I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2055: Almighty Holy Scripture

Harley has now adapted to the void environment of the Great Almighty Universe and can move freely in the Almighty Void.

Her movement speed is still very fast, leaving a shallow residual tail in the dark void.

It seems like teleportation appears on the meteorite star at the end of the world, or it seems like teleportation leaves the meteorite star and disappears in the depths of the Almighty Void.

In the eyes of others, Harley is almost moving instantly.

In fact, because there is no concept of space in the Great Almighty Universe environment, it is impossible to "move normally".

The movement in the perception of ordinary people is to gradually arrive at another place in space from one place in space.

There is no space in the Great Almighty Universe, how to move?

But in fact, Harley is indeed moving normally - there is a process of movement, and there is no instantaneous crossing of infinite distances.

Because she can only move normally, it takes an unknown time to move from DC to Marvel next door. She has never thought of going to another world before the crisis of destruction is over.

If she can instantly cross infinite distances, she would have gone out to travel long ago.

So, can you move instantly in the Great Almighty Universe and cross infinite distances in an instant?

When Harley realized that she was beginning to lose some of her memories, the fluctuations of the story power being extracted from the DC multiverse had spread.

Harley and the DC universe people could not feel it, but people outside could perceive it as clearly as ordinary people watching a volcanic eruption in the distance.

In the dark void outside the second ring, a crooked golden dotted line emerged silently.

Gradually, the golden dotted line radiated brilliant golden light, and shadows emerged from the core of the golden light, like a flame in the wind.

"Crack!" The environment of the Great Omnipotent Universe cannot transmit sound, but if someone is nearby and sees this scene, his mind will "hear" a sound like an eggshell cracking.

The crooked golden line did pull apart to the "two sides", revealing an ellipsoidal cavity.

But the strange thing is that only when you look at the golden line from the direction of the DC multiverse can you see it stretching out a golden cavity.

If you change to other directions, you can still only see a golden line, or even not see the golden line, and only see a vast black void.

"Buzz buzz buzz ~~~~" The cavity opened by the golden line flashes with extremely bright golden light.

The golden light is full of powerful power, even the meteorites in the second ring in the distance are pulled and begin to vibrate gently involuntarily.

The shadow in the golden light of the cavity begins to expand and gradually becomes clear.

It can be vaguely seen that the shadow is a person with eight tentacles.

The tentacles shrink into the body one by one and disappear, and finally it becomes a "normal human": only a head, a neck and a torso, and the torso is connected to the arms and legs.

It took a step and walked out of the golden chamber.

The dark blue flowing cloak looks like a metal armor forged from stainless steel, and it holds an isosceles trapezoidal metal box in its right hand.

It basically has the shape of a human, but its appearance is completely unlike a person. Its head is a semi-solid flame that looks like magma.

Through the gaps in the armor on the surface, you can also see that its body is made of fluid lava energy.

"It's finally started." It faces the direction of the multiverse, with a complex expression on its face. "Soon this multiverse will completely fall apart, and I must fulfill my duties as soon as possible."

The next moment, it came to the outermost meteorite of the second ring.

Standing on the meteorite and sensing for a moment, it seemed to be frowning.

If it were a normal human, you might be able to see a frown, but unfortunately it looks like a fire elemental elf, with a body made of solid flames and a smooth face, like a ball of Q-elastic jelly.

"It seems to be the cosmic remnant of failed creation?" It looked around the meteorites around it, and although it had no eyebrows and obvious facial curves, it still showed a clear expression of disgust on its "jelly face".

"Such a bad technology, doesn't He know it himself, no sense at all? Shame on you, garbage!"

"But He is not the God of Creation, is he just a cosmic person? How can a cosmic person make such a big scene?"

The disgust on its face was replaced by curiosity.

It squatted down, pointed its empty palm at the meteorite, and made a hollow grip.

"Buzz buzz buzz ~~~" The meteorite began to vibrate violently, and strands of purple-black chaos magic seeped out from the ground and gathered in its palm.

The gathered magic was still twisting and deforming, turning into a holographic projection screen, and Harley's figure was almost about to appear on the screen, but the next moment, "Puff!"

The ball of chaos magic suddenly exploded, as if a grenade was detonated next to an ordinary person.

The "fire elf" only subconsciously raised the box to block it, and his body did not move at all.

"It can actually block my story extraction. This guy named 'Harley Quinn' is very unusual!"

It actually knew Harley's name.

If the chaos magic did not explode, the magic holographic projection screen would quickly evolve the life experience of the magic owner, even including most of his thoughts.

"Who is this guy? He can actually extract magic from a meteorite, and he almost spied on all my deeds through magic."

"Fire Elf" sighed as he stood on the meteorite, and Harley, who hid her will in the second ring, was also shocked.

The meteorite is almost her body cell.

If he can extract magic from a meteorite, then he can also extract magic from her?

Her magic defense expertise is already level 15!

She hesitated.

Originally, she would have come as soon as possible when a foreign visitor came, and it would be best to stop him outside the second ring.

No matter what the other party had in mind, the risk must be excluded from the universe, which was also her original intention to build the second ring.

But this "fire elemental spirit" was too weird. If it was too strong, its breath could not be hidden from her at all. She could sense it as soon as it came, and it could not detect her spying; but if it was not too strong, why could it extract her magic and information from the meteorite?

Neither Papetua nor Dr. Manhattan could do it.

Harley couldn't figure out the purpose of this guy.

It didn't look like an enemy, because it was alone and entered the second ring directly without hesitation, and behaved very frankly. It knew that the second ring was built by her, but it didn't change its tracks or put on a vigilant posture.

"Should I test it first? Understand its purpose and power."

Harley hesitated in her heart, and her mind quickly scanned the first and second rings.

Then she locked on a target, and her expression became a little weird.

"This guy is sending signals to the Great Almighty Universe again. Since you are so eager to see the 'aliens', let you be the first person to have the 'third kind of contact'."

Harley's heart moved, and the meteorite formations in the second and first rings began to change quietly.

The meteorite ring in the direction of the "Fire Spirit" became wider and wider.

That is, the "Fire Spirit" is farther away from the main universe, and it takes more time to really enter the DC multiverse.

At the same time, a meteorite hiding a spaceship came from the outer edge of the first ring to the depths of the second ring.

The second ring is relatively calm, with only the disintegrating galaxies wandering here.

The vicinity of the first ring is relatively safe, with too many monsters and demons active nearby, not only gods and magicians, but also cosmic civilizations and galaxy forces have sent scientific expedition teams to conduct research in the void.

There are also many forces that quietly send signals to the Great Almighty Universe outside, and some bastards even take the initiative to join the Giant Hand Clan and want to be "multiverse traitors" to betray Harley and the Justice League.

Now there is a spaceship disguised as a meteorite, which was quietly sent into the second ring by Harley and placed on the road of the "Fire Spirit".

"Ding ding ding!"

The moment the movement was completed, the "Great Almighty Universe Radar" inside the meteorite emitted a sharp chirping sound.

The green-skinned scientist busy in the laboratory was stunned for a few seconds, and then his face showed ecstasy, "It's been almost a year, I finally contacted the Great Almighty Universe, I finally-Hey, the abnormal signal source seems to be approaching me quickly, could it be that they not only received the signal I sent out, but also followed the signal to find me directly?"

"Should we meet them immediately? What if they have bad intentions?" His face changed several times, and he ordered: "Alert robots, all go out, bring the abnormal people here, if there is resistance, kill without mercy!"

He was very eager to contact the Great Almighty Universe, and he also believed that his wisdom was worthy of the attention of any Great Almighty Universe transcendent.

But when he really came into contact with the visitors from the Great Almighty Universe, he began to feel uneasy again.

"Send the robot hunters to test their strength first! My robot hunters have the most advanced technology in the multiverse, and can even move in the void. Even if they are not opponents, they can show my strength and make them dare not underestimate me."

"It's interesting. Although Harley Quinn's creation technology is extremely bad, her magic attainments are very high."

The fire elf left the outermost meteorite, carrying a metal box, and flew straight towards the DC main universe.

It passed by meteorites at high speed, and exclaimed, "The space power is completely eliminated inside the meteorite belt.

It must use more energy than the entire ring belt to collapse the ring belt structure, and destroy the ring belt structure to break her rules.

Even if I have the skills and power to forcibly tear the void, the cost is too high, and it may not succeed. She will definitely stop me, which is not worth it.

How much chaos magic did she use to create-Hey, who is spying on me?"

Almost at the same time when the scientists discovered the abnormal signal, its spiritual sense had a strong induction.

Not long after, it saw thousands of robots flying in front.

They were all ferocious, armed to the teeth, and arranged in arrays, as dark as a cloud, rushing towards it.

"Are they all here for me?" The "Fire Elf" was a little surprised.

It did not take action immediately, but took the initiative to make way and observe the robot's reaction.

They did not pass by it honestly, they came for it.

"Foreign invaders, raise your hands to surrender, or eliminate them!" Densely packed robot hunters surrounded it, and one of the robots even sent out digital mental fluctuations.


The "Fire Elf" glanced at them and gently raised his left hand.


The scarlet flame energy instantly filled the surrounding void, and the robot hunter that could fly in the second ring did not even struggle, and directly turned into nothingness in the sticky flames.

It was almost instantly dissolved, without even a slag left.

The "jelly face" of the "Fire Elf" had a calm expression, as if nothing had been done, and it continued to fly forward.

It did not stop until it arrived in front of the meteorite hidden by the scientists.

"Since you know I'm from the Great Almighty Universe, why do you still send those rubbish to stop me? Where do you get the courage and confidence?"

No one responded to it.

It raised its left hand again and snapped its fingers gently.

There were golden red sparks flickering at its fingertips.


The giant meteorite was directly torn apart from the middle by powerful invisible power.

It's like an ordinary person tearing a piece of hard bread into two pieces.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Colorful energy beams shot out from the inside of the exploded meteorite and disappeared before they even got close to the "Fire Elf".

"Your struggle is of no use. I am the clerk of the almighty universe. I am protected by the power of origin. No one can harm me at all."

"Fire Elf" sounded impatient, and gently waved his free left hand.

"Crack - buzz~~~~" The broken meteorites flew in all directions, revealing the huge spaceship inside. The energy of the spacecraft was turned off, and all energy turrets immediately ceased firing.

The bulkhead facing the "Fire Elf" also tore a huge hole into the interior.

A strong spiritual wave came from the direction of the bridge, "Dear Master Transcendence, I don't have any ill intentions towards you. I am just a scientist and a scholar. I am - ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, the "Fire Elf" had already entered the spacecraft and was opposite him in an instant.

"Vil Dox, a Korru, the son of Brainiac, also known as 'Brainiac 2'."

"Fire Elf" looked at him and said: "Your father Brainiac was executed by the Witch Harley. Well, it was Harley Quinn.

In the previous Omega Titans event, your father was completely killed by Harley Quinn.

Then the Koru civilization freed you.

Brainiac 2 replaces Brainiac as the new 'Korlu Traitor' and 'Cosmic Disaster'. Interestingly, in order to survive and develop, civilization has no noble moral character that individual life possesses.

Both your father and now you are 'white gloves' who do dirty work for the Kolu civilization, plundering potential emerging civilizations and secretly suppressing forces hostile to the Kolu civilization.

You are unwilling to give in. Your father loves his mother civilization very much and is willing to sacrifice his reputation and life for his mother planet. You have complicated feelings for Kelu, a mixture of love and hate, hehehe.

Taking advantage of the collapse of the Origin Wall, you sneak out of the universe with the 'Omega Titan Technology' provided by the Koru people.

Well, the Koru people have spent a lot of money. They made great sacrifices to salvage the Omega Titan fragments from the "Cage Universe", and they have all been handed over to you.

Your father was once the smartest man in the universe, and now you have become the ‘smartest man’.

The Koru people expect you to inherit his work. While acting as the white glove of civilization, doing dark work for the Koru people, you can also help the Koru civilization develop the most cutting-edge technology.

You are indeed smart. With just a few pieces of the Omega Titan, you have initially developed the technology of Taixu navigation and communication.

In the past half year, you have sent messages to the outside of the Almighty Universe countless times. Well, you thought I was the response to your messages.

No, Brainia 2, I'm not here for you, I didn't receive your message at all. "

From the moment the "Fire Elf" called his name and revealed his identity, Brainiac 2 was in shock.

While he was stunned, he guarded his mind and will to prevent others from reading his thoughts.

But the "fire elf" kept talking, and even his underwear was uncovered.

"How do you know this? I even dare to swear to 'Witch Harley' that my mental power has not been exposed at all, and my thoughts have never been stolen." His expression was both frightened and very alert.

"When you know my identity, you should no longer have any doubts." "Fire Elf" said calmly, but there was obvious arrogance and indifference on his "jelly face".

"You said you are the almighty clerk of the universe, protected by the power of origin." Brainiac 2's eyes flashed: "Reading my thoughts and memories quietly is the special ability of the 'clerk' or the transcendent person. Universal power?”

"Cosmic Man, you don't have any secrets in front of me. I don't need to read your thoughts and memories at all. As long as I see you, I will know your complete story." "Fire Elf" said.

Brainiac 2 swallowed, "In the past few months, I have indeed sent dozens of signals to the Almighty Universe. Are you really not here for this? I have detected your energy fluctuations, really. "

"You are very smart, but too arrogant. Your technology is not enough to transmit information to the omnipotent universe. No matter how many times you send signals, they will disappear into the void and cannot even reach the omnipotent void." "Fire Elf" said lightly .

"But I" Brainiac 2 suppressed the excitement and dissatisfaction in his heart and said: "It doesn't matter, whether you came because of my signal or not, you came and I saw you.

This multiverse is about to usher in complete destruction. I want to leave here. You can take me away, or help me transform this 'Brainiac spaceship' and build it into an all-powerful space mothership. "

"Fire Elf" asked curiously: "Are you making demands of me? You are still very confident, and there is not even a trace of anxiety in your tone and expression."

Brainiac 2 smiled slightly, and his smile became more confident, "I know that there are countless multiverses in the omnipotent universe, and our universe is just one of them.

Since there are countless multiverses, there must be communication activities beyond the multiverse.

When there are exchanges, there will be trade, or transactions.

Once there is a transaction, a general equivalent that is universal in the omnipotent universe will inevitably be born. "

"Fire Elf" also had a smile on his face, "You are very smart."

Brainiac 2 said proudly: "I am also certain that information itself must be one of the widely circulated 'currencies' in the Almighty Universe.

And information is not limited to scientific and technological knowledge, culture and history, all information is valuable. "

"Fire Elf" nodded slightly, "Although you are a cosmic person, you have the knowledge of the almighty universe. You are worthy of being the 'smartest person in the universe'."

Brainiac 2 couldn't help but smile excitedly.

He pointed sideways at the mainframe of the spacecraft and said: "There is an old saying in our universe, which is called 'poor people get rich'.

Now that I know what the currency of the Almighty Universe is and I plan to escape from this dangerous cesspit, of course I will prepare all the supplies I can.

The ship's database contains nearly the entire history of the universe.

No doubt you have read about my life, my father and the Khoru civilization.

My father destroyed countless planets, and every time he would record all the civilization information on the planet.

I inherited his lifelong achievements, and I also stole the Koru civilization information archives.

Hehehe, even Witch Harley is not as rich as me. "

"You are right, you are very rich and your 'currency' is very satisfying to me."

The "Fire Elf" had a big smile on his "jelly face".

For the first time, it opened the metal box it had been carrying in its right hand, and bright green light radiated from the box.

Harry looked at it from the perspective of the second ring. It was obvious that the box was very shallow, at most 5 centimeters deep from the outside, but the green light inside was extremely deep and mysterious, as if it contained a bottomless abyss.

The "Fire Elf" put its hand into the box, and green light condensed on its palm, turning into a thick book.

It's very similar to the Great Dictionary of Humans on Earth.

Harley saw small balls symbolizing the multiverse on the cover. The balls were connected by a line, with two English words in the middle, codex omniversa (book of the omnipotent universe).


She was just a little confused, and then her eyes blurred. Two English words turned into several Chinese characters, "The Holy Book of the Almighty Universe".

It gradually dawned on Harry that anyone could understand the title of the book.

"Especially for me, the information you can provide is more meaningful because I am the recorder of the story."

The "Fire Elf" hung the empty box on his waist, holding the "Almighty Holy Book" in both hands, but looked at Brainiac 2 with a strange look.

Brainiac 2 was so excited that he didn't notice anything unusual about its gaze.

"I knew it! Hahaha, according to my deduction, neither energy nor matter can be unique.

To the Creator God, the matter and energy born in the universe are worthless.

Only information is unique.

There are no two identical leaves in the world, and there are no two identical universes in the omnipotent universe.

Even though the multiverse I live in is dangerous, remote, and barren, and completely unworthy of my extraordinary abilities, it still has its own uniqueness in the omnipotent universe, and its information and story are also unique.

As long as everything has value. "

The guess was recognized by the visitor from the omnipotent universe, and his "wealth" also made the other party very satisfied. Brainiac 2 was extremely excited.

He waved his arms vigorously a few times and shouted: "Let's trade, sir. You already know my request, give me enough power or technology to survive in the omnipotent universe.

I personally prefer science and technology, so you don’t have to worry that I can’t understand it.

I will prove to you that even in the omnipotent universe, 'Brainiac' is the representative of the 'first intelligence'. "

"Fire Elf" shook his head and said: "I won't trade with you, no need."

It opened the "Almighty Holy Book" in its hand, and bright green light emerged from the pages, and a strange power enveloped Brainiac 2.

"Ahhhhh~~~~~~" His expression was twisted in pain, and he opened his mouth and let out a shrill scream.

His eyes seemed to have turned into super laser eyes, shooting out two beams of golden light. Countless pictures flashed through the light beams. Each light particle represented a piece of information. All the light fell on the page. It was captured by "The Almighty Saint" "Classic" absorbed.

"Justice League, Brainiac, Green Lantern Corps, Cosmic Doom, Mongol, Harley Quinn...ah, what a wonderful story, what a magical character."

The "Fire Elf" read the contents of the pages carefully, murmuring words, and gradually showed a mixture of intoxication and shock on his face, "This multiverse is so amazing!

I have witnessed countless multiverses on the verge of extinction, but never have the stories of any universe been so colorful.

Just reading these stories makes my mouth water and my appetite whet my appetite, if I can"

It shook its head, closed the book, and sighed with regret: "Oh, what a pity, what a pity, this is a world for heroes and villains!

The cosmic fairy tale they jointly staged should be endless and infinite.

Moreover, this multiverse has so much ‘original power’. It should be full of vitality and all things are competing, but it should never be on the verge of death today. "

The beam of light in Brainiac 2's eyes disappeared. He stood up in confusion and trembling. While slapping his forehead vigorously, he murmured: "What original force, cosmic fairy tale? What did you do to me? The information in my mind, Information in my central database"

"Although you have collected a lot of information about the universe, it is still a drop in the bucket for the entire multiverse. I still need more."

The "Fire Elf" put the book back into the metal box and planned to leave.

"That's all my cosmic information, my wealth, and my currency. You are robbing me! Are you robbing me?" Brainiac 2 screamed in grief and anger.

Although he screamed miserably when the information was first extracted, his body and soul were not injured at all, but there was a faint emptiness deep in his heart.

Of course, he was being robbed at this moment, and there was too much strong anger, unwillingness, shock, and hatred in his heart. These strong emotions covered up the emptiness deep in his heart.

"Fire Elf" glanced at him and said calmly: "I have never been in the habit of trading with 'space people'."

"No trading, only robbing? Are you a transcendent person, or some kind of 'omnipotent cosmic clerk'? Where is your honor, where is your morality? You are shameless when you rob me, a little cosmic person?!" Brainia 2 said excitedly.

"Fire Elf" asked strangely: "Why do you bind the 'Transcendent' with honor and morality?

Are honor and morality necessary to become a transcendent person?

If you think so, why don't you pursue honor and morality yourself? It's obvious that you long for detachment.

You and your father are both "cosmic catastrophes", exploding stars and annihilating people, committing all kinds of evil, and have always regarded morality and honor as shit. "

Brainiac 2 was filled with anger and grievance, but was speechless, unable to utter a single word of rebuttal.

"Is it true that the omnipotent universe is completely dominated by the weak and the strong?" he asked desperately.

"Fire Elf" shook his head and said: "When you accidentally step on an ant, will you tell it, 'This is the law of the jungle'?"

"I'm not even qualified to be eaten by you?" Brainiac 2 yelled sadly.

"Fire Elf" softened his tone slightly and said: "You are the 'dead', you are not qualified to talk about qualifications.

I am not targeting you, you are all dead.

As an all-powerful cosmic clerk, I am actually restricted by rules. I cannot trade with the dead or interfere with the death cries of the dead. "

"What does the dead mean?" Brainiac 2 took out the energy gun, pointed at the "Fire Elf" and said: "Don't leave, please speak clearly."

"The dead literally means that your multiverse is about to die completely. It's not a death of structural collapse, it's a story."

"Fire Elf" hesitated for a moment, then changed his words: "The story has come to an end, it's over, do you understand?

The story of your multiverse ends at this moment.

The story of the universe has ended, and all the characters in the story are dead and will perish. "

Brainiac 2 shouted: "What does the story of the universe have to do with me?

I was just born in this universe, I don't like it, let alone live and die with it.

It is barren and backward, which limits the development of my talents.

I want to go to the beautiful and bright Almighty Universe, and I want to show myself on a bigger stage!

Stop talking nonsense and help me get out of this stinky cesspit that should have been destroyed long ago. "

"Do you really think everything is beautiful and bright outside?"

"Fire Elf" turned around and faced Brainiac 2 again.

It ignored the energy gun aimed at its head and only looked at him with a strange look that mixed pity and sarcasm.

“If you want to know what the omnipotent universe is like outside, you don’t have to explore it yourself.

My "Almighty Holy Book" records countless stories of the universe, more worlds than you can come into contact with if you continue to explore them all your life. "

It reopened the metal box, took out the book, pointed it at Brainiac 2's face, and opened the book.

This time the pages of the book did not emit green light, they just flipped, just like a normal book.

"Ahhhhh~~" Brainiac 2's expression was even more twisted and painful than when the information was extracted just now.

His screams were no longer like those a human could make, and his eyes quickly became bloodshot, covered with thick meridians.

"No, no, take it away, please, please - vomit~~~"

He vomited.

I vomited so hard that I almost threw out my intestines.

"Human beings always decorate the unknown world with their best fantasies, instead of cherishing everything they have now."

"Fire Elf" closed the book and put it back into the metal box. "You have actually been living in beauty and light. Your world is enough for anyone to envy, but you did not protect your own beauty, which is sad."

"No, you are lying, you deliberately lied to me, there must be more than what you showed me.

There must be a better place than this mud pit, you - don't go, don't go! "Brainiac 2 lay on the ground wailing, but the figure of the "Fire Elf" had disappeared in front of him.

"It didn't just wipe you out when you pointed a gun at it. It doesn't seem like a bad guy. At least it can communicate and won't start shouting to kill you as soon as they meet." A faint female voice suddenly sounded above him.

"Who?" Brainiac 2 looked up, and was shocked to see Harley with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Witch Harley, why are you here? When did you come here?"

"I sent you to it. A guy like you can survive from its hands. I probably understand its character, abilities and purpose."

Silently, Harley disappeared.

Before the "Fire Elf" left the second ring, she shouted from a distance: "Friend, please stay!"

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