes, all Kang's technological equipment is extremely advanced. Many of them have energy force fields, force field protection barriers, or throw force field grenades to form a large blockade area of ​​quantum energy or time energy.

But their technological equipment is almost ineffective against Venerable Kang.

Whether it is quantum energy, magic energy, or time energy, it can only affect Venerable Kang's actions, delay his steps, and reduce the strength of his hammering, but cannot really restrict Venerable Kang.

At this time, Venerable Kang had already exploded with all the power of his bloodline, and his physical strength had reached the limit. He was not afraid of the slight negative impact at all.

He was like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, slapping one after another. Energy weapons and energy equipment of various colors falling on him would only make him howl in anger and pain.

"Ah, the Scarlet Centurion was torn alive by the Great Venerable~~~"

Since the beginning of the battle, the horror and shock of "audience Kang" have never stopped.

But when Venerable Kang and the Scarlet Centurion collided head-on, and the Scarlet Centurion's spear pierced Venerable Kang's lower abdomen, he was also grabbed by his arms and torn into two pieces, blood and organs were scattered all over the ground, and the head stuck to the corpse was screaming in pain, but was stepped on by Venerable Kang, and everyone couldn't help but let out a heart-wrenching cry.

The Scarlet Centurion is one of the three giants of the Kang Council and the most powerful Kang.

But he was "taken" by an unknown Kang in a group battle.

The Centurion's head was crushed, but "Audience Kang" didn't think he was unworthy of his reputation. His strength was almost comparable to that of Venerable Kang, and his melee skills seemed to be better than Venerable Kang. The quantum shield on his body perfectly blocked the aftermath of other Kang's attacks.

He also hit Venerable Kang's vitals first.

If Venerable Kang was a normal person, he would have collapsed to the ground at that time and lost most of his combat power.

But Venerable Kang's stomach was pierced, and he was still like a devil, his strength did not decrease, and he even exploded.

The holy light that burst out directly tore the Centurion's quantum shield.

They could clearly see that when Venerable Kang grabbed his shoulders, the Centurion intended to activate the time and space equipment. His body blurred for a moment, and he probably wanted to teleport out, but it didn't work. The torn space crack was directly erased by the holy light, and then a device on the Centurion's chest emitted electric sparks.

The time and space device was destroyed.

It's not that the Centurion is not strong, it's just that Venerable Kang is too abnormal.

What made the Kangs on the battlefield even more desperate was that the bowl-sized hole on the stomach of the Venerable Kang was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Through the wound that had not yet completely healed, you can see the intestines that fell out wriggling and shrinking inwards, and granulation tissue grew at the wound, and then blocked the hole.

This was the result of the battle that the centurion risked his life to achieve!

Seeing that the wound had healed and the hole had been smoothed, the centurion's sacrifice was completely meaningless, and some Kangs began to scream and turn around to run away.

Even if the Venerable Kang's figure flashed continuously - not teleportation, but high-speed movement brought by a strong physique - he could only kill some of the "escaping Kangs". More Kangs immediately activated the time-space transfer device after leaving the battlefield and wanted to leave the Council.

"Fuck, I don't want to play anymore, Great Venerable, you won, I admit defeat, I'm leaving!"

They activated the time-space device, and there were patches of white light flashing in the sky.

But the white light did not take Kang away. Above this area, the fierce time-space storm had formed a huge spiral, and their time-space gate could not exist stably at all.

"Ah, that madman really blocked the entire council." Someone exclaimed.

"Kang, Great Venerable Kang, we admit defeat. You are now one of the three giants of the council. Let us go." There was also Kang begging.

Venerable Kang was like a beast, chasing the deserter Kang without caring, and killing them one by one.

"Immortal King, open the arena and let us go." Seeing that he could not open the space-time transmission in the arena, "Deserter Kang" began to call the immortal one of the three giants.

Venerable Kang's space-time storm only covered the area of ​​Kang Council.

Not being able to open the space-time gate to leave does not mean that you cannot fly away.

As long as you leave this area, you can naturally find a stable space-time area to open the space-time gate.

But the arena was blocked by a huge energy field.

If there was no energy barrier, "audience Kang" would not dare to squeeze together to watch the battle at close range, but the most ordinary energy cannon could cross to the outside of the battlefield.

"Immortal, that madman has lost his mind and is killing people without a care. We cannot communicate or persuade him. Hurry up and open the energy field barrier to let us leave!" More "Deserter Kangs" began to shout, begging in their voices.

The Immortal's face changed several times, and there was obvious hesitation and struggle on his black face.

Theoretically, the death match has begun, and it cannot end until one side falls completely.

But "falling completely" does not mean that everyone is dead, and surrendering is also possible.

In general, the duel can end when someone surrenders.

But this is the duel of Venerable Kang. If he does not accept the surrender, the battle will not be over.

Then the question came again. At this time, the Venerable Kang was like a monster. He seemed to have lost his mind. Should the immortal make the decision for the Venerable Kang who was in a crazy state? Or is he pretending to be crazy?

In the midst of this dilemma, the Immortal suddenly thought of Pharaoh.

It was clear that the Pharaoh was the source of all conflicts, so where did that go?

Immortal Kang opened his eyes wide and searched around the huge arena, but could not find the Pharaoh.

But now he is in charge of the arena and can use instruments to search for life forms in the arena.

Then he spots a "stealth unit" in the corner.

"Fake, if you don't go up to fight, how can you turn on the invisible shield and hide on the edge of the battlefield?"

The Immortal couldn't help it anymore, but he still cared about the old man's face, so he didn't shout in public, and only quietly transmitted the sound in a directed direction.

"I'm observing the enemy's situation and looking for their weaknesses." Pharaoh said calmly.

The Immortal hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you plan to continue fighting?"

If the Pharaoh is willing to surrender and take the initiative to open the energy shield of the arena, he can go along with the flow and no one can fault it.

"Do you think I will surrender to a cult leader?" Pharaoh said coldly.

"After this battle, I really can't find any reason not to respect him." The Immortal said.

The Pharaoh was silent for a moment and said, "He and I will fight until death."

The Immortal sighed and stopped persuading.

It was not that the Pharaoh and the Great Venerable Kang were determined to die, but that he understood that the Venerable Kang would not let him go.

"Damn it, why is this cult leader so powerful?" Pharaoh himself was a little anxious, "He has flaws everywhere. There seem to be ten thousand ways to kill him. Everyone has seized the opportunity, but he None of the flaws can bring fatal effects, why is this?

Why are our energy attacks and magic attacks not very effective?

And the equipment on us, which cannot be magic but is technology, will be interfered by the holy power of his body, causing the effect to be greatly reduced, or even directly malfunctioning and scrapped. "

He is not asking the immortal, he is communicating with the "Seal of Hades" lurking deep in the consciousness.

"I knew it before. But I didn't know it before. Alas, now I know it, but it's too late." Pluto sighed.

"Don't fight with me. We won't both lose, but if I'm not good, you won't be either." Pharaoh said coldly.

"I knew before that Witch Harley has the power of God coming down to earth. I told you that she is immune to all miraculous harm.

Her favored ones can also use the thick-skinned divine power to exert some of the effects of God's descending to earth.

But I didn't know that I had already arrived in another multiverse. The thick-skinned divine power transformed by the mere power of faith also had such a powerful effect.

Have you noticed?

Kang's holy power is dozens of times more powerful than the holy power of other sages in the King of Martial Arts Sect.

If it had been any other venerable person, his body would have been completely wiped out in the first concentrated fire attack.

Now I understand that health comes with preparation.

First of all, his holy power is not the holy power of ordinary venerables.

Witch Harley must have made some adjustments for him. She also specially adjusted the attributes of the martial arts power to favor the defense of space-time power and quantum energy.

Just like in my home universe, they are all favored by the thick-skinned gods, and Neptune's thick-skinned divine power is stronger than others.

If you encounter an enemy with special energy, Witch Harley will also adjust the divine effect of the divine power in the body of the God's Beloved, and adjust more defensive effects against the current enemy.

Witch Harley was involved in the design of today's tactics.

Kang knows you and knows that ‘Kang’ is particularly proficient in the rules of time and space.

The power of time and space and quantum energy are the most mainstream 'healthy energy'.

Then the witch Harley specially prepared the time and space magic for him.

You 'Kang' have too obvious common characteristics. As long as you block your attacks and make your technological equipment ineffective, you will become meat pies under the fists of 'Vampire Kang'.

Alas, Kang has been squatting for the past eight years, but Witch Harley and the King of Martial Arts have not stopped.

Eight years of preparation was just to be planned by Witch Harley for eight years today. Alas, with this situation, I am not surprised at all. You see, my voice is very calm, and my thinking fluctuations are almost zero.

I've seen too many similar things, and now it's just a repeat of 'The Witch's Victory' in another place. "

Pharaoh Wang Kang could faintly hear some pride from his spiritual voice.

Witch Harley came to another world and was still awesome. She defeated everyone with just a few moves. As a native of her hometown, he felt proud?

Or can he accurately understand the witch Harley, and everyone is obsessed with him alone, so he is proud?

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