I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2053 The crisis of crisis power

Meteorite stars from the ends of the earth.

"Dong dong dong" The people in the Jingjing congregation who had been immersed in the joint prayer suddenly felt a knock on the door.

Well, there was no sound but vibration, and they felt the door vibrating regularly.

"Who is it?" The joint prayer was interrupted. Heavenly Father opened his eyes first and his tone was stiff.

"It's me, I'm Luther, and there are three creators and a few heroes of the Alliance beside me."

The stone door opened, and Luther and others saw that the stone house was not completely dark. The stone house was narrow and the Essence Club boss exuded a faint divine light or golden holy power, making the room glow with light, giving it a dreamy feel.

If they hadn't covered their naked bodies with simple clothes woven from hair, the scene would have looked very mysterious and beautiful.

"What do you want from us?"

There were three Creators standing opposite. Even though he felt unhappy, the Heavenly Father still did not dare to show obvious impatience on his face.

"The Faith Connection Machine has been built."

As Luther said this, he also glanced at Wonder Woman Diana beside him, his meaning was very obvious.

"So fast?" Everyone in the Jingjing Club was surprised and embarrassed.

They now understood why the other party came to visit them.

"The Tenth Metal is readily available, and with the help of our three brothers, it is reasonable to have such efficiency." Watcher Wu Tan said.

"The belief machine is there, waiting for someone to use it." The anti-monitoring king glanced at the people in the essence meeting indifferently, "You haven't contacted the Eagle Judge yet?"

"We are very sure that the news has been passed on, but the Eagle Judge has not given us any new revelations yet." Hera had doubts and annoyance on her face.

She raised her voice slightly and shouted: “We can work hard to unite in prayer, we can keep praying, but whether we get a response or not is completely out of our control.

The Eagle Judge ignores us, and there's nothing we can do about it! "

The three Creators fell silent.

Moke said: "Have you tried the belief machine? Are you sure it can run normally? Or, you can continue to research, improve the technology, and improve the efficiency of belief connection."

"Before the destined person who can withstand the anti-crisis force appears, there is no way to test it, and there is no way to try it." Luther explained: "The basic principle of the belief machine is to connect the characteristics of the thoughts of all sentient beings in the universe through the tenth metal, allowing a spirit to The leader directly encouraged everyone to place their faith in the destiny of the people.

My chosen spiritual leader is Superman.

Superman is the only one of you who has successfully put your faith in Wonder Woman, right?

This is the characteristic of Superman, his beliefs are very pure, and he is very good at inspiring people and uniting people.

The sentient beings of the universe may not necessarily believe in Wonder Woman, but they will be convinced by Superman.

The belief machine connects Superman's thinking to all living beings. Superman encourages everyone to gather everyone's beliefs and pass them to Wonder Woman.

In theory, even if there is no destined person, as long as Superman exists, you can try to activate the belief machine.

But faith needs to be firm and unswerving. It is impossible to believe in one person today and immediately change to believe in another person tomorrow.

It is easy for Superman to start the machine, but to whom will he entrust the faith of all sentient beings?

What if he gives his faith to Wonder Woman and the Eagle Judge drops the 'Third Revelation'?

Even if Judge Eagle still insists on the second revelation, Wonder Woman cannot retain her anti-crisis power at all now.

The belief of all sentient beings was superimposed on her, but the result was that it had no effect at all. If you were one of the sentient beings, wouldn't you be extremely disappointed?

If you are disappointed today, can you gather strong and unwavering faith again next time?

The beliefs of all sentient beings are gathered together by machines and cannot withstand destruction and suffering.

Either it's a one-time success, or it's a complete failure with no chance of testing and no possibility of a second choice. "

After a pause, Luther slowed down and added: "Of course, I am very confident in the belief machine I designed.

It will definitely play the role we expect, the key lies in the destined person.

In other words, the key is to be able to accept the carrier of anti-crisis power.

If Harley can accept the anti-crisis force now, we can superimpose faith on her. "

Stranger shook his head and said: "Harley can't do it. The belief machine can give her belief, but gaining the belief of all living beings does not necessarily mean gaining anti-crisis power."

Old Shazam held his head high and said proudly: "Don't think that the Essence will really eat nothing. Without us to convey the revelation, even if there is faith in all sentient beings, we cannot extract anti-crisis power from the multiverse.

Harley is now so powerful in the multiverse that even sentient beings in the parallel universe have begun to regard her as their faith and hope after watching the "New 52 TV" program.

I dare say that Harley has accumulated a lot of faith in all sentient beings, more than the heroes combined.

But it's no use, she can't turn her faith into anti-crisis power.

Using the beliefs of sentient beings to extract anti-crisis power from the multiverse requires special power, the power given by the judge!

This is the meaning of the existence of ‘Judge’s Revelation’. "

Luther glanced at him and said calmly: "Just because Harley couldn't do it in the past doesn't mean that she still can't do it now and in the future.

She has been working on world stories.

Once she finds a way to extract the power of story from the world's story, she can also extract the anti-crisis power without the judge's permission. "

Old Shazam was stunned and asked: "Haley already has an idea of ​​the world's story? Where is she now? How can I tell you?"

Luther turned his head and glanced behind him, and said hesitantly: "Harley's situation is very special. We dare not get close."

"Where are you afraid to get close? If you want to call her, you don't need to enter the omnipotent universe, just call her name outside." Old Shazan said.

"She is sitting on the divine engine and has not entered the omnipotent universe." Luther said.

"Oh, I almost forgot, she is now using the Divine Power Engine to compete with Papetua for negative base power.

Without the multiverse completely, the Divine Engine cannot function. "Old Shazam was stunned at first, and then asked doubtfully: "Since she is on the meteorite, why don't you dare to get close? "

"You'll know after you see it." Luther didn't know how to explain.

Everyone in the Essence Club was curious and left the small stone house one after another and walked in the direction of the Creation Divine Power Engine.

Wonder Woman reminded: "The focus now is Judge Destiny. It's useless for you to find Harley. Only the Essence Society can solve this problem."

"What's the use of you looking for us?" Hera turned back and glared at "Cheap Daughter", "We have already given your destiny to you before, but you lost it yourself, how can we still help you rebuild your faith and thoughts?

Perhaps the Eagle Judge only prepared the first and second revelations, and there was no third revelation at all.

If you can't restore your faith in the anti-crisis power, even the judge's presence will not help you.

If you don't make changes, no matter how much we pray together, we will never get an answer from the judge. "

Wonder Woman said with a complex expression: "Using anti-crisis power will cause many people to disappear directly and change reality drastically.

But the reason why we need to solve the crisis is not to protect the people around us and to protect the current reality from being distorted by Pappetua?

If the cost of using anti-crisis forces is to tamper with reality, what is the point of our fight against Papetua?

Papetua does not want to completely destroy the multiverse, she just wants to modify reality and reshape the current world into a negative base force universe. "

"Maybe the Giant Hands didn't prepare a way to get the best of both worlds for us." Bateman sighed softly: "The Giant Hands want to harvest our multiverse. The Eagle Judge's revelation is not to help us save the multiverse, but not to help us save the multiverse. Let the multiverse fall into Papetua's hands.

For us, the cost of completely rewriting reality after using anti-crisis forces is absolutely unacceptable.

But the Giant Hands originally planned to completely reclaim our multiverse. It doesn't matter if they smash the world or end reality. How could they care about reality being rewritten? "

"Why does using anti-crisis power cause real people to disappear?" Luther frowned: "Could it be that extracting the power of the story from the world story can directly affect the story characters themselves?"

The anti-monitoring king said calmly: "You have reversed the cause and effect. The concept of world story and the power of story did not exist at the beginning. After Harley heard about the consequences of using anti-crisis power, she integrated her understanding of the story of the universe and analyzed The conclusion that the Giant Hands can extract power from stories leads to the speculation of the power of stories.”

“If using anti-crisis force will distort reality, there should be a price for using crisis force. What is the price?

Will reality be distorted and people disappear?

If people and reality are distorted, our memories will also change, or disappear, right? "Luthor asked.

The Forger glanced at him and said angrily: "Ask us, we still want to ask you! Only Papetua uses the crisis force, and you are her number one loyal dog, why didn't you ask her in the first place?"

Luther was about to speak when suddenly there was an exclamation from the front, "Oh my god, is Harley about to ascend?!"

It's old Shazam.

A few of them were talking nonsense in the back, while the naked ones in front of the elite congregation had already arrived under the Creation Divine Power Engine.

They saw that the huge golden throne and under Harry were enveloped by the strong divine power of faith. It seemed that countless scenes and characters could be seen among the steaming clouds and mist.

From a distance, it looks like a ball of colorful light is holding up Harley.

"These beliefs are a bit strange." Hera frowned.

"They are pure divine powers of faith, but they were not born from our multiverse. I guess they come from the universe next door." The Anti-Monitor King said.

"So many, all from the universe next door?" Hera asked in surprise.

Without waiting for the Anti-Monitor King to respond, she shook her head and said: "No, not all of it comes from the universe next door, but some of it comes from our multiverse."

"What is Harley doing? Isn't she developing the universe next door? Why not give the power of faith to the followers of the God of War? The stronger the believers are, the higher the efficiency of developing the new world!" Heavenly Father wondered.

The anti-monitoring king pondered: "Maybe the universe next door has been developed to its limit. There is too much faith power for believers to use up, so they can only withdraw it back to the original body."

"What? It has been developed to the limit, and the entire universe believes in the God of War?" Old Shazam shouted.

The anti-surveillance king said calmly: "The limit is that we cannot continue to expand the scale, which does not mean taking over the entire universe."

"Why don't you ask Harley? Harley is up there." Hera said.

"She didn't respond when I called her, and we didn't dare to get too close to the throne." Luther pointed to the "Cloud of Divine Power of Faith" above and said, "Did you see it? There seem to be countless worlds, countless scenes and countless characters in it."

Hera looked at the various scenes that appeared in large numbers and disappeared quickly, and said: "It should be the memories of believers who provide the power of faith, or the scenes during prayer."

Luther said: "I don't know if they are the memories of believers in the power of faith. I only know that they will become very strange after touching them."

"What's so strange?" Hera asked.

"You can try it yourself. There is danger, but it's probably not life-threatening." Luther's tone was strange, with a faint expectation in his eyes.

Not just him, it seemed like everyone else outside of the Essence Club wanted her to give it a try.

"Have you tried it before?" Hera looked around, grabbed old Shazam's shoulders, and gently swung it up, "Shazam, you go and give it a try."

"Ouch!" Old Shazam exclaimed, and he had reached the edge of the cloud of faith.

"Uh ho ho ho." He made a strange cry, and the expression on his face seemed to change thousands of times in an instant.

From an ordinary person's perspective, old Shazam's body seemed to be vibrating at a high frequency, and an afterimage appeared around him.

"What's wrong with him?" Stranger asked in surprise.

"There seems to be time fluctuations." The master looked at the anti-monitoring king with questioning eyes and spoke in a low voice.

Anti-monitor frowned, "This is not a normal time fluctuation. It's very strange. I don't understand it."

"Ahhh~~~" Old Shazam "quickly" broke away from the cloud of power of faith with a very slow movement.

He fell to the ground, his expression was in a daze, his mouth was drooling, his eyes were dull, as if he was stupid.

"Shazam, are you okay?" Hera looked at him with surprise. "There is no injury on your body, and the fluctuations in your soul are normal. Why are you so stupid?"

"It's not that he's stupid. With his state, he is completely unable to adapt to and understand the previous situation, and his mind is stuck in the confusion of self-protection.

It's like a severe pain in the head that makes a person pass out. "The anti-supervision king said.

"Three Creators, have you tried it?" Heavenly Father asked.

The three creators all looked unnatural.

"We've all tried it, but we don't know what happened." Luther said.

“Even the Creator is”

Hera swallowed back the rest of her words with a shocked expression, turned to her cheap daughter, and asked: "Diana, you have the power of thick skin, but you can't resist the influence of the power of faith? It is just the pure power of faith!"

Diana said helplessly: "No matter how powerful Thick-skin is, I can't possibly use it to defend Harley!"

"Huhuhuhu" It seemed like a strong wind was blowing above the Golden Throne, and the clouds of the power of faith emitted light that was so bright that it stung the eyes.

They naturally merged together to form a huge human form, a hundred-meter-tall Harley whose body shone with the divine power of faith.

Harry, who believed in the divine power, had an expressionless face, and there was no trace of human emotion in his eyes that radiated golden light.

It looked down at them, and a heavy pressure fell on the hearts of the people around it.

The next moment, the giant god of faith, Harley, quickly shrank, shrinking from a height of 100 meters to her normal form.

But its body surface is still golden, as if the golden person made of gold is more shining than the real golden person, because the golden person can only reflect light and not shine by itself, while the golden Harley is as bright as the sun.

It sat on the Golden Throne, and another normal human, Harley, stepped down from the Golden Throne.

"Harry?" Diana asked tentatively.

Harley came to them and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"We, Luther, have built the belief machine, but the Essence Society still hasn't received the enlightenment. We don't know what to do." Diana explained first, and then asked: "What are you doing?"

Harley said: “I can’t sit on the throne all the time and process the prayer messages from believers.

If we only deal with the prayers of believers, we do not need the complete self.

I just need to build a framework of thinking and belief, and build an information bridge between believers and legal analysts.

The Law Analyst helps me handle all professional development needs of believers.

Not only do they help believers study magic and laws, but even the work of developing the church is handled by analysts who specialize in missionary work.

So I used half of my body and the divine power of faith from two multiverses to create a ‘Half Harley’.

'Half Harley' has reason and wisdom, no emotions, and no fatigue. It can build a bridge of faith and connect with the thinking of believers who are praying next door. It can convey the believer's understanding of the law to the law analyst, and can also analyze the law. The teacher’s analysis results are handed over to the believers.

Even the task of absorbing negative base force can be handled perfectly by Half Harley.

Of course, when believers pray to me, in addition to improving their magic career, they also deal with psychological and ideological issues.

Half Harley can answer all the doubts that believers have about the "Martial God King Bible" and ensure that they are still believers of the Martial God King and will not transform into believers of some illusory concept that is different from me. "

"So half of Harley is just a believer in God?" Diana asked doubtfully.

Harley shook her head, "No, belief in God is trapped by faith, and will be blackmailed and distorted by the faith of believers.

Half of Harley is half of me. It’s not just about using the divine power of faith to create a body of faith.

In fact, the main purpose of integrating the divine power of faith into half of Harley is to improve my faith connection with believers from other worlds.

With the help of hundreds of thousands of analysts of gods and demons, my basic laws have completed the first stage of upgrade.

Whether it is the exclusive sacrificial circle or the faith link bridge, they must be upgraded accordingly, and the efficiency and power will be greatly improved. "

"How big of an improvement is a substantial improvement?" Hera asked curiously.

Harry pondered: "Assume that ordinary believers are level 1, and the Holy Spirit who is enough to enter the City of Holy Sound is level 10. Before, I could only sense the prayers of believers above level 7.

It is also necessary to completely leave the second ring and enter the omnipotent universe.

With faith below level seven, I couldn't hear his voice at all and couldn't establish a faith connection with him.

Now that the faith level is higher than level five, you have the qualification to communicate with ‘God’.

If you are a believer above level six, even if the Golden Throne is placed on a meteorite at the end of the world, you can still establish a separate faith connection with me. "

"Before, believers sacrificed energy-rich cosmic wonders to me. I could only get 10% of them, and the remaining 90% were all lost during transmission. Now the loss has been reduced to 70%!"

"The loss of 70% is also high, but considering the time when the Law Analysis Group was established." Hera's expression changed. "The Law Analysis Group system is too scary. Now it is replaced by 'Half Harley', which is even more terrifying. It is almost impossible Tired, he keeps improving his realm of law, and keeps expanding the scale of his faith in other worlds. There is no end.

There are no limits, because you can perceive countless ‘multiverses next door’. "

"Harry, how many believers and priests with miraculous power do you have now?" Heavenly Father asked.

“The Martial God King Sect has established strongholds on 200 planets, and each stronghold has at least one large temple.

The total number of believers has just exceeded 10 million, and the number of pastors has exceeded 1 million. " Harley said.

"I'm sorry, the ratio of priests is too high." Stranger said in surprise.

Harley sighed: "Without power, it is not enough to fight against demons. But if we do not know how to suppress demons, it will be difficult to develop the belief in the God of War on a planet with mature civilizations.

The high proportion of priests just shows that the Martial God King Sect is still struggling to develop. "

"But you only had 500,000 believers and more than 500 priests before." Hera said.

Harley said calmly: "The 'before' in your mouth is already five years ago to the universe next door.

Without my guidance, only a dozen believers were able to develop 500,000 followers within two years.

With me and hundreds of thousands of gods and demons serving as the "white-bearded grandpa" for 500,000 believers, it took five years to develop tens of millions of believers. This is already the result of my deliberate reduction in scale. "

"Five years? Time flows so fast in another world. Is there any pattern?" Hera asked.

Harley pointed at the old Shazam who still looked stupid, "Do you know what happened to him?"

"He just touched the cloud of your power of faith and became stupid." Hera glanced at the anti-monitor and continued: "The Creator said that he could not adapt to the environment, and his brain fell into a state of self-protection."

Harley said: "I am also very confused about the rules of the time flow rate ratio between two different multiverses.

If possible, I would like time to flow faster next door because we are running out of time here.

In the process of experimenting, I created the concept of time around myself.

I change my own time to observe the flow of time in the universe next door.

Finally, my time enters a state of high-frequency change. In one second of yours, the flow rate of time around me changes by thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of times. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. What changes is only the flow rate of time. It's just that the frequency of changes is too high.

People who are close to me will also enter my time category. For one second in the main universe, his time changes hundreds of thousands of times.

You can't adapt, and your brain is in a state of confusion. "

"Why do you need to change your time at high frequency? Could changing your time change the time flow rate ratio of the two multiverses?" Diana asked in surprise.

Harley pondered: "It may have something to do with feeling and thinking. When I feel that time passes quickly, time in the universe next door passes quickly, but I can't disguise my thinking."

She sighed helplessly, "I don't know the specific principle, but I just found that high frequency changes my own time flow rate, which makes my mind lose the concept of time, and the time flow rate in the next universe will be more stable.

Even my thinking can't adapt to the speed of time, let alone yours. "

She walked up to old Shazam and patted his forehead a few times.

Old Shazam's eyes gradually became clearer.

"More stable does not mean faster." Diana said.

"But it won't get slower, because I think time is slower. As a result, it takes one year on our side and one day on the other side.

I feel that the time flow rate in the universe next door is slow, and its time flow rate will really change. Then I felt more miserable and it became slower.

I can't disguise my thinking, I can only make my thinking lose the perception of the flow of time. " Harley said.

Everyone couldn't understand, and they all frowned and fell into silence.

After a while, Hera asked first: "Harry, why do you want to reduce the size of the Martial God Cult? Aren't the more believers the better?"

Harley said: "The King of Martial Gods has real power, very powerful power, and the power can easily be abused.

I am very generous to believers, and basically formal priests can receive divine blessings.

But I never want my thick-skinned holy power to be used for unjust killings.

I have no moral obsession, nor do I require believers to adhere to the concept of absolute justice that ordinary people cannot adhere to. In fact, I have not mentioned absolute justice in the "Martial God King Bible" at all.

All I ask is that they don’t be ‘bad guys’. They can be bad, but they can’t be villains.

For this reason, I would rather slow down the expansion rate of faith than tolerate the corruption of the priest team.

In five years, the Martial God King's Adjudication Office dealt with more than 20,000 regular priests. "

As long as Harry relaxes his demands and agrees to the suggestions of some "great lords of the planet" to let the church power of the planet surrender to the establishment, the number of followers of the God of War should be measured in "tens of billions".

"I just hate that I don't have enough strength to build a disaster system in the next universe." She sighed sadly.

The corners of Moke's mouth twitched, "We have an internal censorship system, which is already better than most churches.

At least the Lord will be very satisfied with your development strategy of choosing the best from the best. "

Harley waved her hand, "Internal review is not enough. Internal review can only deal with people who have committed numerous crimes, but cannot prevent them from happening.

Some guys are so smart and cunning that even the tribunal can't detect any mistakes. It's up to me to personally find out the problems in the fallen priest's beliefs. "

"The Heavenly Tribulation System can only punish evildoers who have already committed crimes. It cannot stop them before they commit crimes." Mo Ke said.

Harley pondered: "I am currently studying the 'Martial God Sect's Exclusive Heavenly Tribulation System', which is specifically aimed at the clergy of the Martial God King Sect.

As long as the faith of the clergy fluctuates, the exclusive disaster system will immediately generate a response, and then use time and fate to evaluate the cause of the evil that the clergy may have caused.

If the cause of the crime reaches the standard, even if he hasn't done any evil yet, divine punishment will immediately come from heaven - activating the thick-skinned holy power in his body and hacking him to death alive.

If the cause of the sin is not sufficient to warrant divine punishment, a warning is given. "

"It's too difficult to be your pastor." Old Shazam shouted: "If we continue like this, the believers will become alienated, and the Martial God King Sect will fall apart sooner or later."

Harley said: "What leaves are all impurities, and what remains are pure crystals.

Moreover, I am not a harsh person, and the standards I set are only those of a 'qualified human being'.

As long as you remain a human being, you won't be struck to death by divine punishment.

In addition to punishment, there are also rewards. Those priests who perfectly believe in the "Martial God King Bible" will receive divine grace.

By the way, there are also religious PUAs!

Most cults will turn good people into idiots through PUA, but if you change your thinking, PUA can also turn villain followers into kind and good people.

The three-pronged approach of punishment, divine grace, and religious PUA ensures that the King of Martial Gods religion is full of vitality and all things thrive. "

Old Shazam frowned and said: "I still think it's unreliable, you are too harsh on believers.

Tens of billions of years have passed since the birth of the multiverse. I have seen countless gods and sects. The first time I heard about using divine punishment to strike believers was to strike them before they made a mistake.

In any case, your Martial God King religion is just a variant of Christianity.

Formal Christianity blessed by angels is not as exaggerated as you.

Even the Holy Spirit chosen by God may commit numerous crimes, but as long as he sincerely repentes, God can still forgive him for his past mistakes. "

"The Martial God King's religion belongs to Harley, and Harley can do whatever he wants!

You, a guy who has not even broken through to the main god, how can you have the courage to question Harley, who is the almighty overlord of the universe?

You think she is wrong just because you are a frog in the well and do not have enough realm to understand the greatness of Harley's religious policies. "

Hera scolded him, then turned to Harley, showing a flattering smile, and said: "Now that the belief machine has been built, but the judge still has no revelation, what should we do?"

Just as Harry was about to speak, his consciousness suddenly became blurry, and some memories in his mind began to become blurry.

She immediately activated all her defensive specialties, and her body even lit up with the DC Shield.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Everyone looked at her in shock.

Harley said in a deep voice: "Don't you feel it?"

"How does it feel?"

Harley frowned, the DC Shield was activated, but the memory in her mind was still fading and disappearing.

She desperately tried to hold on to the disappearing memories, as if she was calling people who were leaving to stay through the soundproof glass.

The boss's strength was wasted but he couldn't use it on the key points.

Defense feats cannot prevent the fading of memories at all.

What does this mean?

It was not she who was changed, but the world.

Has reality been rewritten?

No, it is more terrifying than rewriting, because simple reality rewriting cannot affect her memory.

Could it be that events at the world story level are being deleted, and certain events are being completely erased, as if they never happened?

If it hadn't happened, she shouldn't remember it, and the existing memories would disappear.

Harry's heart moved and asked: "Xiao Zhou, please check carefully. Has the sixth dimension been invaded?"

Currently, only the extraction of crisis power and anti-crisis power can affect the world story. There is no movement on their side, and no one is using the faith machine even after it is built. It can only be because Pam has taken action.

"Don't worry, everything is normal in the nightmare dimension, I'm keeping an eye on it!" the caster said confidently.

"It's normal! Papetua has already begun to extract crisis power." Harley said with an ugly expression.

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