"Did I really kill that 'Lord of the Sea'?" Harley still couldn't believe it and confirmed it again.

"You controlled the giant hand of creation and squeezed him alive into the most original energy, don't you know?" The Eagle Judge asked back in a stern voice.

Harley fell into deep thought with a strange expression, and the people connected to her thoughts were even more shocked.

"It turned out that Harley really killed him, but Harley just bounced back a little bit of the attack effect of the giant hand of creation! Now Harley's Thorn Black Vortex is only the sixth level. It was the sixth level before. Could it be upgraded to the seventh, eighth, or even ninth level now?" Aquaman murmured.

"Probably not." Hal Jordan has been paying attention to Harley's practice.

When Harley was practicing in the deep cracks of the Origin Wall, he ran over every now and then to take a look and ask.

When the Origin Wall collapsed, Harley also went to the Omnipotent Universe to practice, but at that time she practiced story transmission and environmental adaptation, not Thorn Black Vortex.

"Before the collapse of the Origin Wall, Harley had been stabilizing the sixth level, and the seventh level had not officially started." He said.

"We tested the fifth level of Thorn Black Vortex in the solar system, which could directly absorb and rebound a tactical nuclear bomb. How strong is the sixth level?" Dinah asked.

Hal said: "At least 100 times stronger than the fifth level, and each level is at least 100 times stronger than the previous one (sixth level, 2.5 million tons of TNT equivalent)."

The so-called "first level" realm is the energy required for the next upgrade after the specialty level is upgraded.

The higher the specialty level, the more energy is required for the upgrade.

When Harley played Lucifer three times, he upgraded the Hell (God) Power Defense specialty from level 0 to level 8 in one breath. The great Satan of Hell was sucked a little weak and was almost attacked by the Barbatos Dragon.

The black Manhattan was sucked dry by Harley, and he only upgraded the specialty to level 9 in total, leaving no extra Manhattan power for Harley to use.

Even if Black Manhattan is not as good as the real Dr. Manhattan, he is certainly not worse than the Laughing Bat.

The Laughing Bat is recognized by the recorder as a qualified "Omega Entity" (Transcendent)!

Of course, the depth of the origin does not represent the realm.

Volume and quality are two indicators.

Being drained by Harley does not mean a low realm, and not being drained by Harley does not mean a high realm.

During the Infinite Earth Crisis, Harley upgraded the antimatter defense expertise to level 9. The Anti-Monitor King was still energetic and had a huge amount of origin, but the strength and realm of the Anti-Monitor King were obviously not as good as the Black Manhattan who was drained of the origin.

"Exponential growth? 100 times at a time, shit, the fifth level is a fully rebound tactical nuclear bomb, and the sixth level is a strategic nuclear bomb?" Aquaman exclaimed.

Luther frowned and said, "Even a strategic nuclear bomb can't kill a transcendent. If a transcendent can be killed by a nuclear bomb, how can Harley save the world?"

"Stupid, no matter how many nuclear bombs you use, you can't kill an ordinary cosmic god king, but the giant hand of creation is the 'source'!" The recorder shouted excitedly, "'Source' represents everything, 'source' is one, 'source' is also ten thousand, 'source' is a little bit, 'source' is also endless."

Luther glared and said, "Are you saying that the 'source' power of the strategic nuclear bomb equivalent rebounded by Harley and the giant hand of creation used by the giant hand clan leader are the same level of damage?

If Harley hits the rebounded giant hand of creation at the giant hand clan, can she kill them all?"

The recorder hesitated, "The real 'source' is both one and ten thousand, but the summoned giant hand of creation is not the 'source' itself.

It only has the real giant hand of creation 's true form and true meaning.

For this attack method, the volume may be very important, otherwise the giant hand tribe will not jointly perform the spell, nor will they increase the strength of the giant hand of creation twice. "

Da Chao analyzed: "With the same volume, one kilogram of water and one kilogram of concentrated sulfuric acid, the attack effect is completely different.

The equivalent of a strategic nuclear bomb is already not small. It is not surprising to kill the transcendent when it is converted into the same 'kilogram' of the giant hand of creation's 'source power'.

It can be understood that the giant hand of creation is to the transcendent as the high temperature, high heat, high pressure and high radiation of a nuclear bomb explosion is to ordinary people.

For the Lord of the Sea, the giant hand of creation that Harley bounced out is like a strategic nuclear bomb.

It is very normal for ordinary people to be hit by a strategic nuclear bomb and immediately turned into ashes. "

"Is the giant hand of creation so strong? It is like a nuclear bomb to ordinary people for the transcendent?" The heroes were a little skeptical.

Dachao said seriously: "The giant hand of creation is the 'source', which can squeeze the universe into a ball of energy, and can even dig 'chaos' at the border of the omnipotent universe.

I don't know what 'chaos' is, but it is obviously much stronger than the transcendent.

If 'chaos' is not stronger than the transcendent, or in other words, the transcendent can break through 'chaos' with his own strength, then 'chaos' cannot constitute the border of the omnipotent universe.

Just like if the origin wall cannot stop the cosmic people and can be freely traveled by some cosmic people, it will It is not the boundary of the universe.

The hand of creation can decompose the hard and impenetrable 'chaos' into the basic force of creation. If the transcendent falls into the 'hand', the fate can be imagined. "

"It makes sense, but Harley only rebounded a small part of the damage of the hand of creation, and she took more damage by herself!

Is Harley too abnormal, or is the transcendent of the omnipotent universe too fragile?

Harley has not left the multiverse, and she is still a 'cosmic person', so abnormal?" Aquaman said tangledly.

Superman was silent, the recorder was silent, and everyone fell into silence.

At this time, Harley broke the silence with Judge Eagle and said: "I hope you will regard me as the 'Source Master', but unfortunately I am not.

What I rebounded was not the ‘Genesis’ Giant Hand of Creation’, but the attack of ‘The Giant Hand of Creation’.

The Creation Hand is just a modifier for the attack, not the direct target of the rebound.

My Black Vortex of Thorns is very strong, there is no doubt about it.

But how strong the rebounded attack is does not depend on the thorny black vortex itself, but on the attack.

If you hit me with your fists, I will only rebound physical attacks.

You squeeze me with the giant hand of creation, trying to turn me and my world back to the original source of energy, and I can also rebound the complete attack special effects. "

Since the creation hand that rebounded from the thorny black vortex was so powerful, she only needed to tell the truth. There was no need to exaggerate to pretend to be mysterious or pretentious.

The more frank you are at this time, the more confident you will be and the more powerful you will be.

Judge Eagle was silent for a while and said: "The black vortex of thorns cannot change your situation. Only your attitude and thoughts can determine your future. Unfortunately, there is no chance."

Harley pondered: "The term 'story dimension' has indeed broadened my knowledge and changed my views on you and your behavior, but the best thing is always what the parties involved want most.

Maybe you have great and lofty ideals, you are adhering to the will of the "Origin", and you are doing the right and just things for the almighty universe, but we are just low-level cosmic beings.

If base desires and biological instincts are completely meaningless, what is the meaning of you who created us and our world? "

"We created you to teach you to get rid of biological instincts and evolve in a greater direction." Judge Eagle said.

Harley smiled, "Assume that the evaluation of Papetua's concept of destruction in the 'Origin' is -10, the normal positive base force universe is 0, your expectations for us are 10, and the heroes of the Justice League who are willing to sacrifice are about 1 It hovers between 5 and 5.

So why don't you just create a universe with an evaluation value closest to 10? For example, create a world where all members have a mental state of 8 or 9.

They're closer to 10, right?

Select the best from them, and then create a world with a realm of 9.1, and so on, and finally create a perfect world. You no longer need to see us 'low-dimensional garbage' wandering around 0.

Why not? "

Judge Eagle said: "You think too simply."

Harley shook her head and said: "No, you think of the 'original will' too simply.

You don’t create the world according to the seemingly ‘simple’ method because the closest distance does not mean the fastest arrival.

If you really create a world where the average level of thought is 9, they will never reach 10.

It will never evolve and will only slide to a lower level.

9 is the closest to 10, but it does not mean that it will reach 10 faster than 0. 9 may increase, and the amount of increase is uncertain. An increase of 0.0000001 is an increase, and an increase of 10 points is also an increase.

In addition to increasing, 9 may also decrease.

You create a world with a realm of 0 and allow life and civilization with a negative realm to exist because our state is the most perfect state!

You are forcing us to sublime now, but it is a foolish and wrong act that seriously violates the true will of the Origin. "

"Arrogant and rebellious!"

Probably the "Fifth Judge" was also connected with the Eagle Judge's mind. Harley's words made him furious. Regardless of Harley's rejection of his thought waves, he directly used his will to drown the demons outside the DC multiverse. The shell of the body.

Thoughts are like the ocean, anger is like a tsunami, and the tsunami covers the shell of the demon body.

"Who do you think you are? You dare to speculate on the will of Origin, and you criticize and humiliate the Judge of Origin?

Let me tell you the truth, only the Eagle who created you cares what you think.

The Tribunal executes the will of the Origin, and it doesn't matter what you think or do.

The judgment of "Origin" on you and your world is to destroy everything. The depraved and evil among you, as well as the good, righteous, and those who can be appreciated and accepted by us, are all among the ranks of being destroyed. "

"You are the fifth presiding judge. I am just a cosmic person, and you are nothing. Of course, whatever you say is what you say." Harley responded to him in a strange way, and then said to Judge Eagle alone: ​​"Your Excellency, Eagle , you believe in 'Origin', I also love 'Origin', we all have the same pursuit of beauty and great ideals, please explain it to us, your Lordships.

We are not unruly people who are disobedient and disrespectful. We just want to survive.

At this stage, our abilities are weak and our realm is low, so we cannot understand your ideals, but 'time' has no meaning to high-dimensional life!

Today we are low-dimensional beings who cannot understand or accept the great concepts of higher dimensions.

Lord Judge, you can grant us time that is meaningless to you. Not too much, one billion years is enough.

When you come back after 1 billion years of cosmic time, we must have understood the concept of "story dimension" and desire to exist eternally in the story dimension. "

——One billion years later, if you still dare to come here to find trouble, let’s see if Harley doesn’t slap you to death!

Everyone who was connected to Harry's mind complained in their hearts.

"The referee's stand represents the 'origin', and it implements the will of the 'origin' within the scope of the omnipotent universe. We only follow the will of the 'origin' and don't care whether others can understand or accept it." Judge Eagle said.

"I understand, I also understand your difficulties, please help me, please, the people of the whole universe will be grateful to you, help us say a few good words, and fight for a chance for us to survive."

After pleading, Harley immediately released the minds of a group of Justice League giants.

"Come here, kowtow to the Eagle Judge and beg for life." She said to the heroes.

"How to kowtow? We are still in the universe, and can only indirectly perceive the thought waves outside through your consciousness." Da Chao said.

Harley said: "Kowtow is to express the highest respect and etiquette. Kowtow in person is kowtow, and cyber kowtow is also kowtow.

You kowtow in your heart, and I will project the image of your kowtow to the omnipotent universe, so that all transcendents such as the Eagle Judge and the Fifth Judge can see it.

As long as your heart is sincere enough and your attitude is sincere enough, this kind of 'cyber kowtow' is no different from kowtow in person.

In fact, the omnipotent universe is invisible and inaudible, and the main way of communication is thought waves. 'Cyber ​​kowtow' is the norm."

"Do you have to kowtow?" Aquaman was not very happy, "Didn't the earth 'change customs' and change the way to express the highest etiquette? For example, learn to dance like the little blue man."

"We must be sincere. Small tricks will only annoy the giant hand tribe leader." Harley said.

"Do you want to kowtow too?" Hal asked.

"No, only you, the heroes of the Justice League, because you have a spirit of sacrifice and are closest to the requirements of the Giant Hand Tribe. I am not as advanced as you, and even if I kneel on my knees and beg, the Giant Hand Tribe can see through my unruly, sinister and arrogant nature." Harley said.

"Harley, you should find the Essence Society, they kneel most sincerely and firmly." Aquaman shouted.

"They can't represent the multiverse, let alone me. Stop talking nonsense, quickly dissect your sincere heart and show it to the masters of the Giant Hand Tribe.

Just now you all saw and heard that the Inquisitor is only responsible for the 'Origin' and doesn't care about our thoughts and situations at all.

Now only sincere pleading can move the Eagle Judge, and then move other judges.

The survival of the multiverse depends on whether your kneeling posture is sincere and beautiful."

After Harley finished speaking, she directly pulled the consciousness of the heroes to the Eagle Judge, and her own main consciousness retreated instead.

"Harley, you have shown your strength. Your Thorn Black Vortex shocked and frightened them. You are fully qualified to negotiate with them on an equal footing. Why are you so cowardly? You even begged the Eagle Judge." Luther said puzzledly.

"Don't bother me. I'm busy." Harley didn't want to pay attention to him and kicked his consciousness out of the mind connection directly.

"What are you busy with? Didn't you give the task of kneeling and begging to the Justice League?" Luther shouted with his mouth in the universe.

Harley ignored him, and he continued to shout without any consciousness.

Harley had no choice but to stuff a bunch of information into his mind, "Don't make noise, I'm busy practicing the Thorn Black Vortex!

I didn't expect the Thorn Black Vortex to be so effective. It can kill a lord alive at only the sixth level.

If it is upgraded to the seventh level, or the eighth level, or the ninth level, or even forms a double vortex, three black vortices, or ten black vortices, wouldn't the rebounded 'Giant Hand of Creation' crush the bastards of the Giant Hand Clan to death?

At that time, we will really have the opportunity to have an equal dialogue with them.

Without strength, all pleading and sincerity are false. People have made it clear that they don't care about our thoughts and attitudes at all.

It takes time to improve the realm.

So I can't provoke the Fifth Judge and let him go crazy immediately.

Taking advantage of the disturbance of the 'murder case', he hesitated, Let the hero Cyber ​​of the Justice League kneel down and beg for mercy. They are just, selfless, and have a spirit of sacrifice. They will definitely impress the Eagle Judge.

As long as the Eagle Judge speaks for us, the Fifth Judge will definitely hesitate.

If we can persuade a few judges to choose to be gentle with us, the effect will be better. I can hurry up to study the secrets of the Thorn Black Vortex. "

Luther's expression twisted, "This is you, Witch Harley! Using the sincerity and sacrifice of your own people-the Justice League, and the kindness and compassion of the enemy-the Eagle Judge, you are secretly repairing the plank road and sneaking through Chencang, sucking the carbuncle and tasting the feces to laze the enemy's heart. Good, very good, I won't disturb you, you quickly improve the realm of the Thorn Black Vortex. "

He had just made up his mind not to disturb Harley, and a worry immediately rose in his heart.

"The realm cannot be improved overnight, especially after encountering a bottleneck, the more you want to break through, the more you can't break through.

Even if the Fifth Judge is very hesitant, he can't keep hesitating. In such a short time, can your Thorn Black Vortex break through the sixth level?"

He knew that the Thorn Black Vortex was Harley's innate spell.

Since it is a innate spell, Harley naturally began to study it when she was a magic apprentice. If she could break through the realm today, she would have done so long ago. If not, it would be difficult to break through the bottleneck in a short time at least.

Especially, the Thorn Black Vortex has proved its strength and transcendence at this time. The more powerful the magic, the harder it is to break through the realm.

"You are right. Under normal circumstances, I need a lot of time and accumulation to break through a magic realm.

But the Eagle Judge just said that time is meaningless to high-dimensional life." Harley said faintly.

"Time is meaningless to high-dimensional life." Luther seemed to understand, "High-dimensional life is above time, such as Dr. Manhattan and the Laughing Bat.

Laughing said that he traveled in every dark universe and learned the advantages and wisdom of every nightmare protagonist.

But we all know that according to the timeline of the main universe, it has not been many years since he seized the power of the Blue Batman.

According to the time view of ordinary people, it is impossible for him to travel through all the dark universes, and he has no time and energy to learn the wisdom and skills of the nightmare protagonist.

But he did not lie.

Although he did not want to admit it, the Blue Laughing Bat planned everything and was almost omniscient and omnipotent.

His time view is different from that of ordinary people. He has surpassed time.

The Blue Laughing Bat at that time was as powerful and knowledgeable as the Laughing Bat a million years later. Time can no longer help him accumulate strength and wisdom.

The wisdom that the Laughing Bat had a million years later, the current Laughing Bat also has all, even if he has not started to learn now.

Your own realm is not weaker than the real Dr. Manhattan, and now you have absorbed the power of the laughing Manhattan. As long as you slightly adapt to the state of surpassing time, you can instantly master all the skills and knowledge that can be improved through time.

In other words, you now are you 100,000 years or a million years later.

A million years later, you will definitely be more than the sixth level of the Thorn Black Vortex.

Oh my god, Hari, I finally understand your strategy of forbearance.

Now is the critical moment of your transformation, and the "time" at this point is too important for you.

After this hurdle, time will completely lose its meaning to you. No, that's not right, it should be that you will completely own all the "time".

Time is not meaningless to high-dimensional life.

The dimension of time is always important, but high-dimensional life already has all the time.

Just like someone said that money is meaningless to me, I never commit crimes for the fundamental purpose of making money.

This is very true, I already have enough money.

Money is not meaningless to me.

For me, money is still an important tool to achieve my goals, I just don't need to make money deliberately. "

Luthor was still there, deep in thought, with sudden realization, while Harley had already immersed her mind in the power of Manhattan.

Mastering the power of Manhattan requires skills, and adapting to the state of transcending time requires "time".

The Laughing Bat left very "cleanly", leaving behind all his wisdom and experience.

Now his power is flowing in Harley's body, and his wisdom is shining in Harley's mind.

Harley is rapidly "turning blue", and her thoughts are spreading rapidly in the mother river of time. "Crack!" The next moment, Harley's thoughts hit the end of the river of time.

"Fuck, I only have a few hundred years left, and I can only transcend a hundred years. "

Harley woke up from the feeling of transcending time, like a person who was sleeping soundly in a dream and was forcibly awakened. She was in a very bad mood and her thoughts were very unhappy.

She did plan as Luther said, transcending time. At every point in time, she was studying the Thorn Black Vortex. In the end, at every point in time, she shared the experience of the Thorn Black Vortex and instantly raised the Thorn Black Vortex to the highest level.

The highest level is not equal to the limit level: she is now level 158, with 15 specialty energy jars. The Thorn Black Vortex has a total of 15 black vortices, and each black vortex is maxed out, such as the 11th level of the defense specialty of the power of connection, and the jar limit is level 11.

This is almost impossible.

Dr. Manhattan He is just called "God on Earth" by mortals, but he is not really omniscient and omnipotent.

His wisdom and cognition also have limits, which are "all the wisdom and cognition that can be accumulated over time in the current world".

Dr. Manhattan knows how much the earth's civilization will develop in 10,000 years, who the pop stars will be, and what the pop songs will be, because in 10,000 years, the development of civilization and the music of stars will appear.

They just don't exist in the present, they exist in the reality of 10,000 years.

But Dr. Manhattan doesn't know the Marvel Avengers outside the DC universe.

You ask him "Who is Iron Man", and he has a question mark on his face.

Harley can turn Thorn Black The "highest realm" that Vortex has reached is only the highest realm she has reached by staying in the current DC multiverse, relying on the resources and knowledge (laws) of the current world, and accumulating time.

If at a certain level, she needs "external things" such as energy, knowledge, and laws outside the DC multiverse to break through the bottleneck.

Then she will never be able to break through this bottleneck by transcending time.

Dr. Manhattan is not an omnipotent God. It is a bit exaggerated to say that he was scared to death and fled in a panic by the giant hand tribe, but he did run away with a bucket.

The real omnipotent will only scare others away.

Even if the highest realm is not equal to the limit realm, it can be A big improvement on the basis of the sixth level.

Given Harley 100 million years, she still can't raise the Thorn Black Vortex to the ninth level?

If there is no ninth level, there must be at least the seventh or eighth level, right?

Unfortunately, there is not much "time" left in the DC multiverse.

Dr. Manhattan transcended the Mother River of Time, looked down, and saw a magnificent Mother River that stretched for tens of billions of years.

Even the "short story" timeline seen by the Laughing Bat in the Nightmare Universe has no boundaries.

Now Harley looked down and saw only a small puddle of hundreds of years.

As early as when the Legion of Doom unsealed the Tears of Destruction, the Mother River of Time had collapsed.

"Do you know what the situation is now?" Harley looked at the people of the Essence Society with a gentle smile.

She ended her attempt to transcend time and pulled the Essence Society, which was stranded in the corner of the universe and ignored by everyone, to her side.

"Harley, what happened?" asked the Stranger.

Father complained with grievance: "We were praying to the Eagle Judge on the meteorite star at the end of the world, and suddenly the sky turned upside down and the meteorite began to roll.

We were confused and didn't know what was going on, so we could only shout your name loudly. Why didn't you pay attention to us?

Later, the meteorite flew to an unknown place. We seemed to be trapped in a narrow stone cave with no exit or entrance. We cried to the sky and the earth but got no response."

Harry sighed: "This can't be blamed on me. The Giant Hand Tribe attacked us.

They summoned the Giant Hand of Creation and pinched the first and second rings into a thick layer of "Harry's Wall".

You are stuck in the wall, like almonds in a cake.


Harry connected with their minds, allowing them to see the shell of the demon body and the Giant Hand of Creation that tightly grasped the shell.

"From just now until now, I have been busy resisting the Giant Hand of Creation, so I didn't have time to get you back."

Thinking connected, spiritual transmission, and in an instant, the information about the changes during this period was stuffed into their minds.

Without waiting for them to calm down from the boiling emotions of fear and shock, Harley sent them to the "front sea of ​​consciousness" and sent them to the Eagle Judge.

"Hurry up and kneel down to beg for mercy and compassion." She placed them in front of a group of heroes of the Justice League.

She didn't say much.

She believed that they knew what to do without her saying much, and even knew better than her.

"What are you doing?" Luther beside him was puzzled, "Did you succeed? If you succeeded, do you still need to do this? If you didn't succeed, why didn't you hurry up? With the status of the group of people in the Essence Society in the heart of the Eagle Judge, even if you can delay time, how long can you delay it?"

"You still have the nerve to say that, you, the Legion of Destruction, have collapsed the Mother River of Time, how can I be above time now?" Harley was angry, and she didn't vent it on the innocent Essence Society, but she didn't hold it back on Luther.

"Ah, there is no Mother River of Time in our universe!" Luther also reacted, panicking and annoyed, "A few hundred years is not enough to improve the realm?"

"Without a few hundred years, the Mother River of Time is not incomplete, it is completely dead and cannot override time." Harley said.

"Then what should we do? Since you call the essence to delay time, there must be a solution, right?" Luther had a flash of inspiration and looked at her expectantly.

"There is no Mother River of Time in our universe, so we can only go to the next universe to have a look." Harley sighed.

Ah, sorry, this chapter has been posted as a paid chapter.

As usual, I rushed to post it before 12 o'clock, but the time was too tight and too rushed, so I forgot to set the chapter as "Chapter Remarks".

Sorry, I can't change it here.

I'll see if I can write more of the remaining content to compensate everyone.

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