I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 2015 Thinking Clothes

"Hahaha, I didn't expect omnipotent space flight to be so simple."

In the dark and lightless environment of the omnipotent universe, Harley not only put on her clothes again, but also looked like a happy little fish, drawing beautiful and simple golden arcs in the darkness.

Her previous Sandman robe had disintegrated and dissipated in the omnipotent universe of absolute nothingness.

Even Sandman's robe couldn't hold up, and other clothes couldn't adapt to the environment of the Omnipotent Universe, so she went naked and explored the rules of the Omnipotent Universe alone.

Although the laws cannot be sensed at all in the omnipotent universe, it does have its own rules. The laws cannot be sensed, but the rules can be detected.

For example, all matter in the omnipotent universe will be broken down into shallow points of light and eventually disappear completely.

This is also considered a rule.

For another example, Taixu is like an island in the omnipotent universe. Taixu is absolutely void, and the island is even more empty and silent. It is "the Taixu in the Taixu".

For another example, the reason why Taixu is called "Taixu Illusion" is because Taixu is so nihilistic that thoughts that escape from people's minds can also appear in Taixu.

In the physical universe, when people think or recall, they will also emit thought waves outward.

Luther's brain wave device can capture thought waves. Amozo used Luther's technology in the process of being created, so he can steal other people's thought waves.

It's just that the material universe has matter, space, laws, energy, and too many "existences". These "existences" block the waves of thought.

In Taixu, there is no matter, space, laws and energy, nothing, nothing exists. When only one thing exists, even if it is very conceptual thinking, it will be particularly conspicuous and distinct.

The omnipotent universe is just a deeper emptiness, which also manifests thought waves.

After studying the rules, Harley quickly figured out a way to cover her body: constructing clothes and jewelry with her mind.

At first she just controlled her thoughts and formed an illusion of clothing around her.

Whatever you are thinking in your head can be revealed in Taixu as long as the GPU in your head is strong enough.

Even if the GPU is not enough and the illusion is a bit rough, it is still high-definition enough for him and is no different from the real world.

Because its GPU is insufficient, the maximum bit rate it can output is also the highest high-definition image quality it can accept and process.

If there is another person present at this time, and his GPU is higher than the person who projects Taixu Illusion, he can see the fakeness of Taixu Illusion at a glance.

Just like the human eye watching 4K, 2K, and 720p videos.

If the GPU of the person who projects the illusion is too high, other people will regard the illusion as an absolutely real world, and their thinking ability is not enough to distinguish the falsehood in it.

If Harley projected an illusion into the void and threw the people on earth into it, they would think they were in the real world.

The same is true for the clothes in Taixu Illusion. In the eyes of people whose GPU is not as good as Harley, she wears gorgeous clothes, but in the eyes of experts, she is still naked.

Therefore, Taixu Illusion clothes can only be used excessively, and she cannot be satisfied with this.

Harley's final solution was to use her mind to weave a suit of clothes.

The illusion of Taixu is a world of thoughts that naturally evolves from the scattered brain waves in Taixu.

Brain waves are uncontrollable - if they could be controlled, they wouldn't escape.

In the same way, the process of escape is also uncontrolled.

The process of natural evolution is even more beyond the control of the parties involved, because these are Taixu's rules. At least so far, Harley has not seen anyone who can control or change Taixu's rules.

The entire formation process of Taixu Illusion is out of control, so can we control brain waves to actively create Taixu Illusion?

Harley can do this easily, she can precisely control every thought and strand of thought.

She was self-taught and didn't study much, so she controlled the formation of Taixu illusion. Next, she thought: Can she control her mind so that it enters Taixu and does not form an illusion?

Illusions are illusions after all and can be seen through by "experts".

She wants absolute reality, not fantasy.

Preventing thinking from becoming an illusion is the beginning of making thinking become reality.

Then Harry discovered that this was actually a process of practicing the "Thinking Sutra" and making his consciousness think.

There is no need for special secrets. As long as you can prevent your thoughts from becoming an illusion and become reality, you are evolving towards the life of thinking.

She created the "Thinking Scripture" and studied it for tens of thousands of years. There were many test subjects to help test it. Harley spent a little effort to think part of her consciousness and turned them into "thinking matter" ——A new set of clothes that can change as she pleases.

And that's not the end.

After weaving thoughts into the first set of "Ruyi New Clothes", Harley naturally had another idea: Can the attribute of "thick skin" be added to the thinking material?

The reason why it is "natural" is that she has done similar things before, more than once: she compiled the mentalized consciousness of Hades into a story. The story, like "Ruyi New Clothes", is a mentalized consciousness. "matter", and the story contains the divinity and memory of Hades. Divinity and memory are the properties of thinking materials.

Without divinity and memory, even if the thought story is transmitted to the mind of the person in the next universe, Hades will not be able to play its role - help Harley preach, help Harley's followers grow quickly, etc.

Since Hades can add divinity to mental consciousness, why doesn't she add thick-skinned properties to clothing?

So her "Ruyi New Clothes" transformed into the "thinking defense artifact" today.

Harley still doesn't know the specific defensive effect, but after putting on this "thick leather divine garment", her body no longer glows and dissipates in the omnipotent universe environment.

Of course, even without the thick-skinned divine clothing, her physical body has passively adapted to the environment of the omnipotent universe, and will not "actinize" like stars and planets - the light disappears.

But her body surface still glows with a very faint fluorescence.

Her dander and the sweat secreted from her body will still actinize.

After wearing the thick leather divine clothing, the sweat, dandruff and other body dirt on the body surface will no longer disappear, but will still remain on the body, requiring a bath.

Although for Harley, this is not even an advantage, but what if the thick leather divine clothing is put on someone else?

The thick-skin divine clothing is not too illusory. It is real and even materialized. Of course, it can be taken off and given to others.

For Harry, the thick leather garment is only used to cover the body.

She has no shortage of defenses and can survive in the omnipotent universe.

But to others, the thick leather armor is definitely the "first artifact in the DC multiverse".

Wearing it is invulnerable to water and fire, adaptable to any environment in the universe, and also adaptable to many scenes outside the universe.

After getting her clothes and covering her naked body, Harley began the second step of surviving in the almighty universe: moving.

The first step is to survive. After surviving, there is "activity". To be able to move, you must at least be able to move.

Stars and planets break away from the second ring and float towards the omnipotent universe. They are completely involuntarily and cannot control themselves. Even the spacecraft that takes off from the planet cannot fly.

Ordinary rocket engines rely on classical mechanics, comply with the conservation of kinetic energy, and burn chemical substances to form reverse thrust.

The super-light engine enters the super-light space and utilizes the rules of space and quantum.

Taixu has no rules at all, no energy, no space, Newtonian mechanics fails, and there is no superlight space to drill into for the hyperdrive.

But after truly understanding the rules, the movement of the omnipotent universe is countless times simpler than that of the material universe.

Harley still starts from the illusory realm: if she projects an illusion of a high-speed moving spaceship and she is in the spaceship, can she move with it?

she does not know.

After trying it, I still don’t know the result.

Because she forgot the nature of movement: motion is relative.

Before confirming whether there is movement and how fast it is moving, you must first find a frame of reference.

For others, after entering the omnipotent universe of absolute nothingness, their eyes are blank and their hearts are at a loss. They can't even find the direction, let alone a stable reference system.

The Hari people are in the Almighty Universe, but they still care about the main universe and the earth!

After all, after Papetua regains her freedom, she may kill the main universe at any time. If she cannot immediately know the changes on the earth and return instantly, how can she ensure the safety of the earth?

She just passed the second ring, which was the fragment of her body.

After taking control of the second ring, the meteorite in the second ring inspired a weak will belonging to Harley.

The meteorite in the second ring is her broken body. It is natural that the cells of her body have their own consciousness.

Also because her consciousness is hidden in the second ring meteorite, she can be alarmed by the transcendent power that enters the second ring. The essence will activate the judge's power near the second ring, and she will know it immediately.

The body of the second ring cannot directly monitor the earth at the center of the universe, but the power of the basic laws of the earth is controlled by Harley after all, and it cannot monitor the details. If there is a large energy reaction - such as the arrival of Pam, Harley will definitely feel it.

Therefore, Harley has no shortage of reference systems. The main universe, the second ring, and the entire DC multiverse can all become reference systems.

After selecting the reference frame, Harley was surprised to find that she didn't need to fiddle with the "Illusion Spaceship" at all. As long as she wanted to move toward the reference frame, she could move closer to it.

As long as she has a stable frame of reference and as long as she can "think", she can move, which is much easier than ordinary people flying in the material universe.

The power consumed by movement is the power of thinking. If you move for a long time, your mind will be exhausted, your head will be dizzy, and your body will be exhausted.

On the third day after mastering the high-speed movement skills of the Almighty Universe, Harley returned to the second ring.

She was called back by Dachao.

From the collapse of the origin wall to now, there have always been heroes coming in and out of the second ring.

The heroes travel through the second ring to save the planet floating towards the omnipotent universe. During this period, they often communicate with Harley's will: Harley's consciousness in the second ring tells the superheroes the approximate location of the lost planet.

After all, the universe is too big, the edge of the universe is too vast, and the number of heroes is very limited. Finding the lost planet entirely by yourself is like finding a needle in a haystack.

If something big happens on Earth, the heroes will also notify her.

"Harry, haven't you dealt with Papetua's incomplete thinking yet?" Da Chao was not alone. There were four Essence Clubs with anxious expressions and two Essence Clubs with expressionless faces around him.

Heavenly Father, Hera, Stranger, and Old Shazam are impatient, while Gunther and Ghost look dull.

Harley glanced at the ghost in normal human form and asked curiously: "You also joined the Essence Society?"

If it were the former ghost Jim Corrigan, he would definitely glare at Harley whenever they met, even if he was not her opponent, he would shout angrily.

Now the ghost's human consciousness has been replaced by a Gotham police officer named "Crispus Allen".

Jim Corrigan went to the lower heaven. According to his original merits, he should have ascended to the Holy Spirit. However, after being tortured by Harley, his faith was broken and his body was stained with sin. He could only go to the "Holy Spirit Training Class" in the lower heaven to meet Lao Qiao. (Dachao's adoptive father) became a classmate.

"Ghost was originally a preliminary member of the Essence Club, and we had already decided to invite him that day."

——After being ravaged by Ya Mo Zhuo, we have become more determined to recruit the ghost of "Two Flowers and Red Sticks in Heaven" to join our group.

Heavenly Father explained quickly, and then said anxiously: "Harry, it's been more than a week, haven't you figured out the hidden dangers of Papetua's remnants in the complex?"

"Don't worry, it's almost done." Harley said.

"How can we not be in a hurry? Now the entire multiverse knows the mission of the Essence Society."

Heavenly Father took out his Mother Box and projected a 3D holographic picture in front of Harley.

In the picture, Louise, the famous reporter from the multiverse, is wearing a dark blue suit, smiling and talking to the camera. The content of the discussion is "The Ancient and Mysterious Mission of the Essence Club Series".

"Louise is so efficient. She came up with another series of special topics so quickly." Harley exclaimed, turned to look at Dachao, and asked curiously: "Wasn't she psychologically affected by Pappetua? Not only is she efficient at work, but she is also equally efficient at getting out of her psychological shadow?"

Dachao glanced at the six members of the Essence Club, his expression was a little embarrassed, and his voice was very low, "The Essence Club is not a super villain organization. Even if it is made into a series of special topics, the members are open-minded and magnanimous. They are not like Pape. Tua doesn't tolerate the truth or criticism at all."

After a pause, he raised his voice again and added: "Louise is also for the overall interests of the universe.

Everyone can see that the origin wall has collapsed, and now everyone knows the identity of the enemy.

Pappetua is the mother of creation!

Just because of her identity as the Mother of Creation, all living beings dare not defy her will, or even dare to question her way of destruction.

Many people will also take the initiative to think along Luther's train of thought - the Mother of Creation is the incarnation of destruction, and the world of destruction she created is natural, while today's world is an unnatural distortion.

The only one who can stand up to the Mother of Creation is the Judge of Origin.

Papetua is only the mother of creation, but the Eagle Judge is the chief judge of the Creation God Organization. As a judge, the judge can better represent justice and power.

That's why Louise created the Essence Club series to appease people.

And Louise is not the first person to expose the secret of the essence.

In addition to Ya Mo Zhuo himself, there were many gods and demons who listened to the judge's death.

In just three or four days, the news was spread throughout the extraordinary world, and even the alien TV station directly disclosed the news.

Seeing that the judge's fate was completely exposed, Louise started to broadcast the essence meeting series. "

Well, start playing, not start producing.

Long before the news spread, Louise had immediately determined that this was big news and wanted to create a series immediately.

Queen Hera said displeased: "If she wants to promote the Origin Judge, she can create the 'Eagle Judge Series Special Topic'.

There is no need to make us the protagonists, nor should we only use indirect descriptions with some content about the origin judge. "

Dachao said: "We all know you, you are the Essence Society, the righteous elders of the universe, and you won't mind a series of special programs.

But we don’t understand the Origin Judge. If he is just like Papetua. Even if Papetua is even half as narrow-minded, Louise may suffer misfortune! "

What he said was plausible, well-founded and logical. After hearing this, everyone in the Jingjing Club felt more and more uncomfortable: Wasn't this clearly bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, treating them as soft persimmons that could be pinched at will?

The Stranger coughed slightly and said: "Harley, you saw that we have even launched a series of special programs. We really can't delay any longer. Now all the people in the multiverse are looking forward to the arrival of the Destined One.

Really, I'm not exaggerating, you can watch the news about alien civilizations, they even held a super parade.

Americans just paraded around the streets, but aliens held hundreds of billions of people in spaceships to hold a "Parade of the Galaxy." "

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father understood and immediately changed the Louise series of special programs to the news of "Starry Parade".

Harley wasn't sure if there were hundreds of billions of people, but there were so many spaceships and the scene was extremely spectacular.

They form an infinitely long galaxy in the dark starry sky, shining with colorful light, and every star point is a spaceship.

Each spacecraft is sending uncoded public broadcasts, and various slogans are hung or painted on the surface: "Long live the Origin Judge", "Praise the Origin Judge, the Origin Judge protects us", "Destiny is supreme, light is coming", "The Savior will Save us when the end comes, long live”.

There are roughly two themes displayed by the parade: flattering the judge and hugging the judge's lap, and praising and looking for the person of destiny.

Harley frowned and said, "If the alien guys are too busy, they can join the rescue team and save the civilized planets on the edge of the universe. What's the use of this kind of parade?"

Da Chao said: "Actually, the parade is just incidental. As early as the day the Origin Wall collapsed, countless aliens had already left their homes, and their whole families had lived in spaceships, and all the spaceships were still together."

Seeing the confusion on Harley's face, he further explained: "When you and Papetua fought, wasn't the Dome on the edge of the battlefield watching?

After the battle, you took them to the edge of the second ring to watch the stars and planets float into the omnipotent universe and quickly turn into light and disappear.

Louise was on board the Dome at the time. She recorded the entire process and also produced a special program "Cosmic Frontier Crisis" that day.

There is no target for Pappetua, only a warning to the people of the universe - the entire multiverse is like a sugar cube dropped into boiling water, melting rapidly, melting from the edge to the center.

The melting process continues until the entire universe disappears completely.

In this process, planets that were not originally at the edge of the universe will one day become the edge of the universe and be in danger of melting. "

Harley suddenly understood, "So they moved into the spaceship in advance, and as soon as they find signs of ejection from their own galaxy, they immediately take the whole family to the center of the universe?"

"Well, qualified alien dignitaries have entered our earth, and the solar system is now crowded with alien spacecraft.

Holding the Galaxy Parade is just a daily activity for them.

Anyway, we are already floating in outer space, so we have nothing to do. There are many spacecrafts evacuating around us. They line up and shout a few slogans. It is very convenient and very lively. "Da Chao Dao.

"At least the wishes and attitudes of the people of the universe are revealed." Heavenly Father looked at Harley and said.

Harley pondered: "Just wait a few more days. I will barely adapt to the environment of the omnipotent universe, and I haven't had time to study the overall body yet."

"You haven't studied the total body these days?!" Heavenly Father cried out.

The other Essence Club members did not scream, but they all showed some dissatisfaction in their expressions.

Harley frowned and said, "You think it's easy to adapt to the omnipotent universe?"

She tugged on the blue and white plaid skirt she was wearing, "I spent almost a week just for this dress.

In addition to clothes, it also takes time and energy to move at extremely fast speeds in the omnipotent universe and to exert 100% combat effectiveness.

It's not that I can't use distractions, and it's not that I haven't studied the overall synthesis.

But the research complex in one's own beautiful small universe and the research complex in the great omnipotent universe are not the same concept. "

Dachao looked her up and down. Her appearance and body shape had hardly changed, and her clothes seemed to be nothing special.

But for some reason, he always felt that she was becoming more graceful, elegant and charming at this time against the backdrop of her clothes.

"Your skirt is very beautiful, and the material of it. I can't tell at all. It seems that it makes you look special." He said in surprise.

Harley smiled and asked, "What's so special about it?"

"I can't say what's special about it, I just feel that it is the most suitable dress for you. The size is not too big or too small, and the style perfectly fits your figure and temperament." Da Chao expressed a tangled expression, "It seems that the more I look at it, the more beautiful it becomes. "

"Hehe, you have some knowledge. At least you are better than ordinary people, and you can find out how extraordinary it is."

Harley's heart moved, and she changed her blue and white plaid skirt into a light yellow hooded sportswear, "Look again, what's the difference from before?"

"Strange, it feels the same as before, as if it suits you especially and perfectly matches your body and temperament, but your style has obviously changed." Da Chao said.

“It’s not surprising that ordinary people’s clothes are dead things, but they are living things without life.

As the saying goes, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle.

A well-dressed outfit can always be a huge plus for your appearance and temperament.

The thinking clothing can perfectly fit the owner's body shape, temperament, mood and other factors that affect the appearance. " Harley laughed.

"Living creature? Is it a transformed creature?"

Harley said proudly: "This is the 'Thinking Clothes', a thinking artifact, forged with my own thinking."

"The same thinking artifact as the Thinking Superman and the Miracle Machine?" The six members of the Essence Club were surprised.

"The functions are different, and the essence is probably different."

"Besides being unpredictable and making you look particularly elegant and beautiful, what other functions does it have?" Heavenly Father asked curiously.

"Have you ever been to the Great Almighty Universe? I mean leaving the second ring and truly entering the Great Almighty Universe, not the Taixu within the ring." Harley said.

Heavenly Father shook his head and said: "I haven't gone yet, and I don't dare to go. Even the stars will turn into nothingness within ten seconds. We won't last longer than the stars."

"Wearing this dress, even ordinary people can live freely in the omnipotent universe." Harley said.

"Oh my God, wearing this dress means you are transcendent?!" Old Shazam shouted.

"Haha, the thinking that forged it also contains my thick-skinned will." Harley added.

"So it still has strong defense? How strong?" Dachao asked.

Harley guessed: "I personally feel that nothing in the multiverse can break it.

It was forged by my thinking and will, and the thick-skinned will and the thick-skinned golden membrane are not at the same level at all.

At least physically stronger than me. "

Not to mention that her current body has not yet become a mind. Even if she adapts to the laws of the almighty universe and completely completes her transformation in the future, it will probably not be as good as the clothes forged by pure thick-skinned will.

Because the will is more immortal than the soul, and the soul is more immortal than the body.

Of course, Harley's body is still almost undeveloped.

Body forging in the DC multiverse is a false body forging, but its essence is still magic.

If she encounters a world in the future that can truly tap into the potential of her physical body, and she also practices body-building techniques such as the "Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques" or the "Innate Sacred Body Technique", her physical body may have more potential than her will, and she can truly achieve the goal. of eternity.

"So, whoever puts on this dress will be invincible?" Hera's eyes lit up, and she really wanted to let Harley take it off and let herself try it. It would be best to give her one.

Unfortunately, she could only think about it in her mind.

"In the multiverse, this piece of clothing is very rare. Looking at the omnipotent universe and raising your horizons to the circle of transcendent beings, thinking artifacts will probably be very common." Harley said.

"That's true. Transcendents have evolved into thinking beings, and there must be no shortage of thinking artifacts." The excitement on Hera's face quickly dissipated and was replaced by worry and frustration. "If we can't break your magical clothes, naturally we can't either. There is no way to make the Transcendents of the Giant Hand Clan bleed and get injured, so let’s complete the mission of the Origin Judge honestly!”

"Hmph, in the multiverse I am the thick-skinned God-King. When I enter the omnipotent universe, I am still invincible in defense. Not every God-King has my defense, and not every transcendent has a 'thick-skinned suit'." Harley said calmly.

"Even if you are confident, the people of destiny will not affect your own plans!" Stranger said.

Harley said impatiently: "I didn't say I won't implement the judge's plan or find the person of destiny. I just asked you to wait a few more days."

Several people in the Jingjing Club looked at each other, but Stranger spoke up and said, "Are you studying how to use the energy in the total body?

If you just study its structure, there is no need to adapt to the omnipotent universe first, and there is no need to study it in the environment of the omnipotent universe. "

Only the transcendent ones can survive in the omnipotent universe without the help of external objects.

Adapting to the environment of the omnipotent universe is almost equivalent to transforming into a transcendent person.

Harley had been unable to use the Judge's origin before, so she agreed to hand over the total body to the Destined One.

If she becomes a transcendent person and can absorb and use the essence of the Judge herself, will she still care about the Judge's plan?

This is the sorrow in the hearts of everyone in the Essence Church.

Regarding their thoughts, Harley felt like a mirror. She did not pretend to be stupid and said calmly: "Energy is like a watermelon, it can be divided.

Just because I am willing to give watermelon to the person of destiny does not mean that I will not eat a slice or two of melon to quench my thirst. "

"You ate the judge's melon. If the judges come to our multiverse in the future, how will we explain to them?" Stranger frowned.

"I don't need to explain to him. I can't explain it at all. Because a long time ago, I already absorbed a lot of the judge's origin from the origin wall." Harley said.

"What, you stole the judge's origin a long time ago?" Hera exclaimed.

"Not only the judge's origin, I also plundered the origin of Papetua. So we are already broken pots and are not afraid of falling. The judge should have been angry long ago and will not wait until now." Harley said very bachelorly.

Her act of stealing the origin of creation from the Origin Wall can be concealed from anyone in the multiverse, but it can never be concealed from Pam and the Judge himself.

So she never thought about pretending to be honest and getting through.

There will definitely be a lot of conflict between her and the Giant Hand clan.

"When did you steal the judge's origin? Why can you steal the judge's origin? The total body has just been born." Ghost asked suspiciously.

Harley glanced at the little blue man and said, "Ask your teammates, Gunther knows very well."

Everyone looked at Ganser.

Ganser said with a solemn expression: "Many years ago, the Green Lantern Corps had a conflict with her and imprisoned her in the central energy battery.

The reason for the conflict was that she destroyed the Origin Wall and dug countless large holes in the wall, causing huge cracks to appear in the Origin Wall for the first time.

We had suspicions at the time, but she didn't show any traces of the 'source' on her body, so..."

Harley smiled and said: "Yes, I was stealing the 'Source' inside the wall at that time. Hehe, the legend of the 'Source' is true, but unfortunately throughout the ages, it seems that I am the only one who can actually steal the 'Source'."

"Where is the 'source' you stole? We checked and found that there are no fluctuations of supreme power in you." Ganser asked doubtfully.

"you guess."

"But you weren't even a demigod at that time." Hera said excitedly.

"The realm is bullshit!"

Harley pouted, "I tricked Lucifer a lot when I first debuted, and I tricked Barbatos with blood on his face.

The Crisis on Infinite Earths was not far away from the conflict between me and the little blue man. The Anti-Monitor King devoured the entire multiverse, and as a result, I easily stole most of his origins. Can these things be explained by realm? "

She pointed at herself with her thumb and said proudly: "I only exist to break the rules. Please don't reason with me."

The six members of the Essence Club were silent.

Dachao asked: "When will you probably end your practice of the Almighty Universe? Give a specific time so that everyone can have something to look forward to."

Harley thought for a while and said: "I have adapted to the omnipotent universe environment, and I have also achieved 'super-universe movement', and I am currently adapting to energy battles.

I will test the performance effects of different energies in the environment of the omnipotent universe.

The source of the judge is also energy, and the results will be almost ready after completing the test. "

"Well, three days at the earliest and no more than a week at the most."

Da Chao turned to the six members of the Essence Club and said, "It will only take a week at most, so there is no need to rush."

"We are not in a hurry now. A week or a month is enough." Heavenly Father looked helpless. "It's already a broken pot anyway, so it doesn't matter anymore."

Dachao consoled him: "Although Harley has already stolen the judge's origin, it doesn't mean that you can't complete the judge's mission.

As long as he completes the tasks assigned to him, perhaps the Lord Judge will have a lot of money and will not care about Harley's theft at all. "

"A large number of judges are missing their origins, and those destined to be destined are likely to be stunted and ultimately unable to recover." Hera lamented.

"Don't be so pessimistic. The man of destiny is not alone. With Harley's help, the result will only be better than fighting alone." Da Chao said optimistically.

"Oh, I hope so." Apart from trying to think the best, the Essence Club had no other option.

The stranger said to Harley: "Go quickly, we will wait for you here."

"Whoosh~~~" Harley's speed was as fast as teleporting, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye, but the dark void she flew through left an illusory afterimage that did not dissipate for a long time.

"Harley just said that she learned 'supercosmic movement'. Is this supercosmic movement? It's so fast." Heavenly Father stared at the looming afterimage in the distance with a surprised expression.

"What is 'super cosmic movement'? I thought she was still moving instantaneously." Hera said.

"There are movement tracks, it's definitely not space travel. Wait, ask her again when she comes back." Stranger said.

In less than a week, only four days passed, and Harley returned to the large meteorite on the edge of the second ring.

"Let's go, let's go find the person of destiny." She said nothing nonsense, waved her hand gently, and the golden film force field rolled up the six members of the Essence Society, and instantly returned to the multiverse.

"How much of the judge's origin is left in the total body?" Heavenly Father asked nervously.

"More than 80%."

"Have you eaten more than 80%, or have you left more than 80%?" Heavenly Father asked carefully again.

It’s not that he didn’t understand, he was just a little suspicious and left more than 80%, which was not like the greedy and excessive “Witch Harley” style.

"Alas, I still can't use the judge's connection power. It's useless to me. I don't need to keep it." Harley said helplessly.

The members of the Essence Club were full of surprises.

"It's okay if you can't use it. I mean, it doesn't matter if you can't use it. You are still the number one among the transcendent ones." Heavenly Father was almost confused with joy.

"Stop talking nonsense, I seem to have found the person of my destiny."

Harley is like a stone thrown out of water, jumping through the universe at high frequency, and the distance traveled through space becomes shorter and shorter each time.

She is tracing the origin of the escaped judge.

The judge's origin will automatically find the destined person and enter his body.

And she holds the total body in her hand, and also unlocks the defensive force field, letting the source flow away, and the direction of the flow is the direction of her jump.

The closer she is to the target, the shorter the distance she jumps.

In the end, as expected, they finally came to Earth.

The Destined One is on Earth, still in the Hall of Justice.

"It turns out it's her. Thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem strange. I felt before that she looked very similar to Judge Origin." Heavenly Father murmured.

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